Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Space

New Space for you.


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Anonymous said...

It's just more junk to delete. Drives me nuts. I wish designers would just include the files, ONE preview (OK if there are seperate paper and kit preview) and a text file of their TOUs and a coupon is fine too. All the other links to their stores, extra previews, thank-yous, pictures of themself, tous in 4 different formats, logos, link totheir blog, newsletter, facebook, blah, blah, blah is just more junk I have to delete. It seriously turns me off. In a freebie, have at it stuff it with whatever, but if I paid for it, I'd rather not have all the extra advertising.

Anonymous said...

I'm so over the argument about having extra things in kits. New customers find some of those things helpful. They are very easily deleted by customers who don't want them and they take up very very little space anyway. I no longer worry about losing customers over this type of thing. I've been putting all of my previews and extras like store, Facebook and blog links in my kits in their own separate file for years now and I've never had a single customer ask me to stop doing it or even mention that it bothers them. It takes less than 5 seconds to delete that entire folder. It's seriously a non-issue.

Anonymous said...

I have heard some stores REQUIRE designers to have all that extra stuff. Whether it's true or not, I have no idea.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree! I like when a designer creates a personal TOU using one of her own kits! I also like the little Thank You's that some of them have in the kits too! Especially when she changes them every month!


Goddamn you're demanding. Maybe you would like a designer to scrap a personal page for you and include it in every new release, too? I guarantee you that designers who release regularly don't have time to do this. The only designer I can think of who does this is Shabby Princess, and she has plenty of time as she only releases a kit about 2x a year anymore.

December 6, 2011 2:22 PM

I didn't say that I was demanding this!!!!!!!!! I said that I like it when a designer does this!!!!!! I know at least a dozen or more who do this!!!!!!!! And, these designers are very consistent with their releases!!!!!! I tried to say something nice about designers who take the time to include this stuff in her kits and I get shit on for being demanding!!!!!!! But it seems like all you want to do is bash and shit on people!!!!

Anyone else reading my original post.... Does it seem like I'm saying that I want all designers to do this? NO!!!!! I just said that I like it when they do.

Anonymous said...

She simply calls it a blank journal which measures at 1062 x 708 which is 3.54 x 2.36.

It was just a statement wondering if she had meant the "tag" to be so small.

While it's not a huge tag, I wouldn't call it 'so small' either, unless you are talking cms, rather than inches, but I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

I didn't post that in defense of myself, I posted it sorta as a voice for all designers b/c I know that's how lots of designers end up feeling and there comes a point where you just say WTF I will make it the way I like it, and if it sells, it sells. if it doesn't, it doesn't. but no more designing to make other designers happy.

Fair call. Thanks for explaining.

Anonymous said...

I didn't say that I was demanding this!!!!!!!!! I said that I like it when a designer does this!!!!!! I know at least a dozen or more who do this!!!!!!!! And, these designers are very consistent with their releases!!!!!! I tried to say something nice about designers who take the time to include this stuff in her kits and I get shit on for being demanding!!!!!!! But it seems like all you want to do is bash and shit on people!!!!

Anyone else reading my original post.... Does it seem like I'm saying that I want all designers to do this? NO!!!!! I just said that I like it when they do.


You're seriously asking for validation from a bunch of other anon posters on a smack blog? If you're truly concerned about how you're being portrayed here, you have some REAL ISSUES that you should deal with. Nobody here knows you, or cares. Don't take things personally. It makes no sense to do so.

Anonymous said...

I just had to respond to this whole KCB tag issue. Grow up people!!! Get a life!!!! Do some work, or housework, or feed and bathe your children!!! Get off the computer and realize that there is a huge beautiful world just outside your window. Take a walk and get some fresh air. Go swimming or play some sports. Do something active so you get some exercise. I can only imagine how big your butts are getting if all you have time to do is sit at your computer each day for hours fighting over a damn tag!!!

I'm so sorry I took a whole FIVE MINUTES out my day to write about the tag, yes, FIVE MINUTES, not hours. I'm so sorry it would have taken you hours.

I'm so tired of you and people like you coming here and telling us to get out, when, for all you know, we could be gym instructors and have dared to take a few minutes out of our day to do something else. Why don't you grow up and get a life and realize that taking five or ten minutes out of our day is not missing out on life. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree! I like when a designer creates a personal TOU using one of her own kits! I also like the little Thank You's that some of them have in the kits too! Especially when she changes them every month!

Sarcastic much? If so, that was totlaly unwarranted. There's nothing wrong with using a PDF or TXT document, instead of a word document. I mean, who uses Word these days?

Anonymous said...

Anyone else reading my original post.... Does it seem like I'm saying that I want all designers to do this? NO!!!!! I just said that I like it when they do.

I read it as you being incredibly sarcastic. My bad if you weren't.

Anonymous said...

All the other links to their stores, extra previews, thank-yous, pictures of themself,

The only designer I have heard of who includes pictures of themselves is Royanna. Please do share if there are others.

Anonymous said...

If there was one designer in all of digi that you would want to close up shop and just leave digi world... Who would that be and why?

Anonymous said...

What kind of question is this?

Are we at a slumber party?

Anonymous said...

I don't know why most sites do challenges. It's usually the same 10 or so people who do them every month. I'd rather spend all that time on more effective forms of marketing than give all my product to useless store CTs and customers who rarely, if ever, buy anything anyway.

Please note I said MOST, not all stores. There are some that do them well. If a store is discontinuing them, I'd say it's time you complaining freeloaders bought a few things from the store instead of wanting more and more for next to nothing.

December 6, 2011 11:50 AM

I didn't see me or anyone else asking for freebies. And what is wrong with repeat customers posting for challenges. A good store challenge system is one that is set up to encourage customers to buy more. For example - TLP - do so many challenges and get coupons for a percentage off... the percentage isn't even as much as many of their addition, if you do the final challenge with their build your own collab you get a chance to win a guest design spot for one month. they have lots participating and are guaranteed sales of the collab things for those that want a "chance only" at a free kit. And if you look at their forums, they have a ton of participants...and not only during call months either.

I agree with the other poster, A5D will not survive if they alienate their customer base who is asking for challenges and ways to be active with the site.

Anonymous said...

Oh please. The customers who participate in challenges are a very very tiny percentage of the actual customer base in a store. And a large percent of those are just scrapping with freebies and items they got from other designer's CT. They aren't paying customers. The largest part of a store's paying customer base, never even posts a store forum, much less takes part in challenges. You are very naive in believing that shutting down challenges will shut down the store.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else find it frustrating when they see a kit they really like, but don't like the colors? I know that sounds strange, but there are kits out there where I like the elements, the papers, the idea, but the colors just don't appeal.

Before anyone jumps on me, I'm not asking designers to make one kit in a ton of different colors, I'm merely asking if anyone else finds a designer's color choice frustrating sometimes.

Anonymous said...

You are very naive in believing that shutting down challenges will shut down the store.

Not the OP, but it would depend entirely on how many people participate in the challenges. If a lot of the store's activity in the forums and the store comes from challenges and they are subsequently removed, then in all likelihood, the store could close.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever been to A5D's forums? There is no activity there. It has been dead for a long long time in those forums. My guess is that is why they are shutting down the challenges.

Anonymous said...


Nope, never really been there.

Anonymous said...

Didn't a whole bunch of 9th & Gloom designers just go to A5? If they shut down, where would those poor talentless snots go to?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think only two designers from 9th & Gloom went to A5D. Hardly a whole bunch.

Anonymous said...

Scrap Matters? *snort*

Anonymous said...

Poor talentless snots? Do tell. I smell a story here.

Anonymous said...

SM did add a new designer - Kat something or other.

Anonymous said...

That little Kat has a whole lot of talent! I really like her stuff.

