Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Space

new space for you...


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Anonymous said...

I think one reason stores might want exclusive designers is so they'll be active for the store. Same with ct members, that's probably why they want to know what other teams you're on.

Anonymous said...

Think of it this way. One designer sells the same products in 4 stores. They have to make 4 different previews, bundle up 4 kits, upload to 4 stores, advertise x 4. It is very time consuming and not really worth the man hours. The kit may sell a total of 10. There are paypal fees and most stores charge a monthly storage fee to help cover cost of servers etc. If that same kit was in one store and sold the same 10 times the designer is saving 3 storage fees.

If you like a designers work and it's exclusive you should just go buy it from whatever store she has it in. What does it matter to you what store it is? The "I won't support that store" argument is stupid. The designer gets the majority of the money so it's really the designer you are supporting.

If I don't particularly like a store I'll still purchase from an exclusive designer. I just don't utilize their gallery or forums.

Not buying a kit you like because it's "exclusive" or at a store you don't like is just cutting your nose off to spite your own face.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why you think it is a desperate switch? What other stores have done this recently? And why do you care so much about what ES is doing with its designer contracts? If the designers stay, doesn't that indicate that they are ok with the contract and aren't being taken advantage of?

You sound too invested in this.

Anonymous said...

I'll repeat - customer service has to be the first thing these stores try to fix. If their sales are dropping, they need to take a good hard look at that before they look at anything else.


ES has excellent customer service since Angie took over. I had ONE issue and it was resolved within 24 hours. All other transactions went smoothly. I shop there almost weekly. Maybe you could be more specific as to why you think this should be the first place they should look? And why do you think they are making the change because their sales are dropping? For all we know, they may have great sales and decided it was time to level up!

Anonymous said...

It's not stupid to not support a store that has awful customer service. I don't choose to support them with any of my dollars - not because I think my purchases will make or break the store (they won't) but because I don't support businesses if I don't agree with their business practices. If more people did that the world would be a better place. People are so wrapped up in what they want they don't look at who they are supporting ... which is why sweat shops and child labor are so rampant ... most people don't care what they support with their dollars so long as they get the latest craze or a good deal. I don't shop like that offline ... and I don't shop like that online. Don't jump on me, I'm NOT comparing digital scrapbooking stores to child labor ... I'm just saying I am careful where I put my dollars.

Actually it's pretty hypercritical to complain about a store's customer service and still shop there. I stand behind my beliefs by not picking things up from places that treat customers like garbage.

And no its not cutting of my nose because no kit or designer is that important or that good. That's actually the point I am trying to make here ... we aren't talking about the next Michelangelo creating the one priceless David.

As to why I care ... I'm having a conversation on a blog. I'm not out filing legal documents or starting a movement. Someone else brought it up, there's not a lot of other interesting stuff in the digi world going on, and there's nothing good on TV to watch, so I am discussing it. If someone else hadn't brought it up I probably wouldn't have commented.

Though I would still chose to not shop there anymore. I don't think that every designer who is staying is OK with it. I think they are making their own business choices based on there they make the most sales, but that doesn't mean they are OK with it.

Anonymous said...

I don't have any insider information as to why they are doing it, but it definitely appears desperate.

If you are confident that you are a quality store you don't worry about what the competition is doing or who is selling there. You just go about your business.

Anonymous said...

If you are confident that you are a quality store you don't worry about what the competition is doing or who is selling there. You just go about your business.

June 16, 2010 12:29 AM

That simply isn't true. You should be aware of what your competition is doing and make sure you are out-doing whatever that is. It's called competition for a reason.

A quality store owner will think about what's best for the store to help make all designers the most amount of money possible within that store. They can't do that if the designers are selling at other stores. It's good for everyone on the sales end to set up exlusivity.

"Boo-hoo" for the designer who decided to stay on and doesn't like it. Find another store. If you're sales are that good, they'll probably be that good someplace else as well.

I think too many on this blog are just idealistic and really don't understand business. It's a problem in digi in general.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that every designer who is staying is OK with it. I think they are making their own business choices based on there they make the most sales, but that doesn't mean they are OK with it.


Have they told you this? Or do you prefer to base your shopping choices on assumptions?

Anonymous said...

Actually you are wrong. I do understand business quite well. I've been in business many years, and have helped friends launch businesses.

I have two friends with online businesses right now, neither one of them even remotely related to digital scrapbooking or even crafting, but both in markets that are also over-saturated (as many online markets are). Both are seeing business coaches regularly - different coaches, different cities. And both coaches are telling them that while yes, you need to keep aware of whats happening with your competition, it's a big mistake to focus too much on it.

