But saying they're all crap without even looking is wrong. (its just your opinion)
July 2, 2010 12:07 PM ------------
Yes, it is my opinion, I never said it wasn't. I did look at some of the kits. They reminded me of the Scrap Orchard, I think it was, blog train last year. The theme and color palette are almost identical. While not crap, I wouldn't pick them up.
and it's like you don't have attitude. Give me a break. You wouldn't know a good kit if it smacked you upside the head.
July 2, 2010 8:37 AM -------
I never said I didn't have attitude. Just because I don't agree with you, doesn't mean I don't know quality. Some of us shop Walmart, and some of us shop Barneys.
There's lots on whomever's list there that I don't like at all - and others from the train that I do like that didn't make her list - which just goes to show you we all like different things. You aren't doing yourself any favors looking at someone else's list of which minis to grab.
I think it looks like growths on the head too. I had to take a double-take to realize they were supposed to be beads and weren't part of the photo. If the beads were moved toward the corner slightly so that some were 'off' the page it would work better. That said, the layout is very good.
so....a different topic.... I am about to end my newsletter from Scrapbook Graphics. It is one of the sites I have bought most from over the last 4 years........but now there stuff looks like crap. Most of it is for "ATC"--which I dont do or super realistic. I havent found any bargains since Janet Phillips left.....And there really isnt anything new or unique.
Are there any shops that you are not interested in getting?
Lot of bored people around here. Maybe you should all give up scrapbooking instead of bitching that nothing is interesting anymore. ---------------------
I was bored today and went over to see if Divine Digital was back up. Nope, still not. I don't know why designers are sticking with her there. She complains about having no income, yet she spends most of her time either AT Disney or POSTING about Disney on FB. Every week, she says the site will be back up this week, yet every week it's still not up.
What do you want to bet that when/IF DD ever goes back up, she opens it with another of her "buy my store and save me from ruin" sales...
About newsletters, I need to unsubscribe to them all. I don't read them anymore. I mostly just read a few designers' newsletters. I'm tired of designers just giving a QP as a newsletter gift. BORING...(yeah, yeah, I know it's free, but I think most people feel this way...)
I know what you mean. I hate that designers tempt you to subscribe to their newsletter with the promise of freebies and after the first two or three, they hardly ever happen or they are some quick page.
I'm tired of designers just giving a QP as a newsletter gift. BORING...(yeah, yeah, I know it's free, but I think most people feel this way...) ____________________
What would you rather the designers give away as newsletter gifts? (I'm not being sarcastic I'm really interested in what scrappers would like.)
I don't like QPs, BBs, or cluster frames or cluster sets ... those are all things that have very limited use ... I'd rather have an addon with a couple papers and a few elements I can do my own thing with.
Scrapable - this one has just changed hands too many times it seems like leftovers. Plus when it had the buyer who disappeared and the designers released their 'statement' about that, it didn't sit well with me at all. I don't like how the designers handled it - they said they were being honest and to ask for any details, but when asked they dodged questions. Smelled fishy.
Sunshine Studio Scraps - really, really, extraordinarily bad customer service. Also closing their site for 2 weeks to redesign was ridiculous .. then they did it again a year later. They have changed a lot since they first opened - not friendly at all. What's up with no gallery - seems like cheaping out on hosting costs.
Scrappity Doo Dah - honestly, the site admin at this site started the absolutely obscene post about the 'rules' of scrapbooking, and crediting down to the last button. I vowed to never go back. There are some designers there I like and I had spent some dollars there, but unless there is some kind of public retraction I will never go back.
Inspiration Lane - tried this site a few times, they are just not friendly. And it really bothers me that one of the co-owners doesn't tell ANYONE her name. She could be Amanda Dykan for all we know.
Funky Playground - bunch of not-very-good-but-behaving-like-we-are-top-notch designers there. I actively tried to spend money there to support a new site but couldn't find thing I wanted. Was a mistake for them to try to launch with no forum to get to know people in .. left a feeling that they thought they were too good for that.
"Inspiration Lane - tried this site a few times, they are just not friendly. And it really bothers me that one of the co-owners doesn't tell ANYONE her name. She could be Amanda Dykan for all we know."
I could not agree more, I just think its WEIRD....you can't even open a BANK ACCOUNT these days, let alone get a job without providing your name and SSN.
Funky Playground - bunch of not-very-good-but-behaving-like-we-are-top-notch designers there. I actively tried to spend money there to support a new site but couldn't find thing I wanted. Was a mistake for them to try to launch with no forum to get to know people in .. left a feeling that they thought they were too good for that.
July 4, 2010 8:54 PM
^^^^ Um, Funky Playground does have a forum and lots of fun challenges every week. Out of curiosity just what stores/designers DO you buy from and like?
Funky playground has a forum NOW but they opened without one. They were 'doing something different.' I don't think their new challenge system is fun at all, if I were going to scrap for challenges (I don't anymore) I'd choose a point system any day.
Where do I buy ... Scrap Matters, Gotta Pixel, Elemental Scraps, Scrap Orchard, The Digi Chick ... there's more but those are all I can think of.
I also will go to some obscure stores if the kit ad looks good - I rarely even remember the name of the stores though (sad, I know). I don't usually go back.
I am not saying this list is the end all and be all - I was just answering someone who asked what shops we don't shop at anymore. I'm sure many of you will disagree with me.
Funky Playground Designs.... ho hum. Not much there I would buy and does Tracy Monette do anything that isn't made from felt? It's getting a bit old now.
Anonymous said... Funky Playground Designs.... ho hum. Not much there I would buy and does Tracy Monette do anything that isn't made from felt? It's getting a bit old now.
July 5, 2010 1:06 AM
I like felt elements, but only when the designer makes them herself. I have come across many ellies that looked very familiar to me, and guess what? They were photos from etsy listings! (I do spend a lot of time and money there too!) The "designer" just extracted the photos she right-clicked and saved, and then sold the pack as CU! (In case you're wondering, I did contact the creator of the felt elements). But there are designers that make them themselves, like Pamela Donnis and another gal at the Lilypad (I miss here name right now).
I don't like QPs, BBs, or cluster frames or cluster sets ... those are all things that have very limited use ... I'd rather have an addon with a couple papers and a few elements I can do my own thing with.
Have you noticed that some sites have crappy previews? They dont look sharp and are kinda flat looking until you click on them. I was at DesignHouseDigital. I didnt like the look of the "Good Dog" collection but I usually like the designer. And I did like the kit when I looked at the details. Could that be the reason things look so blah lately? Is it the watermark?
The "designer" just extracted the photos she right-clicked and saved, and then sold the pack as CU! (In case you're wondering, I did contact the creator of the felt elements). -----
I did some searches and NONE of Tracey's stuff is swiped from etsy. It looks like she creates all those elements herself. She can draw too. Unless you can link us up specifically, I'm calling BS! (when it comes to Tracey, I know it HAS/DOES happen)
And the owners of Sunshine Studio Scraps don't even sell there (and sell somewhere else instead)? What's up with that? Maybe that's why it has to be shut down for 2 weeks to redesign, they are too busy doing their own thing to be bothered.
What to do when store owner is not to paying you? I am designer in big store and owner say she have money stolen but other designers say she is liar. Now new designer come and old designer all leaving and I not know truth to believe. I not to know other store which is good quality as my store but I not to want money stolen too.
What to do when store owner is not to paying you? I am designer in big store and owner say she have money stolen but other designers say she is liar. Now new designer come and old designer all leaving and I not know truth to believe. I not to know other store which is good quality as my store but I not to want money stolen too. _______________________
What store?? Who should we avoid? Inquiring minds wanna know!
These word verifications just keep getting better & better ... this one: mesolyar.
What to do when store owner is not to paying you? I am designer in big store and owner say she have money stolen but other designers say she is liar. Now new designer come and old designer all leaving and I not know truth to believe. I not to know other store which is good quality as my store but I not to want money stolen too.
Is this why Holly suddenly disappeared from SPD? I heard something bad was going on there.
What to do when store owner is not to paying you? I am designer in big store and owner say she have money stolen but other designers say she is liar. Now new designer come and old designer all leaving and I not know truth to believe. I not to know other store which is good quality as my store but I not to want money stolen too.
Is this why Holly suddenly disappeared from SPD? I heard something bad was going on there.
What to do when store owner is not to paying you? I am designer in big store and owner say she have money stolen but other designers say she is liar. Now new designer come and old designer all leaving and I not know truth to believe. I not to know other store which is good quality as my store but I not to want money stolen too.
July 5, 2010 10:18 AM ---------------- What store?? Who should we avoid? Inquiring minds wanna know!
Is this why Holly suddenly disappeared from SPD? I heard something bad was going on there. If the rumors I'm hearing are true, this really needs to go public so that new designers don't rush there to become the next victims.
What to do when store owner is not to paying you? I am designer in big store and owner say she have money stolen but other designers say she is liar. Now new designer come and old designer all leaving and I not know truth to believe. I not to know other store which is good quality as my store but I not to want money stolen too.
You can remind the owner that she legally owes you money for product sold (hopefully you know how much) and if she doesn't pay you within a set number of days you will be contacting your attorney. I have a feeling I know which store you are talking about and if a lot of designers have left you can almost be sure that something not right is going on. Designers don't leave a store in droves under normal circumstances. I'd go with my own feelings as I bet they are pretty spot on.
You can remind the owner that she legally owes you money for product sold (hopefully you know how much) and if she doesn't pay you within a set number of days you will be contacting your attorney.
Good luck with that! Threats don't go very far. And the attorney fees would have eaten all my profits. And my store owner owed me $2000.
You won't get paid. Time to move on. Forget the attorney idea. I was told by two different attorneys that because it's a consignment contract and the small amount of money, I might have a case in small claims court. Since I wasn't an employee I wasn't protected by employment laws. And if the company is bankrupt they might not be required to pay. It's a risk you take in business. Unpaid accounts.
Gee...I feel so sorry for those designers who were and are to be robbed like this. Can't they bring the matter to the public or threaten to if their dues aren't paid up in a specific time?
Can't they bring the matter to the public or threaten to if their dues aren't paid up in a specific time?
July 5, 2010 1:11 PM
In the case of Joedee-owned-ES, it was made public and it still didn't make her pay. If the well is dry and the owner is a louse making it public won't make them pay up!
n the case of Joedee-owned-ES, it was made public and it still didn't make her pay. If the well is dry and the owner is a louse making it public won't make them pay up!
July 5, 2010 1:28 PM -------------- I agree, it likely won't make her pay. But it will let other designers know not to go to her store and become the next target of a thief.
That's why I say stop the threats and just make it public. I want to know what store it is because I won't purchase there if the owner isn't paying the designers. Or if the store has such poor security that they were "robbed".
I like felt elements, but only when the designer makes them herself. I have come across many ellies that looked very familiar to me, and guess what? They were photos from etsy listings! (I do spend a lot of time and money there too!) The "designer" just extracted the photos she right-clicked and saved, and then sold the pack as CU! (In case you're wondering, I did contact the creator of the felt elements). But there are designers that make them themselves, like Pamela Donnis and another gal at the Lilypad (I miss here name right now).
