Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What's new?

I spent a little time tonight surfing DST and MSA and couldn't find much that was worthy of a blog post. Gina Miller had her baby, and I thought it was interesting Shannon announced it at DST, and indicated she had been in contact with Gina. There was much speculation on the blogs about a falling out between the two when she split and started MSA.

Seems a couple of traditional scrappers (or CK featured) have found their way into the digital market. CD Muckosky is selling at LDD. Ali Edwards has been selling bits and templates at Designer Digitals. Any others out there tapping into the digital market?

What else is new around digi land? I must admit I haven't been keeping up with the scene. Apparently this blog is a haven for grandmas and mormons. Here is a shout out to all you grannys out there.


Anonymous said...

About Christians "stealing the pagan holidays so it would be easier to convert them". NOT. What happened most often is that Christians had to hold their religious observances on the same days the pagans were, so they could worship without getting their heads chopped off.

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of bored with the whole digi scene. There's no designer that really excites me anymore. Do you think it's because of the rampant use of CU products? Is everything starting to look the same? or maybe I've just lost my mojo.

Anonymous said...

Christians had to hold their religious observances on the same days the pagans were, so they could worship without getting their heads chopped off.

September 17, 2008 10:40 PM

And Christians with their Holy Wars have been retaliating ever since.

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of bored with the whole digi scene. There's no designer that really excites me anymore. Do you think it's because of the rampant use of CU products? Is everything starting to look the same? or maybe I've just lost my mojo.

September 17, 2008 11:05 PM

Where do you shop?

Anonymous said...

The Pagan Roots of Modern Holidays

Many Pagan traditions are still seen today.

Many of the holidays we celebrate today are considered Christian, but the origins of many modern-day holidays are older than Christianity.

The Christian holiday of Easter commemorates the crucifixion of Christ, and his rise from the dead into heaven. Then where do all the symbolism of bunnies, and eggs come from? It's more than coincedence that the early Pagans had a holiday to mark the Spring Equinox, called Ostara, usually celebrated around March 21st. With the return of spring, came the birthing of the farm animals for the year. Which is why we see bunnies, chicks, eggs and little lambs as symbols for this holiday. Part of the Ostara mythology involved the return of various deities from the underworld (symbolic of the end of winter). So it's not surprising that this holiday got enmeshed with the Christian story of the ressurection of Christ.

Even non-Pagans use the term "Yule" around the Christmas holidays. Yule is celebrated on the Winter Solstice (December 22nd), on the shortest day of the year. Since the days get longer from this point in the year, Yule is a celebration of the returning sun and the rebirth of the God who died at Hallowe'en. As with Easter, the Christian story of the birth of Jesus fits nicely with the Pagan mythology of a God reborn. Traditions such as wreaths and Yule logs are remnants of the original beliefs. Gifts were exchanged at Yule long before the Wise Men offered their gifts to the baby Jesus.

Groundhog Day
Well, it's not specifically Christian or celebrated as intensely as the two holidays just mentioned, Groundhog Day is still part of the modern-day year. Candlemas (or Imbolc) is celebrated on February 2nd. Because spring is just starting to show itself at this time of year, there were various superstitions about predicting the weather, and how long it would be until the end of winter. The original idea was to watch for a hedgehog, but as people immigrated to North America, the tradition changed to a ground hog to suit local wildlife.

Ok, everyone knows that Hallowe'en is a Pagan holiday, but there are many misconceptions surrounding what the holiday really means. Pagans call the day Samhain (SOW-en or sow-EEN). The old God dies on this day, and the Goddess mourns him until his rebirth at Yule. We use this day to honour and remember our loved ones who have passed on. In an effort to diffuse the interest in this heathen holiday, the Church created All Saint's Day (November 1) as a holy day to recognize all the Catholic saints. But it wasn't a powerful enough idea to wipe out the traditional Hallowe'en celebrattions. Ironically, many Christians do not approve of the celebration of Hallowe'en because of its Pagan origins, not realizing that almost all of the holidays they observe had Pagan beginnings.

Why are major Christian holidays layered on older Pagan festivals? The central reason is that as Christianity was struggling for acceptance in Europe, the country-folk would not give up their age-old traditions. By blending the old with the new, it was easier for the Church to convert the locals.

Anonymous said...

"About Christians "stealing the pagan holidays so it would be easier to convert them". NOT. What happened most often is that Christians had to hold their religious observances on the same days the pagans were, so they could worship without getting their heads chopped off."

September 17, 2008 10:40 PM

How ridiculous. Do you really believe that?? Yet another example of Christian propaganda that would have the world believe they are gentle and peace loving, while everybody else is violent and evil.

Anonymous said...

Ok, if you guys insist on talking about religion...who are the Pagan digi scrap designers? And does their choice of beliefs a factor whether or not you purchase from them?

Anonymous said...

I think Miki Ferkul is a pagan. Personally, I do not give a hoot what anyone's beliefs are. It is not a factor in who I buy from.

Anonymous said...

I really could care less what a person's beliefs are. If they sell quality product that I can use and that I can't live without, I'm buying it. The only time I don't buy from designers are when they come across as condescending, snarky, and just outright bitchy.

Anonymous said...

Did you see that Amy Hutchinson is opening her own store tomorrow called After Five? She's going to be featuring a bunch more scrappers-turned-designers, like Catherine Paturet, Camila Maria, Jen Anderson, and Amanda Rescende.

Am I the only scrapper who isn't interested in hopping on the design wagon? I guess I don't get it, and I'm tired of the same old looks over and over again. Maybe it's just overload and I've gotten totally bored with all the new stuff.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if Christmas started out as pagan, buddhist, hindu, or martian? What matters is why YOU celebrate it. Are you celebrating Jesus and His sacrifice for us? That's all that matters.

Anonymous said...

"Are you celebrating Jesus and His sacrifice for us? That's all that matters."

Yes - of course. That is the ONLY thing that matters. *Eye Roll*

Anonymous said...

