Okay this may sound silly, but you know this afternoon me and the girls went for a walk and took the camera, we had loads of fun posing and playing and both girls took pictures as well....
When I got home and uploaded the photos I was kind of shocked.....
my oldest DD is growing boobies.
I know all girls will get to that stage, but uhm I didnt see it earlier, took out pictures from 3 weeks ago and nothing and all of a sudden there they are.
Anyways can I scrap about her growing boobs? Or would that be a no no?
When she was younger she would always look in the mirror, posing shoulders back to see how she would look with boobies, so I was thinking adding journaling about it, like here they are or something...but is that 'polite'?
And offcourse they are dressed pictures hahahahaha
When I got home and uploaded the photos I was kind of shocked.....
my oldest DD is growing boobies.

I know all girls will get to that stage, but uhm I didnt see it earlier, took out pictures from 3 weeks ago and nothing and all of a sudden there they are.
Anyways can I scrap about her growing boobs? Or would that be a no no?
When she was younger she would always look in the mirror, posing shoulders back to see how she would look with boobies, so I was thinking adding journaling about it, like here they are or something...but is that 'polite'?
And offcourse they are dressed pictures hahahahaha
That scene from Sixteen Candles where Sam'a grandma feels her up came to mind.
Puberty is hard enough without people publically pointing out your burgeoning 'boobies'
Then, I paused for a moment of silent thanks that the internet was not around when I was a kid--this so sounds like something my mom would have done.
oh, and btw, thanks for picking up the blog torch.
Hey, thanks for being my first poster...I am looking for my Sixteen candles movie, feeling like watching some Long Duck Dong.
I love that movie--John Hughes so understood what it's like to be a teenager.
Hey, HOF are you up for some polls? I for one would love to see the gold/diamond poll and there were some others mentioned that of course I can't remember right now
p.s. I *heart* Jake Ryan!
I think it's time for a site that if not dedicated to the everyday scrapper, has at least one forum where designers and cts are not allowed. Sort of the DCR in reverse. Not sure on how it could be done, but there's a big need for it.
poll idea-is there a need for a designer/ct free forum? is it do-able?
is it doable? I suppose, would it take a lot of work? Yes, a hell of a lot more than a smack blog. I mean, new designers are popping up every day, people are joining CT's for the first time all the time! Who wants to take the time to deal with banning members once that time comes? Other than Mo Jackson, I can't think of anyone off hand. best of luck to whoever wants to take that on.
Do designers not scrap too? I do. And not just with my own products. I buy them and use them just like the rest of you.
So we deserve to be excluded from things because of a few over exuberant people?
Do designers not scrap too? I do. And not just with my own products. I buy them and use them just like the rest of you.
So we deserve to be excluded from things because of a few over exuberant people?
June 17, 2008 10:09 PM
well, not trying to be mean although I know I'll get accused of it, but yeah. There are closed/exclusive/secret 'designer only' forums all over the place.
A few 'overexuberant' designers, cts, friends, and pirates + pirate hunters have ruined a heck of a lot of things for everyday scrappers.
I would love to figure out how a site with several forums, including one only for everyday scrappers could be done. But as has been pointed out, it would be a full-time+ job, and then there's the question of financing the costs of running the site.
not sure about other "secret designer" forums. But the DCR is not that exciting. I don't know why people think it is. 95% of the time it's business questions.
And any designer forums in stores (and yes, they ALL have them, a forum, a group, something, there is a hidden designer area EVERYWHERE you shop) are for questions regarding the store, mega kit planning, etc etc etc. It's nothing to write home about.
Every once in awhile something breaks out in the DCR, but it's the same way in Chatter - every once in awhile there is someone getting their panties in a wad. More boring than not.
I don't know why people think there is some huge conspiracy in the DCR. It's boring in there.
It's been said before, and not by me, but no one wants to believe it. People want to believe some big conspiracy theory.
I don't think there are any conspiracies out there-of course, I can only speak for myself.
It does suck that some mean people ruin things for everyone, but right now there are no forums to be had in digi land that are free of the designer and ct and ct wannabe bigmouths--there just aren't.
If designers need a break from trying to please customers (and believe me I know they do-I have done retail-online and B&M) they have customer free forums where they can be away from it--and yes, vent.
Where's a 'regular' scrapper going to go to get a break from all the incessant promoting/advertising?
Let's not stop at the blossoming "boobies". How about a layout documenting her first period too! Oh, and don't stop there. Why not document her loss of virginity too!
That poor girl!
Bare with me while I figure this out, I have not done a blog before, but I will add the polls.
Also, no I am not tracking IP's, frankly I would be curious to see how many hits the blog gets, but I don't care who you are, and I don't know how to do it anyway.
I think it is sad she doesn't know her daughter well enough to know if this is appropriate or not. I also think it is sad the other posters know her well enough to tell her if she does do it, don't post it on the internet. I think it is sad she notices this growth by looking at pictures, and that she brings a camera along to have more scrapbook material, instead of just enjoying the time with her kids. I think the reason she has to ask this question is because she has nearly 12,000 posts on DST.
I bet her page title will be "Peek a Boobie"
LOL! This lady has no tact if she's discussing this at DST. GROSS!
What a pig she is.
About the idea of a separate forum that's CT and Designer free: Perhaps it's possible to create a community which requires people to register as either a Designer, CT member or Scrapper. Each person can only be in ONE category and that would determine which of the three forums they can access.
But, I'll tell you it might be hard to get people to participate as they will not have anyone to schmooze. It would be an interesting experiment though - would the CT's just pimp to each other constantly? Would the scrappers have anything to talk about? Would anyone even join such a forum?
but right now there are no forums to be had in digi land that are free of the designer and ct and ct wannabe bigmouths--there just aren't.
Actually Digital Art Quirks was designed to be free from blinkies/ct promos and other annoying stuff but it's an alternative site and most of the folks there do ATC's and artsy stuff...
June 18, 2008 2:24 PM
hmm, very good suggestions, and I'd also be interested if people would participate. I would love to see a site with multiple forums that still allowed promoting and pimping and stuff, but had one forum that would be absolutely free of promoting, pimping and advertising and that would be the one that designers and cts wouldn't be able to access.
Frankly, I am not an expert on running forums, and I already have a more than full-time job, so I wouldn't be able to work on it full=time. Since I wouldn't be devoted to it as a full-time job, I really wouldn't want to make money off it, I'm wondering about setting up a site with a free forum host and trying something out to see if there's really an interest.
It would probably be slow going as I would have to learn as I go. It's really tempting, so maybe I'll start tinkering around a bit.
Isn't Carinspixels foreign, though? I thought Europeans had sort of a different outlook on sexuality & bodies.
OMG, if I scrapped something like that about my daughter, she would probably PERMANENTLY disown me, at the VERY LEAST! Mortified, horrified, betrayed, outraged (and justifiably so!) would be her reactions, and probably the same for any teen-age/pre-teen girl. They have a hard enough time going through those years without their MOTHERS betraying them and allowing such an invasion of their privacy! I seriously cannot believe someone even ASKED this!! GAWD!!!!
My daughter is 12 and starting to develop, and while I scrap about a lot of things out of the ordinary, this is totally off limits. I haven't scrapped the details of my dad's prostate cancer surgery either, although it's been a big deal in the family.
Unless her daughter asked for a page about this, I would say it's considered off-limits.
I have yet to meet an adolescent who wasn't shy about things like this and very embarrassed by people calling attention to her development. And who would you want/be able to show it to?
I'd be horrified if my mom had done something like this to me. I cringe just thinking about it.
If you have to ask the answer is usually NO
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