There's just too much competition out there to operate that wat. If you match every sale, try to out do every promotion, and worry about every event all your competition makes, you effect your own productivity and profitability.

So yes, you keep aware of your competition, but your primary focus should always ALWAYS be on meeting your customer's wants and needs. The first questions every single business needs to answer is 'what does my customer want? What are my customers needs?'

How does requiring exclusivity meet any customer's wants or needs? It doesn't - it meets a stores need. That's a backwards way to approach business.

Anonymous said...

No one from ES has told me anything. But I'm savvy enough to know that people get stuck between a rock and a hard place by these kind of moves.

Anonymous said...

I don't have an opinion on whether a designer can or cannot sell at more than one store, or whether they choose to, but designers, I have a list a mile long of stores I will not buy from. So if you are exclusive, and I am boycotting your single store, I am not buying from you. My boycott list is a list of stores who have bad service or who do not follow through with prizes on contests or challenges I won fair and square. And it must not be only me, either, because a fair number of them have closed. Scrap Artist is still hanging on though.

I'd like to buy from mScraps, but the previews are too small...I can't see what I'd be getting!

Anonymous said...

How does requiring exclusivity meet any customer's wants or needs? It doesn't - it meets a stores need. That's a backwards way to approach business.

June 16, 2010 1:43 AM

Why should this matter to the customer except that we're sticking our noses somewhere it doesn't need to be? My need to get the product I want is still being met. If I don't like the store overall, then I can let the designer know and she can get the product to me in another way.

Anonymous said...

No one from ES has told me anything. But I'm savvy enough to know that people get stuck between a rock and a hard place by these kind of moves.

June 16, 2010 1:46 AM

Then you are making assumptions. What if all the designers there are actually happy and that's why they stayed? You don't really know. I think it's petty to not buy at a store because you *think* you are savvy enough to know what the designers are feeling. They aren't being oppressed in some sweatshop or anything.

Anonymous said...

I don't have an opinion on whether a designer can or cannot sell at more than one store, or whether they choose to, but designers, I have a list a mile long of stores I will not buy from. So if you are exclusive, and I am boycotting your single store, I am not buying from you.


Have you told the designers when you see them advertise a kit you want to buy? Are any of your favorites even in these stores? Would there even be anything you are interested in purchasing? Boycotting quietly accomplishes nothing on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Good customer service and whether or not a store is exclusive are 2 totally separate issues. First the argument was "if a store goes exclusive, I won't shop there because I can't comparison shop" and now it's "they should fix their customer service before trying to go exclusive". How did we get from point A to point B. Do all exclusive stores have bad customer service? Or are all stores with bad customer service going exclusive?

If you want to complain about a store's customer service, by all means lets hear it. I'd like to know who to stay away from.

If you want to complain about a store requiring their designers to be exclusive/earn a certain amount/stand on their heads while they post, that's fine, too. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

But to argue against exclusivity and when someone fights back, say "well, then, they should fix their customer service first!" in the middle of your argument is the equivalent of a 2 year old calling you a poopy head and storming off. It makes no sense, other than to make the 2 year old think they won.

Anonymous said...

How did we get from point A to point B. Do all exclusive stores have bad customer service? Or are all stores with bad customer service going exclusive?

It's that people commenting on here really don't understand business. Even those proclaiming to be business gurus in past posts really have absolutely no idea. It's all based on idealism and their opinions. Not on what really works.

Anonymous said...

So if you are exclusive, and I am boycotting your single store, I am not buying from you.


And the designer is also screwed if she sells at 3 of your boycotted stores. Life's a bitch, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

you need to keep aware of whats happening with your competition, it's a big mistake to focus too much on it.

There's just too much competition out there to operate that wat. If you match every sale, try to out do every promotion, and worry about every event all your competition makes, you effect your own productivity and profitability.


I never said that they should focus all their energy on it. Choosing to make their designers exclusive has more to do with managing their own store than it does with worrying about the competition. Designers will devote more to their sales if they are exclusive and will be able to devote more time to promoting themselves.

Anonymous said...

Stores are going exclusive because of the competition period. They also don't want their designers at 10 other stores. I guess they think that if the designer has brought in customers, the customers will continue to buy at that store. I think that is short sighted as customers hop from store to store as much as designers do. Why is it ok for customers to hop and not designers. If a customer feels that one issue with a store wasn't handled quickly and professionally then good bye store, good bye customer. The couple of stores that I know of that have a lot of customers were exclusive to start but now are not. That should tell someone something? EH??????

Anonymous said...

The couple of stores that I know of that have a lot of customers were exclusive to start but now are not. That should tell someone something? EH??????

^which stores?

It doesn't tell me anything, because I think there are very few stores in digi that are actually running a successful store. The ones I know of are totally exclusive.

