Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Space...

Here you go, this is for the poster that asked nicely. For the contributor that would like to start a new blog...feel free.

I don't generally start a new post in the middle of a good topic, since it usually kills the conversation. But really, there is never anything new to discuss anyway.

I do appreciate the self nominated Digi Task Force. I am sure they will bring to light thousands of cases of digital thievery and deceit in the wildly corrupt nation of digital scrapbooking.


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Anonymous said...

Answer: Because it's relatively scandal free in digi right now so they need to spice up their day somehow LOL

Anonymous said...

Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief
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Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief
Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief
Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief

Anonymous said...

Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief
Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief
Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief
Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief
Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief
Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief
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Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief
Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief
Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief
Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief
Miss Tiina is a copycat/thief

Take that Trolls!

Anonymous said...

Question: why are so many digital scrapbookers and designers so overweight? Seriously a lot of chubbies out there. It's so sad.

I don't like fat people so it makes it eeven harder for me to find a good store to buy from. Are there any stores with only skinny designers?

April 29, 2010 3:12 PM


No. Next ...

Anonymous said...

Edeline is a flake.

April 29, 2010 6:13 PM


Anonymous said...

Could there be a correlation between a designer's ass size and their skill at PhotoShop? The bigger the butt, the better the talent?

Food for thought...CHOMP

Anonymous said...

Can designers not even come up with original design names now?

Anonymous said...

Can designers not even come up with original design names now?


I don't get it, what's wrong with Cuddle Bear or Tale As Old As Time? I would think that giving a name to a kit is the hardest part of the design process, if I were a designer I'd just start naming them Kit 1, Kit 2, Kit 3, screw coming up with names.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can designers not even come up with original design names now?


I don't get it, what's wrong with Cuddle Bear or Tale As Old As Time? I would think that giving a name to a kit is the hardest part of the design process, if I were a designer I'd just start naming them Kit 1, Kit 2, Kit 3, screw coming up with names.

April 30, 2010 1:52 PM


She was refering to the designers name, not the kits' names.

Anonymous said...

She was referring to the almost identical designer names. Pixie Perfect and Pixel Perfect. Once upon a time it was good manners to not do that. If a designer found a name so similar to theirs they used to email the "newer" designer and ask them to please think of something else so there was no confusion. It's possible one of them doesn't realise someone already has a similar name.

Anonymous said...

If a designer found a name so similar to theirs they used to email the "newer" designer and ask them to please think of something else so there was no confusion.


You're kidding, right? I've only heard that happening once and that was when a CTM for a known designer told a new designer to stop cashing on the name of the known designer.

If other designers have done this in the past, that reflects poorly on them. How self righteous can a person be.

Anonymous said...

Going back to the fat comment. I have to admit that once I started digi scraping and sitting on my computer for hours at a time, I have gained 10 pounds. I'm seriously thinking about stopping this hobby of mine....too bad I'm addicted.

Anonymous said...

Same here. The last hundred pounds I gained are strictly related to the time I spend digiscrapping. Dang it.

Anonymous said...

Way too many designers now, no original names left :) Seriously though, the community is dying because every other person is a designer trying to cram their sub-par designs down your throat. I can't even be bothered to play any games this iNSD at DST because all the "prizes" are from shitty designers.

Anonymous said...

I agree. When I looked at the list of designers that donated prizes for iNSD at DST, I didn't recognize 90%, and the ones I did recognize I wouldn't be interested in, even if their stuff was free. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

That's kind of amusing to me, because I have never heard of any of the old ones people on here talk about - Somebody Powers, Amanda Dyken, I can't remember them all, but I have never heard of them. But I google their names as they are posted, and I do not see where the old designers are soooo much better than the new ones. Sorry, but I think nostalgia for the good old days is fogging your old fart glasses.

Anonymous said...

What's the point of having a huge blog hop (or facebook hop) on a major sale day? For the unknowns, wouldn't it be better to have it a day or two ahead to get your name out there. And for the more established, wouldn't it be better to get people into the forum/store AND KEEP THEM THERE?

Anonymous said...

Somebody Powers, Amanda Dyken, I can't remember them all, but I have never heard of them. But I google their names as they are posted, and I do not see where the old designers are soooo much better than the new ones. Sorry, but I think nostalgia for the good old days is fogging your old fart glasses.

May 1, 2010 12:13 AM

They aren't even old designers as far as I'm concerned and one of them is a pirate.

Anonymous said...

For the bitch that left the fat comment. Just remember us fat bottom girls make the world go round. Now I have to run and eat this last Jelly doughnut that is just screaming my name.

Anonymous said...

She was referring to the almost identical designer names. Pixie Perfect and Pixel Perfect. Once upon a time it was good manners to not do that. If a designer found a name so similar to theirs they used to email the "newer" designer and ask them to please think of something else so there was no confusion. It's possible one of them doesn't realise someone already has a similar name.


I'm pretty sure they know about each other. I've seen them post right under each other at DST and at DSA as well. I just don't think Pixel Perfect cares that Pixie Perfect is similar to her name. I'm assuming that Pixel Perfect has been around longer just based on how old their blogs are. I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

It's not even that old designers are necessarily better. It's just that when I read a list of people like, Lala designs, Bluebell Butterfly, Blahblah blah (just making up names), I have no clue who those people are. At least when people spoke of Gina Miller or Flergs or Anne DeJong or Ztampf I knew what the heck they were talking about, not necessarily that they are better. The designer pool is too diluted as it is for me to really give a crap about one of the thousand new designers, unless she/he works REALLY hard to stand out from the crowd. And I'm quite sick of having people market themselves so aggressively in EVERY SINGLE THREAD that I'm not even really open to people overly marketing themselves, it turns me off. It used to be that at least CTs would pimp their designers so it didn't sound so conceited. "ISO a really cool kit" "Oh look at my new kit, it's awesome" and then you see it's a piece of crap that NOBODY else would have bothered recommending. If you can't find anyone to CT for you, take it as a clue that you suck.

Anonymous said...

meh. This year's iNSD kind of blows. Not that many good sales, and even fewer items worth buying.

Even Shabby Princess let me down-no sale or even acknowledgment of NSD.

I'm taking this as a sign that I don't need to spend anything today.

Anonymous said...

I thought this year's sales were rockin', but only because I caught some extra coupons on Twitter. I never saw a purpose for Twitter before, but now I realize that it's good for coupons if nothing else.

I only bought stuff I would have bought anyway, but cheaper.

Anonymous said...

What's the point of having a huge blog hop (or facebook hop) on a major sale day? For the unknowns, wouldn't it be better to have it a day or two ahead to get your name out there. And for the more established, wouldn't it be better to get people into the forum/store AND KEEP THEM THERE?

May 1, 2010 12:34 AM

Are you talking about the Lilypad hop? I tried to follow their links and couldn't figure out where to go after the third one. Bad organization.

Anonymous said...