Who cares if Christmas started out as pagan, buddhist, hindu, or martian? What matters is why YOU celebrate it. Are you celebrating Jesus and His sacrifice for us? That's all that matters.

September 18, 2008 10:30 AM

No, we're dancing nekkid round the evergreen tree, with bells on our toes, wearing only the holly and ivy wreathes on our heads, with candles lit during our celebration of Yule. The Original Winter Solstice Celebration ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha - the Christians get so defensive when they have to justify the timing of their festivals. It must REALLY annoy them to know that their 'holidays' are not in fact anything to do with Jesus, lol.

Anonymous said...

Are you celebrating Jesus and His sacrifice for us? That's all that matters.

Um, isn't that supposedly Easter, not Christmas anyway?

Anonymous said...

LOL, you beat me to that comment.
Um, isn't that supposedly Easter, not Christmas anyway?

Anonymous said...

10:30 am here. If you're not a Christian, I don't give a flip what you celebrate or why. Celebrate whatever you want any day you want, and I will too. I was talking to other Christians in my comment.

Um and yeah, that's what Easter is. We can't have His sacrifice in mind on Christmas too? I have His sacrifice in mind every day, Christmas included. I won't limit that to a certain holiday.

Anonymous said...

I really don't understand why it matters. Why are pagans always shouting about how Christians took Christmas from them? Do they want an apology? That would be pretty stupid, since it was already done long before any of us were born. Do they want us to change Christmas to another date? Who cares who is celebrating what and when? Do they want us to stop saying Merry Christmas? Why do they care so much what other people say? They can say whatever they want, I won't try to stop them, why would they want to stop me? What's the point of all this? Is it just to prove you know something interesting? Okay, point taken. Anything else?

Anonymous said...

The point is that it makes a mockery of all those annoying, naive, smug Christians who are convinced that they have the answers to everything. And naturally, lots of people think that is quite funny, lol.

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of bored with the whole digi scene. There's no designer that really excites me anymore. Do you think it's because of the rampant use of CU products? Is everything starting to look the same? or maybe I've just lost my mojo.

September 17, 2008 11:05 PM

Where do you shop?

I think that's most of the problem. I shop at the same stores from the same designers. LDD, TLP, DD. It's like there's dust colelcting in my hard drive from all the boring stuff I have.

Here's another question. What do you think the life-span of a designer is? I know there are some that have been designing for years (Meredith Fenwick, Michelle Coleman, etc.) but it seems eventually most designers burn out. The "old-timers" seem to have a hard time creating products that seem fresh and new.

Anonymous said...

I really don't understand why it matters. Why are pagans always shouting about how Christians took Christmas from them? Do they want an apology? Do they want us to change Christmas to another date? Do they want us to stop saying Merry Christmas? What's the point of all this?

September 18, 2008 1:03 PM


I believe the point is to shed light on the fact that these are not "original" (if you will) Christian holidays, but "reworks" of pagan holidays that were used to make conversion more widely accepted, a point that is widely agreed upon among scholars specializing in religious studies. The point is to highlight that Christians seem to glaze right over these tactics they used to convert the "heathens" as they moved across the land massacring those who would not convert. And doesn't one wonder if the Christian holidays were conveniently "scheduled" to coincide with pagan holidays to ease conversion, what else in Christianity is not all as the religion professes it to be?

You have to look a little deeper to get to the real point. I doubt few pagans give a rip of people call December 25th Christmas or Willy Wonka day. I think years of persecution at the hands of a religion that loves to forget its own atrocities has a definite bearing on the fact that pagans like to inform Christians on how "pagan" they're being when they decorate a tree at Christmas or do the whole bunny thing at Easter.

Anonymous said...

Very well said!

Anonymous said...

I don't mind who celebrates what when. I DO mind being forced to listen to 'reason for the season' claptrap about Christmas and acres of boring TV about the Bible at Easter, etc. If Christians want to celebrate the holidays that is absolutely fine with me, I just wish they would stop telling the rest of us that they are THEIR holidays.

Anonymous said...

I really don't understand why it matters. Why are pagans always shouting about how Christians took Christmas from them? Do they want an apology? That would be pretty stupid, since it was already done long before any of us were born. Do they want us to change Christmas to another date? Who cares who is celebrating what and when? Do they want us to stop saying Merry Christmas? Why do they care so much what other people say? They can say whatever they want, I won't try to stop them, why would they want to stop me? What's the point of all this? Is it just to prove you know something interesting? Okay, point taken. Anything else?

September 18, 2008 1:03 PM


How about letting the kids color some pentacles in art around those holidays?

Anonymous said...

I am really not surprised about the Shannon/Gina thing. Shannon was on Gina's team for a long time, and they both openly admit they are friends even if they do not always agree with each other. Shannon from all experiences I have had is a very forgiving person, and does not hold grudges. So even if there was some friction originally when MSA was started, I am sure she has been able to move past it, obviously! I mean she even linked to MSA :) IMO MSA and DST are two very different places, some prefer MSA, some Prefer DST, I think there are enough digi scrappers that both can be successful, and still have plenty of digi scrappers left over who could care less about either place!

Anonymous said...

I was surprised by Shannon's mention of Gina's baby & the linking to MSA but I applaud it. I think its good that they remain friends and people really shouldnt care and talk about it. As for the best stores I have noticed things are looking the same and boring lately. I have really been loving Scrapartist lately.

Anonymous said...

Do you think it's because of the rampant use of CU products? Is everything starting to look the same? or maybe I've just lost my mojo.
Yes and can be depressing sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only scrapper who isn't interested in hopping on the design wagon?
Nope I'm not on that band wagon either. I just scrap for myself and my family. I put layouts in albums and my fam loves to look at them. I don't care about creative teams or designing at all.

Anonymous said...

I have a pet peeve.

When someone uses a piece of paper that is like real wood and they put a crumple overlay on it. Wood would not crumple like that. It bugs me. End of rant.