July 5, 2010 3:47 AM
The only one I know who extracted images from etsy was Theres K and she got kicked out of her stores for doing that. She actually bought the items on etsy and once she got them, took pictures and extracted her own photos. But I guess the copyright remainded the property of the crafters. Anyway, she is back selling like nothing ever happened...
Where are the store owners who started the pirate blog, when there are store owners not paying their designers? It seems like this is WAY BIGGER than pirating--and involves MUCH MORE money.
Just like people say they're tired of pirates and they should be outed, I say "I'm tired of thieving store owners and they should be outed."
I am in the process of looking for a new store. I would really like to know which store this is so I can avoid it like the plague. Please don't let this continue to happen to other designers. :(
And how is that Tracey's as she was being accused of swiping from etsy? The person who asked for proof wanted it for her stuff and said that it does happen.
And that owl wasn't handmade. I can walk into Hobby Lobby and purchase it with the made in China sticker. Also that picture from etsy is at a different angle than the one in the kit.
I agree that it should be public so other designers know who to protect themselves from. I am on a creative team for a Shabby Pickle Designer and I know for a fact she claims that money was "stolen" from her store and she did not pay her designers a lot of money. I'm glad this is finally coming out.
I think when a designer leaves a store for personal or business reasons (like deciding to go exclusive, not liking the pay rate or activity requirements, etc) professionalism dictates that the designer keep their reasons quiet.
However, if designers are leaving because the store is being run unethically, or because the designers are being stolen from, professionalism dictates that they DO tell people why they are leaving. Otherwise they are leaving unsuspecting designers to be treated the same way.
It's kind of like being complicit in a crime, when you know it's happening and you do nothing.
And how is that Tracey's as she was being accused of swiping from etsy?
No one accused Tracey. Someone said Tracey only does felt, and someone else said they like felt that the designer actually makes, doesn't just steal from Etsy.
Tracey Monette is very talented -- as talented as Kate Hadfield and Dawn Inskip. All three of them are wonderful designers, it's just that their stuff is a little juvenile for my photos and style.
I doubt very much that Tracey is stealing from Etsy.
However, this poster has a valid point: "I'm tired of thieving store owners and they should be outed."
The owl came from a 1966 Brownie Girl Scout Book, except the sewing stitches were ric rac.
and does Tracy Monette do anything that isn't made from felt? It's getting a bit old now.
July 5, 2010 1:06 AM
I like felt elements, but only when the designer makes them herself. I have come across many ellies that looked very familiar to me, and guess what? They were photos from etsy listings! (I do spend a lot of time and money there too!) The "designer" just extracted the photos she right-clicked and saved, and then sold the pack as CU!
^^^^ sounds like she's lumping Tracey into that group of etsy click 'n swipers to me. Why reply directly to that otherwise?
sounds like she's lumping Tracey into that group of etsy click 'n swipers to me. Why reply directly to that otherwise?
It sounded like a train of though thing to me ... Tracy and the felties discussions made her think of felt which made her thing of the people who stole etsy felt. I think if she really wanted to accuse Tracey she'd have said 'Tracey steals felt images.'
I think we can all agree Tracey is talented and makes her own images.
It sounded like a train of though thing to me ... Tracy and the felties discussions made her think of felt which made her thing of the people who stole etsy felt. I think if she really wanted to accuse Tracey she'd have said 'Tracey steals felt images.'
Why do people feel like they should "keep quiet" about the issues that revolve around some of these stores and/or designers? Why even bring the subject up if you're not going to give the names of these stores or designers? For the life of me, I just don't understand the people in this "community". We're worried about a freaking felt element that may or may not have been swiped from etsy ... but we protect the names of people who are stealing money from designers?? How does this make any sense? This is an anonymous blog and still people won't "out" someone? Damn!
If it's SPD who had money "stolen" - are we ignoring the fact that two disgruntled designers who were supposedly RUNNING the place just left to start up their own store? Perhaps they are the money thieves?
And even after post 8:01, 9:31 STILL didn't name names? WHO was running the show? WHAT disgruntled designers left? WHERE did they go? HOW do you steal from a shop? WHAT should we be looking for?
People, People. You really have your priorities messed up!
Here is a Wa Faux Pas: http://4everscrap.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=12&products_id=119
And even after post 8:01, 9:31 STILL didn't name names? WHO was running the show? WHAT disgruntled designers left? WHERE did they go? HOW do you steal from a shop? WHAT should we be looking for?
People, People. You really have your priorities messed up!
If you read here at all you'd know, those disgruntled designers were mentioned a few days ago and people talked about it then, just go back and read for yourself, don't expect everyone to spoonfeed it to you.
Why do people feel like they should "keep quiet" about the issues that revolve around some of these stores and/or designers? Why even bring the subject up if you're not going to give the names of these stores or designers? For the life of me, I just don't understand the people in this "community". We're worried about a freaking felt element that may or may not have been swiped from etsy ... but we protect the names of people who are stealing money from designers?? How does this make any sense? This is an anonymous blog and still people won't "out" someone? Damn! --------------------------------- It's called gossip and what this blog is all about.
It's true, posts were deleted. All of the posts regarding the SPD owner alledgedly stealing her designer's money that were made on July 5 have been deleted.
I must have missed those but this one still remains:
I agree that it should be public so other designers know who to protect themselves from. I am on a creative team for a Shabby Pickle Designer and I know for a fact she claims that money was "stolen" from her store and she did not pay her designers a lot of money. I'm glad this is finally coming out.
Utter bullshit. It doesn't even matter if the store was stolen from or the owner got greedy or simply doesn't know how to manage money. The money is owed, period and I hope the entire designer team runs out quickly, slamming the door hard behind them.
I remember reading all those July 5 posts. I wish the blog owner will come and explain why she deleted them. Is it possible that the matter was resolved behind the scene and then they notified the blog owner? In any case, I think the whole thing is just too fishy.
Wow. Just wow. My post from yesterday is also deleted. And I didn't actually say ANYTHING about who wasn't paying their designers, I was simply stating that by not identifying this person,people were leaving future unsuspecting designers to be stolen from.
Actually the entire conversation about felt with the links to Etsy is also gone too (except for the very last post on it).
Sheds a great deal of suspicion on who owns this blog. Too bad, I thought it was a neutral site but apparently not.
I must have missed those but this one still remains:
I agree that it should be public so other designers know who to protect themselves from. I am on a creative team for a Shabby Pickle Designer and I know for a fact she claims that money was "stolen" from her store and she did not pay her designers a lot of money. I'm glad this is finally coming out.
July 5, 2010 9:23 PM
July 6, 2010 3:40 PM
This post is gone now too (the original one, that you said still remains.)
If someone complained to Blogger, Blogger may have told the blog owner to either delete the posts or be banned. Yes there are internet police out there and whether something is true or not, if it is perceived to cause damage to someone, a business etc, Blogger rather then being sued, will comply. So chickies you think you can be anonymous and say anything you want but big brother is still watching what is going on. Now that should make you feel good all over!
What to do when store owner is not to paying you? I am designer in big store and owner say she have money stolen but other designers say she is liar. Now new designer come and old designer all leaving and I not know truth to believe. I not to know other store which is good quality as my store but I not to want money stolen too.
Is this why Holly suddenly disappeared from SPD? I heard something bad was going on there.
July 5, 2010 10:35 AM
I couldn't copy it if it wasn't there!
And it says 701 comments. Blogger is just acting screwy for some of you.
This is the only comment I have showing from all of July 5 - it was the tail and of a conversation - everything else is gone. I've clicked back many ways to get to read the comments and they still don't show:
'sounds like she's lumping Tracey into that group of etsy click 'n swipers to me. Why reply directly to that otherwise?
It sounded like a train of though thing to me ... Tracy and the felties discussions made her think of felt which made her thing of the people who stole etsy felt. I think if she really wanted to accuse Tracey she'd have said 'Tracey steals felt images.'
I think we can all agree Tracey is talented and makes her own images.
I would copy and paste, but I'd hate to be accused of spoon feeding you. My advice is to wait until tomorrow and see if the comments don't magically re appear.
On a totally different topic - the digi world needs to know that this woman is the Kate who once owned Digital Candy and abandoned it amid rampant accusations associating her with Amanda Dykan, as well as her unauthorized use of CU items from designers in her store.
Chill Out. They are all right there - and they aren't worth the hassle of anybody deleting because they really don't say anything concrete. Everything from July 5 is still there.
Stop seeing conspiracies everywhere. You all know that Blogger has been dong stupid stuff for months. Maybe Blogger just swallowed the posts. Nobody deleted anything.
So chickies you think you can be anonymous and say anything you want but big brother is still watching what is going on. Now that should make you feel good all over!
On a totally different topic - the digi world needs to know that this woman is the Kate who once owned Digital Candy and abandoned it amid rampant accusations associating her with Amanda Dykan, as well as her unauthorized use of CU items from designers in her store.
Check the main blog page. It says 706 comments for this thread. If you click on the "New Space" title it reverts to only 673. The last entry for July 4 is 9:59PM. The ONLY post for Jul 5 is 11:09PM.
Check the main blog page. It says 706 comments for this thread. If you click on the "New Space" title it reverts to only 673. The last entry for July 4 is 9:59PM. The ONLY post for Jul 5 is 11:09PM.
Yep same here. Like I said, people who still have them have them in their cache. Too bad they think we are all conspiracy theorists and they won't copy and paste them for us, because they won't be in their cache tomorrow.
That is so weird. I have 720. And it's not cached. I cleared my cache and cookies to be sure. The front page says 710 comments. I click on that and then click "Newer" until I get to the end.
I'm showing 721 comments, no cache. Honestly it looks like a blogger screw up more than censorship. I highly doubt blogger would delete comments over fears of being sued. Blogger is Google after all, and no digi shoppes are in any shape to be trying to sue Google. And over what? Google did not issue any libelous claims, there is no case there.
^^^ It wasn't worth anything. Some designer claimed she wasn't being paid because her store own said the money was stolen. She wanted to know what she should do. BUT she never said which store. Some people speculated about it being SPD but nothing concrete was ever posted.
I wonder why blogger is eating posts for some people and not others? I have all of them though.
Definitely odd because if I click on the "New Space" heading and then click on "newest" link to the right I can see 712 comments BUT there is still only ONE post for Jul 5 showing. If I go in the other way I can only see 638 comments and still only ONE post for Jul 5. The post count on this particular blog has been skewy for at least 3 months now. I haven't found it happening on any other blog though.
If I click Newer all I get is 687 comments, if I click newest, I get the same count. Checking the main page and I get 713 posts. Blogger just doing bloggy things again.
Interesting. If you look at the main page and click this topic post and read the comments from there, they are all there. If you just click on the comments, the July 5th posts disappear.
Interesting. If you look at the main page and click this topic post and read the comments from there, they are all there. If you just click on the comments, the July 5th posts disappear.