The only sale I'm peeved off with is ON Designs formerly of SBG. I was eying off a few of their things and thought I would get them on Saturday, when the rest of the designers were going on sale only to find out that ON Designs had left SBG!

Why do designers who leave SBG not announce the fact? Have you ever noticed that?

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about the Lilypad hop? I tried to follow their links and couldn't figure out where to go after the third one. Bad organization.

Really? I had no problem following the blog hop and got a whole album of really nice pages out of it.

Anonymous said...

Why do designers who leave SBG not announce the fact? Have you ever noticed that?

May 2, 2010 5:03 AM

Huh. Now that you mention it, I don't remember announcements from anyone who's left there. But, that's also happened when designers have left Designer Digitals and Sweet Shoppe.

Anonymous said...

Where is Randi O at now and why did she leave SBG?

Anonymous said...

Where is Randi O at now and why did she leave SBG?

May 2, 2010 12:31 PM

Google is your friend :)

Anonymous said...

Why do designers who leave SBG not announce the fact? Have you ever noticed that?

May 2, 2010 5:03 AM

Huh. Now that you mention it, I don't remember announcements from anyone who's left there. But, that's also happened when designers have left Designer Digitals and Sweet Shoppe.

May 2, 2010 9:50 AM

It may be that it's in their contract. One of the stores I was at a designer wasn't allowed to post in the forums any goodbyes or to say that she was leaving. Perhaps it's because the store doesn't want all the customers running off after the designers.

Anonymous said...

the store doesn't want all the customers running off after the designers.

May 2, 2010 4:14 PM

Well, there's no reason to shop in a store that doesn't have anything you like.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's because the store doesn't want all the customers running off after the designers.

May 2, 2010 4:14 PM


What difference does it make anyway? People still find out where the designer goes to and follows if they choose.

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about the Lilypad hop? I tried to follow their links and couldn't figure out where to go after the third one. Bad organization.

Really? I had no problem following the blog hop and got a whole album of really nice pages out of it.


You are talking about two different things. The blog hop had pages the facebook hop had elements and paper packs and it was hard to figure out at first then the y posted a summary page.

Anonymous said...

What difference does it make anyway? People still find out where the designer goes to and follows if they choose.

May 2, 2010 5:33 PM

It made a difference to me because I wanted some of their sale items, but didn't want to check into the store two days running. I wanted to fill my cart once on the actual iNSD because some of the designers were only going on sale from then. Now at the new store they don't have the goodies I wanted on sale. There was no announcement on the store blog either.

I'm kinda bummed.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. There's always another sale. Pretend you're living in the Phillipines, digging through garbage at the dump to find food for your kids. Now that's a reason to be bummed.

Anonymous said...


No, that's a reason to be outraged, not bummed.

Geez. What a fruit.

Anonymous said...

Hah, was reading through the NSD threads and actually had to laugh, Connie Prince had this thread with like 15 replies, so I figured I'd take a look at what all the fuss was about. Most of the replies were from her brown nosing CT going "Ooooh Connie your designs are so great" "Oh I love your templates! you are the best" "Oh I just scrapped with this, it's awesome!", blah. I hate CTs.

Anonymous said...


Any guesses as to which store this was?

Anonymous said...

I have no idea. I wish people would actually feel more open to discussing bad customer service and such in this community. I have never seen such secretiveness, if you have a bad experience you are encouraged to bottle it up inside and stay quiet, else it might negatively affect that store's income. WELL DUH. If people were open to saying This store did this to me and the store owner was unhelpful, IMO they'd deserve any loss of revenue they'd get.

Anonymous said...



As a designer, I wouldn't know if the store I sell at did something like that, I really want to know.

Nothing stays a secret here, hopefully the store name will come out.


Anonymous said...

The unnamed store is digitalscrapbookplace!
Same shit happened to me last year. They haven't kicked me off though as I have been active site member for 3 years and spending certain amount of $$ in their store. They simply deleted the entire layout description and sent me a PM referring to the gallery rules. My layout was originally credited as Songbird Avenue charity collab. I never came back anyway.

Anonymous said...

Let's all post layouts there and see if they ban us too. LOL

Anonymous said...

Nope, not Digitalscrapbookplace, she hasn't posted there since 2008 and she's not banned.

Anonymous said...

Deniman and daisies is for sale again! How many times has that store been for sale this year? 2or3 times. I wonder what's going on?

Anonymous said...

It is just laughable that sites have rules saying that you can't even mention a different store. Especially when so many designers are always bitching about crediting. You want credit? Then FFS, I need to be able to say your name/store name in the damned credits.

I'm ready to chuck all my public galleries and just go to facebook or my own blog.

Anonymous said...

So is the problem she posted that she had used something from another store, or that she didn't specify which designer made whatever particular piece she used from the collab?

Anonymous said...


I don't think she knows exactly what the problem was. The gallery's admin wouldn't tell her what she did wrong, they just banned her. That's why she's asking how other people do their credits.

Anonymous said...

I wish people would actually feel more open to discussing bad customer service and such in this community.

Why is that? I've noticed it too, and it's just weird. No other business (that I know of) has the power to keep customers from naming the store that treated them like crap.

Anonymous said...

The reason I've been told before is that complaining about Walmart doesn't put them out of business, but publicly complaining about a designer can hurt them much more. I think it's a load of crap myself, you give bad service, you deserve to lose your customers. It's not like there are not 100 more designers ready to take your place.

(Another reason I was told in the past was that sites were afraid of slander, but it's not slander if it's true! sheesh)

Anonymous said...

So they are free to provide horrible customer service because no one will say anything?

I wonder what would happen if she named the store that banned her. Would the mods delete the post? Would she be banned from DST?

That really irks me.

Anonymous said...

What they should have done was remind her of their rules. Banning for life is a stupid move. Do they think she won't tell all her digi friends in private? If anyone knows what store it was let us know. It's a store I'd like to avoid.

Anonymous said...

Blogger ate my post? Anyway I think she is talking about Designer Digitals. They have banned friends of mine... and if you look at her post (I could only find one) there is no link to her gallery like most other posters have.

Anonymous said...

So they are free to provide horrible customer service because no one will say anything?
It's been like this in digi since I started in 2005. I'm not sure why people won't speak out.

Anonymous said...

Anyway I think she is talking about Designer Digitals. They have banned friends of mine...
For what?

Anonymous said...

Mainly for mentioning designers names that weren't DD in credits... wording them wrong like saying 'available at'... there have been temporary bans mainly, suspending of privileges like PMs.

Nothing ban-worthy IMO, no spamming or blatant advertising, more a case of not being able to keep up with changing rules.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I've posted LOs with products from other stores at DD, but I guess my credits were ok.

I could understand a temporary ban, or even suspending gallery posting privileges until the credits are done according to the rules. But honestly, I think many of these stores take it a little too far with the mentioning other stores or designers thing. But, whatever. Their site-their rules.