Anonymous said...

ah but in the real world would you make a layout on a piece of wood anyways? I suppose that is the beauty of digital. You don't have to be realistic as long as you are at least artistic.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you were to go through a paper scrap store, would you still find yourself bored? They don't really have many new ideas...just new themes and new color schemes.

How inventive do you think a digiscrap designer can get anyway? Everything we do is copied or adapted from paper scrap ideas - so perhaps to understand the lull in creativity, one just needs to head on down to the scrap mart and hear the crickets chirping in there.

Anonymous said...

I just have to say that I am so thrilled to read the input on the Pagan/Christian holidays. I sometimes feel alone in the knowledge that what has been taught for centuries as a divine fact is indeed a man made myth.

And I wouldn't care if a designer were a practicing Christian or earth loving pagan. My prejudice lies in whether or not they hold poor ethics and steal.

movefearlessly said...

i don't get hung up on what people call themselves. my parents always tried to teach me right from wrong, and when i screwed up (and oh boy, did i ever!) - tried to show what forgiveness was thru example. labels and semantics get in the way.

i think the most important thing is treat people with the respect you'd like to get. can't do anything about the a$$holes of the world, so i try to avoid them.

and i'm a pretty new designer, in a GIANT rut, so i have no idea on earth how to make this crap work.

Anonymous said...

go back to why you started designing. what sparked your fire then?
go back to what you feel, what you enjoy
it gets hard when the drec gets y0u down, but find yourself again and you will create

Anonymous said...

I was surprised by Shannon's mention of Gina's baby & the linking to MSA but I applaud it. I think its good that they remain friends and people really shouldnt care and talk about it.


The thing that bugs me, and this isn't directed at Shannon personally is the comment, "I know her name and I'm not telling." I realize someone else was supposed to make the official announcement, but why the "I-know-something-you-don't-know" comment. Perhaps I'm just PMSin, but it just rubs me the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

I think that's most of the problem. I shop at the same stores from the same designers. LDD, TLP, DD. It's like there's dust colelcting in my hard drive from all the boring stuff I have.

Here's another question. What do you think the life-span of a designer is? I know there are some that have been designing for years (Meredith Fenwick, Michelle Coleman, etc.) but it seems eventually most designers burn out. The "old-timers" seem to have a hard time creating products that seem fresh and new.

September 18, 2008 1:25 PM

I don't think the old timers run out of fresh ideas, I think it's more they don't like the prevailing attitude out there. It was so very different when they started out. It was a lot more fun and a much closer community.

Have you tried Shabby Pickle? Holly Designs has some wonderfully unique ideas and if she uses CU stuff, she at least doesn't shop at the same place everyone else does.

Tracy Ann Robinson has wonderful and timeless products. Something I bought two years ago, I can match with something I bought two weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Did you see that Amy Hutchinson is opening her own store tomorrow called After Five?

I have tried and tried with AH but her products lack quality. They are often blurry, badly recolored, etc. It makes me sad as I like her ideas and designs, but she has quality control issues.

Anonymous said...

Everything we do is copied or adapted from paper scrap ideas -

Not any more, in the early days, for sure, but not now. In fact, browsing at my LSS the other day, I saw a lot of ideas that were copied from digi.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you were to go through a paper scrap store, would you still find yourself bored? They don't really have many new ideas...just new themes and new color schemes.

How inventive do you think a digiscrap designer can get anyway? Everything we do is copied or adapted from paper scrap ideas - so perhaps to understand the lull in creativity, one just needs to head on down to the scrap mart and hear the crickets chirping in there.

September 18, 2008 5:27 PM

I am totally bored with paper scrap stuff too. I don't know if you've notices, but in the paper world, the number of manufacturers is shrinking, not expanding.

In digital, it seems like every week more and more of the popular scrappers are deciding to design. I know if I was serious about making some money, this would probably be a tough time to get into designing. Too much competition, too many designers whose work looks the same.

Anonymous said...

I really don't understand why it matters. Why are pagans always shouting about how Christians took Christmas from them? Do they want an apology? That would be pretty stupid, since it was already done long before any of us were born. Do they want us to change Christmas to another date? Who cares who is celebrating what and when? Do they want us to stop saying Merry Christmas? Why do they care so much what other people say? They can say whatever they want, I won't try to stop them, why would they want to stop me? What's the point of all this? Is it just to prove you know something interesting? Okay, point taken. Anything else?

September 18, 2008 1:03 PM

For someone who doesn't care, you sure are vocal about it. Why do Christians get so upset when people don't want to say Merry Christmas? Isn't it supposed historic fact that Christ was born in July or thereabouts, so yeah, change Christmas to sometime in July and celebrate his birth on his actual birth date.

Anonymous said...

Christian, Jew, Muslim, Pagan, Agnostic, Athiest....whatEVER. We're all just people.

Can you move on, or take the religious crap elsewhere?

Anonymous said...

Who cares if Christmas started out as pagan, buddhist, hindu, or martian? What matters is why YOU celebrate it. Are you celebrating Jesus and His sacrifice for us? That's all that matters.

September 18, 2008 10:30 AM

Really? That's all that matters is it? It's attitudes like this, that make the rest of us want to tie you to a stake and burn bibles under you feet. You are so close minded. We can celebrate any way we want, as long as it's about Christ. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Can you move on, or take the religious crap elsewhere?

September 18, 2008 7:09 PM

What? Did you miss the digi discussion that's also going on?

Anonymous said...

No I see it. I just don't get why the religious bickering needs to be here. If I wanted to debate religion or politics, I'd be going elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you were to go through a paper scrap store, would you still find yourself bored? They don't really have many new ideas...just new themes and new color schemes.

How inventive do you think a digiscrap designer can get anyway? Everything we do is copied or adapted from paper scrap ideas - so perhaps to understand the lull in creativity, one just needs to head on down to the scrap mart and hear the crickets chirping in there.