Both ways are not working for me (as in, they both show missing posts), and I'm not a moron either. Not really sure what the point of name calling is.
This is so weird! I used this link that was posted earlier:
And I saw a few posts that I thought was lost. Just a few though. There's quite a bit more still missing. I know for sure because I made one of those missing comments on July 5.
By the way, I always click on the title (New Space) to read the comments. It didn't help. Comments are still missing for me. I now believe it's just a blogger glitch though.
She wasn't calling every one who can't see the comments a moron. It was only the morons who kept insisting that the comments were only showing up because of the cache. READ the commment.
And I'm seeing 732 comments. No caching here either.
Speaking of Amanda Dykan/LAT. Check this out http://mulberrylanestudio.com/?load=flash
July 7, 2010 1:56 AM
AND? Is she not supposed to work at all? Photography isn't digital scrapbooking. I understand that what she did was terrible but most people outside of digi don't give a rat's ass about the digi drama.
AND? Is she not supposed to work at all? Photography isn't digital scrapbooking. I understand that what she did was terrible but most people outside of digi don't give a rat's ass about the digi drama.
July 7, 2010 2:42 AM -------
Yeah, because being a thief and a liar are so insular. What a fruit!
Yeah, because being a thief and a liar are so insular. What a fruit!
So you just want to crucify her forever? Don't hold on to things, it'll make you bitter. Just let it go, hopefully she's learned from her lesson and won't do it again.
Learned her lesson?? Are you serious?? How many "lessons" does she need to learn? She's had more chances than anyone and blown them all. She's a repeat offender with no sense of quilt or shame. She's defnitely a leopard.
You cannot use the name, nor the character's names, NOR the graphics in any way to promote the kit. Learn your shit first before you open your piehole. Now I see why he problem is so rampant in the digi world.
My posts were definitely deleted. I wrote something about the Felt elements/ etsy issue. I said the only designer I know who took etsy stuff was Therese K. She actually bought some felt elements on Etsy, then photographed them and extracted her own photos. She did not right-clicked the photos from the web. but anyway, the copyright remained with the crafted because Theres K got kicked out of her shops for doing that. And now, she is selling again like nothing ever happened.
You cannot use the name, nor the character's names, NOR the graphics in any way to promote the kit. Learn your shit first before you open your piehole. Now I see why he problem is so rampant in the digi world.
July 7, 2010 1:21 PM
Then why don't you report it to the TWILIGHT police. I personally don't see what the issue is and they probably won't care either. The images were used in a layout. She's not selling those.
Here's your post. It's still there just like all 746 comments that are showing up on my non-cached computer.
snip.... But there are designers that make them themselves, like Pamela Donnis and another gal at the Lilypad (I miss here name right now).
July 5, 2010 3:47 AM
The only one I know who extracted images from etsy was Theres K and she got kicked out of her stores for doing that. She actually bought the items on etsy and once she got them, took pictures and extracted her own photos. But I guess the copyright remainded the property of the crafters. Anyway, she is back selling like nothing ever happened...
On blog freebies, do designers usually throw up some shit and call it a freebie? Or are they overflows from a kit they're working on? Or are they CU stuff they got for free? Are they supposed to be indicative of the designer's quality?
How come they are always crap? (yeah, I know they are for free) I've been going through my hard drive deleting files -- pixels, stray pixels, pixellated at 100%, blurriness -- the previews are gorgeous, but it is all junk at 100%
I guess my thought it, why bother? Do you get money for how many hits your blogs gets?
Puleeze, Royanna, when you lie so much no one believes ANYTHING you say. I don't buy any of this facebook crap of yours because you've lied about so many other things...Store up this week? yeah, I didn't think so...
15 THINGS…. (from Royanna...) Here are 15 interesting things about me…
1. am a French Trained Chef - and could spend every minute in the kitchen - and can throw a dinner party a moments notice.
3. I was a field Hockey Forward and played against 1984 Olympic Team and won! All State CIF Champs Garden Grove High School 1984 season!!!
4. I have a collection of shot glasses from all over the world - but my favorites are the Hard Rock ones!!!
5. I have 60 bottles of vintage Italian Wines I won’t open - a gift from a wine importer!
6. I have met and cooked with Emeril and Wolfgang Puck! They, along with the “Barefoot Contessa” are my inspiration
7. I hate to wear shoes - but I own over 200 pairs
10. I took up golf to impress my Father In Law - and own pink golf shoes, bag and balls to showcase my spunky spirit on the course!
11. I love to read about history - but love the quirky facts best
12. My brain works on overload - so its always thinking creative thoughts - and have been scrapbooking since I was 10
I call Bullsh**. (and yes, I am clutching my pearls as I type the ** instead of it...)
You must be Royanna's friend to read her facebook posts. Nice friend to come here and bash her. Why do you read her facebook posts if you don't like her??
I know it's "each to their own" when it comes to taste BUT surely Barf doesn't really think those things are nice. If that is an add-on I'm too scared to look at the full kit LOL
I keep an eye on Royanna like other people keep an eye on Amanda Dykan--to watch out for the next scam and to make people aware of what she's up to. If you don't trust someone, you'd be a fool to ignore them. I do not want to fall victim to her again. (yes, I am a disgruntled former designer who lost money to her and her shoddy business practices.)
You must be Royanna's friend to read her facebook posts. Nice friend to come here and bash her. Why do you read her facebook posts if you don't like her??
July 7, 2010 3:56 PM ^^^^^ duuuuh for the entertainment value of coming here and picking it apart and having bitches like you pick us apart for doing it.
On blog freebies, do designers usually throw up some shit and call it a freebie? Or are they overflows from a kit they're working on? Or are they CU stuff they got for free? Are they supposed to be indicative of the designer's quality?
How come they are always crap? (yeah, I know they are for free) I've been going through my hard drive deleting files -- pixels, stray pixels, pixellated at 100%, blurriness -- the previews are gorgeous, but it is all junk at 100%
I guess my thought it, why bother? Do you get money for how many hits your blogs gets? ---------------
If the blog freebies of any designer are continuously crap, I would never buy from them. Some make good freebies and I will go and buy something. freebies should be a sample of their work, not just some junk they decided to give away.
If you don't trust someone, you'd be a fool to ignore them. I do not want to fall victim to her again.
This makes no sense. If you ignore and avoid her you can't be victimized by her. I can't be victimized by her because I don't shop in her stores or go near her on FB. Granted other's can be, but they aren't going to listen to me anyway. Some people have to learn on their own and develop some street smarts.
Your need to follow her every move is only out of spite. You are still acting like a victim. She holds a piece of you because you are still giving it to her by stalking her.
So you just want to crucify her forever? Don't hold on to things, it'll make you bitter. Just let it go, hopefully she's learned from her lesson and won't do it again.
July 7, 2010 8:44 AM ----------
Who is crucifying her? What a drama queen you are. She is repeat offender. She has learnt absolutely nothing from being caught out.
As long as she's no longer in an area where you or I have some interest, she's no longer someone we need to be concerned about or discuss any longer.
Bring her back when there's actually something to talk about.
July 7, 2010 10:22 AM
Scrapping, photos - uuh, these two things go together. How long is it going to be before she starts offering scrap for hire as a natural extension of her photography business? Not too long I should say.
Scrapping, photos - uuh, these two things go together. How long is it going to be before she starts offering scrap for hire as a natural extension of her photography business? Not too long I should say.
July 8, 2010 12:17 AM
We can't do anything about what could possibly happen, so why worry about it? She hasn't crossed a line yet.
You are welcome to stalk her and monitor the situation. I guess some people will always be hall monitors. But don't count people going along with your crazy theories on what could happen. It's not like someone can tell her to stop being a photographer because she's violating Digi Laws.
Funny how Amanda Dykan being a photographer who may or may not extend her business into scrap for hire and try to get back into the community disturbs you BUT the previous owner of Digital Candy, who was associate with Amanda Dykan and proven to have stolen CU from her designers, and is ALREADY active again in this community doesn't seem to bother any of you.
Not defending her. Just saying she's gone from our community so why keep bringing her up when she isn't currently doing anything wrong? She may be lurking but there's no proof. She may be thinking about going into s4h but until she does, why even bring it up?
And I know a number of photographers that detest scrapbooking and wouldn't have the time to extend that into their business. So just because she is into photography now doesn't mean that she's all gungho to get back into scrapping. She's probably sick of being smacked and prefers to stay away.
BUT the previous owner of Digital Candy, who was associate with Amanda Dykan and proven to have stolen CU from her designers, and is ALREADY active again in this community doesn't seem to bother any of you.
July 8, 2010 3:54 AM
If it bothers you, then do something. Contact the designers she CTs for. They probably have NO idea.
What do you expect us to do? There's really nothing left to smack about on that issue.
I think it's so fucking funny how this 'community' went so ballistic for what she did, I mean, talk about drama queens. You'd think she robbed a bank and then killed everyone inside. No defense to her, it was wrong but the drama over it was just waaaaaay beyond too much. That's mostly what I come in here for...not to see who's doing what but to watch the reactions to it. Kind of like now. She's been shunned out of the scrapping industry and has her own photography business but that's apparently not enough and y'all are STILL pooping cows about what she did. Pretty funny stuff!
You must be Royanna's friend to read her facebook posts. Nice friend to come here and bash her. Why do you read her facebook posts if you don't like her??
July 7, 2010 3:56 PM ^^^^^ duuuuh for the entertainment value of coming here and picking it apart and having bitches like you pick us apart for doing it. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I do not consider myself a bitch and I wasn't picking you apart. I was genuinely curious why you take time out of your day to read facebook posts of someone you don't like. If that entertains you then that is fine. But please don't call me a bitch for asking a question.
I'm the OP about Kate, and I'll be honest, I'm not brave enough to go contacting the designers she CTs for. I posted here because I don't want to be the only one who knows it's her, but I also don't want to publicly call her out and draw that kind of attention to myself.
I do not consider myself a bitch and I wasn't picking you apart. I was genuinely curious why you take time out of your day to read facebook posts of someone you don't like. If that entertains you then that is fine. But please don't call me a bitch for asking a question.
Those who talk about others behind their back and can't say the same to their face are the bitches. They slam who they can when they feel like for no other purpose then the fact that they can and because they don't have to say who they are, they feel the power that allows them to say whatever the hell they want but of course we all know that they are yellow bellied cowards who wouldn't approach the person they are talking about and tell them to their face what they say here. Soooooo the best thing to do is don't get your panties in a wad and know that anything said on the blog doesn't make it so, doesn't make it fact, doesn't make it anything but the smak that it is and it's totally a farce but sometimes fun to read.
Not sure if the yellow bellied coward comment was directed at me, because I just said I'm not brave enough to out Kate personally. I have told her myself what I think of her - she just ignores it. I still don't feel brave enough to draw all sorts of attention to my name in forums and stuff by starting threads. Maybe that makes me a bitch. I don't think I really slammed her though, just pointed out that she is coming back under a new username.