On the A5D, I'm not sure what is going on there, and I like the new designers, but the whole place is lethargic. This is exactly how Scrap Artist was at the end, right before they closed the forums.

I have been on the A5D mailing list for over 3 years and the words in the newsletter have not changed once in all that time. At the very least. the person who sends out that newsletter should be changed to someone who gives a damn.

Anonymous said...

That little Kat has a whole lot of talent! I really like her stuff.
December 7, 2011 1:42 AM

I don't normally call the "it's the designer pimping themselves" card, but I looked in her store. A boring template pack, a solid paper pack, a small element pack, and a small kit. Nothing offensive, but nothing I'd call "a whole lot of talent" either.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly, and I know she reads here.

Kat said...

I do want to say thank you to whoever did post that sweet comment. Very nice of you. :)

Yes, I read here occasionally, but I don't post here (except today to say thanks). I'm a brand new designer so I enjoy the feedback either way it goes. I'm still learning. :)

Anonymous said...

Of course you never post here.

I need to clean the coffee off my monitor now.

Anonymous said...

That's one of the most pathetic things I've seen here in awhile.

As someone who reads here "occasionally," you should know that obvious (and I mean OBVIOUS) and shameless self-promotion wont win you any new fans.

Anonymous said...

So is SM no longer exclusive? Kat is at PDP too.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO You JUST happen to read her on one of your 'occasional' visits immediately after a comment is posted about you? Give us a break.

Anonymous said...

When will designers learn that it is never, never, never a good idea to sign-in when you post here? I can't think of one instance in which that ended well for a designer. So silly.

Anonymous said...

This Kat person posts alot at SM about wanting to be a designer..and suddenly she R1. she has posted threads in the DCR wanting tutorials on how to make elements cuz she doesn't want to continue to use all CU. She is very self serving....but then, wait....she rarely posts here. ok. got it.

i count three 'new' designers at SM. they each have between 2-4 products and i have never head of any of the three. I'm sure that Kat here believes that her and her fellow newbie designers are going to rebuild SM to its former glory.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

she has posted threads in the DCR wanting tutorials on how to make elements cuz she doesn't want to continue to use all CU.
What is wrong with that now? We have seen "complaints" of posters about designers using too much CU and now one designer trying to avoid that and it is brought up in here? Obviously, no designer will ever be able to satisfy everyone!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That little Kat has a whole lot of talent! I really like her stuff.

On the A5D, I'm not sure what is going on there, and I like the new designers, but the whole place is lethargic. This is exactly how Scrap Artist was at the end, right before they closed the forums.

I have been on the A5D mailing list for over 3 years and the words in the newsletter have not changed once in all that time. At the very least. the person who sends out that newsletter should be changed to someone who gives a damn.

December 7, 2011 1:42 AM

So what you are telling us is that you have bad taste in designers and you can't read. First, Kat at SM? Really? Her designs are very beginner and the best thing I can say about them would be they aren't totally ugly. But I wouldn't spend money on them. Second, I've been subbed to A5D's newsletter since they opened. I'll admit that it is a super boring newsletter and I don't like the format at all. But it is a different newsletter every week.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with that now? We have seen "complaints" of posters about designers using too much CU and now one designer trying to avoid that and it is brought up in here? Obviously, no designer will ever be able to satisfy everyone!


And this would clearly be a post from Kat again, who never ever posts here except to say "thank you", and who never ever uses exclamation marks! At the end! Of every sentence! Happy pills much?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I am not Kat, and I don't know her either. I don't visit SM or A5 or most stores mentioned in here because I tend to do my own elements and papers when I scrap.

Anonymous said...

The designers from the latest blog train got an e-mail that our freebies are being pirated. Um, ok.

Personally, I don't care if someone shares my freebie. First of all, it's free. Second, the point of it was to get new people to notice my stuff. Third, I don't need traffic to my site to feel validated.

If I was going to charge for it, then I'd get upset. But, my freebies are and always will be free.

Anonymous said...

That's an idiotic outlook on piracy. While I agree that blog train minis are free, and so you're not losing income, you are losing out on traffic to your site, which is one of the main ways customers find you and your work (and find links to your store). If people can bypass your blog and just DL your freebies without ever knowing they're yours, then you're not being helped by doing the blog train. So while I wouldn't get my panties in a bunch about it or anything, I WOULD care about it if I were in your shoes.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I am not Kat, and I don't know her either. I don't visit SM or A5 or most stores mentioned in here because I tend to do my own elements and papers when I scrap.


(a) if that were true, why would you be hanging around on a blog like this? if you're so self-sufficient, it would be unlikely that you'd be trolling around here looking for industry gossip, etc. most of the folks hanging out here are designers or scrappers who are on CTs. and yes, I said "most" not "all".

(b) I don't believe you anyway. I think very much that you're Kat, because she (you) is probably checking this blog more than anyone else in the world today, now that she (you) knows she is on it. That's how it works, and we all know it. So yes, Kat, I think you posted just now in defense of yourself.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't care if someone shares my freebie. First of all, it's free. Second, the point of it was to get new people to notice my stuff. Third, I don't need traffic to my site to feel validated.


You think the point of blog train is to validate yourself by seeing how much traffic you can get to your site? Riiiight, and here I thought the point was to get traffic to your site in order to generate sales and earn money.

Anonymous said...

You think the piraters went through and erased the logos off all the previews, deleted all the TOUs and changed all the initials on each file? My name is still getting out there.

Anonymous said...

(a) if that were true, why would you be hanging around on a blog like this? if you're so self-sufficient, it would be unlikely that you'd be trolling around here looking for industry gossip, etc. most of the folks hanging out here are designers or scrappers who are on CTs. and yes, I said "most" not "all".

(b) I don't believe you anyway. I think very much that you're Kat, because she (you) is probably checking this blog more than anyone else in the world today, now that she (you) knows she is on it. That's how it works, and we all know it. So yes, Kat, I think you posted just now in defense of yourself.

While you can think what you want, I am not Kat. If she hangs out in here, that is her choice. If I tend to do my own supplies, it does not mean I am self sufficient. I am a designer too, so yes, I am curious about this blog. Why is it that if ANYONE comes in here and says anything that is NOT smacking someone in the face, it is automatically assumed they are self-promoting, or they have a CT promoting them? If the digiworld is not black and white, it is certainly not all black either!

And for Kat, who might be reading, I don't know you and you don't know me. Too bad they think I am you because I know I am not and you sure know too, but they just assume they know better than anyone else.

Anonymous said...

You think the piraters went through and erased the logos off all the previews, deleted all the TOUs and changed all the initials on each file? My name is still getting out there.


It's not hard to take the previews out of the files, and only upload the actual products, you moron. But obviously you are a moron, or you wouldn't be viewing piracy as a benefit to your advertising. Good lord.

Anonymous said...

especially since the pirates apparently merged all of the BTB kits into one big pile and then separated them into 32 separate zips. wouldn't have been much more work at all to just leave out the previews and extra files from the original DLs. which would have made someone (above) on this blog really happy, after yesterday's discussion about hating getting extra files in DLs.

Anonymous said...

With Love Studio are emailing designers to join their team. I guess their designer call was not a success and the funniest things is that if you reply and politely tell them you are not interrested and to remove you from "their list" because I keep getting emails from them, they reply saying you are rude.

Anonymous said...

With Love Studio are emailing designers to join their team. I guess their designer call was not a success and the funniest things is that if you reply and politely tell them you are not interrested and to remove you from "their list" because I keep getting emails from them, they reply saying you are rude.


LMAO! And they wonder why nobody in their right mind would want to work with/for them?! HA! Thank you for the laugh, though, that's priceless.

Anonymous said...

You think the piraters went through and erased the logos off all the previews, deleted all the TOUs and changed all the initials on each file? My name is still getting out there.


