Just giving you new space...and I like the comment above.
Actually, I went over to DST to find some smack worthy stuff, and I couldn't find anything. Pretty boring over there unless you are into arguing over health care reform.
So I don't want to kill the conversation started in the last thread...Why has DST lost its luster? Have people moved on to a new craft, have people moved to store forums, are people actually scrapping for themselves or have they all turned into designers?
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1717 Newer› Newest»lol-if the bible says ASS, then it's A-OK. Well, okey dokey.
You didn't think that out beforehand? Poor girl.
Concerning Jen Wilson, I believe I read that she has ongoing medical issues, she just chooses not to broadcast them.
I think we should have a little more compassion, who knows what people go through that we're not privy to.
I am constantly amused by the names of designers,
making this up
Gertrude has a shop and she loves frogs and scraps, combines it to be
frog scraps
and her name is frogscrap
frogs crap,
yes they do, but it's small piles I guess
I'm telling you, there is a lot of humor in the scrap world!
I've always thought the same thing about Catscrap. LOL
Concerning Jen Wilson, I believe I read that she has ongoing medical issues, she just chooses not to broadcast them.
I think we should have a little more compassion, who knows what people go through that we're not privy to.
August 30, 2009 3:37 PM
Did I miss any personal bashing of Jen Wilson? The only things I recall were inconsistencies in putting out product.
I think we should have a little more maturity than to think a comment about business practices equals some kind of personal insult.
I didn't say it was personal bashing. It doesn't matter to me if you bash her as a designer or personally, to me it's all bashing. She is a real person with real feelings, not a business.
I don't think I'm immature for feeling empathy for her. Just the opposite, imho.
If she has ongoing medical issues she should stop promising product and not delivering. Everyone would be okay if things came out less regularly, it's the promises about regular releases and the failure to do so that piss people off.
You're right, she shouldn't promise things if she has issues. It's just that I know sometimes I have the best of intentions, feel good and motivated, then $%#@ happens and I can't do anything. Yeah, I have problems too sometimes. :(
Good grief she's using the initials of her Shop. They just happen to spell ASS. I guess if ASS is good enough to have in the bible then why are you so offended by that word. As it happens my daughter had the initals ASS it just sort of worked out that way.
Never said I was offended. I find it kind of funny if they don't realize it. But am just unimpressed if they did it for shock value.
Not saying YOU have to be unimpressed, just that I am. Not saying I'm an expert in being unimpressed either.
I am NOT trying to make you take on my opinion.
Just want to make sure you understand and spell it out simply since you really didn't understand my first post ;)
Why do people get so huffy here sometimes? Isn't this for fun and being sarcastic?
The conservatives (could be rush limbaugh or glenn beck or anyone) could say that Obama thinks the sky is purple and they'd believe it.
August 30, 2009 11:42 AM
Grow up, why don't you? You believed that the war in Iraq was justified, don't you? I'd much rather believe the sky is purple, at least no one is getting killed. And for the record, I'm not a conservative, don't live there but I'm so tired of the anti Obama brigade thinking that Bush was perfect and wonderful. The man was a brainless twit. It's a wonder he managed to tie his shoes.
I didn't say it was personal bashing. It doesn't matter to me if you bash her as a designer or personally, to me it's all bashing. She is a real person with real feelings, not a business.
If she's not a business, why isn't she giving her product away for free? Oh, that's right, because she is a business. Seriously someone people need to separate out the person from the business.
the nail on the head!
scrapping is full of people
people with memories they share with strangers that become friends.
CTs create for designers in a business deal and become friends
when the "hey this is a business" card is thrown everyone is hurt!
darn people, we should not have them in scrapping!
oh wait, we need people to buy the product!
vicious little circle with lots of estrogen, I'm telling you, reality TV is missing something here!
The conservatives (could be rush limbaugh or glenn beck or anyone) could say that Obama thinks the sky is purple and they'd believe it.
August 30, 2009 11:42 AM
Grow up, why don't you? You believed that the war in Iraq was justified, don't you? I'd much rather believe the sky is purple, at least no one is getting killed. And for the record, I'm not a conservative, don't live there but I'm so tired of the anti Obama brigade thinking that Bush was perfect and wonderful. The man was a brainless twit. It's a wonder he managed to tie his shoes.
August 30, 2009 8:56 PM
LOL I don't think you understood her comment! I think she was saying that conservatives will believe anything that jackasses like Rush say. He can spew any trash he wants about Obama and the conservatives will believe it because they're mindless followers (according to the first poster).
Ah! That makes sense. This is what happens when I don't have my coffee.
An ASS isn't an arse, butt, backside in all countries. An ASS is a DONKEY after all is said and done. Perhaps if you Americans spelled in English instead of American you'd be a tad less judgemental. Try calling it an arse so people can differentiate. Oh, and a FANNY isn't another name for a backside either. Fanny is a woman's private bits in most other countries.
You need some help with that chip on your shoulder?
And, I'm kind of curious about 'spelling in American' Could you give an example or two?
If she's not a business, why isn't she giving her product away for free? Oh, that's right, because she is a business. Seriously someone people need to separate out the person from the business.
August 30, 2009 8:59 PM
Ding, ding, ding!!! We have a winner!
Those crazy wingnuts in the Hot Topics section are going to be the final nail in DST's coffin.
I know it. I made the mistake of venturing into the hot topics forum once. I'm a Dem, so I'm a-scared to say anything for fear I'll be bashed and labeled a socialist. Some of those women need to shut it and step away. You might think the world has ended with all the paranoia going on. There are political forums all over the place, why can't they just get together and take it to one of those? Both sides drive me nutty but it's the hard conservatives that really need to chill out.
Two things that need to stay out of forums that are not specifically designated for each topic are religion and politics.
I won't turn this place into a political or religious debate.
Two things that need to stay out of forums that are not specifically designated for each topic are religion and politics.
And it's true-those crazy, radical, sky is falling nutjobs in Hot Topics have run off all the sane, rational people.
Who wants to be associated with a site full of that kind of lunacy?
WTH is/was Shannon thinking by letting that crap go on (and on and on and on)??
