Saturday, December 26, 2009

Fresh Space

Too busy to keep up with the digi scene.
Out turning tricks to make sure I have 20 bucks for each of my 5 kids so I can go to Walmart later and shop the after Christmas sales when the picked over crap is on sale so my kids can have the best Christmas ever. Thanks to my loyal customers, you are the best!

-posted by me with my Iphone.


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Anonymous said...

I totally agree..and those with info need to bring it. Those designers who used her products need to demand their money back from FPD if items were purchased from there and her personally.

It's sad that even FPD isn't standing up to apologize. It's not their fault, but the need to let people know if the tainted product was sold in their store.

Anonymous said...

Not true at all! Three years ago and even before that some of the designers still around today had some of my old design work in their kits, uncredited and without my permission.
I just never bothered to go after them cause I had better things to do with my time. I still get a chuckle when I see some of these designers with some of my old work in their kits today, albeit tweaked with a different texture or grunge overlay tossed on top of my backgrounds that are now ancient by digital scrap standards (more than 4 or 5 years old!)

The industry is a mess because far too many designers rely on CU instead of their own skills. This kind of crap rarely happened three years ago when more designers were making their own product.

February 5, 2010 11:02 PM

Anonymous said...

But as for the products of hers that sit on my HD and now I cannot use, I want my money back

me too, but I don't thinks is going to happen :( did anyone email her?

Anonymous said...

Is CU stuff really that useful? How much time does a designer save by using CU? I'm "just" a scrapper, but the CU stuff I see in stores looks really simple and like it wouldn't take a whole lot of effort to replicate. If I've got it wrong, could someone please enlighten me?

Anonymous said...

Is CU stuff really that useful? How much time does a designer save by using CU? I'm "just" a scrapper, but the CU stuff I see in stores looks really simple and like it wouldn't take a whole lot of effort to replicate. If I've got it wrong, could someone please enlighten me?

February 6, 2010 1:03 PM

Yes, you are wrong. It's not just about the simplicity of the product but more about saving time. If I need a CU ribbon and I don't want to waste my time to scan and extract it, then I buy a CU pack.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. For basics, fabric flowers, ribbons, strings- customers don't want the same old, same old recolored, and it's a time-saver on a no-brainer.

Anonymous said...

Those people are all still going strong, with their reputations in tact, so what exactly is your point?

February 6, 2010 7:15 AM

Suffering from lack of reading comprehension? Go back and read what I was replying to and you will understand my point

Anonymous said...

Not true at all!

I didn't say it never happened, but rarely happened.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are wrong. It's not just about the simplicity of the product but more about saving time. If I need a CU ribbon and I don't want to waste my time to scan and extract it, then I buy a CU pack.

February 6, 2010 2:34 PM

Ah yes, but seeing as it's Miss Tiina's vectors and doodles that are under fire, I'm not seeing the extraction argument.

Anonymous said...

But as for the products of hers that sit on my HD and now I cannot use, I want my money back

me too, but I don't thinks is going to happen :( did anyone email her?

February 6, 2010 11:49 AM


Did either of you? You bought it, you confront her. It's not complicated.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. For basics, fabric flowers, ribbons, strings- customers don't want the same old, same old recolored, and it's a time-saver on a no-brainer.

February 6, 2010 4:49 PM


It's too bad then that customers are just getting the same old, same old recolored, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Some points:

I'm personally more interested in the Jaguarwoman TOU issue because I just recently started buying CU stuff (because I'm sick of all the S4H rules so I'm just going to make my own stuff). But now I'm really concerned about the CU TOU because I would have interpreted J's TOUs the same way as Liatha.

I'm the one that posted about CU scrapbook element sets (such as sets of staples and sets of buttons) - I said that most seem to allow the use of 1-2 items in a kit, but won't allow you to re-package the whole set as it would be competing with the CU designer. I think that most sell with the idea that someone might include 1-2 items in a kit without major modifications. Many are offered as grayscale, with instructions on how to recolor to include in your kit. So, again, I think it's a difference in CU scrapbook sets verses other CU designer resources.

I personally am not worried about Miss Tiina, but I'll be curious...I imagine there are many designer that use other things as 'inspiration' so it's a very gray much has to be changed?

And I highly doubt IKEA is involved.

Anonymous said...

I personally am not worried about Miss Tiina, but I'll be curious...I imagine there are many designer that use other things as 'inspiration' so it's a very gray much has to be changed?

What I saw of the IKEA product and Miss Tiina product, there wasn't very much inspiration but a whole lot of copying. They were virtually identical.

I understand the whole inspiration thing and the gray area but I guess if you see something and immediately think ' wow, that's copied from such and such', there's not enough difference.

Anonymous said...

Why would you highly doubt IKEA was involved?

Anonymous said...

I just can't see a company like IKEA worried about someone creating doodles based on a pillow design. After all, it's not like the scrapbook doodles will compete with the pillow in any way. And it's not like it's a well-known image such as Mickey Mouse. IKEA may not even be the manufacturer (I don't know enough about IDEA), but may just be the retailer. Who knows who the original designer is? I just doubt that IKEA would care enough to do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

IKEA demanded she pull the product from her store. From what I understand, they we're fine with people using them if they bought them, but with the recent issue with the gifts and frog, the original creator made it clear that istockphoto could take legal action. it really does not matter what legal action is or is not taken. what matters is that she has been caught copying not one, not two but three separate products that were created by someone else.

Anonymous said...

IKEA may not even be the manufacturer (I don't know enough about IDEA), but may just be the retailer. Who knows who the original designer is? I just doubt that IKEA would care enough to do anything about it.

February 6, 2010 10:28 PM

Ikea is not just another retailer. All their designs are theirs. What they sell has been designed by their designers. They are huge and would care very much if someone was copying them.

Anonymous said...

Not worried about the Miss Tiina issue? Are you eff-ing kidding me? There are so many designers at jeopardy because of that unscrupulous woman copying other people's work. To me she is the lowest and most foul of people to do this, I don't know how she can sleep at night! I can excuse many things, but to put OTHER people who rely on this business for an income at risk like she did I will not excuse!

Tina if you are reading this, you need to woman up & do something about it instead of hiding in your hole like a scared mouse! It's not going to just go away magically, you're busted!

Anonymous said...

the thing with ikea went down several months ago, just no one mentioned it. she just quietly pulled the item.

Anonymous said...

IKEA demanded she pull the product from her store. From what I understand, they we're fine with people using them if they bought them, but with the recent issue with the gifts and frog, the original creator made it clear that istockphoto could take legal action.

How do you know this? It may just be a rumor.

Anonymous said...

It will go away and no one will care just like all the other pirates that have been mentioned time and time again in this blog. There are a few names that keep coming up here all the time. It's not rocket science to stop buying from them. I have been following this blog for a while and the only way anything can be done is if you don't buy from them. Stop giving them your money. Just my two cents anyway.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that even FPD isn't standing up to apologize. It's not their fault, but the need to let people know if the tainted product was sold in their store.

If FPD is smart, then they explicitly state in their contract that they carry no liability for copyright issues and that copyright is the responsibility of the designer. It all needs to go back to the designer. It's like when you upload photos to a photo-sharing site or printer. You have to acknowledge that you own the copyright, the images are copyright-free, or you have permission to upload and print them.

It's nearly impossible to screen people that you only know online. I guess stores could do background checks, but do copyright violations show up on background checks? Um, no. Stores need to CYA and pull product IMMEDIATELY when it comes to their attention that it violates copyright. This happens more frequently than you might think. Alot of stupid cheaters out there.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not worried about the Miss Tiina issue? Are you eff-ing kidding me? There are so many designers at jeopardy because of that unscrupulous woman copying other people's work. To me she is the lowest and most foul of people to do this, I don't know how she can sleep at night! I can excuse many things, but to put OTHER people who rely on this business for an income at risk like she did I will not excuse!