As for that post at DST I really want to know what site did that. I'm starting to suspect that there's more to that story than the OP told. If not, she should have no problem naming the store-because any store that would conduct business that way *needs* to be exposed.

Anonymous said...

I think it might be Designer Digitals too. Her 19 page gallery is no longer there.

Anonymous said...

I'd really like to know if it's DD. I had horrible CS from Randy once, and severely curtailed my buying from there, but I wouldn't have thought they'd be so unreasonable about the gallery--especially over a crediting error that could easily be fixed.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to suspect that there's more to that story than the OP told. If not, she should have no problem naming the store-because any store that would conduct business that way *needs* to be exposed.

May 3, 2010 6:36 PM


It would be beyond stupid for a site to handle things in the way that that OP claimed. I call bullshit.

Anonymous said...

If it's DD, I'm sure something did happen, as they are notorious with their rules in the gallery. I've known quite a few scrappers who have been warned However, I would have to agree that there's more to the story.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone follow the blog train @ Why is every single link a redirection from DST? Look at the first: it says
"1. Bon Scrapatit Designs:" but the link actually is "". It has slowed down my system terribly, so I started following it from blog to blog, not from the main page.

Anonymous said...

It could have been Scrapbook-Bytes. Remember the bruhaha a few months ago with their gallery--they deleted layouts and changed their gallery rules because of the ct layouts.

Anonymous said...

Not SBB, I checked.

It seems suspect though that her 19 page gallery at DD simply doesn't exist anymore. Her last upload was in February or something. I found it through Google cache.

Anonymous said...

No, her last upload was April 10 (google cached) it's an Easter layout and credited as:
Fresh Start Collab Kit by Digilicious and Victoria Feemster (releasing on 4/9/10)
Fonts: CK Urban and CK Wellington and Garamond

Perhaps that's the offending credit? She did put 'releasing on 4/9/10' That could be the reason. It states in their rules that you are not to mention releasing on, avialable on, etc. So yeah, more to her crediting than what she had originally posted at DST

Anonymous said...

^^^ adding
I do think it's a bit outrageous to ban someone for that. I use to moderate for a forum/gallery and we never banned anyone unless it was someone who repeatedly broke the rules (and it would take a lot) or posted porn. We always sent a PM saying it had been edited or removed with a reminder of the rules.
Ridiculous to get banned for that.

Anonymous said...

okay, never mind after further browsing I found she did have one more layout posted on April 12 which is probably the one she's thinking is the reason for banning (i still think it's the mention of release date in the previous post)
this is her credit-- April Mega Grab Bag from the designers at Scrappity Doo Dah.
Fonts- Tandelle and Pea Lauryn

Whatever the reason for the ban I still think it's ridiculous. It just really bothers me that a well known store/site would have such horrible member service. DD will definitely be on my list of stores to avoid from now on.

Anonymous said...

I very highly doubt she got banned for the "wording" in her credits. Especially for a first time offense.

More likely, they have a closed gallery, and probably she'd been warned before.

Stop CT whoring and maybe you'll stop getting banned.

No site gives a fuck if you credit the specific designers in a collab.

Anonymous said...

From DD:

Blatant advertising is not allowed or appreciated on our site. You may credit designers in other stores but things such as "coming Friday", "NEW TODAY", "a must-have", "FREE with $10 purchase", "on sale today only" etc are NOT allowed. Please respect our terms of use if you would like to continue to post in our gallery which is meant to showcase DesignerDigitals products, NOT for other designers and their creative teams to sell their products in our gallery.

Anonymous said...

Aren't Toy Story characters like Mr. Potato Head and Slinky Dog copyrighted? I know making similar things is sometimes okay but these look just like them..

Anonymous said...


I'm no expert, but I think Mr. Potato Head is copyrighted by Hasbro and "borrowed" (or maybe licensed) by Disney/Pixar. Could be the same with the slinky dog. Not sure if that makes any difference, though.

Anonymous said...

It had just the opposite effect on me. I'd consider shopping there and being more active simply because they DID stop someone from continuing to post CT LOs that abuse their terms of use.
Good for them, for standing up for themselves!

Whatever the reason for the ban I still think it's ridiculous. It just really bothers me that a well known store/site would have such horrible member service. DD will definitely be on my list of stores to avoid from now on.

May 4, 2010 7:22 AM

Anonymous said...

I doubt they just banned her and deleted her gallery for the fun of it. My guess is she's been warned (more than once) before.

Anonymous said...

It had just the opposite effect on me. I'd consider shopping there and being more active simply because they DID stop someone from continuing to post CT LOs that abuse their terms of use.
Good for them, for standing up for themselves!
I mostly agree. Their rules are clearly stated, and her 'available/releasing blah blah' is a blatant violation of that. You might as well stand up and scream "CT whore!!!!!" when you do your credits that way. I also suspect that she's been warned before.

Also, if the scrapper was unsure all she had to do was ask for some clarification.

I'm sitting on the good for DD bench. Maybe if CT weren't so damn rabid, the rules wouldn't have to be so nit-picky.

Anonymous said...

All I wanted to do in starting this thread was to see how others credit Collab kits. That's hidden agendas.
I am sad I have to defend myself like this but here goes. I write all my credits up in a Word document. I then copy and paste them to various galleries. This is what my credits read:
"April Mega Grab Bag from the designers at Scrappity Doo Dah.
Fonts- Tandelle and Pea Lauryn
“We are totally sick of winter. It is April! Give me a break! It’s supposed to be spring...not 8 inches of fresh new snow! It really is quite pretty, but this would have been more appreciated back in January.”

To see this same LO in other galleries and to check my credits, you can see them here:

Maybe to put all speculation at rest I will just divulge that it was Designer Digitals. I only provide this information so that others will credit differently. I honestly had no idea nor was I given a chance to correct it. I would have credited the kit with a name if it had one but it was just called the April Mega Collab Kit. Since many many many stores have these, I figured I needed to also add that it was from the designers at SDD. It truly wasn't meant as a means to draw people away from their store. It's unfortunate because I love love DD. I love their designers and they are so talented. I own more products from this site than any others(including those I CT for.) Since I can no longer shop there, I guess that will change.

Please don't assume I am out to discredit this store. I started this thread simply to understand crediting and how others handle this situation. Nothing more. It wasn't intended to turn "dirty." It was meant as means for MY understanding. Nothing else. If it helped others watch their crediting then it served it's purpose. I know it has helped me by knowing that I did what others would have and that I shouldn't take it so personally. I feel good in knowing I did what I should have and wouldn't change anything.

Thanks everyone for your feedback...this will be the end of my comments on this thread. I have said all there is to be said from me.

Anonymous said...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Quoted from DST.

Anonymous said...

All I wanted to do in starting this thread was to see how others credit Collab kits. That's hidden agendas.

if that's all she wanted to do, why mention the ban? It has nothing to do with how to credit a collab kit. It seems to me that there is somewhat of a hidden agenda. There's way more to this story than she's saying.