It's not hard to take the previews out of the files, and only upload the actual products, you moron. But obviously you are a moron, or you wouldn't be viewing piracy as a benefit to your advertising. Good lord.

Did you completely skip the part about the initials on the files? I see you didn't address that at all. Yes, it's easy to remove the previews and TOUs, but it would be a PITA to remove all the initials on the files. Good lord, before calling someone a moron, make you aren't being one yourself.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You think the piraters went through and erased the logos off all the previews, deleted all the TOUs and changed all the initials on each file? My name is still getting out there.


It's not hard to take the previews out of the files, and only upload the actual products, you moron. But obviously you are a moron, or you wouldn't be viewing piracy as a benefit to your advertising. Good lord.

Did you completely skip the part about the initials on the files? I see you didn't address that at all. Yes, it's easy to remove the previews and TOUs, but it would be a PITA to remove all the initials on the files. Good lord, before calling someone a moron, make you aren't being one yourself.

December 7, 2011 3:58 PM


Ever heard of ReNamer ?

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of work to swipe a freebie, lol. Why bother? I think they were just trying to make it easier for their friends to get the parts instead of having to hit each blog. Has anyone actually seen it? Are they claiming it all as their own? I doubt it.

Anonymous said...


This is part of the message someone left on my blog.

Anonymous said...


Not exactly claiming it as their own. Just sounds like they are trying to make it easier for people to grab. I'm not saying it's okay, but at least it's not products that are for sale.

As an aside, I find it funny that it's only just been discovered that the blog train freebies are being pirated, this has been happening for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Ever heard of ReNamer ?

Yes, but that wasn't really the point.

Anonymous said...

Did you completely skip the part about the initials on the files? I see you didn't address that at all. Yes, it's easy to remove the previews and TOUs, but it would be a PITA to remove all the initials on the files. Good lord, before calling someone a moron, make you aren't being one yourself.

I wasn't the first one calling you a moron, but I definitely DO think you are one if you think that initials at the beginning of your filename is going to work as advertising for you. Exactly how are people going to know what the initials mean? Google them? Lets take Sweet Digi Scraps as ane xample (only because I have a frebie from her on my desktop right now) ... her initials are SDS ... try googling SDS and see if you find her (you won't).

Anonymous said...

Did you completely skip the part about the initials on the files?

Ever heard of ReNamer ?


Yes, but that wasn't really the point.


How the heck wasn't it the point ?

Anonymous said...

I wasn't the first one calling you a moron, but I definitely DO think you are one if you think that initials at the beginning of your filename is going to work as advertising for you.

Hahahahahaha - you are the moron because I'm not the one complaining about the piracy. You should never assume. Moron.

Anonymous said...

How the heck wasn't it the point ?

Sigh. The point was that the OP referred to TOUs, previews and file names and the person who replied to her by calling her moron, conveniently only addressed two of those issues and had the nerve to call her a moron, while ....

Never mind, this is getting too complicated and I simply can't be bothered.

Anonymous said...

You think the piraters went through and erased the logos off all the previews, deleted all the TOUs and changed all the initials on each file? My name is still getting out there.

Yep, they do and no, it's not.

Anonymous said...

Not exactly claiming it as their own. Just sounds like they are trying to make it easier for people to grab. I'm not saying it's okay, but at least it's not products that are for sale.


Not just trying to make it easier for people to grab, because in one post I read in the DCR it said something about there being 32 downloadable files, or one mega file that you could only download if you had a paid account or something like that. So I do think that whoever swiped all of the files and recompiled them IS looking to make some $ off it if they can.

Anonymous said...

No, the paid account would be for MegaUpload (I think that's the file sharing service it was shared through). It would only allow non-paid members to download files a 100mb or smaller (or some specific size) - any file larger than that would require a paid account with the file sharing host to download...not the person who uploaded the file.

Anonymous said...


That would make sense. Most of those free filing sharing services have a size limit for the free part.

Anonymous said...

No, the paid account would be for MegaUpload (I think that's the file sharing service it was shared through). It would only allow non-paid members to download files a 100mb or smaller (or some specific size) - any file larger than that would require a paid account with the file sharing host to download...not the person who uploaded the file.
The crazy part is to think of a 3GB file download. I've never even heard of that.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with that now? We have seen "complaints" of posters about designers using too much CU and now one designer trying to avoid that and it is brought up in here? Obviously, no designer will ever be able to satisfy everyone.


I just wonder how one becomes a 'designer' without first knowing how to create elements or at least slap some styles on templates to create an element? Surely the word 'designer' doesn't apply to those who can only reuse CU?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%. I suspect the name "designer" became synonym of "selling products somewhere". Even at DST, that is one requirement to have the "designer" status under your name and if you don't then, you cannot access the "designer forum". But I agree that many "designers" are really not designing anything.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%. I suspect the name "designer" became synonym of "selling products somewhere". Even at DST, that is one requirement to have the "designer" status under your name and if you don't then, you cannot access the "designer forum". But I agree that many "designers" are really not designing anything.
December 8, 2011 8:19 AM

Unless you hand draw EVERYTHING you make - including ribbons, strings, etc. Then you are using something that someone else made. If you take a photo of a ribbon - someone else made that. If you take a photo of your jeans for a texture - someone else made that.

This entire CU or not CU argument is more old than tired of most of the hags that read this blog.

Stop trying to make yourselves feel better for your poor sales. Most people don't give a shit if you spend all day drawing or all day recoloring. They only care if they can scrap with the final product.

Anonymous said...

That should read:

This entire CU or not CU argument is more old AND tired than most of the hags that read this blog.

Anonymous said...

I do find it laughable how some "designers" are constantly posting at DST ISO such and such CU elements... I mean, they not only cannot create their own, they don't even know where to look to find stuff.

Anonymous said...

I just wonder how one becomes a 'designer' without first knowing how to create elements or at least slap some styles on templates to create an element? Surely the word 'designer' doesn't apply to those who can only reuse CU?

December 8, 2011 8:05 AM


You haven't been around long, have you? This debate is so old.

Trust me. I'm a customer and have no idea if someone is using CU or not. How would I know? I don't shop CU like many of you designers who supposedly aren't using CU. I go for color and certain types of elements in the kit.

When I hired an interior designer, I didn't expect him to make the knick-knacks and design the fabric. I wanted help with color and pulling together things that I didn't ever thing to use to decorate a room. I guess he didn't deserve a designer title either?

Design can also be about pulling things together that coordinate well. That does take some talent. If a designer's sales are suffering it probably isn't because they use too much CU, it's because they don't package it well and choose great color schemes.

Anonymous said...

I do find it laughable how some "designers" are constantly posting at DST ISO such and such CU elements... I mean, they not only cannot create their own, they don't even know where to look to find stuff.

One hilarious one that comes to mind is Sunny Day Scraps (you know, the "designer" who is in about 15 stores) wanted a CU template for a freaking SUN. OMG, it is a circle with some lines.

Anonymous said...

I do not read here everyday, so I must apologize for the untimely insertion here, but it wasn't Kat who posted that about liking Kat and it was not shamelss promotion. I am so sorry!!!!!

I was the one who said I liked Kat - and I do. I like the minimal look and I like her paper textures and colors. While I can appreciate all the SO and Sweet Shoppe people prefer a different look, I don't like either of those places and their designers, including the beloved KCB. But I don't run her down. See how it can work?

Anonymous said...


Kat sometimes it's just better to let things go. If you keep bringing yourself up here, people will just keep talking about you. And not in a good way.

Anonymous said...

I was the one who said I liked Kat - and I do. I like the minimal look and I like her paper textures and colors. While I can appreciate all the SO and Sweet Shoppe people prefer a different look, I don't like either of those places and their designers, including the beloved KCB. But I don't run her down. See how it can work?