Exactly. ITA there are lots of designers probably affected by this.

It just goes back to rely on NO ONE, if you want something done right do it yourself! I understand the temptation of using cu items to save time/etc..however since you really do not know exactly who you are dealing with...anyone could be anyone on the internet...and you want a good, solid reputation for yourself and to treat your business like a business then take the time to make it yourself, learn to make it yourself or make sure you are purchasing from a VERY reputable company that does make graphics for the type of usage you need. You might have to pay out the butt for it but if that's what you want and you want to know without a doubt that your business won't be affected by things like this then that's what you need to do!!

If I were a designer that reg. uses cu items in my kits I would also think about putting a no-liability statement in my tou.. if you don't want to admit to using cu things then don't use them.

Anonymous said...

Really everyone needs to back off their high horse and think about this VERY grey area......

What if a person scans a very pretty button and extracts it. Then proceeds to put it for sale as a CU item. What's the difference? Someone "designed" that button and arranged the stones,etc. So to take that button and use it as your own, is that wrong?

Really I think we need to stop pointing fingers and declaring everone guilty and just worry about ourselves.

Anonymous said...

What if a person scans a very pretty button and extracts it. Then proceeds to put it for sale as a CU item. What's the difference? Someone "designed" that button and arranged the stones,etc. So to take that button and use it as your own, is that wrong?

Technically, that is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Really I think we need to stop pointing fingers and declaring everone guilty and just worry about ourselves.

February 7, 2010 4:03 PM

By worring about the "Miss Tiina issue", I AM worring about myself, about my business.

And about scanning a "pretty" button, then it's wrong. If you did not craft it yourself, you can't resell it (or technically an image of it) especially not as CU. You can't go to any store, buy some "bibelot" (any kind of ornament) and take a picture, extract it and sell it (well maybe at the dollar store). There are copyrights involved.

Anonymous said...

What about photos of items bought in the dollar store? Most of that stuff is made in China where there isn't any copyright.

Anonymous said...


Most of that stuff is copied from designer goods. Sure, you can copy it, but you are then copying a copy.

And where did you get the idea there is no copyright in China? Geez, the ignorance of some people.

Anonymous said...

Intellectual property rights (IPRs) have been acknowledged and protected in the People's Republic of China since 1979.

Anonymous said...

First sign of a good designer dollar store shit scanned and extracted. I think not. Just because you can buy it in a store doesn't mean you can scan it and extract it. I just saw some dollars store crap somewhere. Can't remember where but what I don't get is that every dollar store in the country is selling the same shit. Designers don't know this? WTF So let me pay $6.00 for you scanned in dollar store shit? Yeah ok.

Anonymous said...

The more you all argue about how you KNOW what is allowed vs NOT ( scan and photo wise) the more some of you look like you HAVE NO IDEA about ANY of it. Different rights apply to different items,
If some of the BS you all say were true then ALL of STOCKPHOTO sites would be in violation.
Don't they take images of ITEMS and SALE it? Its all about WHAT you take a scan or photo of.
How many times have we been over this... its old.
The Ikea suspicions ARE so GOSSIP, at most I think what happened is, a customer or anon person contacted her with the image of the pillow and possibly threatened to expose her or made her scared about ikea lawsuit, she pulled it, then the person came here saying :”oh yeah there is proof but I don't know how to show it without exposing myself ”. LOL read up on the comments you will see that was the fire/rumor starter. Because Honestly if she kept it so hush hush as you all claim as well, HOW the hell do you know what happened between her and the supposed IKEA rep. ???? How would you Even know one contacted her??
you would not, unless you are Tiina outing your own drama.
You just have to recognize what is a rumor and what is fact. If in Fact you bought those as Half of you claim WHY on earth has NOT one of you contacted her and asked: “ Tiina quick question,Why are those items not in your store anymore?” (And if you did contact her well do tell us the results.
What are you scared? Of who Tiina? PLZ. Get a grip)
You Lie on this Blog, saying you purchased something and you are so worried YET you sit and DO NOTHING.. well keep being worried BUT do continue to purchase it all, whine about it here later, BUT for Gods sake do let her keep THE MONEY if anything fishy comes up. . Makes no sense

Anonymous said...

And about scanning a "pretty" button, then it's wrong. If you did not craft it yourself, you can't resell it (or technically an image of it) especially not as CU. You can't go to any store, buy some "bibelot" (any kind of ornament) and take a picture, extract it and sell it (well maybe at the dollar store). There are copyrights involved.


Hmmm well then shouldn't we say that MOST of digi-land is breaking copyright laws.

But I did forget that when people get too "big" in this industry, we must teat them down.

Anonymous said...


Didn't you know it's a grand old tradition to cut down the tallest poppy?

Anonymous said...

If you guys want to hear something REALLY shocking, listen to this! I am planning on taking a few of my favorite illustrated children's books, scanning some of the images, extracting them, and using them on my pages. GASPING!!! FANNING SELF!!! My pages are not for public consumption--only my family and I see them. I bought and paid for the books. And I really don't give a rat's butt if what I'm doing is violating some outrageously restrictive copyright law.

Suck on that.

Anonymous said...

February 7, 2010 9:50 PM

Anonymous said...

If you guys want to hear something REALLY shocking, listen to this! I am planning on taking a few of my favorite illustrated children's books, scanning some of the images, extracting them, and using them on my pages. GASPING!!! FANNING SELF!!! My pages are not for public consumption--only my family and I see them. I bought and paid for the books. And I really don't give a rat's butt if what I'm doing is violating some outrageously restrictive copyright law.

Suck on that.

February 7, 2010 9:50 PM


What's your point? If you aren't selling, why are you screaming? Get a grip. Oh, and this was meant to be sarcasm, you need to try harder. You just sound defensive.

Anonymous said...

I bought and paid for the books.

What, you didn't pay for the illustrations? Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm well then shouldn't we say that MOST of digi-land is breaking copyright laws.

Aint' that the truth. You can browse through any commercial use section of almost any digi store and you will see thousands of items that have been scanned and/or extracted and now offered for sale as CU. Just at Christmas time alone, there were designers extracting pictures of their Christmas ornaments: Santa clauses, angels, bulbs, etc., and selling them as CU. Big name designers. Oh and what about all those real frames that are extracted? or stuffed animals? or the fantasty crap out there - not the hand painted stuff- big name designers selling it as CU.

Where is the line drawn? And who sets industry standards for cottage industries? Sure there are large stores out there, but look at their CU? They're allowing their designers to make extractions of items and sell those extractions. And at the end of the day, everything you buy from a store is copyrighted - everything.

So you're taking a picture of an item and selling that picture. You aren't making a three dimensional copy of the item and selling it. Semantics anyone?

I highly doubt Ikea is going to come after a designer who bought CU from Miss Tina. But if you're indeed frightened, pull your stuff and redo your kits. All this crying and teeth grinding is wasted effort.

As for digi vs extractions, as a scrapper personally I hate the digi-look. If I wanted my pages to look like the old fashioned type of scrapping, I'd still sit in my scrapping room surrounded by my creative memories cardstock. Yuk.

Anonymous said...

What's your point? If you aren't selling, why are you screaming? Get a grip. Oh, and this was meant to be sarcasm, you need to try harder. You just sound defensive.