I figured straight out it was DD and from the look of their terms, the OP did not abuse their guidelines. But they make it up as they go along.

Anonymous said...

I read the part where she said the store owner mailed her and simply stated, "Sorry, you are banned for life." Wow, how mature and professional. Sounds like my 8-year-old would say when I scold her for something.

How about,

"Dear valued customer,

We here at _____ regret to inform you that due to a violation of our terms for posting in the gallery, you will no longer be able to access the site at this time.

If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Store Owner."

How about that? I just came up with that off the top of my frikkin' head and I don't even own or manage any type of business. I'm not even a designer. Where did this store owner learn their customer service skills, out of a box of Cheerios?

Anonymous said...

sorry...typo. That should read 'something' my 8-year-old would say.

Anonymous said...

Why are you taking what she is saying at face value?

You have no idea what the store owner really said as the OP only gave out what made her sound like the innocent one.

Anonymous said...

Why are you assuming she's lying? If DD has something to defend itself with, let them do it. They'd be stupid not to, because right now they come off looking like an ass.

Anonymous said...

I doubt they LITERALLY said "you are banned for life". I think that's probably just her cliff notes version of what they said.

Anonymous said...

It's an automatic generic message, not a personalized response, so yes, that's probably exactly what it said. I don't fault them for that, but for the original ban. It's not that difficult to provide a simple correction or warning. No need to break out the nukes when a hand slap will do.

Unless of course she was LYING, because goodness knows there must be MORE to the story--no stores are ever rude or stupid or provide crappy customer service without a really good reason.

Anonymous said...

Why are you assuming she's lying?

I didn't say she was lying, I said she was telling the whole story, which is not exactly the same thing.

It's quite obvious that there's more going on than what she is saying.

For a start, she said the only thing she wanted to know was how people credited their collabs, and yet she felt the need to say she was banned from a site for incorrectly crediting. She then goes on to say she didn't want to bash the other site. If that's the case, why bring up the ban at all?

If it had been me, I would have just asked "how do you credit a collab kit, do you just use the name of the kit or credit each piece?"

Anonymous said...


Ugh! *wasn't telling, not was telling.

Anonymous said...

Why are you assuming she's lying? If DD has something to defend itself with, let them do it. They'd be stupid not to, because right now they come off looking like an ass.

May 4, 2010 6:35 PM

why should they? They don't involve themselves with DST and seeing as it's a dying site, why go there and continue to stir up the crap? They would be stupid if they did feel the need to defend themselves. They have a huge following and don't need to defend themselves off site.

I don't like them, but a lot of people do.

Anonymous said...

And we wonder why nobody wants to speak up when they get lousy customer service? Maybe it's because they take the chance of being accused of lying, not telling the whole story, being a CT whore, etc. If you want more people to speak up, you should stop smacking anyone who does.

Anonymous said...


Cry me a river.

Without proof, it's just a whole lot of she said they said.

Anonymous said...

I know nobody cares, and nobody knows who I am, but boy I am pleased that I guessed it was DD and was right.

Now that I have gotten that immature statement off my chest, can you imagine being locked out of your own 19 page gallery? That has got to suck, and hard. If they have a 2 strike policy, then why no first warning? :(

Anonymous said...

Cry me a river.

Wow, that was immature. Nobody is crying, just making a point.

Anonymous said...

Yes, because we all know this blog is a bastion of maturity and fine behavior.

Anonymous said...

I have a question. Onescrappymom has resurfaced in the blogging community. Wasn't there some sort of scrapping scandal that she was involved in? There's no posts after Dec 2008 if you search her name at DST.

Anonymous said...

Blah yeah this is exactly why nobody ever comes forward. If you have a bad experience at Walmart nobody accuses you of being a liar, nobody DEMANDS proof... how is she to prove it anyways? Even if she cuts and pasted her emails, those are easily forged, I mean really, what kind of PROOF do you need? I do not doubt that DD actually said what they did, I realize that the poster might have glossed over certain areas, but in no instance is "Sorry you are banned for life" a professional response.

Anonymous said...

Pretty much when a story doesn't add up it just doesn't add up. People have a way of presenting their side in rather misleading ways and do not always present all the facts.

I have learned from experience that when a story sounds a little fishy, it is a little fishy. I do not believe for one minute that DD just banned her from out of the blue like that. There is more to that story, but funny thing is I could care less. I have dealt with DD and have had no problems. I will base my decisions on what sites to do business with on my own experiences.

Anonymous said...

(cry me a river)

Wow, that was immature. Nobody is crying, just making a point.

May 4, 2010 9:57 PM
There's nothing immature about using metaphors.

Anonymous said...

(Cry me a river.)

Wow, that was immature. Nobody is crying, just making a point.

May 4, 2010 9:57 PM
or sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

Once it was verified that it was DD, I wasn't surprised in the least. I never had any problems in the gallery, but I have had a bad CS experience, and Katie's husband is a jack-hole. It really wouldn't shock me if he did say something that crappy and unprofessional. After he acted like that to me over *his* mistake, I hardly ever buy from there anymore. IME he certainly sucks at dealing with customers.

Anonymous said...

I don't see anyone accusing her of being a liar, in fact, the only people who seem to use that word are the ones on her side. Weird.

What is being said though, is that there is more to the story. It is fishy. I know from experience that DD can be anal about credits, but all the usually ask is that you change it, no big deal.

Anonymous said...

(Cry me a river.)

Wow, that was immature. Nobody is crying, just making a point.

May 4, 2010 9:57 PM
or sarcasm.

May 5, 2010 2:54 PM

Bingo, it was sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

What's everyone's take on Joyce Paul? I read on here somewhere that someone had bad customer service from her...I mean really, not from sweet Joyce(that was sarcasm for those who are too dense)! JP is a freaking bitch who doesn't have good business ethics and is nasty to the ones who are good to her. I have met a lot of nasty designers, but she is one of the nastiest. And don't think she doesn't talk about every single person she works with and designs with because she does. She is a drama queen!!! And her designs SUCK!! They used to just be a little plain and ugly, but now geez...come up with some new stuff!

Anonymous said...

Bingo, it was sarcasm.

And sarcasm is always mature? It doesn't matter whether it was sarcasm, a metaphor, or because everyone else is doing it. It was still immature.

Anonymous said...

My only interaction with Joyce Paul was at an Mscraps chat and she seemed perfectly nice, of course I only have the once to go on. Also I don't think her designs are ugly, I've never bought any but I just went to look to see what you were talking about, there are much much worse designers out there, her stuff might not be my cup of tea (small cluster stuff for layouts full of white space I would assume) but I still think it doesn't look to be badly done.

Anonymous said...

(Cry me a river.)

Wow, that was immature. Nobody is crying, just making a point.

May 4, 2010 9:57 PM
or sarcasm.