I will admit that when I paper scrapped I would get frustrated. New products didn't come out as often as I would have liked, but you have to admit that releasing a product in the paper and digi worlds are two totally different things. I can design something today and it can be on the market tomorrow, which I think should lead to much more creativity in the digi world. Also what does the atmosphere in the community have to do with the "old timer's" creativity? I would think it would have more to do with the fact that it's hard to come up with new ideas year after year.

Anonymous said...

unbelievable......everyone is right and everyone is wrong.

i'm gonna go check out another blog until this religion debaucle is over.

Here's a newsflash - everyone is entitled to their own beliefs - it doesnt make them right it doesnt make them makes everyone different which is what makes the world go 'round.

What's next politics?? Everyone gonna rip each other over that too?

And you got the nerve to complain about blogs that out pirates being vicious? PSHHHHHH.

I'm outta here.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see any one say that here? Buh Bye, don't let the door hit you in the arse.
And you got the nerve to complain about blogs that out pirates being vicious? PSHHHHHH.

I'm outta here.

Anonymous said...

And you got the nerve to complain about blogs that out pirates being vicious? PSHHHHHH.

I'm outta here.

September 18, 2008 8:03 PM

Where did anyone say anything about the pirate blog being vicious? I don't recall seeing that, or not recently anyway. I really don't see anyone 'ripping' each other either. I see a discussion, heated in places, but still a discussion. It's called an intelligent debate, why not try it sometime.

Anonymous said...

No I see it. I just don't get why the religious bickering needs to be here. If I wanted to debate religion or politics, I'd be going elsewhere.

September 18, 2008 7:17 PM

But digi is so boring, it's all been said and done before. I like being able to intelligently discuss other topics, without fear of censure.

Anonymous said...

I got all excited that Ali Edwards was selling templates at DD, I had no idea she did digi and I went to get some. She is crazy. She is charging $2.99 for ONE template. WTH?

Anonymous said...

That is the going rate in that store for templates. You missed a sale last weekend.

Anonymous said...

I had to go and look at those templates. $2.99 is nuts! I checked WAS and they are selling them at $2.98. Shabby Pickle at $1.99, but you get a goody or two with it.

I checked a bunch of different stores and they were all pricey. I don't know when templates became so expensive, but it's crazy! I'm glad I don't use them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I had to go and look at those templates. $2.99 is nuts! I checked WAS and they are selling them at $2.98. Shabby Pickle at $1.99, but you get a goody or two with it.

I checked a bunch of different stores and they were all pricey. I don't know when templates became so expensive, but it's crazy! I'm glad I don't use them.

September 18, 2008 11:48 PM

Try digifree, digiscrapdepot and Ikeagoddess.
There are a LOT of great quality FREE templates out there.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I keep forgetting about Ikea Goddess. I didn't pick up any templates, but I did pick up some lovely freebies.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Amy Hutchinson's shoppe is up. More owls, more sticks and berries, and a few designers who have really BAD ribbons.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Amy Hutchinson's shoppe is up. More owls, more sticks and berries, and a few designers who have really BAD ribbons.

September 19, 2008 7:02 AM

ITA more proof that just because you are a "popular" scrapper, doesn't make you an "instant" designer.

Anonymous said...

What is this banner ad referring to? "what does 15 does have in common...they all know a secret" The banner ad takes you to Christina Renee site.

I hope she is not taking on designers in her store, she can't keep her own up and running.

Anonymous said...

ITA more proof that just because you are a "popular" scrapper, doesn't make you an "instant" designer.

September 19, 2008 8:08 AM

What's with that?

Anonymous said...

How funny is it that once someone complained about leaving, that the topic immediately changed, especially after being berated by two of which insinuated she's incapable of having an intelligent conversation.

Maybe it's not funny, but sad.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone post the link to the grab bag reveal blog, my favorites are lost.

And can anyone tell me what happened with the CT over at DST that shannon put together. Is it active?

Anonymous said...

Nice post 7:08

I think I'll save it for the next time one of the evangelicals starts their anti-halloween antics about devil worshiping.

Anonymous said...

The reveal blog is

As far as the DST CT, who knows? It could be another 6 months before anything happens.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the new designer reveals at FPD?

Other than that and that new After 5 site I can't think of anything new.

I am a designer but I really feel pressured to make kits w/owls, cute trees string etc. But honestly a lot of the kits are starting to all look the same....I am honestly just not into that stuff...

What do people want to see designwise that doesn't make them yawn. Are people being more conservative pricewise. Do you only do $1 sales?

Anonymous said...

OK re: the Christian vs Pagan holidays....

I don't think many Christians would deny that the organized church, after it became involved politically with the state, became an instrument of torture and repression.

My reading of the Bible tells me this was never supposed to happen - the church was supposed to grow through the power of spiritual experience ONLY. Political alliances were regarded as compromise, a form of spiritual adultery.

Unfortunately, people lost touch with this important truth and the organized church got enmeshed in all sorts of unsavory activities such as the Papacy, religious repression, torture, the crusades etc.

History of Islam isn't much better.

I totally agree that most "Christian" holidays are rip off's of pagan holidays w/a pseudo-Christian facade so that it would be palatable to pagans that were forced to convert.

The only overtly pagan designers I can think of are Miki Ferkul and Princess Lala...I think Miki is a doll...don't buy her stuff but it's more a matter of not being my style...

Anonymous said...

Oh my fucking GOD! And yes, I said GOD!!! Can all you religious people start your own freaking blog!!!! Please, can´t we leave this place to digiscrap-discussions. I can even start a blog for you, if that is what´s needed to get you to leave this blog. Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What's wrong 4:57 - unable to participate in an intelligent debate about religion?

You should try it. Then the same trollup from earlier can tell you not to let the door hit ya in the arse on the way out.

Anonymous said...

Oh my fucking god 4:57 if you wanna call the shots, then start your own damn blog. It's obvious this blog owner doesnt hitler the conversations here.