February 7, 2010 10:06 PM

Settle down, sweetie. It's time to talk to the doctor about going back on the prozac.

Anonymous said...


Is that your idea of humor? Lame.

Anonymous said...

And at the end of the day, everything you buy from a store is copyrighted - everything.

Do you mean copyrighted by someone else or by the designer?

Anonymous said...

Anyhoo, I'm just finding it difficult to amp myself up about Tina copying a design from an IKEA pillow. All the handwringing is slightly entertaining, unlike what's usually on here, so I'm still enjoying it. I just want to get in on the action with a little drama of my own.

So suck on that if you don't like it, 10:06. :-)

Anonymous said...

Is that your idea of humor? Lame.

February 7, 2010 10:57 PM

Wow. You told me, lol.

Anonymous said...

Aside From Miss Tiina stealing some vectors, I wouldn't buy any kits with those vectors! They are just plain ugly and not cute at all!

Thank god someone made her pull that garbage. Now I wont have to be blinded when I see them in designers kits.

Anonymous said...

I never bought any of Miss Tiina's stuff. But I thought those vectors were super cute. And apparently lots of people did because I see them everywhere. Which is why this is such a huge pain in the ass for everyone involved. I'd love to hear of anyone was able to get their money back from Miss Tiina for them.

Anonymous said...

ebruary 7, 2010 11:01 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that your idea of humor? Lame.

February 7, 2010 10:57 PM

Wow. You told me, lol.

February 7, 2010 11:03 PM


Is that the best you can do?

Anonymous said...

So suck on that if you don't like it, 10:06. :-)

February 7, 2010 11:01 PM


Geez, how old are you?

Anonymous said...

Geez, how old are you?

February 7, 2010 11:57 PM

Old enough to recognize a bitter, unhappy person when I see one.

Anonymous said...

Is that the best you can do?

February 7, 2010 11:57 PM
If I cared more, no. Since I don't, yes.

You're clearly a scintilating conversationalist. Why don't you say something fun and interesting instead of these boring little jabs? They don't hurt, and they show your ass. Not a good luck for you babe. :-)

Anonymous said...

Geez, how old are you?

February 7, 2010 11:57 PM

Old enough to recognize a bitter, unhappy person when I see one.

February 8, 2010 12:08 AM

You amaze me.

Anonymous said...

Is that the best you can do?

February 7, 2010 11:57 PM
If I cared more, no. Since I don't, yes.

You're clearly a scintilating conversationalist. Why don't you say something fun and interesting instead of these boring little jabs? They don't hurt, and they show your ass. Not a good luck for you babe. :-)

February 8, 2010 12:15 AM


I'm going for a level that you will understand. Judging by the ass comment, I've understood my audience.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I don't know. There's room for the word ass in a higher level conversation (not that we are having one).

Still, thanks for keeping it low brow. I enjoy it more, and you really shine down here. Pigs, mud, etc.

I love me some slummin!

Anonymous said...

At least pigs are intelligent. Not sure about you though.

Anonymous said...

Okay, now you're just being dumb. I can't tell you how disappointed I am. And you were doing so well!

Anonymous said...

But pigs are intelligent.

Anonymous said...

I can't continue--it wouldn't be fair. But I thank you, and good night.

Anonymous said...

Well, you were easily defeated, weren't you?

Anonymous said...

Sheesh don't come here for awhile and everyone has entered into the twighlight zone. Obviously nothing of great interest. Except to say not everything in every store is copyrighted by the store or the designer. Go check out all the stuff that comes from China that has no name and no copyright but make sure you aren't getting it from Target or those kind of stores because you will find made for Target most likely on it, as well as Walmart, KMart etc. Dollar stores sometimes have great stuff all from China no copyright, TM or otherwise. It's the only way they can charge a $1.00 for everything!!

Anonymous said...

Sheesh don't come here for awhile and everyone has entered into the twighlight zone. Obviously nothing of great interest. Except to say not everything in every store is copyrighted by the store or the designer. Go check out all the stuff that comes from China that has no name and no copyright but make sure you aren't getting it from Target or those kind of stores because you will find made for Target most likely on it, as well as Walmart, KMart etc. Dollar stores sometimes have great stuff all from China no copyright, TM or otherwise. It's the only way they can charge a $1.00 for everything!!


Boy are you an idiot!

Intellectual property in the People's Republic of China

Anonymous said...

Chinese copyright has been ALL over the news lately.

Anonymous said...

Copyright is so fucking confusing. Why can I not take photos that I had taken of my children and use them and sell them? Because the photographer owns copyright to them and only the Photographer can use them. But they're MY children, damnit!
Doesn't matter. So tell me then, why can't I sell a photo I took of a button? I took the photo, therefore I'm the photographer and I own the copyrights to my pictures. Nope, can't do that, either.

Where does it start and where does it end?

As it's been said, the only way to protect yourself as a designer is to create your own images from scratch (this would require actually LEARNING your programs, folks!) or knit, sew or crochet your own whatever and scan it.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there anything to talk about that doesn't involve more whining about cu items? Maybe this blog should be renamed

Anonymous said...

hmm....I just got an email from MissTiina with a new frog...

Anonymous said...

*gasp* does that mean that perhaps a dastardly designer is quietly doing the right thing?

I think its commendable. No one wants to announce to the world that they made a mistake and really its only the business of the customers that bought the problem pieces.

Anonymous said...

So she admits she did it again after the IKEA thing, huh?

Anonymous said...

hmm....I just got an email from MissTiina with a new frog...

February 8, 2010 2:28 PM

I wouldn't want a new frog from her. How can you know that frog isn't also copied? Miss Tiina is NOT an artist. She can't draw, she doesn't have a natural talent. She just knows how to use illustrator to trace over other images.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Rather have a refund.

Anonymous said...

Tired of that cu issues...

There sould be a limit regarding the number of ribbons and flowers that can be used in a kit. Period.

Anonymous said...

yeah, it's not nearly as cute as the frog I can't use now.

What is a good number of flowers and ribbons?

Anonymous said...

There sould be a limit regarding the number of ribbons and flowers that can be used in a kit. Period.

February 8, 2010 4:28 PM

Why would you think there needs to be a limit on that?

Anonymous said...

Why can I not take photos that I had taken of my children and use them and sell them? Because the photographer owns copyright to them and only the Photographer can use them. But they're MY children, damnit!
Doesn't matter. So tell me then, why can't I sell a photo I took of a button? I took the photo, therefore I'm the photographer and I own the copyrights to my pictures. Nope, can't do that, either.

You made the children, you didn't take the photo. You took the photo, but you didn't make the button.

Seems pretty simple to me.

Anonymous said...

Tired of that cu issues...

There sould be a limit regarding the number of ribbons and flowers that can be used in a kit. Period.

February 8, 2010 4:28 PM


Oh yeah. And then the rest off the customers are not happy with the lack of doodads.

Anonymous said...

You took the photo, but you didn't make the button.

But you aren't making an actual copy of the button to sell, you're taking a PICTURE.

It just seems to be apples and oranges here.

Anonymous said...

There sould be a limit regarding the number of ribbons and flowers that can be used in a kit. Period.

February 8, 2010 4:28 PM

You aren't the only customer. I don't like them all that much either, but it's not that difficult to ignore or delete them.

Anonymous said...

But you aren't making an actual copy of the button to sell, you're taking a PICTURE.

It just seems to be apples and oranges here.

February 8, 2010 5:37 PM

But you are making a virtual copy to sell. The person holding copyright of the original button doesn't know what you are going to do with the end photo, you could be making a copy of the button. Then, if not you, the person who bought the photo of the button could end up making a copy.