Not sure if the yellow bellied coward comment was directed at me, because I just said I'm not brave enough to out Kate personally. I have told her myself what I think of her - she just ignores it. I still don't feel brave enough to draw all sorts of attention to my name in forums and stuff by starting threads. Maybe that makes me a bitch. I don't think I really slammed her though, just pointed out that she is coming back under a new username.
^^^^ not directed at you personally. those know who they are but they could care less. I understand where you are coming from and actually if this person is a pirate she will eventually be outed. Why people think that they won't get caught a second time is beyond me but a tiger usually doesn't change her stripes. Ya know??
I think it's so fucking funny how this 'community' went so ballistic for what she did, I mean, talk about drama queens. You'd think she robbed a bank and then killed everyone inside. No defense to her, it was wrong but the drama over it was just waaaaaay beyond too much. That's mostly what I come in here for...not to see who's doing what but to watch the reactions to it. Kind of like now. She's been shunned out of the scrapping industry and has her own photography business but that's apparently not enough and y'all are STILL pooping cows about what she did. Pretty funny stuff!
July 8, 2010 12:26 PM
^^^^ You must not have been directly affected by something she did. I was and I'm still bitter about it. The only reason I posted her website and FB here was someone else had mentioned her and I got curious to see what she was into now. End of story.
A question: What do you do if you happen to find a new template in a store by a designer you don't know so eerily similar to a layout you made just a few weeks ago? The similarities include degree of tilt of the whole cluster and placement of photo, paper blocks, paper strips, ricracs, and flowers.
"I think it's so fucking funny how this 'community' went so ballistic for what she did, I mean, talk about drama queens. You'd think she robbed a bank and then killed everyone inside."
No, what she did do is accuse people in the digi "community" of driving by her house and putting a bullet in her front door. Then, she claimed the local police department had the IP addresses of all posters here and there would be charges filed. Ha. Still waiting for that to make the front page news. She lied and made up the entire sick thing to try and gain sympathy for herself. Then, later, she invented a make believe person and sold designs under that assumed identity - complete with pictures and a bio.
So, I don't know where you were at the time, but the title of drama queen is all hers. She earned it and wore it with venom every moment she put her fingers to the keyboard.
I still don't feel brave enough to draw all sorts of attention to my name in forums and stuff by starting threads. Maybe that makes me a bitch. I don't think I really slammed her though, just pointed out that she is coming back under a new username. -------------
It doesn't make you a bitch, but it does make you a coward. If you aren't going to do anything, then don't bring it up. Sitting back and watching someone do wrong makes you complicit. Spin it however you want, but you are just as guilty because you won't take action.
She's been shunned out of the scrapping industry and has her own photography business but that's apparently not enough and y'all are STILL pooping cows about what she did. Pretty funny stuff!
July 8, 2010 12:26 PM -----------
The same could be said of a lot of the names that come up here. Some of those names even made right on their wrongs and still they get dragged through the mud.
I think the reason that Amanda keeps coming up is because she just kept doing it over and over and over.
two of the designers kate CTs for were designers at Digital Candy when she and her husband owned the site. must have been two of the designers that actually got paid. hm.
A question: What do you do if you happen to find a new template in a store by a designer you don't know so eerily similar to a layout you made just a few weeks ago? The similarities include degree of tilt of the whole cluster and placement of photo, paper blocks, paper strips, ricracs, and flowers. July 8, 2010 8:57 PM
I've seen my template and layouts recreated so many times, it just doesn't matter anymore. I even saw one of my templates as a free template at SSD (with very few changes), but since it was created from someone's layout, I figured the someone really needed the attention much more than I do.
At the end of the day, it's a 12x12 square and at some point, everything all starts to look the same. I'm sure if you look around some, you'll see your layouts look like layouts made last year by someone you've never seen before either.
You can always contact the designer if you feel that strongly.
Damn. I see Divine is back up and running. I think we should have two betting pools: (1) how long before Royanna does a "buy my store" promotion (with or without a sob story attached), and (2) how long it takes before everything crashes again and the site is non-functional.
Damn, Lauren went to DSP? shit. I actually like her stuff but no way in hell I'm buying shit that's already shadowed. So limiting. Sigh. How is DSP an improvement over the sales you might get at the sweet shoppe?
A question: What do you do if you happen to find a new template in a store by a designer you don't know so eerily similar to a layout you made just a few weeks ago? The similarities include degree of tilt of the whole cluster and placement of photo, paper blocks, paper strips, ricracs, and flowers. July 8, 2010 8:57 PM
I've seen my template and layouts recreated so many times, it just doesn't matter anymore. I even saw one of my templates as a free template at SSD (with very few changes), but since it was created from someone's layout, I figured the someone really needed the attention much more than I do.
At the end of the day, it's a 12x12 square and at some point, everything all starts to look the same. I'm sure if you look around some, you'll see your layouts look like layouts made last year by someone you've never seen before either.
You can always contact the designer if you feel that strongly.
Just in case you didn't know, you can't copyright the placement of elements. Legally (not saying it's ethical though) I can make templates from anyones layout design and there's nothing illegal about it. I can out and out copy someones templates and sell them as my own and it's not illegal. I won't do that myself but there are those who will and do so knowing it's not illegal and there's nothing you can do about it.
That place has nothing but garbage. Overpriced garbage at that. How could that possibly be a good career move?
July 9, 2010 9:36 AM
Why is it garbage? The designers there actually design instead of compiling scrappy scanned elements. They have more talent in one pinky than the vast majority of designers 'designing' now.
MOST of Divine Digital is back up. The store will be back up AROUND July 15th..Yeah. Heard that before. I imagine one of the "gifts" we get with the grand reopening is another buy my store from Royanna.
And about that list that someone posted..I took a French cooking class at community ed at the local high school. I'm a French trained chef too. LMAO..
That place has nothing but garbage. Overpriced garbage at that. How could that possibly be a good career move?
July 9, 2010 9:36 AM
Why is it garbage? The designers there actually design instead of compiling scrappy scanned elements. They have more talent in one pinky than the vast majority of designers 'designing' now. ---------------------------- And here we go again....does this argument ever get old?!!!
I am just an average scrapper, not a designer. I am not active on any CT's, although I have been in the past. I am not active in any "scrapbook community", I don't post on the message boards, and I don't post my layouts online anymore. I read the Digi boards for entertainment, and am constantly amazed at what people share on the internet. I freely admit to reading the scrapbook smack blogs, it is a guilty pleasure.
You can email me at: DSTHallofFame@gmail.com
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1657 Newer› Newest»But saying they're all crap without even looking is wrong. (its just your opinion)
July 2, 2010 12:07 PM
Yes, it is my opinion, I never said it wasn't. I did look at some of the kits. They reminded me of the Scrap Orchard, I think it was, blog train last year. The theme and color palette are almost identical. While not crap, I wouldn't pick them up.
and it's like you don't have attitude. Give me a break. You wouldn't know a good kit if it smacked you upside the head.
July 2, 2010 8:37 AM
I never said I didn't have attitude. Just because I don't agree with you, doesn't mean I don't know quality. Some of us shop Walmart, and some of us shop Barneys.
Can I say I'm SO f***ing tired of extracted babies everywhere!!!!!!!!!
Me too. They all look the same.
There's lots on whomever's list there that I don't like at all - and others from the train that I do like that didn't make her list - which just goes to show you we all like different things. You aren't doing yourself any favors looking at someone else's list of which minis to grab.
Overall it's disappointing. The colors suck.
What's wrong with the colors?
I think it looks like growths on the head too. I had to take a double-take to realize they were supposed to be beads and weren't part of the photo. If the beads were moved toward the corner slightly so that some were 'off' the page it would work better. That said, the layout is very good.
She used a template. It's not rocket science to get a good layout. She didn't even change the template.
What's wrong with the colors?
Can't put my finger on it ... just don't like them.
What's wrong with the colors?
The peach and mint green are atrocious. Without them, it wouldn't be so bad.
so....a different topic....
I am about to end my newsletter from
Scrapbook Graphics. It is one of the sites I have bought most from over the last 4 years........but now there stuff looks like crap. Most of it is for "ATC"--which I dont do or super realistic. I havent found any bargains since Janet Phillips left.....And there really isnt anything new or unique.
Are there any shops that you are not interested in getting?
Sunshine Studio Craps......haven't visited in a while and keep forgetting to cancel the newsletter.
I canceled all newsletters about a year or more ago. Nothing interesting in any of them.
Lot of bored people around here. Maybe you should all give up scrapbooking instead of bitching that nothing is interesting anymore.
Who is bitching? Saying that nothing is interesting is hardly bitching.
Besides, being bored with one thing doesn't mean being bored with the whole thing.
Lot of bored people around here. Maybe you should all give up scrapbooking instead of bitching that nothing is interesting anymore.
How about you stick a fire cracker up your butt.
Now THAT would be a great 4th July spectacular! LOL
Over the last months, these ones went on my 'no more buying' list and I unsubbscribed from their store newsletter:
Sunshine Studio Scraps
Scrappity Doo Dah
Inspiration Lane
Funky Playground
Any particular reason why you won't buy from them any more? Just curious.
I was bored today and went over to see if Divine Digital was back up. Nope, still not. I don't know why designers are sticking with her there. She complains about having no income, yet she spends most of her time either AT Disney or POSTING about Disney on FB. Every week, she says the site will be back up this week, yet every week it's still not up.
What do you want to bet that when/IF DD ever goes back up, she opens it with another of her "buy my store and save me from ruin" sales...
About newsletters, I need to unsubscribe to them all. I don't read them anymore. I mostly just read a few designers' newsletters. I'm tired of designers just giving a QP as a newsletter gift. BORING...(yeah, yeah, I know it's free, but I think most people feel this way...)
I know what you mean. I hate that designers tempt you to subscribe to their newsletter with the promise of freebies and after the first two or three, they hardly ever happen or they are some quick page.
I'm tired of designers just giving a QP as a newsletter gift. BORING...(yeah, yeah, I know it's free, but I think most people feel this way...)
What would you rather the designers give away as newsletter gifts? (I'm not being sarcastic I'm really interested in what scrappers would like.)
I personally like discount coupons in newsletters.
I don't like QPs, BBs, or cluster frames or cluster sets ... those are all things that have very limited use ... I'd rather have an addon with a couple papers and a few elements I can do my own thing with.
Scrapable - this one has just changed hands too many times it seems like leftovers. Plus when it had the buyer who disappeared and the designers released their 'statement' about that, it didn't sit well with me at all. I don't like how the designers handled it - they said they were being honest and to ask for any details, but when asked they dodged questions. Smelled fishy.
Sunshine Studio Scraps - really, really, extraordinarily bad customer service. Also closing their site for 2 weeks to redesign was ridiculous .. then they did it again a year later. They have changed a lot since they first opened - not friendly at all. What's up with no gallery - seems like cheaping out on hosting costs.
Scrappity Doo Dah - honestly, the site admin at this site started the absolutely obscene post about the 'rules' of scrapbooking, and crediting down to the last button. I vowed to never go back. There are some designers there I like and I had spent some dollars there, but unless there is some kind of public retraction I will never go back.