Stop trying to dictate to everyone what they can and cant discuss.

Anonymous said...

Can all you religious people start your own freaking blog!!!! Please, can´t we leave this place to digiscrap-discussions. I can even start a blog for you, if that is what´s needed to get you to leave this blog. Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 19, 2008 4:57 PM


Well, gee, I though the point of these blogs were so that conversation could go uncensored. But here you are demanding a change because you don't like the topic. Your hypocritical slip is showing, my dear. Why don't you go on back to DST with the rest of the self-appointed dictators of conversation topics?

Anonymous said...

Please, can´t we leave this place to digiscrap-discussions.

You mean the same tired old recycled gossip and gripes discussed ad nauseum? No thanks.

Anonymous said...

as opposed to the same disagreements that have been taking place since the introduction of religion?

Yeah.. GREAT argument.


Anonymous said...

all those annoying, naive, smug Christians who are convinced that they have the answers to everything.
A perfect description of Andrea Burns and many, many other DSTers!

Anonymous said...

Why not take the religious discussion over to another blog, like Pioneer Woman, or Ali Edwards, or even Afri Digi Diva? Now that would be worth tuning in for!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

all those annoying, naive, smug Christians who are convinced that they have the answers to everything.
A perfect description of Andrea Burns and many, many other DSTers!

September 19, 2008 7:03 PM


Anonymous said...

ITA more proof that just because you are a "popular" scrapper, doesn't make you an "instant" designer.

September 19, 2008 8:08 AM

You are so right!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the new designer reveals at FPD?

Yes, I did and it pisses me off no end. I applied several times to FPD and each time I was told that I would be considered the next time, which I wasn't. If they didn't want me, they should have just said so instead of giving me platitudes. Was it supposed to make me feel better? If so, it didn't work.

Anonymous said...

Oh my fucking GOD! And yes, I said GOD!!! Can all you religious people start your own freaking blog!!!! Please, can´t we leave this place to digiscrap-discussions. I can even start a blog for you, if that is what´s needed to get you to leave this blog. Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 19, 2008 4:57 PM

I get so tired of these posts. You all scream about the topic but none of you start a new one. Don't be part of the problem, be a part of the solution (yeah, I felt the need to trot out a cliche)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I did and it pisses me off no end. I applied several times to FPD and each time I was told that I would be considered the next time, which I wasn't. If they didn't want me, they should have just said so instead of giving me platitudes. Was it supposed to make me feel better? If so, it didn't work.
The stinks. Did you do that Teacher's Pet deal? All the new designers went thru that contest or whatever it was and made it to the final round....

Anonymous said...

So I tried to start a scrap post: what kind of products do people want to see. Everyone is saying stuff looks the same so what are some ideas for something different?

Anonymous said...

The stinks. Did you do that Teacher's Pet deal? All the new designers went thru that contest or whatever it was and made it to the final round....

September 20, 2008 1:02 AM


No, I was over it by then. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

So I tried to start a scrap post: what kind of products do people want to see. Everyone is saying stuff looks the same so what are some ideas for something different?

September 20, 2008 1:03 AM

I'm not saying it all looks the same though. I buy stuff that is either way out there in some way or something that is timeless and can be used over and over and goes with everything.

For instance, I bought Holly Design's Pop Rocks kit because it's way out there. Very colorful and funky. I buy Tracy Ann Robinson's stuff because I can mix and match it and I use it over and over. I buy Natali Design's kits or I did before she moved. Not because it's SBG, but because it costs more now, which sucks. I buy some of the WAS kits, but only on sale and usually Emily Powers' stuff because it's a little out there. I'm looking forward to the new store, Pixel Canvas, that's opening on 27th September as I really liked her freebies. Her style is really arty and I like that.

Anonymous said...

Pixel Canvas sounds interesting...does she have a blog or something?

Anonymous said...

Different huh? Well I'd like to see boy kits that in between. Not young ones, not teens and older, but the in between set. 7,8,9-y/o. I'd like to see girl kits that aren't all flowers and lace and really girly-girl. I know our 5-y/o is anything but! I have lots of thoughts when I'm not in a position to post them, and this is pre-coffee, so hopefully I'll come up with more!

Anonymous said...

So I tried to start a scrap post: what kind of products do people want to see. Everyone is saying stuff looks the same so what are some ideas for something different?

September 20, 2008 1:03 AM

I am one of the people who thinks that everything new looks the same lately. With that being said, I can't think of what I want that is different, I'm not a designer. Maybe I just have too much stuff already. I never use half of what I buy.

I think Kasia's style is fresh and unique. Maybe it's not elements that I think are unoriginal, but I like seeing designers that have an identifiable and unique style. Maybe that's why I like Birgit, and Tracy Ann, and Lorie Davison as well. Their styles are very unique.

Anonymous said...

Pixel Canvas sounds interesting...does she have a blog or something?

September 20, 2008 2:13 AM
Pixel Canvas = the mono blendz of Anna Aspnes and the word art of Paislee Press. Not sure, I think she was ct to both?
Don't get me wrong, I love both designers (or all three now? lol) just my instant summation to the question.

Anonymous said...

Oh are you talking about Vinnie Pierce? She's amazing...I think she CT'd at designer digitals.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Vinnie Pearce is Pixel Canvas, that is who I was thinking off. I don't see her as a blend of Anna Aspnes and Paislee Press at all, as I'm loving what Vinnie is doing but I'm not a fan of the other two. But I guess I can kinda see what you are saying, sort of.

She has a blog, it's right here:

Anonymous said...

think Kasia's style is fresh and unique.

I like Kasia's work and style, but I just see it as another version of what Emily Powers is doing. I have kits by both and the style is so similar, it's not funny. I buy Kasia's, because they are cheaper.

Anonymous said...