May 5, 2010 2:54 PM

Bingo, it was sarcasm.

May 5, 2010 6:52 PM


Sad attempt at sarcasm. It came across as whiny little bitch to me.

Anonymous said...

And sarcasm is always mature? It doesn't matter whether it was sarcasm, a metaphor, or because everyone else is doing it. It was still immature.
Sarcasm is a major form of communication in our house. I guess we are all immature:)

Anonymous said...

What's everyone's take on Joyce Paul?
I've never heard of her!

Anonymous said...

Since I have quit hanging out in digi scrap forums, challenges and reading digi scrap blogs I have lost 16 pounds. I realized that the internet was sucking the life out of me. I would start out with an idea to spend a "few" minutes on the internet. Hours later I would realize that I had accomplished nothing and I wasn't really getting a benefit from the time spent. For the hours I spent, I hadn't done any scrapping nor had I improved my scrapping skills. All I really accomplished was to know who the bitches were, who were bad designers, or who had bad customer service.

Since I've stayed away, I am healthier, I eat better, and I am scrapping for myself and my family memories. I have been liberated!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you, 12:48!

Anonymous said...

My only interaction with Joyce Paul was at an Mscraps chat and she seemed perfectly nice, of course I only have the once to go on. Also I don't think her designs are ugly, I've never bought any but I just went to look to see what you were talking about, there are much much worse designers out there, her stuff might not be my cup of tea (small cluster stuff for layouts full of white space I would assume) but I still think it doesn't look to be badly done.

May 6, 2010 10:25 AM

this has got to be one of her ct members...lmao. sucking up always work...

Anonymous said...

This is why I'm done with DST:

Whenever someone starts any conversation it becomes all about the CT whoring. I can't honestly trust anyone to have an honest opinion if their JOB is to sell me on it. Where can I go to get honest feedback from real people as to what the best items are?

Anonymous said...

this has got to be one of her ct members...lmao. sucking up always work...


Wait, so because I don't agree that she's crappy, I am sucking up or a CT member? If I randomly sprout something like, I dunno, Kate Hadfield sucks, then surely if you don't agree you too are a brown nosing CT, because heaven FORBID people actually have opinions contrary to my own!

Anonymous said...

The problem is around here the only opinion people want to here are the negative opinions. Some people think that if you have a kind word to say you're either sucking up or you are on a CT.

I've stuck up for many designers and/or sites and I have never been on any CT's. Am I sucking up? No, I am just expressing my opinion. This is an anonymous blog and we are entitled to our positive opinions as much as anyone else is entitled to their negative opinions.

Anonymous said...

Joyce Paul got snitty with me over a CS issue. Thing is, I really like her designs, so I'm kind of torn on buying anything else from her. Most likely, I won't, because once I get bad service, it's really hard to go back.

Anonymous said...

"The problem is around here the only opinion people want to here are the negative opinions. Some people think that if you have a kind word to say you're either sucking up or you are on a CT."
Ok, so now that we have established this, could someone please tell the rest of the class so we don't have to repeat it every 3 or 4 posts?
Oh, and yes, this is a SMACK blog, not a happy blog or a smiley blog or a gee, I love everyone blog..SMACK

Anonymous said...

Sad attempt at sarcasm. It came across as whiny little bitch to me.

May 6, 2010 10:38 AM


No, this is whiny and bitchy.

Anonymous said...

Bingo, it was sarcasm.

And sarcasm is always mature? It doesn't matter whether it was sarcasm, a metaphor, or because everyone else is doing it. It was still immature.

May 6, 2010 10:01 AM

I'm not cheese and I'm not wine, I don't need to be mature.

Anonymous said...

"Whoever" keeps sticking up for Designer Digitals, saying "I'm guessing..." and "I doubt they said this..." and about 5 other posts where they "suspect" there is more to the story... all kinds of replies trying to put DD in a better light, Give it up. Your efforts, Randy, are as transparent as your writing style is.

Anonymous said...

^^^^^^ Love it!!!

Anonymous said...

and about 5 other posts where they "suspect" there is more to the story..

I suspect there is more and believe you me, not in favor of DD. Why would you even think or say that?

I just love it when some people here think they know who's posting.

Last time I looked, I wasn't Randy.

Anonymous said...

And I'm not Randy OR Horny either LOL

Anonymous said...

Joyce Paul got snitty with me over a CS issue. Thing is, I really like her designs, so I'm kind of torn on buying anything else from her. Most likely, I won't, because once I get bad service, it's really hard to go back.
May 6, 2010 5:32 PM
no big surprise there....she is a snitty bitch!

"The problem is around here the only opinion people want to here are the negative opinions. Some people think that if you have a kind word to say you're either sucking up or you are on a CT."
Ok, so now that we have established this, could someone please tell the rest of the class so we don't have to repeat it every 3 or 4 posts?
Oh, and yes, this is a SMACK blog, not a happy blog or a smiley blog or a gee, I love everyone blog..SMACK
May 6, 2010 7:38 PM
And lurve the above comment about this being a SMACK blog..hence the reason have nothing nice to say. If you want a fucking happy blog start one up you stupid twat. what the fuck do YOU come here for....stupid ass!!!

Anonymous said...

"April Mega Grab Bag from the designers at Scrappity Doo Dah.
Fonts- Tandelle and Pea Lauryn"

Regarding Designer Digitals: I don't see how the above post could be considered "advertising" or "CT whoring". Although DD claims to be an 'open' gallery, I can tell from the wording of their guidelines that they are not REALLY 'open'. Statements like "You don't have to use our products, but we hope you do" give me the impression that it's frowned upon to post layouts without DD products in them.

Store owners: Either be an open gallery or don't be an open gallery. This 'gray' area is ridiculous. If you expect/want every layout in your gallery to contain your products, then just be a closed gallery.

Long ago, when I read their rules, I decided I didn't want to waste my time at Designer Digitals. There's a lot of true open galleries out there that welcome my layouts and my participation. If I'm active in a community, then I want to post ALL my layouts there. I don't want to feel guilty or feel like I can only post certain layouts to certain galleries.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so now that we have established this, could someone please tell the rest of the class so we don't have to repeat it every 3 or 4 posts?
Oh, and yes, this is a SMACK blog, not a happy blog or a smiley blog or a gee, I love everyone blog..SMACK

I have to debate here...although it has BECOME a PLACE to smack, this blog is not necessarily a smack blog. It's not called as such or described as's a PLACE where people can express their opinions...DigiShopTalk Hall of Fame...hmmm...just because in YOUR head that's "all" it is, certainly doesn't make it so. If someone cares to have a positive opinion, by all means, hurts no one anymore than any negative comment should. What's wrong misery? You need company?

Anonymous said...

*Since I've stayed away, I am healthier, I eat better, and I am scrapping for myself and my family memories. I have been liberated!!!!!

May 6, 2010 12:48 PM*
And yet, here you are! LMAO

Anonymous said...