An ASS isn't an arse, butt, backside in all countries. An ASS is a DONKEY after all is said and done. Perhaps if you Americans spelled in English instead of American you'd be a tad less judgemental. Try calling it an arse so people can differentiate. Oh, and a FANNY isn't another name for a backside either. Fanny is a woman's private bits in most other countries.
Well it is here in America and since so many other countries think we're so self-centered, then everyone else should change for us, LOL!
Arse is okay to say here, it's not a "bad" word as opposed to Ass, which is a no-no. I wonder how it changed? And fanny - wonder how that became a behind? We also call it hiney, tushy, booty.
Let us know if we should change any of those as well for the sake of everyone else ;) I think the differences are fun.
I was overseas one time and someone asked me for a fag - took me a moment to realize he wanted a smoke. Then asked me if he could "nip" a potato chip (forgot what he called potato chip). "nip" was totally lost on me. LOL
The conservatives (could be rush limbaugh or glenn beck or anyone) could say that Obama thinks the sky is purple and they'd believe it.
August 30, 2009 11:42 AM
Grow up, why don't you? You believed that the war in Iraq was justified, don't you? I'd much rather believe the sky is purple, at least no one is getting killed. And for the record, I'm not a conservative, don't live there but I'm so tired of the anti Obama brigade thinking that Bush was perfect and wonderful. The man was a brainless twit. It's a wonder he managed to tie his shoes.
Did you even read my comment before you flew off the handle? Nope. Let me explain. I am saying the ladies at Hot Topics would believe that Obama thinks the sky is purple because such conservatives like Rush Limbaugh would say it. Sheesh. Read before you bash.
Ah! That makes sense. This is what happens when I don't have my coffee.
August 30, 2009 11:54 PM
My apologies now. I didn't read far down enough :)
I would be willing to donate muzzles for the likes of txmusicmom, Lara, etc.
re: the ASS convo. This is a sidenote but it's soooooo dumb how stores use initials all the time for themselves. They just assume everyone knows the name of their store and how to get there. They could improve their traffic and google results by using their full shop name with an incoming link but almost no one who owns a consigment shop does ANYTHING to optimize for search engines because they only have a self-learned designed background and NO business or web background/knowledge. Just because you buy a domain and possibly a shopping cart (although there are free carts too) doesn't mean you know ANYTHING about business. TOO FEW designers and store owners know anything about the business side of selling online. One of the MAJOR things that makes this "industry" as joke.
I was overseas one time and someone asked me for a fag - took me a moment to realize he wanted a smoke. Then asked me if he could "nip" a potato chip (forgot what he called potato chip). "nip" was totally lost on me. LOL
In Britain they call Potato Chips 'crisps', is that the word you were thinking of?
TOO FEW designers and store owners know anything about the business side of selling online. One of the MAJOR things that makes this "industry" as joke.
Here, Here! With Zen Cart being free and fairly simple to install and customize, Photoshop/PSP easily available through a vast number of file sharing sites and the number of commercial use produts on the market, added to the whole lack of business sense makes this industry a joke.
I have nothing against people trying to make a few extra bucks...in this (entire world) economy, there's not too many people who couldn't use more money. However, it's getting way out of control, especially with the floods of poorly rendered Daz crap and kits made from badly made CU items. There's a whole lot less "designers" actually designing anything at all. It's sad to see how greed is so obviously a motivator, especially within the CU shops. I don't know how many stores some of these girls sell at but it seems as if I see the same names in every store I visit and those are the ones that really have crappy stuff out. The handful of CU designers that I have bought from when I do buy CU only sell at one or two stores, don't have 100,000 items (like stupid styles..EW! ENOUGH WITH THE CRAPPY STYLES!) but only a couple of pages worth and what they do have for sale is original and really well made and none of them sell at the big CU cluster-fuck stores.
*sniff* I miss the good ole' days where there were only a couple of stores and even though some of the stuff may have been subpar to what today's standards have become, at least it was mostly hand-crafted and original.
I am not actively designing for any store but I do make stuff for my own site here and there and only do it for fun. I mostly buy scraps for myself to scrap with. It's getting harder to find anything worth a shit anymore. Too much fantasy and too much recolored CU kits, neither of which I have any interest in and what actually prompted me to start my own stuff.
Eek...sorry for the long rant. I just get pissy about it because I absolutely love digiscrapping and have sadly watched it go way downhill since I started back in 2003.
Grow up, why don't you? You believed that the war in Iraq was justified, don't you? I'd much rather believe the sky is purple, at least no one is getting killed. And for the record, I'm not a conservative, don't live there but I'm so tired of the anti Obama brigade thinking that Bush was perfect and wonderful. The man was a brainless twit. It's a wonder he managed to tie his shoes.
August 30, 2009 8:56 PM
And I'm tired of the pro-Obama brigade thinking Obama is going to save the world. Not saying this is you, just saying. Bush wasn't perfect or wonderful, but neither is Obama, and I'm sick of everyone trying to convince me he's the best thing to ever happen to our country.
But my thoughts don't count because I am not purchasing anything anymore...see prior post somewhere on this blog about since I don't buy, my thoughts are not considered valid.
I'm SICK of kits filled with the same CU items recolored and regurgitated. I have no use for Fantasy kits. Show me a nice well crafted kit full of original items and original papers - not all folded or creased or have inked edges (my pet peeve!!!)
*sigh* I feel "old" wishing for the good old days of digiscrapping.
In Britain they call Potato Chips 'crisps', is that the word you were thinking of?
Yup! Thanks - it was driving me crazy trying to remember :)
I'm SICK of kits filled with the same CU items recolored and regurgitated. I have no use for Fantasy kits. Show me a nice well crafted kit full of original items and original papers - not all folded or creased or have inked edges (my pet peeve!!!)
There are lots of designers out there who still make kits like this. Tracy Ann, Taylor Made and Paislee Press, just off the top of my head.
Thanks for mentioning Taylor Made and Paislee Press in the same sentence as Tracy Ann. I adore Tracy Ann so checked out these other two and they are fabulous!