Who is Kasia and where does she sell? Link please?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Smackdown might read here. They just added a new post, comments are open, and said they'll be posting another "outing" very soon.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are out blog spamming trying to pick up traffic. Respect the DSTHOF request and leave the pirate tagger crap on the pirate blogs.

Looks like Smackdown might read here. They just added a new post, comments are open, and said they'll be posting another "outing" very soon.

September 21, 2008 1:17 PM

Anonymous said...

3:06 shut up bitch. i'll post what i want to post and where i want to post it and there is nothing you can say or do about it.

Anonymous said...

Hummm...seems like I lost the link to SmackDown...anyone care to post it for me?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Kasia sells at Shabby Pickle.

Anonymous said...

Kasia used to intern w/Emily Powers so they probably shared all their techniques. I like both of their stuff but it's not exactly the style I scrap in.

Vinnie Pierce's blog says her new site is selling designer tools. Bad news for me since I blow a ton of cash on that stuff...

Anonymous said...

So I guess one of the new trends is tiny alphas?

Anonymous said...

Tiny alphas have been out for ages. The first one I bought was by Jessica Bolton and that was easily 12 months ago. I think they picked up trend status around eight or more months ago when a lot of the trendy designers, like Emily Merritt, Emily Powers etc were doing them.

Nanci said...

Not to change the subject, but what ever happened to Poppy Andrews?? She did a few kits that I truly love and use over and over. Is she not designing anymore?

Anonymous said...

I don't think so, when I just started digiscrapping people were looking for her, from what I remember she kind of disappeared. Since I was new then I didn't have any of her stuff or knew who she was.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does Thena make about 50 threads a day

Anonymous said...

She might, but I think she's just a sweet lady who tries to keep us upbeat and happy.

Doesn't hurt anyone. Let her be who she is.

Anonymous said...

I'm the one who said that and I have no problem with her I think she's sweet I was just wondering if it was just me thinking that lol

Anonymous said...

I'm the one who replied. I just remember how heart broken she was the first time someone smacked her. It was really sad when she was so sweet to everyone. I think that's why I was defensive. I'm sorry if I came off rude.

Anonymous said...

Not to change the subject, but what ever happened to Poppy Andrews?? She did a few kits that I truly love and use over and over. Is she not designing anymore?

September 23, 2008 7:44 AM

She probably hasn't been designing for around two years now. She signed on with one or two stores and never appeared. I don't think anyone ever found out what happened. I know that someone tried ringing her and when they asked for Poppy, the phone was hung up.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does Thena make about 50 threads a day

September 23, 2008 1:17 PM

She probably does. She's retired and probably really enjoys the chit chat on the boards.

Anonymous said...

I just looked more closely at the product offerings of the new star-scrappers turned designers over at Amy's new site. All I can say is that Amy must have decided to partner with these gals based on their scrapping abilities :(

I'm quite surprised at how amateur most of the products look. Although Catherine's things look pretty good.

Anonymous said...

I'm the one who replied. I just remember how heart broken she was the first time someone smacked her. It was really sad when she was so sweet to everyone. I think that's why I was defensive. I'm sorry if I came off rude.

September 23, 2008 7:22 PM

Sorry if I came off as asking it in a rude way. She is very sweet, who was smacking her and why?

Anonymous said...

I'm quite surprised at how amateur most of the products look.

September 23, 2008 8:44 PM

It's made by amateurs with access to CU items, what did you expect? I find that's the problem with so much of the products at the moment. It's not just that they all look the same, it's that they all look like it was made by amateurs who have no clue how to use the tools they have, which is probably why so much of it looks the same.

Anonymous said...

It's made by amateurs with access to CU items, what did you expect? I find that's the problem with so much of the products at the moment. It's not just that they all look the same, it's that they all look like it was made by amateurs who have no clue how to use the tools they have, which is probably why so much of it looks the same.
Perhaps. But, I do think it's possible to create decent kits with some CU items. I would have thought these star scrappers would have better taste...I can't even see them scrapping with the kits they've just created

Anonymous said...

wow. smack down blog only lasted a few days. lol.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps. But, I do think it's possible to create decent kits with some CU items.

Ah, I didn't say it wasn't but it's those designers who do use them properly that make decent kits and stand out from the crowd. That's the difference.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

A poll for digi-consumers.
Which influences your purchases more?
Layouts with 100% or 90% single kit use?
Layouts with a little of this a little of that? one or two of which catches your eye?

I tend to buy more when one thing on a layout catches my eye. And feel sorry for the CT members whose creativity is stifled by 100% or 90% "my product" only clause. What do you think? And how do you purchase?

Anonymous said...

A little of both, if I find a layout that is overall pleasing and the color scheme is great, I am pleasantly surprised when it is a kit. I will also click into a layout because of a specific element - So I buy both ways.

From a CT perspective I hate the rule of majority my product, especially when you don't have easy access to all of thier products, or they do not have the depth of product offerings needed to finish off a layout.

Anonymous said...

I just looked more closely at the product offerings of the new star-scrappers turned designers over at Amy's new site. All I can say is that Amy must have decided to partner with these gals based on their scrapping abilities :(

I'm quite surprised at how amateur most of the products look. Although Catherine's things look pretty good.

September 23, 2008 8:44 PM

Exactly my thoughts!
These gals are really good scrappers but no designer.
They should stick with scrapping. If they want to make money, they should sell quick pages.

Anonymous said...

I don't buy products based on layouts. I cruise the stores. The few times I've really liked an element on a layout, I've not liked the whole kit that the element comes from. There are some CTs who are very creative with the kits they've been given. The few times I've been almost influenced by layouts using a product, I double check all the pages and generally I find that the CTs have all used the same pieces and it's usually less than 25% of the whole kit. Makes me wonder what's wrong with the rst of the kit.

Anonymous said...

I don't really buy based on looking at layouts, but I tend to like layouts that mix things up a bit. Probably because that's the way I like to scrap. I just find it more interesting and creative

Anonymous said...

am i the only one whose eyes bleed viewing sites with predominately black backgrounds and white text?