December 8, 2011 9:56 AM

There's only one kit in her store where she created the color scheme. I'm all for new designers but I think it would take a lot more than a store colab kit and one Christmas kit before I could determine if I like her colors.

And this has nothing to do with the other designers I buy. That comment was immature because you really don't know what the posters here prefer. I think they were saying that it is hard to know if Kat is good or not yet. She only has a handful of releases. So anyone who says that is either on her CT or Kat herself.

But anyone who reads here regularly knows that SSD is not always a favorite.

All I can say is that if Kat is reading (or posting, LOL), now is the time to get some stuff in the store and prove yourself. You're getting a lot of publicity right now.

Anonymous said...

When I hired an interior designer, I didn't expect him to make the knick-knacks and design the fabric. I wanted help with color and pulling together things that I didn't ever thing to use to decorate a room. I guess he didn't deserve a designer title either?

Design can also be about pulling things together that coordinate well. That does take some talent. If a designer's sales are suffering it probably isn't because they use too much CU, it's because they don't package it well and choose great color schemes.


AMEN! Couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

I do not read here everyday, so I must apologize for the untimely insertion here, but it wasn't Kat who posted that about liking Kat and it was not shamelss promotion. I am so sorry!!!!!

I was the one who said I liked Kat - and I do. I like the minimal look and I like her paper textures and colors. While I can appreciate all the SO and Sweet Shoppe people prefer a different look, I don't like either of those places and their designers, including the beloved KCB. But I don't run her down. See how it can work?


Anyone who has read here at this blog more than once knows that we don't waste our time apologizing to people b/c 1. nobody knows who you are, and 2. you don't care what strangers here think of a comment that's not even attached to a name. The only reason someone would have posted this comment is if they were Kat, trying to pretend they weren't Kat, and salvage the dumb move Kat made yesterday. Kat, we're onto you. Go away. It's your only good move at this point. There isn't a soul on this earth who would have cared about your reputation enough to come here and post that drivel today. p.s. don't come back tomorrow trying to salvage this even-dumber move, mmmkay?

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that if Kat is reading (or posting, LOL), now is the time to get some stuff in the store and prove yourself. You're getting a lot of publicity right now.


No shit. Great point.

Anonymous said...

"Every Gift is guilty only for one Day".


Anonymous said...

Anyone else get Scrappin with Liz's newsletter? Did you notice the coupon code?

I won't write the whole code but she wanted to give the newsletter subscribers and extra percent off and the code was [b]newsex[/b] with a prefix and numbers after it. I was ROFL. I think it's a good reminder to really look at your codes. And when combining news and extra it's best to use newsextra at the very least or maybe something else!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that if Kat is reading (or posting, LOL), now is the time to get some stuff in the store and prove yourself. You're getting a lot of publicity right now.

She is? I didn't even bother checking out her store.

Anonymous said...

^I bet a lot of people did because they had no idea who we were talking about.

That and the world doesn't revolve around what you do.

Anonymous said...

Has 'hummie' ever stopped to think that maybe the reason she is not getting designer apps is because no one knows her. Maybe if she would actually give her name she'd get some applicants. jeez

Anonymous said...

That and the world doesn't revolve around what you do.

I never said it did. I just pointed out that I didn't go and I'm sure others didn't either.

Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

I bet a lot of people did because they had no idea who we were talking about.

I had no idea either, I just didn't care to go and look after a poster said what was in her store.

Anonymous said...

Has 'hummie' ever stopped to think that maybe the reason she is not getting designer apps is because no one knows her. Maybe if she would actually give her name she'd get some applicants. jeez


Or maybe it's because it'll be a new store with no guarantee of traffic and she wants to charge a $5 server fee.

Anonymous said...

Has 'hummie' ever stopped to think that maybe the reason she is not getting designer apps is because no one knows her. Maybe if she would actually give her name she'd get some applicants. jeez
And her initial call was lower commission and sh didn't cover paypal fees.

Still, wouldn't go NEAR that store. I've seen a few of her designer chats and she just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, if you will. Meh.

Anonymous said...

Has 'hummie' ever stopped to think that maybe the reason she is not getting designer apps is because no one knows her. Maybe if she would actually give her name she'd get some applicants. jeez

Knowing her name would make me no more likely to apply to be anywhere around her.

Anonymous said...

Has 'hummie' ever stopped to think that maybe the reason she is not getting designer apps is because no one knows her. Maybe if she would actually give her name she'd get some applicants. jeez

Nope, don't think so. She has a name and a presence, it's her that's probably putting people off. Not knowing who was in charge of a store would put me off, like With Love Studio. Who is the owner? I see that Alyssa is listed as "Manager" in the forums, but who is the owner?

Anonymous said...

Has 'hummie' ever stopped to think that maybe the reason she is not getting designer apps is because no one knows her. Maybe if she would actually give her name she'd get some applicants. jeez
And her initial call was lower commission and sh didn't cover paypal fees.

Am I not reading this right The commission is 85/15 which is more then most stores give and it says no paypal fees. A $5.00 server fee is fair if a designer's sales are much. Some stores take a larger fee up front just to set up a store.

Hummie isn't bad-sometimes just misunderstood and takes things to heart sort of like the kid who always gets bullied. I wish her luck with her store but in today's market I can't see how half these new stores make any money.

Anonymous said...

Her initial call had a lower commission and she didn't cover paypal. Meaning, her first call, which is why she's talking about sweetening the deal.

I don't think she's a bad person, but I get enough histrionics from my child, I don't want to get them from a grown up and a stranger at that.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Hummie either, other than to have read her responses or rants or whines at DST. This line in her typed out ad description just bothers me tho:

I have spent a lot of money to open the store and am taking a leap of faith!

EVERY shop owner, whether using Zen or XCart all spend alot of time and money to start up a shop. I have never heard anyone complain up front about it.

Anonymous said...

Hummie whines and complains about everything. I cannot imagine working with her and listening to her crap She is also paranoid.

Anonymous said...

Is she the one whose siggie at DST says something about how nobody lets her put in her siggie what she wants, and then whines about it and adds links to where you can find her, etc.? If so, I've always thought it was weird to have a siggie like that, basically jabbing a sharp stick at the eye of the very forum you use for business reasons. Childish at best.

Anonymous said...

Is she the one whose siggie at DST says something about how nobody lets her put in her siggie what she wants, and then whines about it and adds links to where you can find her, etc.? If so, I've always thought it was weird to have a siggie like that, basically jabbing a sharp stick at the eye of the very forum you use for business reasons. Childish at best.

Childish and whining.

Anonymous said...

Who already in the idustry do you wish would start a store? Who would be the ideal person to work for, the right mix of business sense, personality, and talent?

Anonymous said...

Kat sometimes it's just better to let things go. If you keep bringing yourself up here, people will just keep talking about you. And not in a good way.

You know what they say... "All publicity is good publicity"

Seriously. I actually almost secretly hope someone would post something scandalous about me, because every designer I've seen "scandalized" here gets a lot of free publicity and name-recognition.

Anonymous said...

^^ Well, then you're a flogging moron. Yep, you heard me.

Just because you said that, I hope someone DOES smack you here and smacks you hard. Idiot.

Anonymous said...

"Seriously. I actually almost secretly hope someone would post something scandalous about me, because every designer I've seen "scandalized" here gets a lot of free publicity and name-recognition"

Easy. Just log in as yourself and post something negative. Or just post, for that matter. Then come back and say "Oops! I don't normally read here and never posted at all but my CT said I should come and check about something."

Anonymous said...

You know what they say... "All publicity is good publicity"

Seriously. I actually almost secretly hope someone would post something scandalous about me, because every designer I've seen "scandalized" here gets a lot of free publicity and name-recognition.