It's great to see there are still original and funky designs out there. Add me to those not a fan of regurgitated CU!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You need some help with that chip on your shoulder?
And, I'm kind of curious about 'spelling in American' Could you give an example or two?
August 31, 2009 5:33 AM
Color is American
Colour is English
Neighbor is American
Neighbour is English
Aluminum is American
Aluminium is English
Favor is American
Favour is English
Plow is American
Plough is English
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You need some help with that chip on your shoulder?
And, I'm kind of curious about 'spelling in American' Could you give an example or two?
August 31, 2009 5:33 AM
I don't have a chip on my shoulder. Just pointing out that the use of ASS shouldn't be taken as an offence when the word doesn't mean anything bad in most countries, simply for the fact that an ASS is a donkey. Using the term ASS instead of arse or backside seems to be a predominently US thing.
You "root" for sporting teams. People don't take offence because they know it's an innocent term in US. In most other counties, root is a euphamism for sexual intercourse. If you say you root for a sports team, nobody makes a fuss because they know it's not meant in the same way as other countries.
Just trying to point out there are differences in the meaning of words and just because you may find one word offensive in America doesn't mean it was actually meant in an offensive way - just as some of the American terms may be offensive to others but not in the US.
Would this be a good time to remark on the number of 'twats' at DST? Of course, I mean that in the British vernacular and not the American. Or maybe not. Acutally, either way works.
Thanks for mentioning Taylor Made and Paislee Press in the same sentence as Tracy Ann. I adore Tracy Ann so checked out these other two and they are fabulous!
It's great to see there are still original and funky designs out there. Add me to those not a fan of regurgitated CU!
August 31, 2009 5:15 PM
I hope you checked out some of the other designers at Oscraps while you were there. One of the few places that still has original designers that make stuff you can use for a lot of things. After my spending freeze, I bought from there and I'm going back. I'm very happy with my purchases.
Would this be a good time to remark on the number of 'twats' at DST? Of course, I mean that in the British vernacular and not the American. Or maybe not. Acutally, either way works.
August 31, 2009 5:47 PM
Bwahahaha. This reminds of the time I first heard fanny pack, instead of bum bag.
Just trying to point out there are differences in the meaning of words and just because you may find one word offensive in America doesn't mean it was actually meant in an offensive way - just as some of the American terms may be offensive to others but not in the US.
August 31, 2009 5:35 PM
Gotcha-thanks! Actually, ass/ASS doesn't offend many people here, either. It doesn't even blip on my radar, actually.
Thanks also for the spelling examples. I thought that might be what was meant, but wanted to be sure. I have no idea why so much spelling got Americanized, and it wouldn't bother me a bit to use real/standard English.
I also have no idea why the U.S. still stubbornly refuses to standardize to the metric system, either! Metric is much easier and makes more sense.
Sorry that I mistook you for a basher/hater-totally my bad.
I want to know what stores SEEM to be making the most popular always...
Scrapbook Graphics
Two Peas....am I on the ball here? Who else?
Would this be a good time to remark on the number of 'twats' at DST? Of course, I mean that in the British vernacular and not the American. Or maybe not. Acutally, either way works.
August 31, 2009 5:47 PM
Too funny, and also so true! Sad, but true.
DD (designer digitals)
Scrapbook Graphics
Two Peas....am I on the ball here? Who else?
DSP, ACOT and Two Peas? Are you being funny?
I would substitute those with Scrapartist, Shabby Pickle and Sweet Shoppe. I'm a HUGE Tracy Ann fan too.
I almost laughed my arse off the first time I heard the term fanny pack/fanny sack. It sounds SO wrong.
I had no idea that ass was so offensive?
I'm also checking out Oscraps. Like the look of Sue Cummings, too.
LDD is no longer popular. When the usual thread came up at DST about a month ago, LDD was no where on the list.
It was
Shabby Pickle
After 5
Lily Pad
and some other store that I don't shop at. I can't even remember it.
It makes me laugh every time those threads come up because if you look at them on a six month basis, they change so much.
FPD used to be on most people's list 18 months ago, this time around I think it made it to one or two people's lists. Same for Christina Renee, who was noticeably absent from the lists.
I also have no idea why the U.S. still stubbornly refuses to standardize to the metric system, either! Metric is much easier and makes more sense.
Not to mention being a democratic country, why are the using an Imperial system? Get it?
"There are lots of designers out there who still make kits like this. Tracy Ann, Taylor Made and Paislee Press, just off the top of my head."
I know and love the last two, but where does Tracy Ann sell?
She has her own store - http://tracyanndigitalart.com
Metric makes so much more sense.
Have you bothered to try googling her? It's really easy. You could've done it in the time it took you to type the question, put in the word verification, and double check 4 times that you were really posting anonymously.
"double check 4 times that you were really posting anonymously"
Funny you should mention googling actually, because the first page of Taylor Made is all about golf carts and things. Would have been easier for me to ask here I think!
Anon at 7.47... you really should just get a life.
Same for Christina Renee, who was noticeably absent from the lists.
August 31, 2009 7:34 PM
meh. She's noticeably absent from creating new product.
Not to mention being a democratic country, why are the using an Imperial system? Get it?
August 31, 2009 7:36 PM
Heh! So true :)
Same for Christina Renee, who was noticeably absent from the lists.
August 31, 2009 7:34 PM
meh. She's noticeably absent from creating new product.
And what she does create is of questionable quality anyway.
Not to mention being a democratic country, why are the using an Imperial system? Get it?
August 31, 2009 7:36 PM
Heh! So true :)
August 31, 2009 8:10 PM
FYI the US is a republic NOT a democracy - there IS a difference.
Yes, I am aware of that, but it did not stop me from enjoying the humor of the joke.
good grief.
Oooh, 8:20, how very Deb Cozzi-ish of you!
are the using an Imperial system? Get it?
August 31, 2009 7:36 PM
Heh! So true :)
August 31, 2009 8:10 PM
FYI the US is a republic NOT a democracy - there IS a difference.
August 31, 2009 8:20 PM
So that makes it okay to use an Imperial system does it? Coz that makes them a Monarchy? Sheesh.