Inspiration Lane - tried this site a few times, they are just not friendly. And it really bothers me that one of the co-owners doesn't tell ANYONE her name. She could be Amanda Dykan for all we know.
Funky Playground - bunch of not-very-good-but-behaving-like-we-are-top-notch designers there. I actively tried to spend money there to support a new site but couldn't find thing I wanted. Was a mistake for them to try to launch with no forum to get to know people in .. left a feeling that they thought they were too good for that.
"Inspiration Lane - tried this site a few times, they are just not friendly. And it really bothers me that one of the co-owners doesn't tell ANYONE her name. She could be Amanda Dykan for all we know."
I could not agree more, I just think its WEIRD....you can't even open a BANK ACCOUNT these days, let alone get a job without providing your name and SSN.
Funky Playground - bunch of not-very-good-but-behaving-like-we-are-top-notch designers there. I actively tried to spend money there to support a new site but couldn't find thing I wanted. Was a mistake for them to try to launch with no forum to get to know people in .. left a feeling that they thought they were too good for that.
July 4, 2010 8:54 PM
Um, Funky Playground does have a forum and lots of fun challenges every week.
Out of curiosity just what stores/designers DO you buy from and like?
Funky playground has a forum NOW but they opened without one. They were 'doing something different.' I don't think their new challenge system is fun at all, if I were going to scrap for challenges (I don't anymore) I'd choose a point system any day.
Where do I buy ... Scrap Matters, Gotta Pixel, Elemental Scraps, Scrap Orchard, The Digi Chick ... there's more but those are all I can think of.
I also will go to some obscure stores if the kit ad looks good - I rarely even remember the name of the stores though (sad, I know). I don't usually go back.
I am not saying this list is the end all and be all - I was just answering someone who asked what shops we don't shop at anymore. I'm sure many of you will disagree with me.
Funky Playground Designs.... ho hum. Not much there I would buy and does Tracy Monette do anything that isn't made from felt? It's getting a bit old now.
The same could be said of Jacque Larsen, or whatever her name is, Tiff Brady and others.
Funky playground has a forum NOW but they opened without one. They were 'doing something different.'
They obviously weren't around when the first PDW opened under Holly. No forum there and there was no gallery either.
Anonymous said...
Funky Playground Designs.... ho hum. Not much there I would buy and does Tracy Monette do anything that isn't made from felt? It's getting a bit old now.
July 5, 2010 1:06 AM
I like felt elements, but only when the designer makes them herself. I have come across many ellies that looked very familiar to me, and guess what? They were photos from etsy listings! (I do spend a lot of time and money there too!) The "designer" just extracted the photos she right-clicked and saved, and then sold the pack as CU!
(In case you're wondering, I did contact the creator of the felt elements).
But there are designers that make them themselves, like Pamela Donnis and another gal at the Lilypad (I miss here name right now).
I don't like QPs, BBs, or cluster frames or cluster sets ... those are all things that have very limited use ... I'd rather have an addon with a couple papers and a few elements I can do my own thing with.
July 4, 2010 8:40 PM
Ditto this.
I just noticed that Irene and Alana have left SBG. What the heck is going on over there?
Have you noticed that some sites have crappy previews? They dont look sharp and are kinda flat looking until you click on them. I was at DesignHouseDigital. I didnt like the look of the "Good Dog" collection but I usually like the designer. And
I did like the kit when I looked at the details. Could that be the reason things look so blah lately?
Is it the watermark?
The "designer" just extracted the photos she right-clicked and saved, and then sold the pack as CU!
(In case you're wondering, I did contact the creator of the felt elements).
I did some searches and NONE of Tracey's stuff is swiped from etsy. It looks like she creates all those elements herself. She can draw too. Unless you can link us up specifically, I'm calling BS! (when it comes to Tracey, I know it HAS/DOES happen)
And the owners of Sunshine Studio Scraps don't even sell there (and sell somewhere else instead)? What's up with that? Maybe that's why it has to be shut down for 2 weeks to redesign, they are too busy doing their own thing to be bothered.
What to do when store owner is not to paying you? I am designer in big store and owner say she have money stolen but other designers say she is liar. Now new designer come and old designer all leaving and I not know truth to believe. I not to know other store which is good quality as my store but I not to want money stolen too.
^^^^Take your losses and GET OUT!!!
(BTW, that sounds too familiar. How'd she say the money was stolen?)
I just noticed that Irene and Alana have left SBG. What the heck is going on over there?
This was a while back but ....
Irene was there as a guest designer.
Alana got a job with a production company doing illustrations and designs. She made it to the big time.
Word Verification: ressed (just missing the "st")
What to do when store owner is not to paying you? I am designer in big store and owner say she have money stolen but other designers say she is liar. Now new designer come and old designer all leaving and I not know truth to believe. I not to know other store which is good quality as my store but I not to want money stolen too.
What store?? Who should we avoid?
Inquiring minds wanna know!
These word verifications just keep getting better & better ... this one: mesolyar.
Hahaha ... next WV is poguess
What to do when store owner is not to paying you? I am designer in big store and owner say she have money stolen but other designers say she is liar. Now new designer come and old designer all leaving and I not know truth to believe. I not to know other store which is good quality as my store but I not to want money stolen too.
Is this why Holly suddenly disappeared from SPD? I heard something bad was going on there.
What to do when store owner is not to paying you? I am designer in big store and owner say she have money stolen but other designers say she is liar. Now new designer come and old designer all leaving and I not know truth to believe. I not to know other store which is good quality as my store but I not to want money stolen too.
Is this why Holly suddenly disappeared from SPD? I heard something bad was going on there.
What to do when store owner is not to paying you? I am designer in big store and owner say she have money stolen but other designers say she is liar. Now new designer come and old designer all leaving and I not know truth to believe. I not to know other store which is good quality as my store but I not to want money stolen too.
July 5, 2010 10:18 AM
What store?? Who should we avoid?
Inquiring minds wanna know!
Is this why Holly suddenly disappeared from SPD? I heard something bad was going on there. If the rumors I'm hearing are true, this really needs to go public so that new designers don't rush there to become the next victims.
What to do when store owner is not to paying you? I am designer in big store and owner say she have money stolen but other designers say she is liar. Now new designer come and old designer all leaving and I not know truth to believe. I not to know other store which is good quality as my store but I not to want money stolen too.
You can remind the owner that she legally owes you money for product sold (hopefully you know how much) and if she doesn't pay you within a set number of days you will be contacting your attorney. I have a feeling I know which store you are talking about and if a lot of designers have left you can almost be sure that something not right is going on. Designers don't leave a store in droves under normal circumstances. I'd go with my own feelings as I bet they are pretty spot on.
You can remind the owner that she legally owes you money for product sold (hopefully you know how much) and if she doesn't pay you within a set number of days you will be contacting your attorney.
Good luck with that! Threats don't go very far. And the attorney fees would have eaten all my profits. And my store owner owed me $2000.
You won't get paid. Time to move on. Forget the attorney idea. I was told by two different attorneys that because it's a consignment contract and the small amount of money, I might have a case in small claims court. Since I wasn't an employee I wasn't protected by employment laws. And if the company is bankrupt they might not be required to pay. It's a risk you take in business. Unpaid accounts.
It isn't right.
Gee...I feel so sorry for those designers who were and are to be robbed like this. Can't they bring the matter to the public or threaten to if their dues aren't paid up in a specific time?
Can't they bring the matter to the public or threaten to if their dues aren't paid up in a specific time?
July 5, 2010 1:11 PM
In the case of Joedee-owned-ES, it was made public and it still didn't make her pay. If the well is dry and the owner is a louse making it public won't make them pay up!
n the case of Joedee-owned-ES, it was made public and it still didn't make her pay. If the well is dry and the owner is a louse making it public won't make them pay up!
July 5, 2010 1:28 PM
I agree, it likely won't make her pay. But it will let other designers know not to go to her store and become the next target of a thief.
That's why I say stop the threats and just make it public. I want to know what store it is because I won't purchase there if the owner isn't paying the designers. Or if the store has such poor security that they were "robbed".
does Tracy Monette do anything that isn't made from felt?
Your comment is weird. It's called "having s style and sticking with it".
I like felt elements, but only when the designer makes them herself. I have come across many ellies that looked very familiar to me, and guess what? They were photos from etsy listings! (I do spend a lot of time and money there too!) The "designer" just extracted the photos she right-clicked and saved, and then sold the pack as CU!
(In case you're wondering, I did contact the creator of the felt elements).
But there are designers that make them themselves, like Pamela Donnis and another gal at the Lilypad (I miss here name right now).
July 5, 2010 3:47 AM
The only one I know who extracted images from etsy was Theres K and she got kicked out of her stores for doing that. She actually bought the items on etsy and once she got them, took pictures and extracted her own photos. But I guess the copyright remainded the property of the crafters. Anyway, she is back selling like nothing ever happened...
felt owl:
I can't open Etsy right now, but it's there!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
felt owl:
I can't open Etsy right now, but it's there!
July 5, 2010 4:08 PM
Fimally! Take a look:
anyone got the scoop on ON Designs leaving After5 or maybe retiring for good? Unsure if it's a complete retiring from scrapbooking totally?
Fimally! Take a look:
very enlightening. some people have way too much idle time on their hands.
IMO the owl in question was inspired by the Etsy one. There are some differences in the face size and shape.
I have a friend on ON designs CT who told me that they are retiring from designing completely.
Where are the store owners who started the pirate blog, when there are store owners not paying their designers? It seems like this is WAY BIGGER than pirating--and involves MUCH MORE money.
Just like people say they're tired of pirates and they should be outed, I say "I'm tired of thieving store owners and they should be outed."
I am in the process of looking for a new store. I would really like to know which store this is so I can avoid it like the plague. Please don't let this continue to happen to other designers. :(
Anonymous Anonymous said...
felt owl:
I can't open Etsy right now, but it's there!
July 5, 2010 4:08 PM
Fimally! Take a look:
July 5, 2010 4:51 PM
And how is that Tracey's as she was being accused of swiping from etsy? The person who asked for proof wanted it for her stuff and said that it does happen.
And that owl wasn't handmade. I can walk into Hobby Lobby and purchase it with the made in China sticker. Also that picture from etsy is at a different angle than the one in the kit.
OH NO! She's selling the same thing! She's STEALING the owl design!!! We MUST report to the copyright police ASAP!
I agree that it should be public so other designers know who to protect themselves from. I am on a creative team for a Shabby Pickle Designer and I know for a fact she claims that money was "stolen" from her store and she did not pay her designers a lot of money. I'm glad this is finally coming out.
I think when a designer leaves a store for personal or business reasons (like deciding to go exclusive, not liking the pay rate or activity requirements, etc) professionalism dictates that the designer keep their reasons quiet.
However, if designers are leaving because the store is being run unethically, or because the designers are being stolen from, professionalism dictates that they DO tell people why they are leaving. Otherwise they are leaving unsuspecting designers to be treated the same way.
It's kind of like being complicit in a crime, when you know it's happening and you do nothing.