Anonymous said...

I think that is short sighted as customers hop from store to store as much as designers do. Why is it ok for customers to hop and not designers.


Because we are customers and we are going where the product is that we want to purchase! We can hop all we want. It is up to the store to draw us in and keep us. If they can't do that then they might be doing something wrong OR the customer likes variety and has a lot of money to spend.

I like variety and buy what I like. But I basically shop at the same 3 stores. All are exclusive.

Anonymous said...

I like exclusive kits. I don't like hunting for the best price or FWP or whatever extra comes with purchase. And it's quite irritating when you realize that the kit you just bought is a Daily Download Freebie at another store... (that's a real fact)

Anonymous said...

I have never understood why stores allow their designers to be in multiple other stores as well. In the end, it definitely cuts down on profit for the store owner and as a designer who has been in a few different stores over the years, it's incredibly frustrating to know that half of the designers selling in your store visit the forum once a month or so, slap together some junk for the store collab, because they are doing three or four a month, and just in general hope that by throwing a bunch of stuff in a bunch of stores they can piggy back off the hard work of the designers who are actually participating and promoting. As a designer, I have been in more than one store at a time on occasion, usually when I am testing out whether I want to move from my current store or not, and I rarely match sales at both stores, it's just too much work. As a customer however, I almost always check a designers blog and other stores for a product I want to buy to see where the best deal is. Besides ES, I believe SUN recently switched to all exclusive designers. It seems like a trend right now.

And to someone who mention it earlier, the "twist" at ES does seem a little slimy. Who can say if the sales quotas will be the same for all designers or even enforced fairly. I can see that being a problem for everyone involved, if for no other reason than everyone will know your sales.

Anonymous said...

Good customer service and whether or not a store is exclusive are 2 totally separate issues. First the argument was "if a store goes exclusive, I won't shop there because I can't comparison shop" and now it's "they should fix their customer service before trying to go exclusive". How did we get from point A to point B. Do all exclusive stores have bad customer service? Or are all stores with bad customer service going exclusive?

This is not two separate arguments - it's two separate POINTS in the same argument - I'm saying that it does customers no good, it's reactionary, and if they want to fix something it should be their CS not this panicked drop to exclusivity.

And it's nothing to do with idealism - several extremely successful business both online and off would laugh at the idea of trying to make their suppliers exclusive. An exclusive product, yes, an exclusive model of something, yes, but not complete exclusivity.

Even the gal who said she signed an exclusivity agreement to sell her jewelry - said its a 'local' exclusivity agreement. That's quite different than total exclusivity.

No other business is trying this model - so to say its 'idealist' to suggest its not necessary is pretty silly.

Anonymous said...

The entire ES situation is completely slimy.

As a business, of course it is completely expected that you have business goals in place. In the real world, people who aren't making their sales goals are coached and assisted. If they continue to not reach their goals, they are likely let go or reassigned. I haven't met a store owner yet who coaches anyone. In fact, most whine when you actually expect them to advertise the store in any way.

Exclusivity really isn't what makes the 'big stores' successful. It might help some designers have more time to focus on one store, but that's up to an individual designer and their own time management. It also depends on how much time an owner has to give to a store and its promotions.

When I look at SSD - they have an amazing forum and the designers are SUPER active. Scrap Matters - same deal. Huge, active forum and mega business - and they do it all without exclusivity. SBG - honestly, they just specialize in mostly garbage they call art. Some people are into that and it works for them. Scrap Artist - do people really shop there? Mcraps? really? And SUN is absolute crap. Exclusive or not, how long can Ellie Lash carry that store? She's no Flergs.

With ES, all you need to do is look at their designer list to know the 'exclusivity with a twist' was to keep designers like Bella Gypsy and Connie Prince from leaving there entirely. Those 2 aren't exclusive, but I'd bet they make more than enough with the twist to continue to sell there and at their other stores. A few of the designers on the list are already exclusive at ES and have been. So, what will really change at ES as far as sales?

It seems the people they lose will only be replaced by people who will likely sell the same amount (maybe less, maybe a little more). Seems pretty stupid to me. It's not like they have the active community of SSD and SM, the 'art' of SBG, or the customer base to warrant such a move.

Have you seen the announcements of the designers leaving ES? No big names for sure, but they're not a store filled with big names. I'm sure several more are leaving soon - and who will replace them? Are they really thinking they're going to unearth the next big digiscrapping star with 'the twist'?

To me, exclusivity in this situation (as with SUN) is a cop out for poor management. You have a designer who isn't performing? You TALK with them and help them.