That's the whole trouble with all this bitching and screaming, you want something done but so few of you are willing to do it. If you aren't going to stop it when you can, keep quiet. You had your chance to do something and you didn't take it, so quit your whining.
August 30, 2009 1:26 AM
Where's Ruby when you need her?? ROFL
Eek...sorry for the long rant. I just get pissy about it because I absolutely love digiscrapping and have sadly watched it go way downhill since I started back in 2003.
August 31, 2009 12:35 PM
Word on all you said!!!
There ARE places that still have quality DESIGNED stuff..just not many of them.
I got tired of DST when every organization question was answered with ADSee is the answer for every for everything......
What was the one thing that pushed you over the edge......
when tragedy was allowed in the dcr and cassell was made a moderator.
I got tired of DST when every organization question was answered with ADSee is the answer for every for everything......
What was the one thing that pushed you over the edge......
when tragedy was allowed in the dcr and cassell was made a moderator.
With all the money she apparently makes from s4h, perhaps she paid Shannon to let her in.
Yeah, right! over $1500 a week my ass (or should I say arse) Who the hell are the wack jobs paying her all that money for her crappy layouts?
Oops, sorry that says per month not week. Either way, that's a lot of crap being sold.
With all the money she apparently makes from s4h, perhaps she paid Shannon to let her in.
Yeah, right! over $1500 a week my ass (or should I say arse) Who the hell are the wack jobs paying her all that money for her crappy layouts?
August 31, 2009 9:49 PM
I can't access this without having to log in so it must be in the DCR. Nice. Love how so many designers bitch and moan about the smack blogs but you keep visiting anyway. Ironic, ain't it?
With all the money she apparently makes from s4h, perhaps she paid Shannon to let her in.
Yeah, right! over $1500 a week my ass (or should I say arse) Who the hell are the wack jobs paying her all that money for her crappy layouts?
August 31, 2009 9:49 PM
I can't access this without having to log in so it must be in the DCR. Nice. Love how so many designers bitch and moan about the smack blogs but you keep visiting anyway. Ironic, ain't it?
Funny, I don't think I've ever "bitched and moaned" about the smack blog.If that were the case I wouldn't be here. And if it was DST you meant to say instead of smack blog, I don't recall myself ever saying I never go there. Also, I wasn't aware that designers weren't allowed to read and post here. If I had known if was only for the scrappers who like to bitch and moan I would have quit reading a long time ago.
By the way, how'd you know it was the DCR if you never go there? Hmm, perhaps checking on what was posted here just like I was checking on the comment of Tragedy being allowed in the DCR?
Please note that I said SO MANY designers not ALL designers. Why feel the need to defend yourself if you aren't one of the ones that complains, hmm?
By the way, how'd you know it was the DCR if you never go there? Hmm, perhaps checking on what was posted here just like I was checking on the comment of Tragedy being allowed in the DCR?
Where did I say I never go to DST? Where? Can you point that out to me? Oh no, you can't, because I never said it. Sheesh.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oops, sorry that says per month not week. Either way, that's a lot of crap being sold.
August 31, 2009 9:50 PM
The poster of that thread in the DCR asked "per month" but Tragic Tragedy claims to earn over $1500 per WEEK! I call bullshit on that one! He stuff is shit and she's a known pirate. More like she "saves" $1500 a week on the value of the kits she gets from pirates and then passes along to her other pirate friends.
Four Comments
#1 Did you see the CT Enabling thread for the 31st? I have NEVER seen such crap listed, one right after the other! The LOs aren't good, either (of course it's not so easy to scrap crap)
#2. POLL for CTs: do you always tell the designer her kit is great, even when you think it's ugly?
POLL for CTs: If you see tons of stray pixels, do you tell her?
#3. Poo! I wish I had read this blog today, but instead I went shopping and bought beau coup at Christina Renee's 75% off sale. She's really good at previews, I'll say that for her. The stuff I bought was so-so. I didn't hate it, but on some of the collections I bought, I only wanted one item and figured 75c was an okay price. One thing was so bad it was positively unidentifiable -- a belt buckle? Truly bad!
#4 I just put $50.00 more dollars into Paypal and did a quick look to see my YTD scrap-spending: $1900.00, minus about $200.00 that went to Ebay and was NSBR. (But then I have to add back about $100.00 (Visa) to Katie Pertiet who doesn't take Paypal.)
Is this abnormal? I cannot stay away from the stores!
Just think, with all that money I spent I could have paid Tragedy Ann to make my scrapbooks for me! ROTFLMA(arse)O
POLL for CTs: do you always tell the designer her kit is great, even when you think it's ugly?
POLL for CTs: If you see tons of stray pixels, do you tell her?
If I don't like a kit that one of my designers has made, I wouldn't tell her it's great, but I wouldn't tell her it's ugly either. Someone else may love it. For instance, if one of my designer does pink, I'm not into it, even though I have a girl, I just don't like pink.
I've always had a good enough relationship with my designers that if there is a problem with their product, I tell them. They are always grateful. It's really easy to miss stuff sometimes.
Funny, I don't think I've ever "bitched and moaned" about the smack blog.If that were the case I wouldn't be here. And if it was DST you meant to say instead of smack blog, I don't recall myself ever saying I never go there. Also, I wasn't aware that designers weren't allowed to read and post here. If I had known if was only for the scrappers who like to bitch and moan I would have quit reading a long time ago.
By the way, how'd you know it was the DCR if you never go there? Hmm, perhaps checking on what was posted here just like I was checking on the comment of Tragedy being allowed in the DCR?
August 31, 2009 11:31 PM
It's designers like you that make me wish this place really was for scrappers only.
POLL for CTs: do you always tell the designer her kit is great, even when you think it's ugly?
nope, I didn't say anything to her, I moaned a bit at home and my husband said, you aren't her slave...yeah duh, after 2 kits of regurgitated bad stuff, I put my resignation in. but I didn't tell her...wimp that I am
POLL for CTs: If you see tons of stray pixels, do you tell her?