And how is that Tracey's as she was being accused of swiping from etsy?
No one accused Tracey. Someone said Tracey only does felt, and someone else said they like felt that the designer actually makes, doesn't just steal from Etsy.
Tracey Monette is very talented -- as talented as Kate Hadfield and Dawn Inskip. All three of them are wonderful designers, it's just that their stuff is a little juvenile for my photos and style.
I doubt very much that Tracey is stealing from Etsy.
However, this poster has a valid point:
"I'm tired of thieving store owners and they should be outed."
The owl came from a 1966 Brownie Girl Scout Book, except the sewing stitches were ric rac.
and does Tracy Monette do anything that isn't made from felt? It's getting a bit old now.
July 5, 2010 1:06 AM
I like felt elements, but only when the designer makes them herself. I have come across many ellies that looked very familiar to me, and guess what? They were photos from etsy listings! (I do spend a lot of time and money there too!) The "designer" just extracted the photos she right-clicked and saved, and then sold the pack as CU!
sounds like she's lumping Tracey into that group of etsy click 'n swipers to me. Why reply directly to that otherwise?
Tracey makes her own felties.
sounds like she's lumping Tracey into that group of etsy click 'n swipers to me. Why reply directly to that otherwise?
It sounded like a train of though thing to me ... Tracy and the felties discussions made her think of felt which made her thing of the people who stole etsy felt. I think if she really wanted to accuse Tracey she'd have said 'Tracey steals felt images.'
I think we can all agree Tracey is talented and makes her own images.
It sounded like a train of though thing to me ... Tracy and the felties discussions made her think of felt which made her thing of the people who stole etsy felt. I think if she really wanted to accuse Tracey she'd have said 'Tracey steals felt images.'
That's how I read it.
Why do people feel like they should "keep quiet" about the issues that revolve around some of these stores and/or designers? Why even bring the subject up if you're not going to give the names of these stores or designers? For the life of me, I just don't understand the people in this "community". We're worried about a freaking felt element that may or may not have been swiped from etsy ... but we protect the names of people who are stealing money from designers?? How does this make any sense? This is an anonymous blog and still people won't "out" someone? Damn!
If it is SPD that isn't paying designers, and this just so happened to occur the month that Miss Tiina was guesting... I think that's called KARMA.
If it's SPD who had money "stolen" - are we ignoring the fact that two disgruntled designers who were supposedly RUNNING the place just left to start up their own store? Perhaps they are the money thieves?
And even after post 8:01, 9:31 STILL didn't name names? WHO was running the show? WHAT disgruntled designers left? WHERE did they go? HOW do you steal from a shop? WHAT should we be looking for?
People, People. You really have your priorities messed up!
Here is a Wa Faux Pas:
And even after post 8:01, 9:31 STILL didn't name names? WHO was running the show? WHAT disgruntled designers left? WHERE did they go? HOW do you steal from a shop? WHAT should we be looking for?
People, People. You really have your priorities messed up!
If you read here at all you'd know, those disgruntled designers were mentioned a few days ago and people talked about it then, just go back and read for yourself, don't expect everyone to spoonfeed it to you.
Why do people feel like they should "keep quiet" about the issues that revolve around some of these stores and/or designers? Why even bring the subject up if you're not going to give the names of these stores or designers? For the life of me, I just don't understand the people in this "community". We're worried about a freaking felt element that may or may not have been swiped from etsy ... but we protect the names of people who are stealing money from designers?? How does this make any sense? This is an anonymous blog and still people won't "out" someone? Damn!
It's called gossip and what this blog is all about.
The owner of this blog deleted my posts.
I commented on some posts yesterday (and I did see them appear in the comments) and now they are gone.
what were you talking about? I've never seen posts disappear.
It's true, posts were deleted. All of the posts regarding the SPD owner alledgedly stealing her designer's money that were made on July 5 have been deleted.
hmm, makes you wonder about who is running this blog? I don't think anything has ever been deleted before?
I must have missed those but this one still remains:
I agree that it should be public so other designers know who to protect themselves from. I am on a creative team for a Shabby Pickle Designer and I know for a fact she claims that money was "stolen" from her store and she did not pay her designers a lot of money. I'm glad this is finally coming out.
July 5, 2010 9:23 PM
Utter bullshit. It doesn't even matter if the store was stolen from or the owner got greedy or simply doesn't know how to manage money. The money is owed, period and I hope the entire designer team runs out quickly, slamming the door hard behind them.
I remember reading all those July 5 posts. I wish the blog owner will come and explain why she deleted them. Is it possible that the matter was resolved behind the scene and then they notified the blog owner? In any case, I think the whole thing is just too fishy.
so how do you find previous pages in a cache???
Wow. Just wow. My post from yesterday is also deleted. And I didn't actually say ANYTHING about who wasn't paying their designers, I was simply stating that by not identifying this person,people were leaving future unsuspecting designers to be stolen from.
Actually the entire conversation about felt with the links to Etsy is also gone too (except for the very last post on it).
Sheds a great deal of suspicion on who owns this blog. Too bad, I thought it was a neutral site but apparently not.
I must have missed those but this one still remains:
I agree that it should be public so other designers know who to protect themselves from. I am on a creative team for a Shabby Pickle Designer and I know for a fact she claims that money was "stolen" from her store and she did not pay her designers a lot of money. I'm glad this is finally coming out.
July 5, 2010 9:23 PM
July 6, 2010 3:40 PM
This post is gone now too (the original one, that you said still remains.)
What is UP WITH THIS???
I still see all the etsy comments. Maybe it's you.
If someone complained to Blogger, Blogger may have told the blog owner to either delete the posts or be banned. Yes there are internet police out there and whether something is true or not, if it is perceived to cause damage to someone, a business etc, Blogger rather then being sued, will comply. So chickies you think you can be anonymous and say anything you want but big brother is still watching what is going on. Now that should make you feel good all over!
Do they fly black helicopters?
July 6, 2010 3:40 PM
This post is gone now too (the original one, that you said still remains.)
What is UP WITH THIS???
July 6, 2010 5:07 PM
I still see it!!! It's still there.
I had this comments page left open overnight and just now refreshed it, it went from 679 posts to 655. There were a whole bunch deleted all right.
My screen says 700. Nothing has been deleted.
This is still there:
What to do when store owner is not to paying you? I am designer in big store and owner say she have money stolen but other designers say she is liar. Now new designer come and old designer all leaving and I not know truth to believe. I not to know other store which is good quality as my store but I not to want money stolen too.
Is this why Holly suddenly disappeared from SPD? I heard something bad was going on there.
July 5, 2010 10:35 AM
I couldn't copy it if it wasn't there!
And it says 701 comments. Blogger is just acting screwy for some of you.
start view from the "Leave your comment" page. For some reason comments are missing if you just click the "New Space" and read from that view.
This is the only comment I have showing from all of July 5 - it was the tail and of a conversation - everything else is gone. I've clicked back many ways to get to read the comments and they still don't show:
'sounds like she's lumping Tracey into that group of etsy click 'n swipers to me. Why reply directly to that otherwise?
It sounded like a train of though thing to me ... Tracy and the felties discussions made her think of felt which made her thing of the people who stole etsy felt. I think if she really wanted to accuse Tracey she'd have said 'Tracey steals felt images.'
I think we can all agree Tracey is talented and makes her own images.
July 5, 2010 11:09 PM'
right now ths says 661 posts and looking back, there is 24 hours of missing posts from late PM on 4th to late PM on 5th.
I'm thinking it's been deleted, and those who still see it have it in their cache.
I wonder what would happen if those who can see it copied and pasted it all back into the comments?
I would copy and paste, but I'd hate to be accused of spoon feeding you. My advice is to wait until tomorrow and see if the comments don't magically re appear.
They won't. They're gone. I don't need to read them again, but I think it's fascinating that they are gone.
On a totally different topic - the digi world needs to know that this woman is the Kate who once owned Digital Candy and abandoned it amid rampant accusations associating her with Amanda Dykan, as well as her unauthorized use of CU items from designers in her store.
I am sickened to see her getting more and more involved in the digital community (under a different username of course).
For details you can read this old thread at DST:
New Topic:
OMG, YUCK!!!!!
Chill Out. They are all right there - and they aren't worth the hassle of anybody deleting because they really don't say anything concrete. Everything from July 5 is still there.
Stop seeing conspiracies everywhere. You all know that Blogger has been dong stupid stuff for months. Maybe Blogger just swallowed the posts. Nobody deleted anything.
So chickies you think you can be anonymous and say anything you want but big brother is still watching what is going on. Now that should make you feel good all over!
July 6, 2010 5:54 PM
We are still anonymous.
On a totally different topic - the digi world needs to know that this woman is the Kate who once owned Digital Candy and abandoned it amid rampant accusations associating her with Amanda Dykan, as well as her unauthorized use of CU items from designers in her store.
I am sickened to see her getting more and more involved in the digital community (under a different username of course).
If you are so sure, are you doing something or just posting here?
What would you have me do?
And yes I am sure.
Check the main blog page. It says 706 comments for this thread. If you click on the "New Space" title it reverts to only 673. The last entry for July 4 is 9:59PM. The ONLY post for Jul 5 is 11:09PM.
Check the main blog page. It says 706 comments for this thread. If you click on the "New Space" title it reverts to only 673. The last entry for July 4 is 9:59PM. The ONLY post for Jul 5 is 11:09PM.
Yep same here. Like I said, people who still have them have them in their cache. Too bad they think we are all conspiracy theorists and they won't copy and paste them for us, because they won't be in their cache tomorrow.
use this link, you'll see all the posts. THEY ARE NOT GONE!!!!
And I'm not caching!!!
Oh yes they are! Your link still says 676 and your post was the last one there.
That is so weird. I have 720. And it's not cached. I cleared my cache and cookies to be sure. The front page says 710 comments. I click on that and then click "Newer" until I get to the end.
I'm showing 721 comments, no cache. Honestly it looks like a blogger screw up more than censorship. I highly doubt blogger would delete comments over fears of being sued. Blogger is Google after all, and no digi shoppes are in any shape to be trying to sue Google. And over what? Google did not issue any libelous claims, there is no case there.
^I agree.
I'm seeing 722.
You morons can keep say it's stored in my cache. But I don't have my browser set to cache pages. It isn't needed with high speed dsl.
Well, I'm not a moron and I only see 680, and didn't come here for the whole holiday weekend, so missed everything posted on the 5th.
I have never liked SPD. It always gave me a bad feeling. I hope everything turns out for the best.
^^^ It wasn't worth anything. Some designer claimed she wasn't being paid because her store own said the money was stolen. She wanted to know what she should do. BUT she never said which store. Some people speculated about it being SPD but nothing concrete was ever posted.
I wonder why blogger is eating posts for some people and not others? I have all of them though.
Definitely odd because if I click on the "New Space" heading and then click on "newest" link to the right I can see 712 comments BUT there is still only ONE post for Jul 5 showing. If I go in the other way I can only see 638 comments and still only ONE post for Jul 5. The post count on this particular blog has been skewy for at least 3 months now. I haven't found it happening on any other blog though.