It's not that difficult, it really isn't.

Anonymous said...

But you are making a virtual copy to sell. The person holding copyright of the original button doesn't know what you are going to do with the end photo, you could be making a copy of the button. Then, if not you, the person who bought the photo of the button could end up making a copy.

It's not that difficult, it really isn't.

February 8, 2010 5:40 PM

Huh? I'm sorry but you are making no sense at all. Say I take a picture of my son wearing his Gymboree outfit and post it online. Then someone else takes that photo and creates the same outfit and starts selling it. Am I liable for providing them the image of the outfit to copy?

I'm not saying that using the image of a button in a kit is completely legit. I really don't know. And I'm pretty sure that you don't know either. You are obviously just making things up as you go.

Anonymous said...

Boy are you an idiot!

Intellectual property in the People's Republic of China

I beg to differ but you are the idiot. An item must have a cwithcircle and name or TM on the packaging to fall under any Copyright Law. Maybe you need to know more about copyrights then what you thought you read on Wikipedia. Made in China does not copyright the product.

Anonymous said...

I'm not making it up as I go.

The whole taking a photo of your child in a 'designer' outfit has no relevance. This is why you are confused. Are you selling the photo for CU? Are you selling the photo to be used in a kit? I highly doubt it, so I don't know why you are bringing it up.

Selling a photo of a copyrighted item is wrong. It's like not being able to sell photos you took at Disneyland. It's like not being able to sell photos you took of the Eiffel Tower at night with the lights on.

Anonymous said...

Boy are you an idiot!

Intellectual property in the People's Republic of China

I beg to differ but you are the idiot. An item must have a cwithcircle and name or TM on the packaging to fall under any Copyright Law. Maybe you need to know more about copyrights then what you thought you read on Wikipedia. Made in China does not copyright the product.

February 8, 2010 5:57 PM


Actually, you are the idiot because the dispute was that some people were saying that there was no copyright or copyright law in China, when clearly there is.

Anonymous said...

kids and buttons have little to do with tracing someone's art and selling it commercially. She's been in this industry long enough that she knows that wasn't ok and just figured she wouldn't get caught. I'm pretty sure my 9 year old knows you can't trace someone else's art and sell it commercially, for that matter.

Anonymous said...

This is to the Person who got a new froggy from Miss*Tina. Did you send her and Email and ask for a replacement or did she Volunteer to send it to you?

Anonymous said...

Not everything is copyrighted, but the issue is confusing. Generally, items that are handcrafted or considered to have artistic value are copyrighted. So machine made items that are not unique or not normally considered to have artistic value would not be copyrighted. So, extracted pins, staples, clips etc. wouldn't have a copyright. For buttons and ribbons, I'd think it would depend if the item has an original design.

Anonymous said...

Then, if not you, the person who bought the photo of the button could end up making a copy.
Are you saying that you think that the issue is that someone will take the photo of the button and use it to make an actual physical copy of the original button? Sorry, but I just don't think I understand what you are trying to say. And what I think you are trying to say sounds ridiculous. So I was just hoping for clarification.

Anonymous said...

An item must have a cwithcircle and name or TM on the packaging to fall under any Copyright Law.
no it doesn't. It makes it easier to take action though. Here's a good link about copyright as it applies to crafts:

Anonymous said...

I just opened my email and I had one with a download link for the frog. I've always used the same email and I may have signed up to receive product updates in the store, I can't remember. But I did not email her. She may be fixing the products as she goes. It's easier to replace a frog than a whole vector set. I will warn you though, that the frog I bought was fairly cute and the frog I received today is definitely not.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that means she actually drew it.

Anonymous said...

Was there an Explanation of the new froggy included?

Anonymous said...

Didn't someone on this blog a few months back point out that the Miss Tiina vector animals looked exactly like some copyrighted animals? And I remember quite a few people shouted her down.

Looks like she was right, huh?

Anonymous said...

Due to a conflict in similarity I would like to request that if you have used my product named "Dress Me Up - Cuties" a.k.a. "Layer Your Own Frog {CU}" in anything you designed - that you remove your pack from anywhere it is available and modify your zip file and previews to not include the frog.

Here is a brand new replacement frog if you wish to redesign this element...

Download MissTiina - New Frog

Customers/Scrappers do not need to be informed of this change, items previously purchased are fine to continue to be used. Please refrain from using the frog in future designs but do use the new frog as you like.

Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause you, your co-operation is greatly appreciated.

Thank-you so much,

a.k.a. Miss Tiina

Anonymous said...

I noticed that all the Kawaii animals in her store are gone.

Anonymous said...

Due to a conflict in similarity ?!

WTF? The only conflict there was was that she ripped the image off from someone else. Talk about playing loose with your words and trying to minimize your disreputable practices! That isn't honorable.. that is downright deceitful.

This new frog is flugly and I would never of bought it!

Anonymous said...

Wow, she's asking you to redo your kits, pull them from the store, redo the previews, reupload - and oh sorry about the inconvience.

Anonymous said...

I want to see the new frog. Is it in her store?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just found a commercial use pack with flames. I gotta email Prometheus (you know, he is the one who gave the fire to humans), because I think he has the copyright! Or maybe should I contact Hephaestus? After all, Prometheus *stole* the fire from Gods, so maybe Hephaestus has the TM.

Anonymous said...

Prove it.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous...
Prove it.

February 9, 2010 2:30 AM


Ok, not only are you ignorant, but also you have no sense of humour. I pity you...

Anonymous said...

Copyright only lasts for the creator's life + 70 years. I think the flames are safe.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, Rocket Scientist - put some other elements in the kit besides recycled, tired, rehashed, CU ribbons and flowers, and customers will line up to buy your kits.
Tired of that cu issues...

There sould be a limit regarding the number of ribbons and flowers that can be used in a kit. Period.

February 8, 2010 4:28 PM


Oh yeah. And then the rest off the customers are not happy with the lack of doodads.

February 8, 2010 5:04 PM

Anonymous said...

Hey, Rocket Scientist - put some other elements in the kit besides recycled, tired, rehashed, CU ribbons and flowers, and customers will line up to buy your kits.

Oh yeah. And then the rest off the customers are not happy with the lack of doodads.

February 8, 2010 5:04 PM

February 9, 2010 9:27 AM


My sales are quite robust. I listen to what my customers want, and they want a certain amount and type of elements in each kit. They get what they want and I get very good sales That keep going up.

Anonymous said...

True dat. I left out flowers, fasteners and ribbons once and the uproar was deafening. Give them what they want, and those who don't want those pieces either don't buy it or delete the pieces they don't like. If your kit is large enough, it should be big enough to accompany both points of view.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous...
Prove it.

February 9, 2010 2:30 AM


Ok, not only are you ignorant, but also you have no sense of humour. I pity you...

February 9, 2010 3:30 AM

Actually, I'm not ignorant and I do have a sense of humor. Apparently you don't. I was playing along. Duh!!!!

Anonymous said...

True dat. I left out flowers, fasteners and ribbons once and the uproar was deafening. Give them what they want, and those who don't want those pieces either don't buy it or delete the pieces they don't like. If your kit is large enough, it should be big enough to accompany both points of view.

February 9, 2010 9:40 AM


I understand that, but seriously, how many frigging flowers, fasteners and ribbons can one person use? I don't want to delete pieces from a kit that I've bought. Is it really necessary to include them in every kit? So, ok, some of your regulars may scream, but you may gain some new customers.

Anonymous said...