December 9, 2011 10:43 AM


Then just post something about yourself anonymously. It's what Kat did. Not sure it's working out for her though. How many extra sales is she really going to get from a smack blog made up of mostly designers and CTMs?

A scandal here does make your name more recognizable. But mostly only to other designers and store owners. As a designer or a store owner I wouldn't be seeking to publicly associate myself or my store with someone who thinks that promoting herself on a drama blog is the best way to market her designs. Kat's obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer. And there are a hundred designers out there on the same level or better who have a little bit more sense.

Anonymous said...

Seriously. I actually almost secretly hope someone would post something scandalous about me, because every designer I've seen "scandalized" here gets a lot of free publicity and name-recognition.
December 9, 2011 10:43 AM

Just post a picture of yourself on your blog with your boobs hanging out. You'll be a hit on here in no time.

Anonymous said...

I just wish people would honestly post about which designers they like and why... that would be good publicity, but then this is a smack blog so people would just assume it is all rampant CT members posting. I do miss the reviews though.

Anonymous said...

Just post a picture of yourself on your blog with your boobs hanging out. You'll be a hit on here in no time.


LMAO! All hail Happy Tits! Wonder how her new business venture is going...

Anonymous said...

ok. I like Natali Designs at SBG and et designs at A5D. I am not either of them and I don't work for either of them, I just like their style. I find their kits to be beautiful and elegant and I am always able to make beautiful pages with them. :)

Anonymous said...

I just wish people would honestly post about which designers they like and why... that would be good publicity,


Who do you need that? Honestly, how many everyday scrappers even know about this blog? As someone else said, it's mostly designers, store owners and CT's that know this blog exists. Sure there might be a few scrappers - I think the blog owner said she's just a scrapper - but probably not many. I think that's a good thing actually. If scrappers knew what a catty, nasty, back-stabbing, bitching group of women we kind of are - they'd probably be disgusted. Because we're so unlike the 'oh love that layout' people you see on DST.

Just saying....

Anonymous said...

And you don't think designers, CT or store owners are also customers?

Anonymous said...

Three things about Hummie make me not want to apply to be at her store: (1)she always seems to be complaining, (2) her siggie in the DST forum is off-putting, and (3) she used Comic Sans in her flyer. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

I'll say who I like. I like Deca and One Little Bird. They are the only ones I'll buy without giving the order much thought. New Release? Buy it. They also have their kits on 20% off then add a 10% newsletter discount for a 30% sale price on the first few days of the introduction. You can add Three Paper Peonies to that list, too, but I can't say I buy every introduction. I also spend a lot with Agnes Biro (DHD), Sahlin Studios and Katie Pertiet, who I'll admit are all hit or miss, but the hits are so wonderful, I don't mind scrolling through some misses.

On the other side of the coin, and I forget what Simon called them, "messy?" or "a mess?", I like Pink Reptile, Helly, Heather T, Hazel Olive, Ruth Melody and Viva Artistry - and I used to like Vera Lim, but not so much anymore. BUT I really like that look where everything doesn't precisely match.

And then Sugarplum Paperie, not for the papers, but for the colors. I cannot resist her palettes. yum yum!

Of lesser known (I think) designers, I like Aimee Harrison, Sherwood Studios, Secret Stash, Lisa Sisneros, As You Wish, A Plus, there are a few more, I wish I could remember them all, but yes, DESIGNS BY KAT at SCRAP ORCHARD is on the list. She has a full store, not 4 items. No, I am not Kat, I don't even know her, and I am probably old enough to be her grandmother. I also have no idea which Kat is was who popped into the forum before, but heads up, Designers: DO NOT SAY THANK YOU! LOL!

I recently crossed off Christina Renee, Splendid Fiins, and Lynne Marie - I love their designs, but the quality just made me shudder on my last couple of orders from each one.

Are there more talented designers? Yes! Anna Aspes, Millie Dee, Dawn Iskip and Kate Hadfield are enormously talented, but they are so out of my realm of style as to be useless for me. You just can't take photos of shopping in gritty Chinatown or throwing necklaces at Mardi Gras and scrap them with cartoons.

Are there more technically perfect designers? Yes, there are, Captivated Visions and Kirsten Rice come to mind, but I don't require perfection. I am looking for a style match to me and my photos: textured & organic.

Anonymous said...

the Kat that popped in before, and the one they were talking about is brand new..and was on the CT at SM, and is now selling there. NOT the Kat from SO. There are too many designers with Kat in their design names.

and while its interesting who you may or may not like...they will all be based on your particular taste in scrapping. If you base your decisions on quality and color sense only - then it might be a good discussion. Simply stating who you like alot doesn't mean anything...and I'm not being bitchy here. I CT for a few designers...and lemme tell you something - they are rather well known, but I would never buy from them. Nice looking products? oh yeah, you bet. Quality? just not there. I always have to send off an email for quality issues...strays, jaggies...and my fav thing -complete alphas all at 72 dpi.

Anonymous said...

You know what they say... "All publicity is good publicity"

Yeah, and they are wrong.

Anonymous said...

Who already in the idustry do you wish would start a store? Who would be the ideal person to work for, the right mix of business sense, personality, and talent?

I don't know, as I don't know anyone that well to say. Just because someone is one way in the forum, when you go and work for them, they can be completely different.

Anonymous said...

I do miss the reviews though.

They are on the review blog. I haven't been in ages, so I don't know how updated it is.

Anonymous said...

Seriously. I actually almost secretly hope someone would post something scandalous about me, because every designer I've seen "scandalized" here gets a lot of free publicity and name-recognition.

Right, because negative name recognition is such a good thing now, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

They also have their kits on 20% off then add a 10% newsletter discount for a 30% sale price on the first few days of the introduction.
OMFG! 20% + 10% does NOT equal 30%!

Anonymous said...

but yes, DESIGNS BY KAT at SCRAP ORCHARD is on the list. She has a full store, not 4 items.
You might want to know who we are talking about before you "correct" us.

4 items.

Anonymous said...

^^^Haha. What is this? The digi scrap mafia? I think people forget this blog is anon. That sounded so pathetic, almost like you feel like your are in some elite secret society as a poster on this blog. Lmao. Not the op you are responding to, but how is an anonymous poster going to be judged by you in being wrong? Are we going to kick her out of the cool club? Sorry to ramble but it is hilarious to me that you would tell an ANONYMOUS poster that she "better" get her facts straight. Or what i wonder????

Anonymous said...

^^^the "" on better were unintended.

Anonymous said...

Three things about Hummie make me not want to apply to be at her store: (1)she always seems to be complaining, (2) her siggie in the DST forum is off-putting, and (3) she used Comic Sans in her flyer. Yuck.


I'm so glad to know that there are other people out there who hate that ridiculous font, too. I laughed out loud when I read this. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

If I went to a professional interview and the interviewer blew huge bubblegum bubbles throughout the interview, I would be offended and would not take the interviewer, or the job, seriously. My #1 suggestion for Hummie would be to put the gum in the trash.

To offer a real name or a professional store name would be my second suggestion.

I wouldn't want to be the one trying to start a new store in an environment where so many others are closing.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to be the one trying to start a new store in an environment where so many others are closing.

But she's invested a lot of money and is taking a leap of faith. That should count for something, right??


Anonymous said...

If I went to a professional interview and the interviewer blew huge bubblegum bubbles throughout the interview, I would be offended and would not take the interviewer, or the job, seriously. My #1 suggestion for Hummie would be to put the gum in the trash.

To offer a real name or a professional store name would be my second suggestion.


It's not a professional interview. Quite few store owners have strange avatars, why not smack on them? How do you know that Hummie is not her name? A store name would be good, but it didn't do With Love Studio much good, now, did it? Nor Kaboks.