If I click Newer all I get is 687 comments, if I click newest, I get the same count. Checking the main page and I get 713 posts. Blogger just doing bloggy things again.
What would you have me do?
And yes I am sure.
July 6, 2010 9:07 PM
Go to the owner of Gotta Pixel for a start.
Interesting. If you look at the main page and click this topic post and read the comments from there, they are all there. If you just click on the comments, the July 5th posts disappear.
Interesting. If you look at the main page and click this topic post and read the comments from there, they are all there. If you just click on the comments, the July 5th posts disappear.
Both ways are not working for me (as in, they both show missing posts), and I'm not a moron either. Not really sure what the point of name calling is.
This is so weird! I used this link that was posted earlier:
And I saw a few posts that I thought was lost. Just a few though. There's quite a bit more still missing. I know for sure because I made one of those missing comments on July 5.
By the way, I always click on the title (New Space) to read the comments. It didn't help. Comments are still missing for me. I now believe it's just a blogger glitch though.
Speaking of Amanda Dykan/LAT. Check this out http://mulberrylanestudio.com/?load=flash
You morons can keep say it's stored in my cache.
She wasn't calling every one who can't see the comments a moron. It was only the morons who kept insisting that the comments were only showing up because of the cache. READ the commment.
And I'm seeing 732 comments. No caching here either.
Speaking of Amanda Dykan/LAT. Check this out http://mulberrylanestudio.com/?load=flash
July 7, 2010 1:56 AM
AND? Is she not supposed to work at all? Photography isn't digital scrapbooking. I understand that what she did was terrible but most people outside of digi don't give a rat's ass about the digi drama.
Both ways are not working for me (as in, they both show missing posts), and I'm not a moron either. Not really sure what the point of name calling is.
July 7, 2010 1:33 AM
I never called you a name, not sure why you brought it up.
Speaking of Amanda Dykan/LAT. Check this out http://mulberrylanestudio.com/?load=flash
July 7, 2010 1:56 AM
Old news!
AND? Is she not supposed to work at all? Photography isn't digital scrapbooking. I understand that what she did was terrible but most people outside of digi don't give a rat's ass about the digi drama.
July 7, 2010 2:42 AM
Yeah, because being a thief and a liar are so insular. What a fruit!
Yeah, because being a thief and a liar are so insular. What a fruit!
July 7, 2010 4:06 AM
So, you would prefer to pay her welfare check?
Apparently she's moved on. Stella STalker needs to do the same.
Yeah, because being a thief and a liar are so insular. What a fruit!
So you just want to crucify her forever? Don't hold on to things, it'll make you bitter. Just let it go, hopefully she's learned from her lesson and won't do it again.
Learned her lesson?? Are you serious?? How many "lessons" does she need to learn? She's had more chances than anyone and blown them all. She's a repeat offender with no sense of quilt or shame. She's defnitely a leopard.
As long as she's no longer in an area where you or I have some interest, she's no longer someone we need to be concerned about or discuss any longer.
Bring her back when there's actually something to talk about.
More intellectual property violations:
When selling IN the US, learn the laws concerning infringement first.
She used the words "Twilight" and a few names from the movie?
I would buy that kit because those are my children's names. It's weird though. My kids are 10 & 12. Twilight stole my intellectual property.
Haven't you ever heard of "insired by"? Nothing's being copied there except a few names. Twilight is ONLY a word!
You cannot use the name, nor the character's names, NOR the graphics in any way to promote the kit. Learn your shit first before you open your piehole. Now I see why he problem is so rampant in the digi world.
My posts were definitely deleted.
I wrote something about the Felt elements/ etsy issue. I said the only designer I know who took etsy stuff was Therese K. She actually bought some felt elements on Etsy, then photographed them and extracted her own photos. She did not right-clicked the photos from the web. but anyway, the copyright remained with the crafted because Theres K got kicked out of her shops for doing that.
And now, she is selling again like nothing ever happened.
You cannot use the name, nor the character's names, NOR the graphics in any way to promote the kit. Learn your shit first before you open your piehole. Now I see why he problem is so rampant in the digi world.
July 7, 2010 1:21 PM
Then why don't you report it to the TWILIGHT police. I personally don't see what the issue is and they probably won't care either. The images were used in a layout. She's not selling those.
Here's your post. It's still there just like all 746 comments that are showing up on my non-cached computer.
But there are designers that make them themselves, like Pamela Donnis and another gal at the Lilypad (I miss here name right now).
July 5, 2010 3:47 AM
The only one I know who extracted images from etsy was Theres K and she got kicked out of her stores for doing that. She actually bought the items on etsy and once she got them, took pictures and extracted her own photos. But I guess the copyright remainded the property of the crafters. Anyway, she is back selling like nothing ever happened...
July 5, 2010 3:32 PM
New Topic (please!)
On blog freebies, do designers usually throw up some shit and call it a freebie? Or are they overflows from a kit they're working on? Or are they CU stuff they got for free? Are they supposed to be indicative of the designer's quality?
How come they are always crap? (yeah, I know they are for free) I've been going through my hard drive deleting files -- pixels, stray pixels, pixellated at 100%, blurriness -- the previews are gorgeous, but it is all junk at 100%
I guess my thought it, why bother? Do you get money for how many hits your blogs gets?
Puleeze, Royanna, when you lie so much no one believes ANYTHING you say. I don't buy any of this facebook crap of yours because you've lied about so many other things...Store up this week? yeah, I didn't think so...
15 THINGS…. (from Royanna...)
Here are 15 interesting things about me…
1. am a French Trained Chef - and could spend every minute in the kitchen - and can throw a dinner party a moments notice.
3. I was a field Hockey Forward and played against 1984 Olympic Team and won! All State CIF Champs Garden Grove High School 1984 season!!!
4. I have a collection of shot glasses from all over the world - but my favorites are the Hard Rock ones!!!
5. I have 60 bottles of vintage Italian Wines I won’t open - a gift from a wine importer!
6. I have met and cooked with Emeril and Wolfgang Puck! They, along with the “Barefoot Contessa” are my inspiration
7. I hate to wear shoes - but I own over 200 pairs
10. I took up golf to impress my Father In Law - and own pink golf shoes, bag and balls to showcase my spunky spirit on the course!
11. I love to read about history - but love the quirky facts best
12. My brain works on overload - so its always thinking creative thoughts - and have been scrapbooking since I was 10
I call Bullsh**. (and yes, I am clutching my pearls as I type the ** instead of it...)
Those are interesting facts for someone who is always broke and was living in her car!
by the way...the July 5th emails are BACK!!!
You must be Royanna's friend to read her facebook posts. Nice friend to come here and bash her. Why do you read her facebook posts if you don't like her??
I hate to wear shoes - but I own over 200 pairs
LOL they must take up all the trunk room when she's living out of her car.
New Topic:
OMG, YUCK!!!!!
Now I know why her nickname is Barf.
And, "I'd love for you to like me." I wish Facebook had a "dislike" button.
I know it's "each to their own" when it comes to taste BUT surely Barf doesn't really think those things are nice. If that is an add-on I'm too scared to look at the full kit LOL
I keep an eye on Royanna like other people keep an eye on Amanda Dykan--to watch out for the next scam and to make people aware of what she's up to. If you don't trust someone, you'd be a fool to ignore them. I do not want to fall victim to her again. (yes, I am a disgruntled former designer who lost money to her and her shoddy business practices.)
You must be Royanna's friend to read her facebook posts. Nice friend to come here and bash her. Why do you read her facebook posts if you don't like her??
July 7, 2010 3:56 PM
duuuuh for the entertainment value of coming here and picking it apart and having bitches like you pick us apart for doing it.
Now I know why her nickname is Barf.
And, "I'd love for you to like me." I wish Facebook had a "dislike" button.
July 7, 2010 6:59 PM
oh my barf that is hideous crap!
On blog freebies, do designers usually throw up some shit and call it a freebie? Or are they overflows from a kit they're working on? Or are they CU stuff they got for free? Are they supposed to be indicative of the designer's quality?
How come they are always crap? (yeah, I know they are for free) I've been going through my hard drive deleting files -- pixels, stray pixels, pixellated at 100%, blurriness -- the previews are gorgeous, but it is all junk at 100%
I guess my thought it, why bother? Do you get money for how many hits your blogs gets?
If the blog freebies of any designer are continuously crap, I would never buy from them. Some make good freebies and I will go and buy something. freebies should be a sample of their work, not just some junk they decided to give away.
If you don't trust someone, you'd be a fool to ignore them. I do not want to fall victim to her again.
This makes no sense. If you ignore and avoid her you can't be victimized by her. I can't be victimized by her because I don't shop in her stores or go near her on FB. Granted other's can be, but they aren't going to listen to me anyway. Some people have to learn on their own and develop some street smarts.
Your need to follow her every move is only out of spite. You are still acting like a victim. She holds a piece of you because you are still giving it to her by stalking her.
So you just want to crucify her forever? Don't hold on to things, it'll make you bitter. Just let it go, hopefully she's learned from her lesson and won't do it again.
July 7, 2010 8:44 AM
Who is crucifying her? What a drama queen you are. She is repeat offender. She has learnt absolutely nothing from being caught out.
As long as she's no longer in an area where you or I have some interest, she's no longer someone we need to be concerned about or discuss any longer.
Bring her back when there's actually something to talk about.
July 7, 2010 10:22 AM
Scrapping, photos - uuh, these two things go together. How long is it going to be before she starts offering scrap for hire as a natural extension of her photography business? Not too long I should say.
Scrapping, photos - uuh, these two things go together. How long is it going to be before she starts offering scrap for hire as a natural extension of her photography business? Not too long I should say.
July 8, 2010 12:17 AM
We can't do anything about what could possibly happen, so why worry about it? She hasn't crossed a line yet.
You are welcome to stalk her and monitor the situation. I guess some people will always be hall monitors. But don't count people going along with your crazy theories on what could happen. It's not like someone can tell her to stop being a photographer because she's violating Digi Laws.
I'm sorry I forgot my hall pass. Do I have to do detention?
I was just pointing out that scrapping and photograph do go together. duh.
photographer because she's violating Digi Laws.
I wasn't aware the copyright theft was exclusive to digi. My, my, I learnt something new today.
Funny how Amanda Dykan being a photographer who may or may not extend her business into scrap for hire and try to get back into the community disturbs you BUT the previous owner of Digital Candy, who was associate with Amanda Dykan and proven to have stolen CU from her designers, and is ALREADY active again in this community doesn't seem to bother any of you.
Says who? I did ask the OP who brought up Kate what she was doing about it and didn't get an answer.
I think Amanda or her bestie Paula P. are on here. No one in their right mind would defend that freak.
Not defending her. Just saying she's gone from our community so why keep bringing her up when she isn't currently doing anything wrong? She may be lurking but there's no proof. She may be thinking about going into s4h but until she does, why even bring it up?