I understand that, but seriously, how many frigging flowers, fasteners and ribbons can one person use? I don't want to delete pieces from a kit that I've bought. Is it really necessary to include them in every kit? So, ok, some of your regulars may scream, but you may gain some new customers.

February 9, 2010 3:54 PM


Yes. It is necessary. I'm not disappointing loyal customers who have graciously supported me over the years. My kits are large and contain many unique elements, as well as the standard pieces am have been asked to include. I cannot please everyone, but I will be inclusive. If that means there are extra pieces you neither want to use, nor delete, then you will probably do without the kit altogether. It's a shame, but I'll include the extras rather than not put them in at all.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Ruby's stint at Scrapbookgraphics didn't last for long.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand that, but seriously, how many frigging flowers, fasteners and ribbons can one person use? I don't want to delete pieces from a kit that I've bought. Is it really necessary to include them in every kit? So, ok, some of your regulars may scream, but you may gain some new customers.

February 9, 2010 3:54 PM


Long term scrappers might not want/need so many ribbons, bows, buttons etc but did you stop and think of the newbies? I'm sure they appreciate all the goodies included in a kit. Designers try to accomodate ALL customers - not just established scrappers. Actually, it's rather selfish of you to expect kits to only contain what YOU want/need. It's a no brainer really.........if you don't want all the bits in a kit then just delete them.

Anonymous said...


Er, I didn't say it should just include what I want, did I? No, I didn't.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Ruby's stint at Scrapbookgraphics didn't last for long.

February 9, 2010 6:55 PM


That's weird, she was there yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Clearly, you don't listen to ALL your customers, or you'd get what THIS one is trying to tell you.

My sales are quite robust. I listen to what my customers want, and they want a certain amount and type of elements in each kit. They get what they want and I get very good sales That keep going up.

February 9, 2010 9:30 AM

Anonymous said...

It's a no brainer really.........if you don't want all the bits in a kit then just delete them.

February 9, 2010 7:00 PM

Why should she? Why should the customer have to delete them? Why not just make some kits that don't have the ribbons, flowers and fasteners? Surely your regular customers don't want them in every single kit, do they? If they do, then you must have a huge stash of different ribbons and flowers because there's no way they would want the same ones over and over, is there?

Anonymous said...

What a whine fest. I'm sure we'll listen to anon customers who don't want all the extras vs. customers we know who are repeats and like the kits just like they are-hmmmmmmm. Guess you lose-and oh yeah since I don't know you it won't matter now will it. I lose an anon customer and keep all my others-what would you do?? bwahahahahahahahah

Anonymous said...

this argument is incredibly valid

Anonymous said...

What a whine fest. I'm sure we'll listen to anon customers who don't want all the extras vs. customers we know who are repeats and like the kits just like they are-hmmmmmmm. Guess you lose-and oh yeah since I don't know you it won't matter now will it. I lose an anon customer and keep all my others-what would you do?? bwahahahahahahahah

February 9, 2010 9:17 PM

Im guessing your one of those dime a dozen shitty designers? LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, some of you people are just a shitty, nasty, ungrateful, never happy with what you have, always wanting something different bunch of bitches who aren't happy if you don't have something to whinge about.

Anonymous said...

What a whine fest. I'm sure we'll listen to anon customers who don't want all the extras vs. customers we know who are repeats and like the kits just like they are-hmmmmmmm. Guess you lose-and oh yeah since I don't know you it won't matter now will it. I lose an anon customer and keep all my others-what would you do?? bwahahahahahahahah

February 9, 2010 9:17 PM


That wasn't whining, it was called a legitimate concern. I guess you wouldn't know what that was. I guess you probably buy a ton of CU, recolor and repack. I don't lose, but you sure do. Go back to your pitiful customers who don't know crap when they buy it.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, some of you people are just a shitty, nasty, ungrateful, never happy with what you have, always wanting something different bunch of bitches who aren't happy if you don't have something to whinge about.

February 9, 2010 9:36 PM


What? Like you? Can't you manage to string a strange sentence or two together without swearing or name calling? Seems to me you are nasty and whiny.

Anonymous said...

this argument is incredibly valid

February 9, 2010 9:29 PM


Which one? The bitch designer or the unhappy customer?

Anonymous said...

Seriously, some of you people are just a shitty, nasty, ungrateful, never happy with what you have, always wanting something different bunch of bitches who aren't happy if you don't have something to whinge about.

February 9, 2010 9:36 PM

Thank you for the compliment!!

Im curious as to what whinge means?
Care to explain to my shitty, nasty, ungrateful ass please!

Anonymous said...

This has to be one of the most idiotic conversations I've seen on this blog. Why would anyone care if there's extra stuff in a kit? I'd rather have too much stuff than not enough. For scrappers starting out, or for those that aren't so organized, it's good to have all the basics in a kit.

Anonymous said...

This has to be one of the most idiotic conversations I've seen on this blog. Why would anyone care if there's extra stuff in a kit? I'd rather have too much stuff than not enough. For scrappers starting out, or for those that aren't so organized, it's good to have all the basics in a kit.

February 9, 2010 9:43 PM

Extra stuff is cool!
Extra stuff that is the same item recolored 10 times is bullshit!

Anonymous said...

I guess it depends on what kind of scrapbooking you do. If I was doing a fantasy page, I might not need a single ribbon or flower or button. But I think traditional scrapbookers still need those things. As a shopper, I want to open a kit and be able to scrap with it. Period. As a designer, I want to include everything you can use and you can choose what to use or not use at your leisure. Honestly, I would much rather you be upset that I included too much, than open a kit and be disappointed that I didn't include enough for you to do a page with.

Anonymous said...

As a scrapper, I don't care how the items were made. Whether it's 100% original illustrations or 100% recolored CU items, what matters to me is how easy it is to create great layouts. When a kit is great, it's super easy to make great layouts with it. The colors work, there's a large variety of items to work with etc.

When I hire an interior designer for my house, what matters to me is that she can put a great looking room together. She doesn't have to upholster the furniture and sew the draperies herself. She just has to know where to get great looking things that work together. It's the same idea for a digital scrapbook designer.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I would much rather you be upset that I included too much, than open a kit and be disappointed that I didn't include enough for you to do a page with.

February 9, 2010 9:46 PM

Quantity doesn't not equal usability.

Anonymous said...

When I hire an interior designer for my house, what matters to me is that she can put a great looking room together. She doesn't have to upholster the furniture and sew the draperies herself. She just has to know where to get great looking things that work together. It's the same idea for a digital scrapbook designer.

February 9, 2010 9:56 PM


I don't think too may people are disputing this. The problem is that most digital scrapbook designers who use a lot of CU can't put it together so that it looks great together. It just looks like a jumble sale.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather have too much stuff than not enough.

Not me. I'd rather have a few good items than a lot of trash.

Anonymous said...

Extra stuff is cool!
Extra stuff that is the same item recolored 10 times is bullshit!

February 9, 2010 9:45 PM



Anonymous said...

Well, I can't vouch for the quality of the items in the kit. I'm just saying in general, I'd rather a designer include 3 different usable ribbons and 2 good flowers in every kit where it would make sense to have them, then leave them out of all kits, so now I'd have to buy additional products to finish a page. If you're buying kits full of poor quality junk, you just need to find a new designer, not expect all designers to remove those items from their kits.

Anonymous said...


I didn't say that the kits I bought had poor quality junk in them, did I? I was making a point.

So many designers seem to think that quantity is a good thing. Bulking out a kit with a lot of useless junk makes it a poor quality kit in my opinion. This is why I buy from designers who have less in their kits, but I can be guaranteed absolute quality in concept and design.