We know that some don't like Hummie, but these reasons are just ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Hummie has some kind of personality disorder. She constantly feels herself to be a victim, and she takes opinions that are different to hers to be personal attacks. She feels persecuted, and pursued. I happen to know of one of her competitors whom Hummie believes is 'chasing' her around the internet trying to steal her business simply to persecute her.

Several times over the past 3 years in the DCR Hummie has started a thread that is an attack on some way of doing things, and when people disagree she gets really offended and starts talking about how everyone is attacking her. She fails to see that she herself started the discussion.

I believe she doesn't share her real name because eh is afraid she will be pursued offline and attacked - she has a deeply rooted victim issue.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Frasier Crane, in da house!

Anonymous said...

Did someone say jaggies?

Anonymous said...

Oh and they're CU!! Must grab and use repeatedly!

Anonymous said...

I cannot be the only one that is sick reading Jaguarwomans 3 page long rants anytime the word piracy pops up in the dcr?

Anonymous said...

You must have a pretty small monitor! She has 2 posts in one thread and 1 post in the other. Each post being 20 lines or so. Those are short coming from her. If you want to complain, at least complain on facts.

Anonymous said...

I will complain any way I please thank you very much.

The point still stands jaguarwoman is a preaching pain in the ass.

Anonymous said...

You must have a pretty small monitor! She has 2 posts in one thread and 1 post in the other. Each post being 20 lines or so. Those are short coming from her. If you want to complain, at least complain on facts.


maybe she's reading it on a mobile device. chill the eff out and waste your typing on an argument that actually matters! you'll live longer.

Anonymous said...

December 9, 2011 5:08 PM

I've never heard of some of those designers, can you link us up?

Anonymous said...

I cannot be the only one that is sick reading Jaguarwomans 3 page long rants anytime the word piracy pops up in the dcr?

OMG you must know that she is the only one who can tell you about privacy from A-Z. She's obvioulsy been pirated so many times that she knows all about it but I can't understand why anyone would want her same old painted stuff over and over again. If I was a pirate I'd be a lot more picky!! A rose is a rose is a rose!!! ROFL

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of some of those designers, can you link us up?
December 10, 2011 3:45 PM

Google is your friend. Are we really getting that lazy?

Anonymous said...

OMG - I goggled Jaguarwoman cuz I had no idea who you were talking about. WHY would anyone pirate her. I wouldn't even download her stuff if it was free. This was trult truly bad. Christmas cookies???? So blurry it was like looking through glasses with one lense removed. I could see her being pirated if someone wanted to piss her off - but not to actually use!!!!

Anonymous said...

She's one of the ones who goes on and on and on about how using CU is terrible and you're not a designer if you do - and then she goes and uses brushes from Dover and fills them with color and calls them unique. Blech. Whatever. I'm a designer and a scrapper and I wouldn't touch her stuff with a barge poll.

Anonymous said...

Could someone please read this and tell me, is CU OK?

Anonymous said...

Could someone please read this and tell me, is CU OK?

I don't have to read it as she is very picky about her CU and has gotten into it with several designers. She expects her stuff to be totally altered and worked in with your own stuff and not used alone. I wouldn't touch her stuff with a 10 foot pole.

Anonymous said...

If your TOU is 2930 words long I won't buy your stuff

Anonymous said...

If the top banner on the TOU page of your blog looks like a banner ad in a adult magazine, I won't buy your products either.

Anonymous said...

If the top banner on the TOU page of your blog looks like a banner ad in a adult magazine, I won't buy your products either.



Anonymous said...

"If your TOU is 2930 words long I won't buy your stuff"


The length doesn't bother me as much as her need to explain simple concepts with longer and much more complex words. It almost seems like she gets off on what others feel put off by.

And then at the end of it - if you made it through at all - she said you also have to read each product's README and TOU (why do you need both anyway?) since they may vary. Seriously????

Anonymous said...

y'all are putting waaay too much time into reading the drivel of a person's products who most of us (in their right minds) would never buy anyway!

Anonymous said...

I looked at SBG blog train and OMG this is aweful. I've read here a few times how some designers offer bad quality and I must say that for a supposed top store this is bad. The worst was Manu. Strays, blurriness.

Anonymous said...


I didn't like the look of Manu's part so skipped right over it. I found it interesting how different in size the freebies were. The worst was Em-Ka, which was just a paper and frame, at least most of the others had around five papers and ten elements or so. Some had a lot more.

Anonymous said...

I didn't like the look of Manu's part so skipped right over it. I found it interesting how different in size the freebies were. The worst was Em-Ka, which was just a paper and frame, at least most of the others had around five papers and ten elements or so. Some had a lot more.


Maybe we should smack them around for offering too much in a blog train freebie, then. *eyeroll*

Anonymous said...

I looked at SBG blog train and OMG this is aweful.


Your spelling is also aweful. Or awful.

Anonymous said...

Unless she was actually "full of awe".

Anonymous said...

Your spelling is also aweful. Or awful.


Or maybe because I am brazilian and english is not my first language

Se eu falar em Português, talvez você não vai entender

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Manu's quality is pretty bad, even the CU. I bought some lace and some net and I had to re-extract it all. It was then I saw that not only were the same strays and blurs and jaggies on one section, they were on 4 sections. Yeah, I know CU...bad me!

Anonymous said...

So how important IS quality? I just bought a couple of Lori Davison's stuff at SBG and I must say, I'm shocked, strays all over the place and blurred elements. Last time I get anything from her. What I'd like to know from other scrappers, is quality really that important to you?

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should smack them around for offering too much in a blog train freebie, then. *eyeroll*

WTF? I was making an observation *eyeroll*

Anonymous said...

What I'd like to know from other scrappers, is quality really that important to you?

Depends on how it prints out. If it prints badly, then it's an issue, however, if it looks bad but prints out okay, then not so much.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should smack them around for offering too much in a blog train freebie, then. *eyeroll*

Actually, *eyeroll* I was smacking the person not offering enough *eyeroll*.

Yeah, I know *eyeroll* I replied twice, but the damn lack of edit button *eyeroll*

Anonymous said...


I wasn't knocking you for your statement, sorry, I should have been clear. I was making a snide comment about the discussion here on the blog last week when designers were getting smacked for having a blog train freebie that was too big and/or too nice. I was trying to be snotty toward whoever was complaining at that point about people offering too many papers or whatever the gripe was.

Anonymous said...

OMG, ENOUGH already Wishing Well Creations! So tired of you bringing up your poor little smacked self again and again. She thought your freebie sucked. Deal with it. Move on. WTF cares what is written here, anyway? Why don't you take the time you spend here defending your blog train freebie and make something new for your store that might actually earn you some money? I am so sick of hearing about your stupid freebie and the idiot that smacked it, too. It makes me want to scream.

Every judgment about a freebie will be measured against one dumb comment from now on? Just great, can't wait. Idiot.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of hearing about your stupid freebie and the idiot that smacked it, too. It makes me want to scream.
This makes me (who is not Wishing Well Creations) want to bring that up over and over again just to piss you off. You should drink a glass of wine and pop a prozac, my friend.

Anonymous said...

OMG, fly off the handle much? I never said I was the smacked designer, I just referred to the convo b/c half the discussion on this blog revolved around it for days and then the size-of-freebie issue got brought up again today. Might be time for you to take a xanax and chill out before you damage your poor little brain.

Anonymous said...

This makes me (who is not Wishing Well Creations) want to bring that up over and over again just to piss you off. You should drink a glass of wine and pop a prozac, my friend.

December 12, 2011 8:25 PM
Well, thankfully, you are NOT my friend because who needs friends who would intentionally piss them off?

I don't need wine or prozac. Just sick of hearing about Wishing Well's stupid freebie. If others are entitled to talk it to death, I'm also entitled to say I'm sick of hearing about it.

Anonymous said...