You know, I don't want a shiny happy blog. I get enough of that at DST where everyone is fake and the CTs use every single thread to push their designer's sub par ugly designs. I think we can ALL agree that there are a lot of shitty designers out there, and they try to push their products on everyone else just as much as the non shitty ones do. So no, I don't want a shiny happy blog. I want an HONEST blog. A place where I can say "Hey, I think this design is shit". But if someone asks for an opinion on a designer and I don't actually think she/he/it is that bad, I don't see how it's wrong of me to say that. I'm still being *honest*. I am not on any CTs at all. I used to be, but I don't care to be anymore because I got sick of having to use designs even if they weren't my cup of tea, I'd rather pay 5.99$ and only use what I want. So I would not pay money for Joyce's designs, and I do not know the woman, however I think there are much much MUCH worse "designers" out there that deserve to be singled out way more than she did. Considering how many shit designs are out there, she's at least average.

Anonymous said...

With so many designers out there, I can pick and choose who I buy from.

People (store-owners) who are rude to me as a customer don't get my business.

Luckily, I've only had bad experiences twice, so I've only quit shopping at two stores that had products I really liked.

Anonymous said...

I have to debate here...although it has BECOME a PLACE to smack, this blog is not necessarily a smack blog. It's not called as such or described as's a PLACE where people can express their opinions...DigiShopTalk Hall of Fame...hmmm...just because in YOUR head that's "all" it is, certainly doesn't make it so. If someone cares to have a positive opinion, by all means, hurts no one anymore than any negative comment should. What's wrong misery? You need company?

May 7, 2010 11:14 AM

awww, don't get your panties in a wad little sweet pea...someone must have hurt your itty bitty wittle, everyone make sure to give whiny bitch here some tissues and then maybe she can take a pill called shutthefuckup!!! you are the one sounding miserable and probably love joyce and own all of her kits, but who in the world fucking cares???

Anonymous said...

oh, and just a little FYI in case you haven't read everywhere that talks about this place it is called a SMACK BLOG...did ya forget to take your stupid pill today????

Anonymous said...

You really are coming across like a bored child.

Anonymous said...

If it quacks like a SMACK blog
and it walks like a SMACK blog
and it smells like a SMACK blog

Anonymous said...

Yes, go take a nap and let the big people have some adult time.

Anonymous said...

So you "there's more to the DD story" people might be right. Or, somebody is lying.

Anonymous said...

"did ya forget to take your stupid pill today????"


Errr, that makes no sense. Nice try though!

Anonymous said...

There probably is more to the DD story-on both sides.

But don't expect Katie or Randy to give a shit. They really aren't concerned with all the drama in digi. Or good customer service.

Anonymous said...

New scareware tactic - Copyright Violation Lawsuits
When scammers take legal action

In what is obviously a rather ironic ruse, scammers now dangle lawsuits under users’ noses to lure them into their traps. As seen in a recent attack, cybercriminals are now creating malware leveraging the Antipiracy Law by accusing users of copyright violations.

Detected by Trend Micro as ADW_ANTIPIRACY, this scareware displays pop-up messages informing users that copyrighted content has been detected on their systems. It then details the options available to the recipients, informing them that they can either pass the case to court or settle the case in pre-trial. The latter option eventually leads users to a payment form where a fixed amount may be paid to settle the case.
A thorough ruse

The cybercriminals behind this attack have definitely gone the extra mile to make their scam more believable. In addition to creating a website, they also claimed that they were affiliated with the Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture Association of America. The adware was also capable of searching through users’ systems for saved *.torrent files and displayed the file names in its graphical user interface (GUI) as ‘evidence’.

The cybercriminals behind this attack have definitely gone the extra mile

As TrendLabs’ threat response engineer Karl Dominguez notes, “This malware is proof that the cybercriminals behind FAKEAVs and scareware are putting a lot of effort into improving their social engineering tactics to fool users into paying ‘necessary fees’. In the past, we have seen FAKEAV malware display unique GUIs for different OSs and ransomware encrypt files and demand fees. This new detection, ADW_ANTIPIRACY, is obviously no exception.”

It pays to choose licensed software and applications

It cannot be denied that pirated software and files that can easily be shared via file-sharing sites are currently prevalent. This is exactly why ADW_ANTIPIRACY and other attacks leveraging copyright laws such as spammed messages from the ‘Internet police’ work. Users who are guilty of downloading illegal content are more likely to fall into the traps that scammers have set up.

Users are advised to avoid installing pirated software, as doing so will also prevent them from benefiting from the regular security updates vendors release. It is also good practice to avoid peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing websites where they can accidentally download malware.
Prevention is the best cure

Dominguez adds, “Email users should also consistently practice precautionary habits such as immediately deleting unsolicited email messages that came from unknown sources. They should also make it a point to open attachments only after using reliable security software to scan them.” With the great number of online threats lurking behind seemingly legitimate facades, prevention is still the best bet to avoid malware infections.

"Warning Piracy detected" message

It is also important to always be on the lookout for scareware and their rather predictable tactics. In FAKEAV’s case, users should be wary of antivirus software that suddenly inform that malware is detected on their systems. Unless the results come from known legitimate software, which the users have installed themselves, they should just ignore these prompts. More importantly, users should immediately close browser windows that require them to input their bank or credit card credentials unless these are from known secure websites.

Anonymous said...

you are the one sounding miserable and pathetic...

Um no. That would be you.

Anonymous said...

awww, don't get your panties in a wad little sweet pea...someone must have hurt your itty bitty wittle, everyone make sure to give whiny bitch here some tissues and then maybe she can take a pill called shutthefuckup!!! you are the one sounding miserable and probably love joyce and own all of her kits, but who in the world fucking cares???
Erm. I don't recall standing up for any designers. I could give a shit less what people say. That was my point. You want the right to have negative opinions. You want your right to be honest. Again. By all means. My point was, at just the same, that it's a little hypocritical to say "I come here to give an honest opinion, but if your opinion is positive don't post it." If it's an honest positive opinion, that user has the same equality to post it as one would a negative opinion. I definitely don't shit rainbows and piss sunshine, I just find it ridiculous for someone to tell someone that this blog is not open for optimistic remarks as if there's a written rule that there's no positivity "allowed" here. All this blog is meant to be is for posting how you feel without need for saying who you are. It's not like positive comments are brown nosing...because even if the designer saw the comment, she can't publicly say or expect that person to reveal their idenity around here...they're giving honest opinions. Same as you hun. Bitching about positive remarks makes you look miserable in an "Oh ouch, the optimism burns. Ohhh get it away from meeeee!"

Anonymous said...

Well Katie from DD posted in that thread at DST and stated that names of other sites are okay but links are not. It was the third time that gal had posted links and she had already been warned twice so DD's three strikes rule was applied and her posting priviledges were revoked. So the people who thought there was more to it than she claimed were right. DD had removed the link before that person posted about it all at DST. Perhaps if she had told the full story in the first place she wouldn't look like such an idiot now.