I guess it's the difference between Nordstrom and Walmart. I'd rather shop at Nordstrom and shop once, while others are happy getting more for less but have to go out and shop again, because the first trip wasn't as good as they'd thought it would be.

Anonymous said...

I'm just saying in general, I'd rather a designer include 3 different usable ribbons and 2 good flowers in every kit where it would make sense to have them, then leave them out of all kits, so now I'd have to buy additional products to finish a page.

Yes, but are they different? If the designer has 10 kits, that's hopefully 30 different ribbons and 20 different flowers but I can guarantee it won't be. I don't just mean recoloring or pattern different either, I mean different completely.

Anonymous said...

Slight change of topic here but what about Wordart? Anyone ever wonder if they are made with commercial-OK fonts?

Anonymous said...

The other reason to include all the basics is, apart from taking the newer scrappers into account, that the goal is to have a kit where you can scrap a page in it's entirety.
In order to show how a kit is used, designers have their CTs scrap layouts. Layouts that are shown in a product gallery or store description can't/shouldn't have items in them that are not in the kit - it's misleading for the customer.
So as annoying as the "extra" things might be, they do have their function.

Slight change of topic here but what about Wordart? Anyone ever wonder if they are made with commercial-OK fonts?

For the most part they are probably fine. There are thousands and thousands of inexpensive commercial use fonts out there, mostly sold in packages. Then there are all the font packages that come bundled with software, that are also CU ok, once you bought the program, etc.
And for some it just needs a small donation and an email to the creators to get permission for CU, so I would be very careful to cry foul without knowing for sure that the designer doesn't actually have permission.

Having said that however, there are some font makers that either don't allow CU or make it extremely expensive, so if those are used, I would probably wonder too.
To be honest I am more often wondering about the legitimacy of the quotes/sayings/lyrics people are using in wordart, rather than the fonts!

Anonymous said...

Bulking out a kit with a lot of useless junk makes it a poor quality kit in my opinion.

Your opinion about what is useless is probably completely different than mine or anyone else's. I am a long-time scrapper, I have TONS of ribbons and flowers, but I still like them in every kit. I'm a busy gal, I don't have time to hunt through my stash looking for a ribbon for flower that's the right color, and I certainly don't have time to re-color those things myself. I am looking for quality, but I also like the convenience of having the basics in coordinating colors at my fingertips so I don't have to spend my time hunting them down.

Anonymous said...

I think maybe the problem is some people, scrappers and designers alike, prefer traditional elements (like flowers, ribbons, fasteners) in all of their kits. It's a perfectly acceptable market. Just as some designers are never going to target fantasy scrappers and change their product to gain that market, if they are succeeding and keeping loyal customers who enjoy the inclusion of traditional pieces in each and every kit, they are probably not going to quit putting those in their kits.
It kind of sounds like their products just don't mesh with your (those who dislike flowers, ribbons and fasteners) preferences, and that is OK. There's a lot of diversity in the market.

Anonymous said...

so what happened with Miss Tiina? is someone going to post in the DST or what?

Anonymous said...

where did Ruby go? I was planning on picking up one of her kits at SBG and see now that someone posted that she's no longer there :(.

On another note - designers - do you always leave a store on your own, or sometimes do things not work out as planned and you're asked to leave? just curious.

Anonymous said...

boy sounds like you just can't win if you're a designer. Not enough elements for one customer, and too many for the other! LOL seriously, how stupid is that? if you don't like it, just delete it. Why would you use up space on your HD for something you'll never use? Let it go off into cyber oblivion!

Anonymous said...


Oh please, let us not start the whole you can't win if you are a designer. That is such a tired argument.

I just love the suggestion of deleting something. If you bought a bundle of something in the real world and there was stuff in it you didn't like, would you bin it? I doubt most people would. Yet, it seems to be perfectly acceptable for someone to bin digi items.

Anonymous said...

When is someone going to answer my question about having different flowers and ribbons in each kit? Like I said before, if a designer has 10 kits out (a conservative number), each with two or three flowers and ribbons, does that equal 20 to 30 different flowers and ribbons? Generally, it doesn't.

If designers want to put these things in their kit, please, make them different.

Anonymous said...

I'm a busy gal, I don't have time to hunt through my stash looking for a ribbon for flower that's the right color, and I certainly don't have time to re-color those things myself.

And yet you have time to make a page. It's not hard to recolor something when you are making a page.

Anonymous said...

If designers want to put these things in their kit, please, make them different.

February 10, 2010 3:58 PM


That was my point in why some people buy this sort of thing CU. For variety and a break in extracting them all the time.

Anonymous said...

I just love the suggestion of deleting something. If you bought a bundle of something in the real world and there was stuff in it you didn't like, would you bin it? I doubt most people would. Yet, it seems to be perfectly acceptable for someone to bin digi items.

February 10, 2010 3:55 PM


There's the obvious, just don't buy it at all solution. There is plenty of variety in the marketplace. Buy the kits that fit your preferences and let designers market to their own niche.

Anonymous said...

There's not as much variety in the marketplace as you might think.

Anonymous said...

What style are you looking for: realistic, fantasy, paper scrap, doodles, altered art?

Anonymous said...

And yet you have time to make a page. It's not hard to recolor something when you are making a page.

Like many working moms, I don't have time to scrap, I make time to scrap. I sneak in a few minutes here and there. I don't want to spend my very limited scrapping time on recoloring, especially if I can just buy a kit with everything I need in it. If you don't mind hunting through your stash for the right item and then recoloring it, that's great! I won't try to take the option away from you, so why would you try to take the all-in-one-kit option away from me?

And before you ask how I have time to post on this blog but not time to scrap, let me say that I only visit this blog when I'm at work. No PSE on work computers. :(

Anonymous said...

I like everything in one kit too. I often scrap on my laptop when I'm away from home and I don't have my master files on my laptop. Often I'll copy just one kit on it for scrapping a page. So, I'm not able to go searching through a zillion folders looking for things. It's irritating when the basics are missing.

Anonymous said...

I guess the solution for those who have a zillion kits is stop buying them. If you only ever use the basics, why need more than 10 kits?

Anonymous said...

What style are you looking for: realistic, fantasy, paper scrap, doodles, altered art?

February 10, 2010 5:17 PM

I don't ever look for just one style, as I scrap lots of different ways.

The problem is that within each category or styles, the kits basically look the same.

There's not a big difference in all the fantasy kits, nor the altered kits, nor the doodled, realistic, etc.

I don't know if designers are lacking inspiration, or it's simply because they have found a happy medium in what the majority of their customers want and they don't break out of that.

It's kind of depressing for someone like me who has been scrapping for a long time, as there just doesn't seem to be anything new out there. I haven't bought a kit in almost two years. I've looked, just not bought.

Anonymous said...

lol...the only time I visit is at work too. I have to say that since I don't go to DST anymore, I don't find this blog as informative. I didn't realize that I was over this blog until I came back today.

I've been taking classes and enjoying Photoshop and creating layouts. It is refreshing to be away from the drama. I came back today to find the same old stuff...people don't like Barb Speck (what a surprise!), talk about a designer violating copyright in CU items (what a surprise!), a store is closing (what a surprise!), designers are leaving stores (what another surprise!), Amanda Dykan is back in a photography business (what a surprise and do you think she took all those photos herself?)...

The names change, but the script stays the same, and the story is as depressing as ever.

I think I'll go back to my happy place and take another break from the smack world.

Anonymous said...

Im curious as to what whinge means?
Care to explain to my shitty, nasty, ungrateful ass please!

February 9, 2010 9:41 PM


Anonymous said...