It has been my personal experience in stores with mixed exclusive and non-exclusive that the exclusive designers are the laziest ones. Not all, but most. Most of them take months off without producing a single new product and they're always the last (if they even bother) to contribute to store collabs and activities.

Exclusivity wont change that, but good, solid management and leadership will.

Anonymous said...

I like exclusive kits. I don't like hunting for the best price or FWP or whatever extra comes with purchase. And it's quite irritating when you realize that the kit you just bought is a Daily Download Freebie at another store... (that's a real fact)


That's completely and utterly wrong of the designer. I don't know of any designer with any sort of ethics who would make a kit free in one place, and for sale in another.

With blogs, Facebook, and the like, exclusivity can't stop that from happening. It's just totally ridiculous for a designer to do - period.

Anonymous said...

10:40 am, SSD is an exclusive store.

Anonymous said...

10:40 am, SSD is an exclusive store.

Never said they weren't I said Scrap Matters wasn't.

Anonymous said...

And to someone who mention it earlier, the "twist" at ES does seem a little slimy. Who can say if the sales quotas will be the same for all designers or even enforced fairly. I can see that being a problem for everyone involved, if for no other reason than everyone will know your sales.


Why does it matter? Have you ever worked for a company where the owner played favorites? You have the choice to go find another job or tolerate it. That's how LIFE is. UNFAIR. Especially if people are involved.

Anonymous said...

That's completely and utterly wrong of the designer. I don't know of any designer with any sort of ethics who would make a kit free in one place, and for sale in another.


It's not always their fault. Some stores limit the amount they can mark stuff down or when they can have sales. I've played that game with designers before. It drives me nuts! I wish they would all just choose a shop and stay there!

Anonymous said...

To me, exclusivity in this situation (as with SUN) is a cop out for poor management. You have a designer who isn't performing? You TALK with them and help them.


So they give them all the help they'll need to succeed at their store and the other stores? That seems pretty stupid. Why not do it with people that are loyal instead?

Anonymous said...

The problem here is that it is a bunch of people sticking there nose in where it shouldn't be. I know, it was a public call. But sheesh! If you don't like it, then don't apply.

I'm pretty sure that the designers are big girls and can decide if they want to work at ES or not. They don't need people boycotting the store when they made the decision to stay. That's not helpful for them! And you're basically making assumptions about what is going on behind the scenes.

Only time will tell if ES's "exclusive with a twist" plan will work. I hope for Angie's sake it does. I really like her and have had great customer service.

Anonymous said...

@1:11pm --- Does Angie give you pompoms to go with all that rah rah?

Anonymous said...

So they give them all the help they'll need to succeed at their store and the other stores? That seems pretty stupid. Why not do it with people that are loyal instead?


This is beyond stupid. Like a designer is going to stay at one store their entire career. OMG we shouldn't talk about our super successful trade secrets because you might be successful at TWO stores... OMG no way. We want it ALL for ourselves so we wont give you the super secret key until you're only with us. Do we sign our contracts in blood, too?

You make designers the best while they're at your store. If you treat people with respect, you get loyalty. Exclusivity doesn't = loyalty.

Anonymous said...

@1:11pm --- Does Angie give you pompoms to go with all that rah rah?

June 16, 2010 1:34 PM

NOPE. She has NO clue who I am. And probably could care less about the BS that is being written here.

Anonymous said...

It's not always their fault. Some stores limit the amount they can mark stuff down or when they can have sales. I've played that game with designers before. It drives me nuts! I wish they would all just choose a shop and stay there!


So a designer should stay at a shop where she makes little to no money just because you want her to? That makes no sense whatsoever.

Sounds like a bunch of hooey.

Anonymous said...

If you treat people with respect, you get loyalty. Exclusivity doesn't = loyalty.

June 16, 2010 1:40 PM

You can treat people with respect but hold back on "helping" them or giving away the trade secrets.

Respect doesn't = hand holding.

It is more likely they are loyal if they are exclusive. It doesn't mean they aren't going to leave but at least during the time they are there, the owner is profiting from the mentoring and it isn't being spread between 4 stores.

Anonymous said...

So a designer should stay at a shop where she makes little to no money just because you want her to? That makes no sense whatsoever.

Sounds like a bunch of hooey.

June 16, 2010 1:46 PM

sheesh, she said "I wish" not "I demand". It's just an opinion.

Anonymous said...

That makes no sense whatsoever.

Sounds like a bunch of hooey.


Actually, in the real world if you do too many job changes, you won't get hired. It's too bad stores don't look at designer's track records and see they are just itchin' to move on to the next store before they evn move in. Edeline comes to mind...