Anonymous said...

Users who are guilty of downloading illegal content are more likely to fall into the traps that scammers have set up.


No they aren't. It's usually honest people who are stupid enough to fall for this crap.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that even after Katie posted and told Jen what she had done wrong, Jen still didn't get it. I guess she did that on purpose, so she wouldn't look stupid. Too bad she guessed wrong because now she looks even more stupid.

Anonymous said...

Scrapper's Choice Awards--ick. I much prefer last year's format. Is it because they are mixing self-nominated layouts in with the other nominations that makes everything look so crappy and amateur? So far, I am extremely disappointed in the quality. A mediocre day in the GSO highlights more talent.

Anonymous said...

I had a quick look at the best overall layout and didn't see anything particularly crappy or amateur.

It looked like a good mix of all types of scrapping.

Anonymous said...

I thought that US Army insignia was a no no to use in a kit. I have seen a few kits pop up this week that have extracted patches and the uniform pattern in them.

Am I wrong?

Anonymous said...

You're not wrong, but you could have just googled it instead of asking. It's not that complicated.

Anonymous said...

And you could have answered without being a snarky bitch.

I did google it. But I could only find información on pictures. I must have been searching the wrong terms.

Anonymous said...

I thought that US Army insignia was a no no to use in a kit. I have seen a few kits pop up this week that have extracted patches and the uniform pattern in them.

Am I wrong?


Depends on what insignia you're talking about. Give us some links.

Anonymous said...

^^^Are you going to tell the designer that it's illegal? Are you going to "report" her to the copyright police? Or are you just hoping that she'll read this? (unlikely!)

I see too much of this on this blog. Everyone complains but doesn't do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

t's interesting that even after Katie posted and told Jen what she had done wrong, Jen still didn't get it. I guess she did that on purpose, so she wouldn't look stupid. Too bad she guessed wrong because now she looks even more stupid.

May 7, 2010 8:21 PM

Yeah, jencrook looks like a big idiot now. Playing the "I don't have a clue of what or how I linked" game is completely transparent. Links don't just appear on their own-you've got to put some effort into it.

She got busted telling only parts of the story to try and hurt a store's business. Dumbass CT whore.

I'm glad there's a store out there who will not tolerate all the pushy advertising and CT whoring.

Anonymous said...

I knew there was more to that DD story as soon as I read that she was a SDD CT. Now I got to go back and read the thread to see if all the "oooh, poor baby" people are pissed off or not. I bet they are quiet instead of mad about being played (like I would be.)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that whole bash DD thing makes SDD look really bad. People on CTs just can't seem to understand that when they try and play those sneaky, dirty little games, it just makes their designers and stores come off looking really shitty. I guess they don't care as long as they're getting their stuff for free.

This whole thing makes me think I should be wary of SDD if this is the kind of people they want representing them.

Anonymous said...

I really think that she was just mistaken about why she was banned. She probably accidently pasted a link or "coming soon" or whatever. She didn't seem to understand the problem. I don't believe this is a rabid CT thing. Your adding drama that isn't there.

Anonymous said...

Like someone else already said, it takes effort to link something. There was also an example here of another one of her violations where she said something like "releasing Friday" which is specifically against the rules.

AND she claimed that she had never received any warnings.

I'm flying the bullshit flag really high on this one.

She got busted. And deservedly so.

Anonymous said...

But why would anyone hang themselves like that? She knew that DD could come back and tell the entire story.

I don't believe she was being devious. She probably made a mistake. It's not that hard to paste in the code for a url if you are jumping from site to site to post layouts.

Anonymous said...

I think she gambled and lost. Plenty of people have tried to drag other stores down and gotten busted for it.

I don't know *why* they do it, but I've seen it happen.

No one's ever going to convince me that she:
*never got any warnings
*didn't know she had typed out the "releasing Friday" thing
*linked unintentionally

Sure, someone can make a mistake once without realizing it. But three times, and then claim that she got no warnings? Total bullshit.

CTers like that are what give them all such a bad rep.

Anonymous said...

I have linked unintentionally as the poster above stated. Just copying and pasting the code from site to site. I did it at SSD. It was late and I wasn't thinking.

But they sent me a friendly message and edited my credits. I apologized for being careless.

Anonymous said...

Like I said, I can see one mistake happening. There's no way that she made three mistakes and never got a warning. She's full of shit.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she didn't get the warnings? Email can go into spam folders or be filtered at the server.

But, I almost agree. I'm not sure I agree that her intention came out of being on SDD's CT, it was probably more that she is a person who can't see how she could have possibly made a mistake.

Who keeps a 67page word doc with credits? I'm half-assing them as I post the layout.

Anonymous said...

I also think the huge word document is weird. I'm another half-asser, or I just can't be bothered to put my LOs in galleries much anymore :P

I could see one problem. Or not getting one email. But multiple times, and she conveniently didn't get any warnings? Nah, I think she's full of it.

Not sure what her motivation was on bringing it all to DST. I tend to agree that if it wasn't to try and mess with DD's sales, then she's one who can't possibly *conceive* of herself doing anything wrong @@

Anonymous said...

Her layout "Easter-2010-1WEB" has credits of: Fresh Start Collab Kit by Digilicious and Victoria Feemster (releasing on 4/9/10)

You can still find it if you check the cached pages.

I'd bet that's the one that got her booted. The veiled attempt to further promote the SDD collab and/or make DD look bad for banner her was cute.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone needs to post the cached page at DST so she knows what she did wrong? She seems intent on being right especially with that 67 page credit list. LOL

I'd do it but I don't know how to find a cached page.

Anonymous said...

That's the thing. There's the one that's mentioned above, and Katie herself said that other LOs in her gallery had links. It wasn't just one thing.

And if she had been active at DD for 3 years, she knew full well how to get ahold of the store through regular email or even a PM at DST.

If she had truly gone to DST asking a question and not to cause problems for DD, she never would have given all the hints about 'a popular store' or the 'site owner is married to the moderator.'

Classic example of rabid, foaming at the mouth, obnoxious CT. SDD is beyond stupid for allowing that kind of crap to go on.

Anonymous said...

What exactly is SDD supposed to do? They can't control what their CT members post and say. I doubt SDD is behind it other than they haven't thought to remove her yet. They may not be aware of the thread.

That's what I don't understand. Why are you blaming her actions on SDD?

Anonymous said...

Because by posting blinking and lists of the CTs that they are on, the store is willingly allowing them to represent them.

I blame SDD and the rabid CTer equally.

Anonymous said...

search for: easter-2010-1web jencrook

And click on "cached" to the right of the link.

Anonymous said...

If SDD had anything worth spending money on, they might have something to worry about. Since they don't, it's no biggie. Definitely not a shocker that a bottom tier store would have these kinds of CT members. It's just one more reason they're bottom tier.

Anonymous said...