February 10, 2010 8:17 PM

Maybe the dumbass who spelled it wrong needs that LOL!!

Anonymous said...

I guess the solution for those who have a zillion kits is stop buying them. If you only ever use the basics, why need more than 10 kits?

Now that's just ridiculous. Nobody said they only use the basics, they said they want the basics to match the unique stuff all in one kit.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone is from the US. It is the British/Aussie spelling. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

February 10, 2010 8:17 PM

Maybe the dumbass who spelled it wrong needs that LOL!!

February 10, 2010 8:33 PM

Maybe you need to broaden your horizons and realise that the US of A isn't the only country on earth.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you need to broaden your horizons and realise that the US of A isn't the only country on earth.

February 10, 2010 9:13 PM

I am broadening my horizons. I am at this blog aren't I? LOL!

Anonymous said...

SO, how is that drama with Miss Tiina? Is it over? I haven't seen anything about it at DST yet.

Anonymous said...

Now that's just ridiculous. Nobody said they only use the basics, they said they want the basics to match the unique stuff all in one kit.

February 10, 2010 9:04 PM


It's about as ridiculous as everyone telling me to delete the stuff I don't like.

Anonymous said...

Now that's just ridiculous. Nobody said they only use the basics, they said they want the basics to match the unique stuff all in one kit.

February 10, 2010 9:04 PM

Actually, what is ridiculous is believing that there are scrappers out there who require a ribbon and flower for every single page they make.

Anonymous said...

I don't get your issue, I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't get it. I don't like raisins, so if I go into a store and there are packages of trail mix with raisins in them, I do one of 3 things. I just don't buy any trail mix, I skip the packages with raisins and buy a package w/o them, or I buy the package with raisins and just don't eat them. I do NOT expect all trail mix manufacturers to stop putting raisins in their product. That would be ridiculous, there are people who like raisins, I can't expect everyone to bow to my preferences. It's the same with digi kits. Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my previous comment was meant for 9:25.

Anonymous said...

You aren't missing anything. People want to pay $4.99 for a kit that is totally customized to meet their specific needs in every way. And when they finish scrapping with it, it should be able to do the dishes, the laundry, and cut the family's hair. Otherwise it sucks, sucks, sucks, and the designer is an annoying idiot.

Anonymous said...

I can't expect everyone to bow to my preferences. It's the same with digi kits. Am I missing something?

February 10, 2010 9:37 PM

Yes, the fact that I never once said I expected everyone to bow down to my preferences.

Seriously, how is saying that maybe a designer doesn't need to put a flower and ribbon in every kit asking everyone to bow down to me? Oh, it isn't!

To use your analogy, it would be like asking a manufacturer to make a trail mix that doesn't have raisins. You aren't asking them to stop putting them in all mixes, just maybe one or two. Same with the ribbon and flowers.

Now do you and everyone else get it? Seriously, how many times do I have to explain this?

Anonymous said...


Sorry if that come off rude, not my intention, I'm typing in a hurry.

Anonymous said...

You aren't missing anything. People want to pay $4.99 for a kit that is totally customized to meet their specific needs in every way. And when they finish scrapping with it, it should be able to do the dishes, the laundry, and cut the family's hair. Otherwise it sucks, sucks, sucks, and the designer is an annoying idiot.

February 10, 2010 10:00 PM


Why do you have be childish? No one is asking the ridiculous. It's simply a request or suggestion that not every SINGLE kit by a designer needs to have a ribbon or flower in it.

Quite honestly, I'd be happy to pay $9.00 for a kit if it had what I wanted.

Anonymous said...

One or two ribbons and flowers may be ok. In any kit. But 5 different flowers and 5 different ribbons (recoloured at the 5 colors of the palette) in a kit that is supposed to be a child kit (for example), that is not ok. Especially if the designer states that the kit is "jam packed with elements" or the kit has "over 50 elements". You got me?

Anonymous said...

6:31, maybe we're just shopping at different stores. In my experience, designers have stopped doing that. If they do have the same flower recolored 5 times, they only count it once when they say how many elements are in the kit. I pretty much only see kits that say something like 50 unique elements, some recolored. After years of being disappointed when I would open a kit just to find 2/3 of it was recolored items, I thought this was a pretty good compromise.

Or maybe it's just that I have girls to scrap. Maybe if I only had boys I would get annoyed with all of the flowers and ribbons too. Since I have girls, I do end up using flowers on almost every page I made.

Anonymous said...

I have a boy and I use the flowers and ribbons...

I'm not really understanding why people can't just delete what they don't want. I do it all the time with kits. It takes a few seconds and never annoys me even slightly.

Anonymous said...

Because they enjoy complaining, and anyone who doesn't agree with them is childish, rude, and too stupid to understand.

I love it, though. The harpies are always the most entertaining people on a smack blog.

wv: sladole

If you don't agree with me you are just a sladole!

Anonymous said...

What style are you looking for: realistic, fantasy, paper scrap, doodles, altered art?

While I like the look of a lot of the fantasy/whimsy kits, when it comes time for me to actually scrap, I tend to go with the paper style.

I'd love to buy more at SSD - I usually love the papers in their kits - but I'm sick of the flowers and ribbons!

Anonymous said...

Now if you'd said SSD to start with, then I'd understand your point. I have three different kits from the same designer there, with the same flower and same two ribbons in all three. Now that is ridiculous. But I wouldn't complain if at minimum the flower was different in all three kits. There are only so many ways you can do a straight flat ribbon. But you think she could at least manage to find 3.

Anonymous said...

I agree, if you'd said SSD right away I would never have argued. I don't know if it's any different now, but I bought 3 or 4 of Melissa Bennett's kits a while ago and was shocked at how many of the same elements she used in them. If you're going to put a clip on a string in 3 kits, at least stick 3 different clips on 3 different strings!

Anonymous said...

What a way to discourage repeat business. If I am buying regularly from a designer I do not want to see the same elements in different kits. That is just laziness.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to buy more at SSD - I usually love the papers in their kits - but I'm sick of the flowers and ribbons!
I like stores that offer the papers and the elements separate from the kit.

Anonymous said...

I don't always use everything that comes in a kit. If I like a kit and will use most of it I don't mind a ribbon or a flower or any other embellishment that I don't use. If a kit has masses of recolored flowers and ribbons, I wouldn't buy it in the first place.

Probably the only people buying kits full of recolored items are new scrappers who haven't discovered some of the more creative designers out there.

Anonymous said...

I don't use CU items, but I do include recolored versions of ribbons and such in my kits because I've had customers request that. I hadn't thought that it would be annoying for excperienced customers though. I always just thought of it as something that would make scrapping go more quickly.

I count any recolored/shadowed items as 1 item and list them as such in a kit description. I also include only one colored version of the item on a preview.

I don't want to make it harder on newer scrappers by not including those in a kit. For those of you who are bothered by recolored items included in a kit, do you think a suitable alternative would be to include only one color of each item in the elements download and then include any additional recolored elements in an extra download which is clearly labeled as rececolored elements?

I do listen to what people have to say here. And while I can't please everyone, I feel like I can at least try.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Do people even check this stuff out anymore?
The United States Olympic Committee and Trademark Infringement

November 20, 2000

The Amateur Sports Act, 36 U.S.C. 380, gives the International Olympic Committee the exclusive right to prevent any person from using the following items for the purpose of trade, to induce the sale of any goods or services, or to promote any theatrical exhibition, athletic performance, or competition:

The symbol of the IOC consisting of five interlocking rings

The emblem of the corporation

Any trademark, trade name, sign, symbol, or insignia falsely representing association with, or authorization by, the IOC

The words Olympic, Olympiad, Citius Altius Fortius, or any combination or simulation thereof tending to cause confusion, to cause mistake, to deceive, or to falsely suggest a connection with the corporation of any Olympic activity.