It's one thing to move up to a better store as a designer improves. It's another to just keep changing among the top stores.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like exclusive kits. I don't like hunting for the best price or FWP or whatever extra comes with purchase. And it's quite irritating when you realize that the kit you just bought is a Daily Download Freebie at another store... (that's a real fact)


That's completely and utterly wrong of the designer. I don't know of any designer with any sort of ethics who would make a kit free in one place, and for sale in another.

With blogs, Facebook, and the like, exclusivity can't stop that from happening. It's just totally ridiculous for a designer to do - period.

June 16, 2010 10:43 AM

Meredith Cardall, kit Paper Roses. Look for it at 3scrapateers forum and the stores she sells at. I don't like her style, I don't even collect the pieces (I am saving my precious MB for something worth it). But I recognized it as soon as I saw it.

Anonymous said...

Meredith Cardall, kit Paper Roses. Look for it at 3scrapateers forum and the stores she sells at. I don't like her style, I don't even collect the pieces (I am saving my precious MB for something worth it). But I recognized it as soon as I saw it.

June 16, 2010 3:21 PM


You are freakin' complaining about a kit that you never planned to buy? You said that you don't like her style. Why should you even care what she's offering and where it is being offered? That's psycho!

I have seen designers give away kits that they are selling on their blogs and facebook for limited time. It's meant for the fans that care enough to follow. It's the same thing as piecing out a kit in a forum. It's meant for the fans of that forum. If you participate, you get the gift.

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know 3S still existed. I thought they closed. Who even hangs out there? Last I remembered it was a bunch of OLD ladies.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I prefer to buy the kit over having to do the work of going back to the forum every day for a month. I have a life. And that's why some designers sell the kit. Not everyone is so desperate for a kit that they'll track down tidbits each day.

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny someone keeps saying we are 'sticking our noses in other people's business.' Its an anonymous blog - if I was sticking my nose in, I'd be emailing Angie to give her my opinion.

I won't shop at ES for this move - not because of the people who stayed, but because of the people being forced to close their stores. I don't really care if everyoen who stays is happy to stay, it's still what I consider unethical to boot designers out who have been there, supported you, offered freebies for challenges, etc.

Selling consignment products is teamwork. No store should be holding back any of their absolute best possible coaching to offer because they have non-exclusive designers. Kodak, Microsoft, HP, Canon, Lexmark...all send trainers in to Best Buy to train all the employees to sell their product the best the possible can ... knowing full well the same product is in half a dozen other stores.

Not training designers in your store - now THAT is cutting off your nose despite your face.

Anonymous said...

I've sold in about 5 successful stores. The only training I got was a password to upload my products. So WHAT training are you talking about? It doesn't exist.

Anonymous said...

Kodak doesn't lose money if someone buys their camera at Fry's instead of Best Buy, so I'm not sure WTF you're trying to say there.

Anonymous said...

All this talk about ES "change with a twist"........ Where exactly did you hear about this? I'd like to read it for myself if you'd care to share a link.

What exactly is the "twist"? A store becoming exclusive isn't a "twist" so please give me a link so I can read about it from the source.

Anonymous said...

The 'exclusive with a twist' is on their current designer call, post all over digiland and on their blog.

The twist is that designers selling at certain targets get to not be exclusive. Which is basically their way of trying to go exclusive and still keep their big sellers who aren't exclusive and would have otherwise left.

How they can advertise it as if its some kind of good exciting thing designers will actually want to be involved in is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Kodak doesn't lose money if someone buys their camera at Fry's instead of Best Buy, so I'm not sure WTF you're trying to say there.

OK so the rep training analogy fails.

The point I'm trying to make is that it's teamwork - stores need to work with their designers regardless of if they are exclusive or not. The stores will benefit from that because their sales will go up.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a fair compromise to me. you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours.

Anonymous said...

Mark my words, this "exclusive with a twist" will be a disaster. It will hurt designer morale in the long run by making a kind of caste system inside the store. You will have the "haves" and "have nots" pretty quickly and there will be resentment and if rumors are starting now about fairness even before it begins, can you imagine what it is going to be like in reality?? Designers in stores should not be made to feel sub-par in such a public way because they aren't meeting a sales quota. If you see a designer at ES now that is exclusive, no matter what the situation, you could think that maybe they aren't making enough sales. If they aren't making the sales, maybe they don't have quality product. Even if it isn't true and they are choosing to remain exclusive by choice, it will likely still hurt their sales just because of the speculation. Likewise, if you see designers there that sell at multiple stores, then you assume that they have good quality product worth buying and their sales improve by the deal. So the ones that are able to do the "twist" are the ones who win in the deal...not the storeowner looking for exclusivity or the designers who either choose to remain exclusive or can't make the sales. What an awful business concept.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Anonymous said...