Oh I am the one to tell about stray pixels....but honestly it has only happened probably 2 times. Once was a OKC, but it wasn't a great kit once opened anyways.
as a CT, seeing every kit, you pick up if they are just redoing an element or not.
a lot of the designers are doing pick the kit only if you are going to work with it. I like that flexibility
and a few of the designers I ct for before the kit comes out shows it to us, for input of what might be missing and asks for input.
and one will point blank ask for opinions on specific things in the kit...(you know who you are..ha ha)and really wants to know!
ah yes and yet private info from the DCR once again rears it's head. It's too bad that the one who snitched the info this time from the DCR which is suppose to be a private forum doesn't understand what she signed, when she gained access, was a privacy clause that stuff said in the DCR wouldn't work it's way out of the DCR but we all know that not everyone who has access is an upstanding citizen who keeps their bloody mouths shut. So to that person I say you are the worst of the worst and shouldn't dare speak ill of anyone else when you can't honor a commitment you made by signing and getting into the DCR.
and yes Designers read this Blog if for no other reason then to set some records straight because the other idiots would have you believing in everything whether it is true or not and a good part of the time it's just trash talk and holds no basis whatsoever. Disgruntled people love to pull in others into their misery. SAD SAD SAD
Anyone else think the furore from the SLC mob over Ikea Goddess's bad day expression is hilarious?
some of them............it's a word for goodness sake. Fine you don't like that kind of language but get off your pedestal. She stated a quote from a character it wasn't a post full of language.
They'll be back, won't want to give up those freebies. I love reading Angie's blog, she's got spunk.
It's Angie's blog-she can say whatever she wants. Let's hope the pearl clutchers really do move along.
i'm not a fan of foul language, don't use it myself. Used to til someone showed me in the dictionary what my last sentences actually meant...lol
I won't stand up and cheer when someone does either...
it wasn't the most mature (business) posting Ikea could make...
but I don't think she claims to be a business? does she?
but hey, no one takes scrapping seriously anyways right?
its a nice little hobby...and that is the way it will stay.
ah yes and yet private info from the DCR once again rears it's head
talk about copyright violation!!
copyright violations aside, shouldn't stuff that ugly be against the law?
Holy crapola. Can you say 'monitor calibration'? No, apparently not. I need to make an optician appointment for some prescription sunglasses...
That's mild. I found a HUGE site the other day dedicated to Disney clip art. There were literally thousands of clip art images and post cards and all kinds of disney related crap. On the bottom of the front page, as a small disclaimer, "these are Disney's images, blah, blah, I have no affilliation, yada, yada." Idiot.
Alikat (or however she spells it) scraps made kit after kit using trademarked images from everywhere, Disney, Nick, Nick Jr. Same sort of disclaimer about copyright and only taking them for personal use, in the same breath claiming "Fair Use." Idiot.
Honey Designs WAS using trademarked items but has since stopped but still right-clicks images from the web, "extracts" them and puts them in her kits at 72dpi. Idiot.
People put all kinds of copyrighted crap up at DigiscrapDepot.com, too. Idiots.
I could go on for days and days and days. People are either incredibly stupid or they just don't care. Maybe both.
People are either incredibly stupid or they just don't care.
or they have a sense of entitlement - that the rules don't apply to them / or they deserve an exception
People are either incredibly stupid or they just don't care.
or they have a sense of entitlement - that the rules don't apply to them / or they deserve an exception
September 1, 2009 2:49 PM
ITA. And these people always have a "no piracy" blinkie on their blogs. Idiots!
ITA. And these people always have a "no piracy" blinkie on their blogs. Idiots!
there's so much worthless crap in digi stores lately that the shit over at 2peas is actually starting to look appealing--help!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
talk about copyright violation!!
September 1, 2009 1:51 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
copyright violations aside, shouldn't stuff that ugly be against the law?
September 1, 2009 2:03 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Holy crapola. Can you say 'monitor calibration'? No, apparently not. I need to make an optician appointment for some prescription sunglasses...
September 1, 2009 2:07 PM
Holy Cow! I was near blinded by that awful crap. Ouch!
There were far more supporters of Angie that those who were self righteous, in fact, they were pretty much shouted down and beaten well and good.
There were far more supporters of Angie that those who were self righteous, in fact, they were pretty much shouted down and beaten well and good.
That's what I was gonna say. I only saw 2 or maybe 3 negative posts.
I'm still gobsmacked that tragedyanne is allowed into the DCR. If that doesn't prove that the DCR is worthless, I don't know what does.
I only saw 2 or maybe 3 negative posts.
September 1, 2009 6:20 PM
That would be 2 or maybe 3 pearl clutchers too many.
i like that word - gobsmacked
like helladat tragedyanne
OT - how freaking WEIRD is this!!??
Well, it's supposed to resemble a candlestick but it is rather phallic looking I have to say. I don't think I'd be serving that up to my kids LOL
I'm still gobsmacked that tragedyanne is allowed into the DCR. If that doesn't prove that the DCR is worthless, I don't know what does.
September 1, 2009 6:52 PM
While I'm not a fan of Tragedy, I wasn't aware that the DCR was exclusive. As far as I know, as long as you can prove you have a digi scrap business of some kind, you can enter the DCR. I find it funny that a country that claims so often and so loudly that all men are created equal; there is always so much exclusion.
those are some unfortunate photos
@@ tragedyanne is a pirate
OT - how freaking WEIRD is this!!??
September 1, 2009 7:03 PM
Looks gross and is gross. Lunch meat and plastic cheese? No thanks! My kid wouldn't even touch that. Well, she would eat the banana, minus the PB and eat the lettuce leaf.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
@@ tragedyanne is a pirate
September 1, 2009 7:25 PM
Proof? I keep hearing this but have yet to see any kind of proof.
I find it funny that a country that claims so often and so loudly that all men are created equal; there is always so much exclusion.
September 1, 2009 7:20 PM
You really don't know what country people are posting from, so that's just silly.
I find it funny that a country that claims so often and so loudly that all men are created equal; there is always so much exclusion.
September 1, 2009 7:20 PM
You really don't know what country people are posting from, so that's just silly.