Intellectual property

The Olympic Movement is very protective of its symbols; as many jurisdictions have given the movement exclusive rights to any interlocking arrangement of five rings, and usage of the word "Olympic". They have taken action against numerous groups seen to have violated this trademark, including the Minneapolis, Minnesota-based band The Hopefuls (formerly The Olympic Hopefuls), Awana Clubs International, a Christian youth ministry who used the term for its competitive games, and Wizards of the Coast, publisher at the time of the IOC's complaint of the card game Legend of the Five Rings and others. But a few companies have been successful in using the Olympic name, such as Olympic Paint, which even has a paintbrush in the form of a torch as its logo, and the former Greek airline Olympic Airlines. Certain other sporting organisations and events have been granted permission by the IOC to use the word "Olympics" in their name, such as Special Olympics, an international sporting event held each every four years for people with intellectual disabilities.

Anonymous said...

February 11, 2010 4:16 PM
-------------------------! I had no idea that they were planning to sell it. Has it been announced at DST?

Anonymous said...

not even one bid for DST. Sadly, I am not surprised.

Anonymous said...

All the brouhaha over copyright is just pointless. As a scrapper, I always worked hard to give credit, and abide by designer TOUs. After years and years of watching designers lie, cheat, steal and break all kinds of copyright and intellectual property rights, I have thrown in the towel.

I will scrap with what I want, and I don't give a damn anymore. If someone likes my books and wants to pay me to do one for them, I'll do it. I don't give a crap about TOUs and S4O BS anymore. If I knew anyone IRL that could digi scrap, I'd gladly share my kits.

Suck it, designers. I don't believe there's even one honest one out there.

Anonymous said...

Suck it, designers. I don't believe there's even one honest one out there.

February 11, 2010 5:39 PM

And that excuses your own lack 0of due diligence. Funnilicious logic.

Anonymous said...

Suck it, designers. I don't believe there's even one honest one out there.

February 11, 2010 5:39 PM

That is because you are a dishonest person. Therefore you think everyone else is. I personally believe you are in the minority. I think most people are honest. I don't steal items to use in my designs. I don't share kits I buy. Ever. Period.

You can't justify your bad behavior by saying, "it's ok because everyone else is doing it too." It's still dishonest, bad behavoir.

Anonymous said...

that is really pathetic that they put DST up for auction at that site. It looks like DSTDaddy just wants to try and sell it to someone bigger like when 2peas got bought out. How ironic is THAT!!??? He said himself on the listing: **this site is listed mostly for corporate buyers and people with the knowledge and ability to make such an investment** Why the heck not offer it to the members of the community!?? They obviously do NOT give a rip about anything but the money anymore.

Anonymous said...

probably knew no one in the community was stupid enough to spend what he was asking for it!!!!!!

You also don't know that he didn't. Who knows what they've tried to do since they last interest in it so long ago. It's just too bad they didn't get it sold sooner before it went down the toilet.

Anonymous said...

I heard they DID sell it. For a pretty good amount.

Anonymous said...

I heard they DID sell it. For a pretty good amount.

February 11, 2010 6:40 PM
Not very believable. That site should have been put out if its misery a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

I heard they DID sell it. For a pretty good amount.

February 11, 2010 6:40 PM


From whom? Auntie Muriel's neighbor's cousin's best friend?

Anonymous said...

Do people even check this stuff out anymore?

February 11, 2010 5:23 PM


Did you report it to the IOC? If you haven't reported it, then shut up. You obviously don't give a crap, you just want to stir the pot.

Anonymous said...

Suck it, designers. I don't believe there's even one honest one out there.

February 11, 2010 5:39 PM


What a skewed view of the world you have, I pity you.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the decision to sell DST was Erik's? Looks like Shannon hasn't been active since Jan 9. Erik has been doing all the usual admin announcements since then.

Anonymous said...

They gave up long ago, Eric just seems to be covering the bases til they could find a buyer, it looks like. Hopefully the new owners can do a better job at it.

Anonymous said...

Geeze. What went down?

Anonymous said...

Did you report it to the IOC? If you haven't reported it, then shut up. You obviously don't give a crap, you just want to stir the pot.

February 11, 2010 7:50 PM

Yes, did so. No, won't do. No, not really.

Anonymous said...

Do people even check this stuff out anymore?

And your point? There isn't one thing wrong with this kit. It doesn't go against any copyright issue. The doodles are all hand drawn and Olympics is not a TM word. There are all sorts of Olympics out there.

Anonymous said...

And your point? There isn't one thing wrong with this kit. It doesn't go against any copyright issue. The doodles are all hand drawn and Olympics is not a TM word. There are all sorts of Olympics out there.

February 12, 2010 7:14 AM


Did you read? You cannot use the 5 Olympic rings and designers KNOW this from the last Olympics, the ensuing brouhaha and dissection of that trademark.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that she revised the kit and took out the Olympic hand drawn symbols. Too bad, I doubt the Olympics would have cared since it was a hand drawn element.

Anonymous said...

Do people even check this stuff out anymore?

And your point? There isn't one thing wrong with this kit. It doesn't go against any copyright issue. The doodles are all hand drawn and Olympics is not a TM word. There are all sorts of Olympics out there.

February 12, 2010 7:14 AM


IDIOT! The interlocked rings ARE copyrighted to the IOC. I'm really surprised Katie of all peole didn't know that already.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Geeze. What went down?

February 11, 2010 10:59 PM
No kidding. I was wondering the same thing & was going to leave praise in the gallery, but hated being "preached" to. Call me petty or ignorant, I just was turned off by the whole comment and reason thing.

Anonymous said...

My interpretation of that layout is that she is calling some of us a bunch of "mindless fat cows" and from her comment only the fantasy LO's are complex and artful, whole the rest are only simple feelings. It is kind of a subtle sophisticated put down. LOL

Hollie Haradon said...

Oiy, here I am again. First, I am not preaching here, you asked, I am answering.

Something did go down yesterday. Those involved know exactly who they are. I will not name names or the gallery in question. Suffice it to say, they targeted one scrapper and told her to remove her art work because it seen strictly as a commerical ad because she didnt use a personal photo in it but a stock image. She use a stock image because it helped her to express her feelings better than anything else she had.

A entire debate ensued. Suffice it to say, my one pet peeve is don't ever judge another person's art. It is their art, not yours. It was created from their imagination and for their own personal reasons. This is freedom of expression. I stand very firm on this. I stay out of all drama, my blood pressure can't take it but when it comes to this I have to say something.

There is a need by some (NOT ALL) to seggerate this community. Altered style vs Traditional. Fantasy vs Paper, etc. I don't understand why? Why does there have to be a correct way? Why can't we all be inspired by one another?

And you misread my statement. I never said that one style is better than the other. I said that I can appreciate all styles equally. A simple paper like layout is just as heartfelt and lovely in creation as a complex fantasy layout..they are equals. Neither is better than the other.

I guess that layout was the product of alot of frustration. It was simply my wish to open the eyes of a few about their narrow minded attitude.

Simply said, all art is equal. I hope you can understand where I was coming from.

Anonymous said...

Hollie- (I have no idea what gallery you're talking about) I think a lot of people just got sick of all of the fantasy and stock image previews. It would be nice to see how your kits (and that of shabby pickle's designers) are used traditionally. It would inspire a lot more people! It would be like hiring a hybrid CT member...

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