ES should either just shit or get off the pot. Either become exclusive or not, but none of this "twist" crap. I think one of the other posters was right...they want to be able to keep some of their big name designers who wouldn't agree to exclusivity. That's just poor management.

Anonymous said...

why do i, as a consumer, care how much money a designer makes?

"oh this designer must not sell very much, maybe I won't buy stuff from them anymore, even though I have been for the last 6 months."

Anonymous said...

I would be very surprised if Connie Prince decides to stay at ES. Even though I think she's probably one of their biggest sellers, I can't see her getting mixed up in all this drama. And this situation promises to be a drama magnet.

Anonymous said...

I don't see a problem with rewarding top selling designers. If what they want is to be able to add a 2nd or 3rd store, why not give them what they want? If they're a top seller, they've obviously brought some good to the store, more so than the designers mentioned above who take months off without producing a single new product and they're always the last (if they even bother) to contribute to store collabs and activities.

Although, now that I've typed all that out, I realize that I don't give a shit if a store is exclusive or not or whether a designer is exclusive or not, and neither of those things have any impact on where or how I shop.

Anonymous said...

why do i, as a consumer, care how much money a designer makes?

"oh this designer must not sell very much, maybe I won't buy stuff from them anymore, even though I have been for the last 6 months."

You might not think that way, but be sure that there will be customers out there that will think that a designer's quality is directly tied to their sales. And if a designer can't make enough sales, ie is exclusive, then SOME people will assume it is because of the quality of their work. Just because you may not think that way doesn't mean that the possibility doesn't exist. And if that possibility does exist, then it is detrimental to not only the exclusive designer, but to the store as a whole. Doesn't take a business major to figure that one out.

Anonymous said...

It all comes down to management. If you have designers who aren't pulling their weight on a consecutive basis, then you fire them. You don't pull this "exclusive with a twist" crap. You set up individual and store sales goals to be met. When they aren't met, you analyze what factors need to be changed to ensure they are met. The problem is, most store owners don't treat this as a business.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with rewarding higher selling designers, and many stores do, with different pay tiers. But that is all confidential. What ES is doing with this 'twist' is making it public who is selling lots (if they are allowed to have other stores) and who isn't (those required to stay exclusive).

And I agree, that information will be used by customers - they will think that exclusive designers there are all the lower performing ones, whether it's true or not.

Anonymous said...

If I were a designer at ES I'd be leaving - whether or not I made the sales targets to be 'allowed' to open a new store.

Anonymous said...

This consumer (me) wouldn't think less or more of a designer the is or isn't exclusive. Good grief. I could care less who is exclusive or who isn't. I don't have the time, energy or desire to even keep track if designers are selling at more than one store. I buy based on what I like, not on how popular a designer is or how much sales a designer has.

Anonymous said...

these seemingly desperate switches to exclusivity, which is actually a pretty nasty thing to do to designers who have made it their home.

If it's their home, why should going exclusive be an issue? From my own experiences and even just looking around, most designers that have made a store their 'home', are exclusive.

Anonymous said...

I don't have any insider information as to why they are doing it, but it definitely appears desperate.


I'm not getting this at all. Ange is probably tired of some designers treating her store like a revolving door. She has probably worked out that the designers who are exclusive to her store make her, and subsequently themselves, better money.

Anonymous said...

And to someone who mention it earlier, the "twist" at ES does seem a little slimy. Who can say if the sales quotas will be the same for all designers or even enforced fairly. I can see that being a problem for everyone involved, if for no other reason than everyone will know your sales.

How is that slimy? It happens all the time in 'real' business. Real estate, car sales, etc. It's called competition. Wasn't there an entire conversation prior to this about how much 'fun' competition is? Why, I believe there was.

Anonymous said...

I don't really care if everyoen who stays is happy to stay, it's still what I consider unethical to boot designers out who have been there, supported you, offered freebies for challenges, etc.

Selling consignment products is teamwork. No store should be holding back any of their absolute best possible coaching to offer because they have non-exclusive designers. Kodak, Microsoft, HP, Canon, Lexmark...all send trainers in to Best Buy to train all the employees to sell their product the best the possible can ... knowing full well the same product is in half a dozen other stores.

You aren't making any sense. First you tell us that it's unethical for a store to kick out a loyal designer if they aren't making money, and then you talk about big business, who do exactly that. If the employee is not making the sales, they get booted. You can't have it both ways.

It's either a small business or it's not.

Anonymous said...

Designers in stores should not be made to feel sub-par in such a public way because they aren't meeting a sales quota. If you see a designer at ES now that is exclusive, no matter what the situation, you could think that maybe they aren't making enough sales. If they aren't making the sales, maybe they don't have quality product. Even if it isn't true and they are choosing to remain exclusive by choice, it will likely still hurt their sales just because of the speculation.