September 1, 2009 7:29 PM
I can guess from the spelling, besides, don't most countries claim that? At least, in the Western world? Why, yes they do. So, it's not as silly as you think.
You're right-you're not being silly. Just really bitchy.
You're right-you're not being silly. Just really bitchy.
September 1, 2009 7:52 PM
How so? I'm sorry that the truth is so often considered to be bitchy.
Why not go out and play in the sunshine and eat an ice cream, okay honey? Now that's bitchy.
Oy vey you two. Quit it.
I'm beginning to think this is one person bickering with herself.
I don't bicker with myself, far too boring. What a strange idea.
While I'm not a fan of Tragedy, I wasn't aware that the DCR was exclusive. As far as I know, as long as you can prove you have a digi scrap business of some kind, you can enter the DCR. I find it funny that a country that claims so often and so loudly that all men are created equal; there is always so much exclusion.
September 1, 2009 7:20 PM
Pirates aren't supposed to have DCR access. I wonder who behind the scenes she is friends with.......
....plastic cheese?
What, your kids are too good to eat sliced american cheese? Fuck, why do some people have to be so...so...so...ugh, I don't know.
That thing did look nasty, though.
....plastic cheese?
What, your kids are too good to eat sliced american cheese? Fuck, why do some people have to be so...so...so...ugh, I don't know.
That thing did look nasty, though.
September 2, 2009 12:42 AM
Nothing wrong with good ole American cheese. However, the crap that comes individually wrapped ain't cheese, no matter what it says o the package. Why do people have to be so, so - you don't know. I'm sorry, I guess I want my kid to eat real food.
Pirates aren't supposed to have DCR access. I wonder who behind the scenes she is friends with.......
September 2, 2009 12:21 AM
Maybe there's a lack of proof. There sure hasn't been any shown on here about Tragedy being a pirate. Hearsay don't make it true, which is probably why she has access to the DCR.
....plastic cheese?
What, your kids are too good to eat sliced american cheese? Fuck, why do some people have to be so...so...so...ugh, I don't know.
That thing did look nasty, though.
September 2, 2009 12:42 AM
Nothing wrong with good ole American cheese. However, the crap that comes individually wrapped ain't cheese, no matter what it says o the package. Why do people have to be so, so - you don't know. I'm sorry, I guess I want my kid to eat real food.
September 2, 2009 1:08 AM
Plastic cheese isn't "american". It's found all ove the world. And no, I wouldn't feed that gad awful crap to anyone.
I never said it was American. Unfortunately it is found all over the world, well, mostly. It's hard to find in some places in Europe.
Maybe there's a lack of proof. There sure hasn't been any shown on here about Tragedy being a pirate. Hearsay don't make it true, which is probably why she has access to the DCR.
September 2, 2009 1:10 AM
She HAD access to the DCR, it has since been removed
She's been either removed from some CT's or had invitations revoked before she was officially added too. She certainly is a tragic and pathetic person.
"american cheese" is an actual name and type of cheese like cheddar or swiss that is real cheese but "processed cheese food" is imitation cheese.
Don't you mean "cheese flavoured food substitute"?
GAWD. I need to bleach my eyeballs.
Blushbutter just sent out layouts of herself breast-feeding her baby. With several clear shots of her completely uncovered breasts.
I have no problem with breastfeeding; I breastfed all 3 of my babies and sometimes had to do it in public. I did so discreetly, with a blanket covering myself, so I would not offend anyone around me. I certainly would never post pictures of my breasts or send them around in a mass-marketing e-mail! That is just ridiculous. Some pictures and pages should remain private. I certainly don't want to get them in my e-mail!
I don't think that's even a real batman logo - check this out and you'll see there are MANY and none of them look like the one in Tangie's kit:
EEEWWWW! Really? What on earth would possess someone to send a picture like that to CUSTOMERS? I have no problem with breastfeeding and did it myself but that's just wrong.
LOL cheeze controversy. Love it.
Government Cheese
government cheese is delicious!
So those dry erase board magnets that Something Blue Studios makes every year for people (around Christmas time)... are those just made with a Xyron?
I like cheese.
So those dry erase board magnets that Something Blue Studios makes every year for people (around Christmas time)... are those just made with a Xyron?
Is there a link or photo?
I don't know how they're made, I only ordered magnets before and they are very high quality, the magnet is very thick.
You can buy different sizes of adhesive magnet sheets on eBay and so on. Print picture, stick to magnet, done.
LDD is having a designer call. Wonder who will be joining.
I wonder what Michelle Coleman is like to work for?
Curiosity got the best of me and I had to go looking for Blushbutter's boobie layout. I have "heard" of her, but do not know her, I'm not a "fan", and have no connection to her whatsoever so this is a completely unbiased opinion but I am not offended AT ALL...... I only found one layout with a breast showing and in that layout the photo that contained the clear view of the breast was not the focal point photo.
It's a breastfeeding baby????? Color me confused but how the heck is that offensive?
I suppose seeing a pic of a toddler drinkin red Kool-aid out of a bottle is more your speed, 10:11?
4:39 can u share the LO link with the lazy peeps like me?
Apparently, sending photos of you breasfeeding your child to an email list of customers is hunky-dory in your book.
There's nothing wrong or offensive about breasteeding at all. Sending pictures of you doing it to strangers is really twisted, especially if you're on the receiving end and not specifically expecting something like that.
she needs help naming a kit:
how about...Great Big Steaming Pile?
oh my, next will be the CT call, and happy place give away...
but remember I am the queen of knowing what a bad kit is...please refrain from taking my thrown! ha ha
the kit should be named Flat as My Gramma's Ass
My vote is "Don't Give Up the Day Job".
There's nothing wrong or offensive about breasteeding at all. Sending pictures of you doing it to strangers is really twisted, especially if you're on the receiving end and not specifically expecting something like that.
September 2, 2009 5:14 PM
Twisted? How is it twisted? For all of you who are saying I don't find breastfeeding offensive, clearly you do! You find it so offensive, you feel the need to make a comment about how not offended you are but yet you are offended.