So tired of you bringing up your poor little smacked self again and again.


You're retarded. What designer in her right mind would repeatedly bring up the fact that she got smacked on this blog after people had moved on to new topics? None I know of. The fact that you just got so worked up over the issue is pretty weird too and I agree w/ the PP's who suggested that you medicate yourself.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't knocking you for your statement, sorry, I should have been clear. I was making a snide comment about the discussion here on the blog last week when designers were getting smacked for having a blog train freebie that was too big and/or too nice. I was trying to be snotty toward whoever was complaining at that point about people offering too many papers or whatever the gripe was.

Oops, sowwy. Thanks for the clarification.

Anonymous said...

So how important IS quality? I just bought a couple of Lori Davison's stuff at SBG and I must say, I'm shocked, strays all over the place and blurred elements. Last time I get anything from her. What I'd like to know from other scrappers, is quality really that important to you?


yes, it's important to me. I usually spend about an hour fixing every kit I buy just so it's ready to go when I want to scrap with it, otherwise I'm afraid I'll forget to check it.

The designers who have original art are the worst offenders, but that's the only thing I am looking for when I buy, or else I'd make it myself.

this is my list:
Strays are not important, neither is a white line around a page (a row of white pixels, or a side where the overlay wasn't centered.) They are all easy things to fix, but a disaster if they get printed.

blurriness is very important, and it pisses me off. Usually it is not fixable, but sometimes a clone brush will fix it. I see this a lot on 3d ribbons/bows, and those rolled flowers.

jagged edges are pretty important, but that's because they're hard for me to fix and it's time consuming.

the funniest thing to me is the designers who are known for their templates (they don't sell anything else, or somebody with a big name like Jessica Sprague) who have a wider space between two boxes than the rest of the boxes in the template. Or flat sided circles. Or boxes/frames that are tilted with enormous jagged edges - very common. I see all of these a lot, and sometimes I laugh, and sometimes I get pissed. I don't usually buy templates unless I see an example of the designer's work beforehand.

ugliness is a deal breaker LOL!

Anonymous said...

jesus christ I sure wish I had an hour available in my life to spend doing things with every kit I buy that don't include actually scrapping with said kits. you must not have kids. jealous.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to bring up Kat again, but i just can't bring myself to like a designer that doesn't even make her own stuff. Not talking about CU, but about her doodles. She openly talks about how her mom draws all the stuff that she includes in her kits.

That and the fact that she is just another facebook drama queen. She is the one that leaked about "SM closing" on her FB page! Speaks highly of SM too, she fucks up and they make her a designer!

Anonymous said...

Kat is the one who leaked the info about SM closing? And they brought her on as a designer??? I'd say SM is extremely desperate at this point, wow.

Andilynn should have closed up shop while she had the chance, if she's relying on new designers like Kat to pay the bills now. Hell, she should just close up now, still, but doing so at this point would just make her appear to be even dumber than is already the case. What a trainwreck.

Oh and I just checked and there are only 9 new releases this week, by just 4 designers, and 2 of them are templates and 2 of them are alphas. I'll eat my hat if the entire store makes more than $500 all week long.

Anonymous said...

^^^you're forgetting that one of the 9 is a bundle of 4 of the other 8 products. LMAO.

Anonymous said...

jesus christ I sure wish I had an hour available in my life to spend doing things with every kit I buy that don't include actually scrapping with said kits. you must not have kids. jealous.

Not the OP, but maybe you should mange your time better? I have kids, work full and still find time to do things for myself. Sometimes I fix things in a kit that are wrong and sometimes I scrap. It's good to mix things up every now and again. There's no need to be so linear you know.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:02 PM
Why would you want to spend an hour cleaning up someone else's designs? That is ridiculous. There are a lot of designers out there who do create their own stuff and don't have terrible quality. I don't know who you are buying from, but maybe it's time for you to shop around.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to bring up Kat again, but i just can't bring myself to like a designer that doesn't even make her own stuff. Not talking about CU, but about her doodles. She openly talks about how her mom draws all the stuff that she includes in her kits.

There are other designers who have a family member whose items they put in their kits. Tangie Baker's mother I think designs some of the stuff that goes into her kits. Some have included children's art in their kits. At least this Kat says her mom draws stuff and doesn't lead people to believe she did it herself!!

Anonymous said...

jesus christ I sure wish I had an hour available in my life to spend doing things with every kit I buy that don't include actually scrapping with said kits. you must not have kids. jealous.

Not the OP, but maybe you should mange your time better? I have kids, work full and still find time to do things for myself. Sometimes I fix things in a kit that are wrong and sometimes I scrap. It's good to mix things up every now and again. There's no need to be so linear you know.


Sorry, but I don't think its linear to say that I think it's crazy to spend an hour cleaning up every kit purchased (going off what the OP said, that she spends about an hour cleaning up every kit she buys). I agree with whoever said that this person needs to shop around. If you're buying from people whose products are such a mess it requires an hour per kit, then you really should stop buying from those people. There are plenty of designers out there who offer quality products that don't necessitate such lunacy.

Anonymous said...

December 13, 2011 7:37 AM

Erica Zane openly talks about her husband drawing for her, why does that really matter if a family member or someone else uses their talents in that way for a kit.

Anonymous said...

To each of these two posters below, name two designers that have perfect quality and fit into the unique category.

1. There are a lot of designers out there who do create their own stuff and don't have terrible quality.

2. There are plenty of designers out there who offer quality products that don't necessitate such lunacy.

To everybody else: a hobby is a hobby. I don't look askance at you for spending hours upon hours layering 100 layers for a single LO, and I expect the same from you.

Anonymous said...

So you want another opinion as to SBG's Blog Train. I'm not Simon and these are Just my thoughts on it. I was really curious as to how well these designers design. I didn't go through every item in a lot of the kits expecially if I found stuff right off the bat. I now honestly don't understand why SBG thinks they are so great. From what I find their designers could be found in any other store. There were a couple designers who obviously take their designing seriously.

Berna Datema
Inner shadows not erased
Texture on tags blurry
Frame Texture blurry
hanging pixels on frame
thought this was rather ugly IMHO

blurry stuff

some blurry papers

Julia Makotinsky
Elements are cute but all are flat. As far as I'm concerned flat is for beginners.

Studio Rosey Posey
Stuff isn't all that bad just not my style and found a couple hanging pixels

cookies were blurry but didn't find any jaggies

quality fine but nothing exciting and was definitely not my style

Lori Davidson
OMG why everyone sings her praises is beyond me. Just the first two items had pixel globs that should have been erased and the frame was blurry as all get out. The frame with shadow was a bit much. Jagged edges/ bad extractions. Shooting red strokes on her snow items? I just quit looking as her stuff was very very disappointing especially since she is one designer everyone wants to CT for or names as a favorite.

Miss Vivi
I might actually buy from her. Her freebie was well done and was good quality.

Another I might buy from as her freebie also was good quality likeable items.

found pixel globs on items

Tangie Baxter
her stuff was good quality but don't get some of her designs like the frame.

Thaty Borges
Liked her stuff and everything item was good quality.

I always loved Ztampf stuff but she had blurry flowers and a couple hanging pixels.

I really expected with all the play that this store gets, the items from designers would be nothing but 1st class with the best quality ever. Needless to say they are nothing special. There are a lot of designers out there who have much better quality. What I don't get is why is there are so many blurry papers and elements. There is a difference between blurry and soft in my opinion and adding a little sharpness can improve a lot of things. Also if I put an element on a paper and give it a shadow and see blobs then as far I'm concerned it isn't done very well. Saw lots of this.

Anonymous said...