It will be a 10 minute wonder and then no one will remember any of it. And there are those people who don't care. If I like it, I buy it, it's as simple as that. One purchase will determine if it's quality, I'm not going to speculate about it.

Anonymous said...

I would be very surprised if Connie Prince decides to stay at ES. Even though I think she's probably one of their biggest sellers, I can't see her getting mixed up in all this drama. And this situation promises to be a drama magnet.

June 16, 2010 5:59 PM


It's only drama because the people here are making it a drama.

I've seen all this happening before. You really think that ES is the only store that has ever done this? Not to be a long shot!

Anonymous said...

And I agree, that information will be used by customers - they will think that exclusive designers there are all the lower performing ones, whether it's true or not.

June 16, 2010 6:17 PM

Yep, some customers are sheeple. They'll buy anything from the popular designers, doesn't matter if it's quality or not. However, there are customers out there who will buy based on quality, rather than on what or who is popular right now.

Anonymous said...

And I agree, that information will be used by customers - they will think that exclusive designers there are all the lower performing ones, whether it's true or not.

June 16, 2010 6:17 PM

You really aren't giving us customer types enough credit! We're smarter than that!!!

It will only be us 25ish morons on this blog that will think this through so much. Everyone else won't even notice or care.

Anonymous said...

It will only be us 25ish morons on this blog that will think this through so much. Everyone else won't even notice or care.

June 16, 2010 8:30 PM

smartest thing written since this topic came up!

Anonymous said...

You aren't making any sense. First you tell us that it's unethical for a store to kick out a loyal designer if they aren't making money, and then you talk about big business, who do exactly that. If the employee is not making the sales, they get booted. You can't have it both ways.

YOU are the one not making any sense. Best Buy does not boot people for not making sales targets ... they train them...and if they still don't make sales targets they find a kob for them tha'ts not sales related. They work with and care about their employees. Because they understand the importance of cultivating long term relationshipns.

Anonymous said...

It will only be us 25ish morons on this blog that will think this through so much. Everyone else won't even notice or care

Actually that's not true at all. There's at least a hundred people who think the same thing for every 1 person who speaks up.

Anonymous said...

How is that slimy? It happens all the time in 'real' business. Real estate, car sales, etc. It's called competition. Wasn't there an entire conversation prior to this about how much 'fun' competition is? Why, I believe there was.

Why yes, there was a conversation about competition. And competition in the Market is what keeps stores accountable, and in check. Making designers go exclusive is trying to REMOVE the competition. Duh.

Anonymous said...

This consumer (me) wouldn't think less or more of a designer the is or isn't exclusive. Good grief. I could care less who is exclusive or who isn't. I don't have the time, energy or desire to even keep track if designers are selling at more than one store. I buy based on what I like, not on how popular a designer is or how much sales a designer has.

You represent a portion of the consumers, but not all. There are more definitely lots of them who will keep track, will notice who is forced to be exclusive, and will make buying decisions that way.

Anonymous said...

If it's their home, why should going exclusive be an issue? From my own experiences and even just looking around, most designers that have made a store their 'home', are exclusive.

People have more than one digi home. I have three. I'm sure designers put a lot of energy into building relationships where they sell, so if they are forced to go exclusive at one of them, they are forced to walk away from the work they have done there.

Anonymous said...

You aren't making any sense. First you tell us that it's unethical for a store to kick out a loyal designer if they aren't making money, and then you talk about big business, who do exactly that. If the employee is not making the sales, they get booted. You can't have it both ways.

It's either a small business or it's not.

Talk about not making sense? Where did I ever say anything about small business?

Anonymous said...

It will only be us 25ish morons on this blog that will think this through so much. Everyone else won't even notice or care.

June 16, 2010 8:30 PM


And that's half ES's customer base right there!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Why yes, there was a conversation about competition. And competition in the Market is what keeps stores accountable, and in check. Making designers go exclusive is trying to REMOVE the competition. Duh.

June 16, 2010 10:11 PM


I meant competition amongst themselves, duh! Which is quite obvious from my post.

Anonymous said...

YOU are the one not making any sense. Best Buy does not boot people for not making sales targets ... they train them...and if they still don't make sales targets they find a kob for them tha'ts not sales related. They work with and care about their employees. Because they understand the importance of cultivating long term relationshipns.

June 16, 2010 10:08 PM


You find one company that does it and I'm not making sense. You sure are determined to reach to make your argument, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

People have more than one digi home. I have three. I'm sure designers put a lot of energy into building relationships where they sell, so if they are forced to go exclusive at one of them, they are forced to walk away from the work they have done there.