I checked out the LO. It's not offensive. The way those of you who are not offended yet offended were going on about it, I expected full frontal nudity. But is it? Not, it's just a baby on a breast.
If you find that offensive, then I think it's you who are twisted. Some of you are so uptight, it's a wonder you don't implode.
breastfeeding photos are fine for personal LOs but not business purposes. having boundaries and business smarts doesn't make a person uptight. Like I wouldn't use a LO about my divorce to pimp my own products. Designers blur the lines too much between their personal lives and business persona
There's nothing offensive about breastfeeding.
I do happen to find something very offensive about getting unexpected photos of strangers breastfeeding. Good for you that you don't.
Make sure you get on her mailing list. Oh, and calm your jets before you have a stroke.
OK, are you saying there are photos that went to her mailing list that are not posted at DST? so who's gonna SHOW the rest of us what you're talking about???????
Just google her, go to her website and look on the first page. How hard is that?
I do happen to find something very offensive about getting unexpected photos of strangers breastfeeding. Good for you that you don't.
No, I don't. Why is it so offensive? It's not like she was having sex, now that would be offensive. Besides, she's not that much of a stranger if you are on her mailing list, is she?
Make sure you get on her mailing list. Oh, and calm your jets before you have a stroke.
September 2, 2009 6:56 PM
Yeah, sure. Cool your own.
can someone who is on her mailing list say if the LOs she sent to her subscribers are the same on posted on her site and on DST
Besides, she's not that much of a stranger if you are on her mailing list, is she?
Why would being on a customer mailing list constitute anything more than just that? Would you mass-mail your breastfeeding layouts to your customer mailing list?
I get emails from Radio Shack, Target, Amazon and more, as well as scrap stores. I really hope I don't get birth photos from the CEO from Amazon promoting a birthing book or a layout of some big-wig from Radio Shack french-kissing their gay lover advertising a love song mix CD. Neither one are offensive to me in the proper context but not exactly promo material for that next nifty thing to buy. And I certainly wouldn't call them my friends.
Too much personalization going on in digiscrapping and not enough business sense.
Well if you looked at her gallery, the state of the kit makes sense.
I'm speechless!
Speechless and naive! Does every store do this? Do they have paid call girls and escorts in their LO galleries?
-leave at least 10 comments in the gallery each week
-be active in the forum
What do you get?
`you will receive a $15 GC to use on any PU products
in the store, each month
If this sounds like something you are interested in, please
send an email to admin@digitalscrapcafe.com
Store Owner of Digital Scrap Cafe
ummm yeh - i've noticed a few stores have a "praise" team
Praise teams have been around for a long while but they were always subtly advertised, if at all. It used to be word of mouth.
Also, all the "reviews" at Amazon are not from customers.
Just sayin'.
You will laugh your butts off when I tell you who the most wanted designer according the DST search is.
When you go to advanced search and scroll down, there is the tag cloud
with words like call, sale, freebie, scrapping themes and designer names people are searching for. The bigger the letters the more poular a search tag is. A couple of weeks ago I went there and was wondering how come Colie's Corner be so popular. Her designs are pretty bland.
Today, I was searching for a particular theme again, and again saw COLIE'S CORNER in big fat letters in front of my nose. WTF?
Apparently, this person begins every day with typing her designer name in the search string like 10 times. She targets uninformed site visitors who might have impression that her products are the hottest in town.
So what are other smart ass marketing tactics some designers use?
Funny you should mention her, I just found her on the IKEA Goddess blog. She does have nice templates.
Funny you should mention her, I just found her on the IKEA Goddess blog. She does have nice templates.
I bet you're either Colie, or Stacy Carlson (GottaPixel owner who agreed to leave the DST DCR, close her membership there, and not post there anymore after she gave out private customer info and accused them of piracy, but now posts in the DCR and the rest of DST as "GottaPixel")
No, I'm not, I had never heard of her before today. I saw a free template at the freebie blog. I don't know anything about her or Stacy.
Also, all the "reviews" at Amazon are not from customers.
Just sayin'.
Really? I've reviewed books at Amazon and I'm a customer. I could have been compensated for that? Now you tell me!
or Stacy Carlson (GottaPixel owner who agreed to leave the DST DCR, close her membership there, and not post there anymore after she gave out private customer info and accused them of piracy, but now posts in the DCR and the rest of DST as "GottaPixel")
September 3, 2009 12:12 PM
What does that have to do with anything, except you want to dish some dirt? Besides, wasn't that Stacey Jewel Stahal?
No one really expected fairness from Shannon did they??! She has never enforced the 'rules' consistently-especially in the DCR
Speaking of the DCR, who are these Xxxx and Yyyyyy people they're talking about?
or Stacy Carlson (GottaPixel owner who agreed to leave the DST DCR, close her membership there, and not post there anymore after she gave out private customer info and accused them of piracy, but now posts in the DCR and the rest of DST as "GottaPixel")
September 3, 2009 12:12 PM
What does that have to do with anything, except you want to dish some dirt? Besides, wasn't that Stacey Jewel Stahal?
It was definitely Stacy from GP, and not the other Stacey, but even so, who cares?
Speaking of the DCR, who are these Xxxx and Yyyyyy people they're talking about?
Tragedy Ann and some other chick that puts stuff up at digiscrapdepot. I can't remember what her name is.
TragedyAnne and XenaPrincesWar seem to have a personal beef going on. Check out the nasty comments Tragedy has made on Xena's freebies. Some of the are really nasty while others are just rated at 1 with no comment. That Tragegy has no business critiquing anyone's work when hers is even worse LOL
Old news, these links were given out before. But yes, totally agree that she doesn't have any right to criticize.
Oh I was hoping it was some new drama I didn't know about.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Old news, these links were given out before. But yes, totally agree that she doesn't have any right to criticize.
September 4, 2009 4:29 AM
I was responding to the person above.
So Amy Sumrall IS at The Lilypad. Hmmm....this blog always calls it. ;) I saw Miriam Lima's name at Funky Playground. Great, she gets to sell her so-so stuff at a different store.
CR is going to Oscraps
how do you know?