To everybody else: a hobby is a hobby. I don't look askance at you for spending hours upon hours layering 100 layers for a single LO, and I expect the same from you.
Fair enough. Hard to fault you for taking time to do something that will actually benefit you in the end (as long as you do use those kits), when the poster below you just spent who knows how much time QCing items from SBG just to post here on this blog with a review.

Anonymous said...

My opinion on the SBG Blog Train

Studio Berna - Blurry Jaggy Pixelated Mess

Baers Garten - Not too bad but how anyone can manage to get jaggies on a dotted paper is beyond me

Studio Charlize - Everything is ok quality apart from some shoddy edges/jaggies on the ribbons with the hearts

Dawn Inskip - Nothing spectacular but at least the quality is ok.

Flergs - I don't get the big hoohah about her stuff, design style is boring and repetitive imo but everything is ok quality.

Julia Makotinsky - Good quality, I like the style of the kit.

Lori Davidson - Quality is ok, I am not a fan of her design style though, her elements are just a painted mess.

Studio Rosey Posey - Quality is ok apart from some stray pixels, not my style though.

Miss Vivi - Not bad at all, the texture on some of the papers could have been a little sharper imo but I suppose that could be down to personal preference.

Studio Manu - Not a fan of the doodled holly, it looks like it's been scanned in from a dollar store coloring book, blurry weird angled cookies apart from that, the freebie's not bad.

Natali - Not bad quality apart from the messy snowflake doodle.

Studio Wendy - Horrible alpha but I suppose the quality is ok.

Sherry JD - Decent quality freebie, a few jaggy edges on the date tag chain and I'm not liking the texture she used on most of the papers.

SussieM - Not a fan of her style, quality is ok.

Tangie Baxter - Quality is ok although I really dislike her design style, I personally think she uses the art/journaling/whateva thing as an excuse to make a complete mess and pass it off as a kit.

Thaty Borges - Nice freebie kit, quality is good apart from the paper flowers they were blurry in the center.

Studio Ztampf - I quite liked this kit but the quality of the flowers and the snow overlay is appalling.

I am totally shocked at the quality of these kits over all especially when SBG is supposedly one of if not the best stores.

Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure why everyone's surprised about SBG not being the be-all-end-all of digital scrapbooking. It's been a year at least, maybe two, since I felt they were near the top of anything. I am sure they still have some faithful customers who shop there regularly, but there's never any buzz surrounding anything they do, this blog train is the first I've heard them be discussed publically in a while. There are other stores doing a lot more to drum up business and bring in new customers, and SBG seems to me to be declining steadily in the past year especially. This blog train of theirs only confirms what I already knew.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I don't think its linear to say that I think it's crazy to spend an hour cleaning up every kit purchased (going off what the OP said, that she spends about an hour cleaning up every kit she buys).

It was her attitude that was linear, not what she said.

Anonymous said...

I always loved Ztampf stuff but she had blurry flowers and a couple hanging pixels.

Ever since she went to SBG, her quality has gone downhill. I don't know if that's because her real art life just got busier or what.

Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure why everyone's surprised about SBG not being the be-all-end-all of digital scrapbooking. It's been a year at least, maybe two, since I felt they were near the top of anything.

everyone? I'm not surprised, I've been saying it for years.

Anonymous said...

Flergs - I don't get the big hoohah about her stuff, design style is boring and repetitive imo but everything is ok quality.

What big hoohah? She gets smacked here all the time and as far as I can tell, not many people at DST talk about her either anymore.

Anonymous said...

Lori Davidson
OMG why everyone sings her praises is beyond me.

Which everyone? I keep seeing this 'everyone' but I don't know who they are, which is strange, considering that it's everyone.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't think that the quality of digi products has gone downhill, I do think that the average scrapper's knowledge of what constitutes quality has increased though. As most of them are getting more and more familiar with their programs, they are more likely to see when something is off.

Just my two cents.

Anonymous said...

I do think that the average scrapper's knowledge of what constitutes quality has increased

yes I agree.

Anonymous said...

Wanna see what it looks like if someone vomited on your monitor?

Anonymous said...

Lori Davidson
OMG why everyone sings her praises is beyond me.

Which everyone? I keep seeing this 'everyone' but I don't know who they are, which is strange, considering that it's everyone.

Obviously you don't read the message boards at DST. I'd say that if there is a post about who's your favorite designer, or if you could CT for someone who would it be, hands down it's Lori Davidson.

Anonymous said...

I am totally shocked at the quality of these kits over all especially when SBG is supposedly one of if not the best stores.

I'm sorry I had to laugh when I read your assessment of the SBG kits. Were you not seeing what I was seeing. You had good quality on stuff that wasn't good quality at all but then again maybe you have never done Quality Control for a store where you really see what good quality and bad quality is all about.

Anonymous said...

Wanna see what it looks like if someone vomited on your monitor?


I want to physically assault anyone who thinks it's a good idea to have their blog automatically play music. There is nothing more obnoxious than making someone else's computer start making noise with no warning.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I had to laugh when I read your assessment of the SBG kits. Were you not seeing what I was seeing.


It's possible I am not seeing what you are seeing. Were you seeing a question mark at the end of that sentence, or was it not really a question?

Anonymous said...

I want to physically assault anyone who thinks it's a good idea to have their blog automatically play music. There is nothing more obnoxious than making someone else's computer start making noise with no warning.


So glad I'm not the only one.

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you.

Anonymous said...


Me too! I particularly dislike it when it's someone's business page! Photographers in particular do this and it drives me crazy!

Anonymous said...

Obviously you don't read the message boards at DST. I'd say that if there is a post about who's your favorite designer, or if you could CT for someone who would it be, hands down it's Lori Davidson.

I do actually and there hasn't been one of those threads in months and months and months and months. Things will have changed, they always do.

Anonymous said...

I tried to say something nice about designers who take the time to include this stuff in her kits and I get shit on for being demanding!!!!!!!

Chill out!!!! Only one person said something negative, stop making such a deal!!!!!!! Way to overreact.

Anonymous said...

Um...I think you're the one who needs to chill out. The OP made that statement 9 days ago. We have all moved on. Why bother digging it up?

Anonymous said...

^^^ Word.

Anonymous said...

the funniest thing to me is the designers who are known for their templates (they don't sell anything else, or somebody with a big name like Jessica Sprague) who have a wider space between two boxes than the rest of the boxes in the template. Or flat sided circles.

I need help understanding these two complaints b/c I don't know what they are referring to regarding templates, but I'd like to know.

1. Wider space between 2 boxes than the rest of the boxes

2. Flat sided circles


Anonymous said...

Me, again from ^^^^^^.

Maybe #2 (about flat sided circles) isn't referring to templates. Maybe it means not putting a bevel on a sticker or something???

Anonymous said...

1. like when there's a grid, but they are not fully aligned

2. when edges of circles are cut off, leaving them with flat spots - not completely round. On elements this happens when they are trimmed too close

Anonymous said...

SM still can't get it together. They have a "daily" download in their forum and it's not really daily at all. They're on day 12 and it's the 15th. They should have closed up shop while they still had a little bit of credibility left.

Anonymous said...

Erica Zane openly talks about her husband drawing for her, why does that really matter if a family member or someone else uses their talents in that way for a kit.

Maybe he could help he with her circles and ovals.

These could have been so cute if they didn't have all the flat spots:

Where's the girl who spends an hour fixing kits? How long would it take you to fix these?

Anonymous said...

m...I think you're the one who needs to chill out. The OP made that statement 9 days ago. We have all moved on. Why bother digging it up?


Because I felt like it and you had to go and look and see how long ago the statement was made? Maybe you should chill, you sound a little anal.

Anonymous said...

These could have been so cute if they didn't have all the flat spots:

Pardon my ignorance, newbie scrapper here, but what's wrong with them? They look OK to me. What's a flat spot?

WV: wooking, as in I'm wooking at them and I don't see any flat spots.

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