Whatever her motivation, it backfired on her. She looks either extremely stupid or extremely obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

But how do they know what they are going to do? They don't have a crystal ball. Just saying they are representing them doesn't mean they have control over what people do.

Anonymous said...

You're right, 8:11. They can't know beforehand. It's doing nothing afterward that rubs me the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

Depends on what insignia you're talking about. Give us some links.

Anonymous said...

But do they know about it? Not everyone spends their weekends at DST or HERE.

Anonymous said...

I concede, lol. It's premature to lay any blame at SDD's door at them moment.

I stand by my disdain for jencrook's sleazy actions, though.

Anonymous said...

I agree. An email to SDD might be in order if it bothers you that much.

I think it's wrong that people here are blaming this on SDD. They can't keep their people from posting shit.

Anonymous said...

And you could have answered without being a snarky bitch.

And you could have not thrown a tantrum.

Anonymous said...

two wrongs don't make a right.

Anonymous said...

That's what I don't understand. Why are you blaming her actions on SDD?

May 8, 2010 7:49 PM

Because some people here blame SSD for everything. The constant bashing of SSD by some is beyond boring.

Anonymous said...

two wrongs don't make a right.

May 8, 2010 8:47 PM

Huh? You felt the need to point this out because? You are the one that called me names. Apply this to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Her layout "Easter-2010-1WEB" has credits of: Fresh Start Collab Kit by Digilicious and Victoria Feemster (releasing on 4/9/10)

You can still find it if you check the cached pages.

May 8, 2010 7:37 PM


She admitted to doing that.

Anonymous said...

[i]Because some people here blame SSD for everything. The constant bashing of SSD by some is beyond boring.[/i]

SDD...not Sweet Shoppe

Anonymous said...


My Mistake. What's SDD?

Anonymous said...

Scrappity Doo Doo

Anonymous said...

Huh? You felt the need to point this out because? You are the one that called me names. Apply this to yourself.

May 8, 2010 8:54 PM

I wasn't the OP. Just commenting on both of your stupid comments.

Anonymous said...


Fair call.

Anonymous said...

Scrappity Doo Doo



Here's a question - since SDD is being called a 'bottom tier' store I'm curious, how does a store move up the tiers?

Anonymous said...

Bottom tier is the mind of the buyer. Most of the so called top tier stores are not on my list.

I don't know anything about SDD so can't say if it's bottom or top on my list.

Anonymous said...

Explain to me why a template designer needs a CT?

I mean, if the CT make a LO, they are using some other designer's product to promote their designer. It has me baffled.

Anonymous said...

The unnamed store is digitalscrapbookplace!
Same shit happened to me last year. They haven't kicked me off though as I have been active site member for 3 years and spending certain amount of $$ in their store. They simply deleted the entire layout description and sent me a PM referring to the gallery rules. My layout was originally credited as Songbird Avenue charity collab. I never came back anyway.

May 3, 2010 10:54 AM

What utter bull! Did you read the thread, she said the owner and the mod are married... Um, the husband of the owner at DSP does not moderate.

Besides, I have put stores in my descriptions before and they edit the posts and send you a message, they DO NOT ban people for something so simple.

They may if you were an intentional repeat offender not listening to the site rules as stated when you break them. They don't ban that easily and any store would be silly to do so. DSP are much more professional than that!

Anonymous said...

It is just laughable that sites have rules saying that you can't even mention a different store. Especially when so many designers are always bitching about crediting. You want credit? Then FFS, I need to be able to say your name/store name in the damned credits.
I don't know of any stores that don't allow you to say the designer name. Store name yes, but not designer name.

Anonymous said...

^^With the way designers store-hop, there's no point in putting store names anyway.

Anonymous said...

DD was right to ban her. If she ignored 3 warnings, she was never going to follow their rules.

Anonymous said...

Explain to me why a template designer needs a CT?

I mean, if the CT make a LO, they are using some other designer's product to promote their designer. It has me baffled.

May 9, 2010 2:01 AM

WTF does it matter? Surely you can find something more important to contemplate.

Anonymous said...

anyone notice how all of a sudden in the last 2 days, dst has kept breaking their record for the # of people online at any given time? For the longest time on the homepage, I recall seeing the most people ever online was 822 in June of last year. Now all thru the weekend, it's been upped and upped. What seems to be the big draw all of a sudden? We're now up to 1220 as the all time high. Surely the scrappers choice award bs can't be drawing all the extra people in?

Anonymous said...

They have 1,339 fans on facebook. It's possible to have that type of traffic.

Or it's bots searching through the forums since most of the activity is guests.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^With the way designers store-hop, there's no point in putting store names anyway.

May 9, 2010 9:22 AM
Bingo! Finally somebody gets it! Sending people on a fruitless mission because a designer has changed stores is the reason those sensible stores only want designer name/kit name.

Anonymous said...

WTF does it matter? Surely you can find something more important to contemplate.

May 9, 2010 2:41 PM

And surely you can unwad your panties for a minute or two a day.

I could contemplate world hunger and everything, but really, this is a digi smack blog. So, get the fuck over yourself already.

Anonymous said...

With the way designers store-hop, there's no point in putting store names anyway.

I've never put a store name in. I don't understand why people do.

Anonymous said...

WTF does it matter? Surely you can find something more important to contemplate.

May 9, 2010 2:41 PM

what? Like why do we need to credit? Why does DSP and SSD suck? Why are template designers not designers? Yes, that's far more important. So important in fact, that I'm sorry I let my attention wander for a moment to contemplate something as paltry as a template designer's need for a CT. I do beg your pardon.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful layout, but doesn't it look like the bird is about the stab the baby with its beak, lol?

Anonymous said...

Digiland is so low over the last week. Where is everybody? Counting the $$$ of iNSD?

Anonymous said...

what? Like why do we need to credit? Why does DSP and SSD suck? Why are template designers not designers? Yes, that's far more important. So important in fact, that I'm sorry I let my attention wander for a moment to contemplate something as paltry as a template designer's need for a CT. I do beg your pardon.

May 9, 2010 6:03 PM
LMFAO! Methinks I've hit a nerve. Perhaps there are a couple of bitches here that failed to get on one of the coveted template teams.

Anonymous said...

I sure do love a good bitch bash.

Anonymous said...

BTW, you say a template designer is not a designer. Let's see one of your asswipe pages compared to one of theirs. The 3 template designers I'm thinking of are Crystal Livesay, Fizzy Pop, and zinnias and swallowtails(scarletsierra). Those are 3 of the best scrappers out there and there are a bunch of people that would love to scrap like them. Of course they want to cash in a little, they are very talented ladies.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful layout, but doesn't it look like the bird is about the stab the baby with its beak, lol?

May 9, 2010 6:14 PM

I don't think it's beautiful and I agree completely that it does look like the bird is about to stab the baby. What the heck is the elephant doing in that layout? It just looks odd.

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