Who is CR
CR=Christina Renee
Emily Merrit and Valorie Wibbens(Spotten Dog Designs) will also be joining hte lilypad.
oh, duh, ok. So she is going to sell at Oscraps? Very cool.
Why are so many designers flocking to the lilypad? (sounds snarky, but not intended. looking for reasons why it's different.)
spotten dog? wtf? Is that for real?
spotted dog. used to sell at we are storytellers
This seems to be a new trend...designers selling elements in their recent kits as CU afterwards. Doesn't that cheapen their kits? I see this everywhere, SPD, A5, Catscrap and on and on. I really liked some of the original kits too.
This seems to be a new trend...designers selling elements in their recent kits as CU afterwards. Doesn't that cheapen their kits? I see this everywhere, SPD, A5, Catscrap and on and on. I really liked some of the original kits too.
That seems to be all there is at the above mentioned stores anymore. Seems to me like every kit I see is all commercial stuff or a Jofia knock-off. Does every single designer have to copy these days? All elements are items covered in a designer paper, get a new idea already!
This seems to be a new trend...designers selling elements in their recent kits as CU afterwards. Doesn't that cheapen their kits? I see this everywhere, SPD, A5, Catscrap and on and on. I really liked some of the original kits too.
Is there anyone who buys only the kit and then use the elements as CU because they are sold as so in another pack?
Oh that's an interesting thought! I think there are a few bad apples but most are probably honest. I never thought of it that way.
You bring up an interesting point. I always wondered how the designer would know - especially for the designers that sell PU and CU as the same exact pack, but with higher pricing if you wanted CU usage. Exactly - how would they ever know? Yes - of course they have invoices, but if do you always know who you're selling to?
That's why I have my own original PU products and never sell them as CU. I had that very thought when I first started selling CU products. I do have a little note in my terms of use that if anyone wants to use any of my PU items for commercial resale, they can contact me and I will arrange it.
This seems to be a new trend...designers selling elements in their recent kits as CU afterwards. Doesn't that cheapen their kits? I see this everywhere, SPD, A5, Catscrap and on and on. I really liked some of the original kits too.
I just don't get that. Wouldn't a designer strive for their kit to be original and remain that way. Makes no sense. The only reason I can think of that a designer would want to do that is because they want the dollars!
The only reason I can think of that a designer would want to do that is because they want the dollars!
September 4, 2009 4:55 PM
Of course! Who doesn't want the dollars?
Why would Christina Renee go to Oscraps? I would think she will get enough traffic at her own store once she officially reopens with new products?
Having your own store takes a lot of time. Customer service issues, e-mails, CT's, etc. take a lot of time. O'Scraps has a REALLY big customer base. Add that and CR's customers and that would help each other expand their customer bases I would think.
What she said. If you consider how long CR has been promising new product in her digi store with absolutely nothing appearing in almost a year, I'd guess she was super busy with her 'real' product commitment. Being in a consignment store means she would basically just have to upload and leave.
I'd guess she was super busy with her 'real' product commitment. Being in a consignment store means she would basically just have to upload and leave.
Who does CR design 'real' product for?
Prima is one, I can't remember the other. It's on her blog though.
That is pretty sad that Hollie G. didn't get any responses to the announcement post at DST about her gold featured kit. Although, not surprised because it sucks bad. She sucks bad as a matter of fact.
Yes, CR designs for Prima paper products. I've seen her stamps and flocked stuff from Prima.
Holly G's kit at DST. It's ok. Not worth a download. Very bland colors IMHO.
Why do people complain about the GSO or Praise Game at DST? Participate or not...who cares?????????
Because everyone commented here:
Because everyone commented here:
Well yes there is comments there. Who doesn't have them in that section.
Sad, sad numbers compared to most of the other gold kits in that section.
She sucks!
If QC is a major issue for CR, then I'd bet dollars to donuts that her real store "handler/editor" makes her re-do tons of stuff. Can't ship out fuzzy printed product to real stores, can they?
What she said. If you consider how long CR has been promising new product in her digi store with absolutely nothing appearing in almost a year, I'd guess she was super busy with her 'real' product commitment. Being in a consignment store means she would basically just have to upload and leave.
September 5, 2009 12:12 AM
RE:If QC is a major issue for CR, then I'd bet dollars to donuts that her real store "handler/editor" makes her re-do tons of stuff. Can't ship out fuzzy printed product to real stores, can they?
You must have gotten a fluke product from CR, because her stuff is of the best quality out there.
If QC is a major issue for CR, then I'd bet dollars to donuts that her real store "handler/editor" makes her re-do tons of stuff. Can't ship out fuzzy printed product to real stores, can they?
I live in France and first found Christina Renee stamps by Prima in a local scrapbook store here.Her Paris stamps are my favorite stamps I have purchased and I use them often.Now I buy her digital stuff and really enjoy scrapping my grand kids with it.
"Can't ship out fuzzy printed product to real stores, can they?"
"Yes, CR designs for Prima paper products. I've seen her stamps and flocked stuff from Prima."
I guess they can. Oh I crack myself up.
You must have gotten a fluke product from CR, because her stuff is of the best quality out there.
September 5, 2009 2:17 PM
Snort! I've had a lot of product from CR and it's all been bad. You must have been lucky in your one purchase.
Because everyone commented here:
Well yes there is comments there. Who doesn't have them in that section.
Sad, sad numbers compared to most of the other gold kits in that section.
She sucks!
September 5, 2009 1:54 PM
Geez, it's only the beginning of the month. I really like Holly's stuff, although I wish she would design her old way again and leave or at least incorporate the new fantasy stuff.
Geez, it's only the beginning of the month. I really like Holly's stuff, although I wish she would design her old way again and leave or at least incorporate the new fantasy stuff.
There is absolutely nothing original about Hollie. She is a Jofia knockoff, just like all the other designers at Shabby Pickle.
Snort! I've had a lot of product from CR and it's all been bad. You must have been lucky in your one purchase.
Since you have so much or a lot, keep purchasing it so you can bitch about it, ok? Makes a lot of sense. Snort! lol
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