Anonymous said...

I tend to buy more when one thing on a layout catches my eye. And feel sorry for the CT members whose creativity is stifled by 100% or 90% "my product" only clause. What do you think? And how do you purchase?
Luckily, all my CTs do not require that I use a certain percentage of product. It really does stifle ones creativity to be limited to just one kit - afterall, most kit's don't contain everything a scrapper needs and if they did, we would all have tons of duplicate items such as staples.

Anonymous said...

am i the only one whose eyes bleed viewing sites with predominately black backgrounds and white text?

September 26, 2008 9:08 AM

I don't know any sites like that, but I do know a few blogs like that.

Anonymous said...


I don't know any sites like that, but I do know a few blogs like that.

September 27, 2008 12:35 AM
I was referring to the new digi store of Vinnie Pierce. I was excited to hear about it, but the set up was annoying and hard to navigate/shop. ah well I guess I should be happy that I saved money I don't need to be spending. lol.

Anonymous said...

Link to Vinnie's Store?

Anonymous said...

Vinnie's store

Anonymous said...

I am a member of the DCR but I haven't yet paid $10 to post in the new products forum or the product gallery because I'm skeptical of how much it'll actually help my sales.

So to everyone who posts in that forum and gallery, has it really helped your sales any and is it worth it?

Anonymous said...

I looked at Pixel kinda reminds me of WAS in a way - high prices for small element packs that have 'gourmet' packaging...I like the CT layouts but I wouldn't pay $3.50 for a couple items that are stuff like buttons and sequins.

I hate feeling sour grapes but at a designer I notice sometimes the new 'star' designers get all these 'star' scrappers flocking to do layouts for them. Which makes the product look spectacular. But if you strip the packaging and the big name off the item it actually isn't that fantastic.

Ah well, best of luck to her.

Anonymous said...

So to everyone who posts in that forum and gallery, has it really helped your sales any and is it worth it?

I think it's worth $10 - I've actually seen products in the gallery that I made purchases from and for ten bucks it certainly isn't a huge amount to risk.

Anonymous said...

I have never found that posting about sales or new products over at DST has helped at all, so when it was decided I had to pay, I didn't bother.

Anonymous said...

I hate feeling sour grapes but at a designer I notice sometimes the new 'star' designers get all these 'star' scrappers flocking to do layouts for them. Which makes the product look spectacular. But if you strip the packaging and the big name off the item it actually isn't that fantastic.

While I agree in part to this, Vinnie's stuff is wonderful. I downloaded all her freebies and haven't found fault with any of them. I can't say the same about other designers. I'd rather pay the price for high quality than buy cheaper and get crap, which is so often the case. Obviously, there are some great designers out there who haven't jacked up their prices, but there are quite a few designers out there who charge far too much for their stuff.

Anonymous said...

I am glad someone contacted CPS on her. A kid with dirty fingernails is reasonable. A six month old with dirty fingernails...I don't think so. She is always complaining about no money, having another kid, yeah I feel sorry for those kids.

Anonymous said...

I am glad someone contacted CPS on her. A kid with dirty fingernails is reasonable. A six month old with dirty fingernails...I don't think so. She is always complaining about no money, having another kid, yeah I feel sorry for those kids.

September 29, 2008 7:01 PM

You are joking, right? I certainly hope so! CPS for dirty fingernails?

I've just looked through three months worth of posts by Sarah and she is not always complaining about a lack of money.

Anonymous said...

Ok, do you approve of giving her baby kool-aid instead of formula?

Anonymous said...

well I am not inclined to pay that much for any digital product in this day and age. I don't care how good it is-I'll go without and dig into the stash until the economy improves.

Anonymous said...

Ok, do you approve of giving her baby kool-aid instead of formula?

September 29, 2008 7:58 PM


Yes, considering that he was throwing up the forumula but not the kool-aid. I guess you'd rather have your child sick all the time. In desperate siutations, you do what works, even if it means taking desperate measures.

Besides, naming him Caliber is a far worse crime in my opinion. What is he, a gun?

Anonymous said...

While I agree in part to this, Vinnie's stuff is wonderful. I downloaded all her freebies and haven't found fault with any of them.
Yeah I shouldn't have dissed her stuff...her freebies looked really nice...

I just can't bear to charge what some designers charge for an element pack unless it's pretty generous...just because I'm cheap and can't pay that much just for a couple cute doo dads I may use once or twice...if it's something I could use over and over I wouldn't be as picky...

Anonymous said...

I think it was Kool Aid instead of fruit juice, not instead of formula. And dirty fingernails are nothing to be worried about IMHO, kids eat worms and they get dirty digging them up, it's just what they do.

Back on topic, I don't see the attraction in Vinnie's stuff. Not my cup of tea at all, reminds me of stationery. Still, each to their own.

Anonymous said...

WAS has all their mega kits for $6 today. I've heard their quality is sometimes iffy. Are any of these worth $6?

Anonymous said...

As far as the thread that Sarah posted about CPS being was koolaid instead of fruit juice (ever heard of water?), and milk/choc milk instead of formula when she runs out of formula.

I read this new post of hers, and just cringed. The poor girl just doesn't get it. I would love to help her out with some good advice, but I don't think she'd take it well. Once you've headed in this direction of being married to someone who really doesn't care (I've read other posts by her about her dh), and having multiple children that you cannot afford, it is hard to make a change. It sounds as if she has come from white trash, and that is hard to break out of. If you are reading this Sarah, I'm truly sorry. I'm not trying to be mean. I would not call CPS on you if I were your neighbor, but I would try to educate you. There are many things you can do to take care of your family and to stop being a victim.

Stop starting threads on venting about these things at DST, and give the kids a bath, clean the house, put some real food in the fridge, eat some fruits and veggies and maybe plan on nursing the next baby. I'm sorry, I can't go on and on about what a good mommy you are, and that is why I can't post at DST. I'm afraid I'd have to lie, and I cannot tell a lie. So, anonymously, I have to tell you the truth, as hard as it may be to hear. It's up to you girl!