And I know a number of photographers that detest scrapbooking and wouldn't have the time to extend that into their business. So just because she is into photography now doesn't mean that she's all gungho to get back into scrapping. She's probably sick of being smacked and prefers to stay away.
BUT the previous owner of Digital Candy, who was associate with Amanda Dykan and proven to have stolen CU from her designers, and is ALREADY active again in this community doesn't seem to bother any of you.
July 8, 2010 3:54 AM
If it bothers you, then do something. Contact the designers she CTs for. They probably have NO idea.
What do you expect us to do? There's really nothing left to smack about on that issue.
I think it's so fucking funny how this 'community' went so ballistic for what she did, I mean, talk about drama queens. You'd think she robbed a bank and then killed everyone inside. No defense to her, it was wrong but the drama over it was just waaaaaay beyond too much. That's mostly what I come in here for...not to see who's doing what but to watch the reactions to it. Kind of like now. She's been shunned out of the scrapping industry and has her own photography business but that's apparently not enough and y'all are STILL pooping cows about what she did. Pretty funny stuff!
You must be Royanna's friend to read her facebook posts. Nice friend to come here and bash her. Why do you read her facebook posts if you don't like her??
July 7, 2010 3:56 PM
duuuuh for the entertainment value of coming here and picking it apart and having bitches like you pick us apart for doing it.
I do not consider myself a bitch and I wasn't picking you apart. I was genuinely curious why you take time out of your day to read facebook posts of someone you don't like. If that entertains you then that is fine. But please don't call me a bitch for asking a question.
I'm the OP about Kate, and I'll be honest, I'm not brave enough to go contacting the designers she CTs for. I posted here because I don't want to be the only one who knows it's her, but I also don't want to publicly call her out and draw that kind of attention to myself.
I do not consider myself a bitch and I wasn't picking you apart. I was genuinely curious why you take time out of your day to read facebook posts of someone you don't like. If that entertains you then that is fine. But please don't call me a bitch for asking a question.
Those who talk about others behind their back and can't say the same to their face are the bitches. They slam who they can when they feel like for no other purpose then the fact that they can and because they don't have to say who they are, they feel the power that allows them to say whatever the hell they want but of course we all know that they are yellow bellied cowards who wouldn't approach the person they are talking about and tell them to their face what they say here. Soooooo the best thing to do is don't get your panties in a wad and know that anything said on the blog doesn't make it so, doesn't make it fact, doesn't make it anything but the smak that it is and it's totally a farce but sometimes fun to read.
Not sure if the yellow bellied coward comment was directed at me, because I just said I'm not brave enough to out Kate personally. I have told her myself what I think of her - she just ignores it. I still don't feel brave enough to draw all sorts of attention to my name in forums and stuff by starting threads. Maybe that makes me a bitch. I don't think I really slammed her though, just pointed out that she is coming back under a new username.
Not sure if the yellow bellied coward comment was directed at me, because I just said I'm not brave enough to out Kate personally. I have told her myself what I think of her - she just ignores it. I still don't feel brave enough to draw all sorts of attention to my name in forums and stuff by starting threads. Maybe that makes me a bitch. I don't think I really slammed her though, just pointed out that she is coming back under a new username.
not directed at you personally. those know who they are but they could care less. I understand where you are coming from and actually if this person is a pirate she will eventually be outed. Why people think that they won't get caught a second time is beyond me but a tiger usually doesn't change her stripes. Ya know??
Can I change the topic?
About this piracy thread in DST:
Have anything been done about it? Any updates?
Can I change the topic?
About this piracy thread in DST:
Have anything been done about it? Any updates?
I know a couple of designers have contacted the site and asked them to remove the links to their kits. Not sure if they've had success or not.
There's an asshat named rumbuk who puts the kits up as soon as you have them pulled.
I think it's so fucking funny how this 'community' went so ballistic for what she did, I mean, talk about drama queens. You'd think she robbed a bank and then killed everyone inside. No defense to her, it was wrong but the drama over it was just waaaaaay beyond too much. That's mostly what I come in here for...not to see who's doing what but to watch the reactions to it. Kind of like now. She's been shunned out of the scrapping industry and has her own photography business but that's apparently not enough and y'all are STILL pooping cows about what she did. Pretty funny stuff!
July 8, 2010 12:26 PM
You must not have been directly affected by something she did. I was and I'm still bitter about it.
The only reason I posted her website and FB here was someone else had mentioned her and I got curious to see what she was into now. End of story.
what do they do? just take some shit and throw it down blindfolded?
A question:
What do you do if you happen to find a new template in a store by a designer you don't know so eerily similar to a layout you made just a few weeks ago? The similarities include degree of tilt of the whole cluster and placement of photo, paper blocks, paper strips, ricracs, and flowers.
Lauren Reid just popped up as a designer at Digital Scrapbook Place.
"I think it's so fucking funny how this 'community' went so ballistic for what she did, I mean, talk about drama queens. You'd think she robbed a bank and then killed everyone inside."
No, what she did do is accuse people in the digi "community" of driving by her house and putting a bullet in her front door. Then, she claimed the local police department had the IP addresses of all posters here and there would be charges filed. Ha. Still waiting for that to make the front page news. She lied and made up the entire sick thing to try and gain sympathy for herself. Then, later, she invented a make believe person and sold designs under that assumed identity - complete with pictures and a bio.
So, I don't know where you were at the time, but the title of drama queen is all hers. She earned it and wore it with venom every moment she put her fingers to the keyboard.
LOL! I guess she found the one single solitary site that she hasn't sold at yet...
Lauren Reid just popped up as a designer at Digital Scrapbook Place.
July 8, 2010 10:07 PM
You beat me to it, just saw it too.
There's an asshat named rumbuk who puts the kits up as soon as you have them pulled.
July 8, 2010 5:15 PM
Rumbuk is not the only one. There are a few others as well.
I still don't feel brave enough to draw all sorts of attention to my name in forums and stuff by starting threads. Maybe that makes me a bitch. I don't think I really slammed her though, just pointed out that she is coming back under a new username.
It doesn't make you a bitch, but it does make you a coward. If you aren't going to do anything, then don't bring it up. Sitting back and watching someone do wrong makes you complicit. Spin it however you want, but you are just as guilty because you won't take action.
She's been shunned out of the scrapping industry and has her own photography business but that's apparently not enough and y'all are STILL pooping cows about what she did. Pretty funny stuff!
July 8, 2010 12:26 PM
The same could be said of a lot of the names that come up here. Some of those names even made right on their wrongs and still they get dragged through the mud.
I think the reason that Amanda keeps coming up is because she just kept doing it over and over and over.
Lauren Reid just popped up as a designer at Digital Scrapbook Place.
July 8, 2010 10:07 PM
So there is a store out there she hasn't been too yet.
what do they do? just take some shit and throw it down blindfolded?
July 8, 2010 6:11 PM
I've seen much worse, why pick on this one?
two of the designers kate CTs for were designers at Digital Candy when she and her husband owned the site. must have been two of the designers that actually got paid. hm.
Lauren Reid just popped up as a designer at Digital Scrapbook Place.
July 8, 2010 10:07 PM
That place has nothing but garbage. Overpriced garbage at that. How could that possibly be a good career move?
A question:
What do you do if you happen to find a new template in a store by a designer you don't know so eerily similar to a layout you made just a few weeks ago? The similarities include degree of tilt of the whole cluster and placement of photo, paper blocks, paper strips, ricracs, and flowers.
July 8, 2010 8:57 PM
I've seen my template and layouts recreated so many times, it just doesn't matter anymore. I even saw one of my templates as a free template at SSD (with very few changes), but since it was created from someone's layout, I figured the someone really needed the attention much more than I do.
At the end of the day, it's a 12x12 square and at some point, everything all starts to look the same. I'm sure if you look around some, you'll see your layouts look like layouts made last year by someone you've never seen before either.
You can always contact the designer if you feel that strongly.
I don't buy from Scrapartist anymore. Do you?
Shabby Pickles has 3 new designers.
Shabby Pickles has 3 new designers.
Well, just hurrah for them. I'll only say that once, though.
Does anyone knows where Lauren Reid is going to sell??
Does anyone knows where Lauren Reid is going to sell??
Wow, is reading like 10 posts above really that hard to do?
I know there's no such thing as a stupid question but sometimes there really is. And yes I'm PMSing.
Does anyone knows where Lauren Reid is going to sell??
Wow, is reading like 10 posts above really that hard to do?
I know there's no such thing as a stupid question but sometimes there really is. And yes I'm PMSing.
Really sorry about that:)
Must be the heat;)
I must say I´m dissapointed to see her move to Digital Scrapbook Place.
I was guessing Cat Scrap or The Lilypad!
Yeah, sorry for being a bit of a bitch. The heat must be getting to me too!
Damn. I see Divine is back up and running. I think we should have two betting pools: (1) how long before Royanna does a "buy my store" promotion (with or without a sob story attached), and (2) how long it takes before everything crashes again and the site is non-functional.
My guesses? Not long on either one.
Damn, Lauren went to DSP? shit. I actually like her stuff but no way in hell I'm buying shit that's already shadowed. So limiting. Sigh. How is DSP an improvement over the sales you might get at the sweet shoppe?
Anonymous said...
A question:
What do you do if you happen to find a new template in a store by a designer you don't know so eerily similar to a layout you made just a few weeks ago? The similarities include degree of tilt of the whole cluster and placement of photo, paper blocks, paper strips, ricracs, and flowers.
July 8, 2010 8:57 PM
I've seen my template and layouts recreated so many times, it just doesn't matter anymore. I even saw one of my templates as a free template at SSD (with very few changes), but since it was created from someone's layout, I figured the someone really needed the attention much more than I do.
At the end of the day, it's a 12x12 square and at some point, everything all starts to look the same. I'm sure if you look around some, you'll see your layouts look like layouts made last year by someone you've never seen before either.
You can always contact the designer if you feel that strongly.
Just in case you didn't know, you can't copyright the placement of elements. Legally (not saying it's ethical though) I can make templates from anyones layout design and there's nothing illegal about it. I can out and out copy someones templates and sell them as my own and it's not illegal. I won't do that myself but there are those who will and do so knowing it's not illegal and there's nothing you can do about it.
That place has nothing but garbage. Overpriced garbage at that. How could that possibly be a good career move?
July 9, 2010 9:36 AM
Why is it garbage? The designers there actually design instead of compiling scrappy scanned elements. They have more talent in one pinky than the vast majority of designers 'designing' now.
MOST of Divine Digital is back up. The store will be back up AROUND July 15th..Yeah. Heard that before. I imagine one of the "gifts" we get with the grand reopening is another buy my store from Royanna.
And about that list that someone posted..I took a French cooking class at community ed at the local high school. I'm a French trained chef too. LMAO..
That place has nothing but garbage. Overpriced garbage at that. How could that possibly be a good career move?
July 9, 2010 9:36 AM
Why is it garbage? The designers there actually design instead of compiling scrappy scanned elements. They have more talent in one pinky than the vast majority of designers 'designing' now.
And here we go again....does this argument ever get old?!!!
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