Anonymous said...

I am glad someone contacted CPS on her. A kid with dirty fingernails is reasonable. A six month old with dirty fingernails...I don't think so. She is always complaining about no money, having another kid, yeah I feel sorry for those kids.

September 29, 2008 7:01 PM

If the kid was crawling around (as she said he was) he's going to get dirty finger nails. It happens. Kids get dirty. Get over it. Not something to call CPS over.

And I think a lot of us grew up on kool aid. We came out fine. I give it to my kids occasionally. It's not something we have every day, but sometimes I'm in the mood for a glass of black cherry kool aid.

I'm not a fan of milk under 1, but if you look at her ticker it says took 5 months to make this one - she's 23 weeks pregnant, that makes the youngest close to a year.

Anonymous said...

milk instead of formula when she runs out of formula.

This is what got to me, I don't ever remember running out of something as important as formula when my babies were drinking it until the age when they were old enough to drink regular milk.

Dirty nails are only ok at the moment. Once the child is up off the floor or out of the dirt wash their hands. With that said I realize that kids are dirty while playing but most people understand and acknowledge that is normal. So are the dirt nails of her kids abnormal to those complaining about it?
I never understood financially depressed and being dirty. Water is free!

Anonymous said...

Water is free!

Not if you have city water. Our water and sewer bill runs about $70 a month. Still, unless you live in a box, you probably have water, free or not. As far as dirty kids, well, kids and dirt go hand in hand. I have thrown in the towel trying to keep up with a clean house. I have 3 little ones under 6 running around and the dirt and mess follows them like a magnet, so as soon as I clean one thing and start on the next, the first thing I attempted to clean up is a mess again. lol They're happy and healthy, so it's all good.

Anonymous said...

I have 3 kids under three, and I really don't get the dirty fingernails. Your kids get dirty fingernails crawling around your house? Do you have dirt floors? I am not a clean freak, but my kids don't have dirty fingernails and I am not chasing them around with wet wipes all day either. Normal bathing, grooming and normal house cleaning,seems to work for me. She this happened when she took her kids to a family function, not after they were playing at the park. Get some respect for yourself and clean up your kids and the floor they are crawling on.
Don't get me started on the Koolaid (sugar water). Ever heard of Pedialyte, ask your pediatrician they usually have free samples if you can't afford or have time to go to the store.

Anonymous said...

I'm no particular friend of Sarah's, but geez, don't we have anything better to talk about? I don't know Sarah and I don't know the whole story. All I know is that I don't always express myself the best when trying to say something, so maybe she didn't either and things got mixed up.

I'm not for giving my kid Kool-Aid, mostly because it's so disgusting, that I never managed to drink it as a kid, and I wouldn't give her chocolate milk either, but it's her kid.

Anonymous said...

Water is free!

Really? You don't have to pay for water where you live? Aren't you lucky then. I have to pay for my water, but I live in the city and not in the woods next to a lake.

Anonymous said...

maybe it's just way too much personal stuff to put on a message board, I dunno.

I also have a problem with the milk/choc. milk instead of formula if the child is under a year.

Even though a CPS visit might be a pain, it is a system, although maybe a bit imperfect, that is set up to protect children. I am a required reporter so it isn't up to me to decide whether or not the child is being abused. If someone is calling CPS just because they hate someone and want to get them in trouble, that is an abuse of the system.

Anonymous said...

"If someone is calling CPS just because they hate someone and want to get them in trouble, that is an abuse of the system."

Something tells me it's not just because someone hates her. They probably really feel like her children are in jeopardy. It's a cliche yes, but where there's smoke, there's usually fire.

Anonymous said...

ITA. Also with the person that said too much information to share on a message board. I wonder though if she shared only what she thought she could garner support, what information didn't she post for public consumption. There probably is a family issue, but calling CPS is like calling 911. Don't do it unless you really feel you need to.
Something tells me it's not just because someone hates her. They probably really feel like her children are in jeopardy. It's a cliche yes, but where there's smoke, there's usually fire.

October 2, 2008 10:44 AM

Anonymous said...

Check this thread for a laugh. I wonder which designer came out with this new CU template, almost all the papers look the same, except for the colors

Anonymous said...

Something tells me it's not just because someone hates her. They probably really feel like her children are in jeopardy. It's a cliche yes, but where there's smoke, there's usually fire.

October 2, 2008 10:44 AM


Hmmm. When I was in high school, my boyfriend's sister used to sneak out at night all the time, she was 15. Her mother put security locks on the window, so her daughter couldn't sneak out anymore. Guess what happened? The daughter made a complaint to everyone who would listen and it had to be investigated. She was old enough to understand the consequences of that. So yeah, people do make complaints because of a pettiness on their part.

Anonymous said...

the difference in this situation is that the kids aren't 15.

but I get what you're saying.

Anonymous said...

Check this thread for a laugh. I wonder which designer came out with this new CU template, almost all the papers look the same, except for the colors

October 2, 2008 7:41 PM
Just about all of them used the CU worn overlays from Something Blue Studios :)

Anonymous said...

Check this thread for a laugh. I wonder which designer came out with this new CU template, almost all the papers look the same, except for the colors

October 2, 2008 7:41 PM
Just about all of them used the CU worn overlays from Something Blue Studios :)

October 3, 2008 9:55 AM

Thanks. I thought it was funny as I was skimming through and I kept thinking the page was reloading.

Anonymous said...

That's too funny. Talk about over use!

Anonymous said...

That's too funny. Talk about over use!

October 4, 2008 7:08 AM

This has been going on for quite a while now, and it's the major reason I spend hardly anything these days--it's kind of pointless to buy almost identical copies-versions-whatever of the same thing over and over. I'm starting to wonder if scrapping is only for sheeples-nah, I think it's just the vast majority of designers are sheeples.