June 16, 2010 10:14 PM


You aren't speaking as a designer. Designers tend to have only one digi 'home', the rest are just selling places.

Anonymous said...

Talk about not making sense? Where did I ever say anything about small business?

June 16, 2010 10:17 PM


You are talking about the digi scrap industry, that is a small business for the most part.

Anonymous said...

It will only be us 25ish morons on this blog that will think this through so much. Everyone else won't even notice or care.

June 16, 2010 8:30 PM


And that's half ES's customer base right there!

June 16, 2010 10:20 PM


Most of that customer base is probably at the so called "Top Tier" stores rather than at ES.

Anonymous said...

You find one company that does it and I'm not making sense. You sure are determined to reach to make your argument, aren't you?

You are reaching to prove me wrong and it's not working. I named the same company in my reply as I named in my exampled ... it's not that it's the only company that doesn't boot people out for low sales. Actually none of them do without extensive attempts to train and guide salespeople. And often if those attempts fail they are moved into a position in the company that doesn't require sales (like merchandising, inventory management, etc). They don't just get booted.

Anonymous said...

You are talking about the digi scrap industry, that is a small business for the most part.

True. But you said I am not making sense because I used a big business as an example and that it was 'either a small business or its not' as if I had made some kind of conflicting claims. But I didn't - which is why your jab at me didn't make any sense.

I use successful businesses as examples because they lead by example - they all start out as small businesses. So if you want a successful business, you look at the successful ones and see what they do.

Anonymous said...

Actually that's not true at all. There's at least a hundred people who think the same thing for every 1 person who speaks up.

June 16, 2010 10:09 PM
Where'd you get that load of BS? Prove IT!!!

Anonymous said...

Where'd you get that load of BS? Prove IT!!!

Oh good grief, you and your 'prove it!' crap. Go read some marketing training manuals and customer service training books. You'll find it's a generally accepted principal.

How 'bout YOU prove it's NOT true?

Anonymous said...

YOU are the one not making any sense. Best Buy does not boot people for not making sales targets ... they train them...and if they still don't make sales targets they find a kob for them tha'ts not sales related. They work with and care about their employees. Because they understand the importance of cultivating long term relationshipns.

June 16, 2010 10:08 PM


You find one company that does it and I'm not making sense. You sure are determined to reach to make your argument, aren't you?

June 16, 2010 10:25 PM


My ex in college was fired from Best Buy because he couldn't make sales quotas. She's full of shit. If she's typing, she's lying.

Anonymous said...

Oh good grief, you and your 'prove it!' crap. Go read some marketing training manuals and customer service training books. You'll find it's a generally accepted principal.

How 'bout YOU prove it's NOT true?

June 16, 2010 10:55 PM


Because I'm not the one trying to prove the statement. Only proves that you are making crap up.

Anonymous said...

My ex in college was fired from Best Buy because he couldn't make sales quotas. She's full of shit. If she's typing, she's lying.

LOL I work with Best Buy. I've been at their morning team meetings they do before they open. I'm not lying. Maybe your ex got caught doing something he didn't want to tell you about so he lied to you.

Anonymous said...

Where'd you get that load of BS? Prove IT!!!

Oh good grief, you and your 'prove it!' crap. Go read some marketing training manuals and customer service training books. You'll find it's a generally accepted principal.

How 'bout YOU prove it's NOT true?

I majored in business in college and never heard that. If it is a well known principal, then you should be able to link us up. Otherwise, I agree. You're just making it up.

Anonymous said...

LOL I work with Best Buy.

^of course you do. Why am I not surprised?

Anonymous said...

How 'bout YOU prove it's NOT true?

June 16, 2010 10:55 PM

1 complaint = 1 complaint

it's math really.

Anonymous said...

Because I'm not the one trying to prove the statement. Only proves that you are making crap up.

What proves it that I am making things up? The fact that you don't believe me? How is that any kind of proof by any standards?

If I was writing a paper for University, I would be sure to cite all my references. But I'm not. I'm posting on an anonymous blog. I know things. You know things. We all know things.

Why is it whenever someone says they know something everyone replies with 'she has so-called knowledge' or 'prove it'. Some of us are actually educated people. Is that so hard to believe?

I don't really care if you believe me. You aren't educated in marketing and customer service. I'm not going to track down books and references for you. If you care that much you can go find them yourself.

Anonymous said...

1 complaint absolutely does NOT equal 1 complaint. That is statistics. That is why they can survey a small group people in a community and find it a statistical representation of the community as a whole.

If they didn't cover that in your business degree, you went to the wrong school.

Sure, I could link you up. But that would require effort and I'm not that interested in proving anything to a bunch of anonymous people on an anonymous blog.

I could tell you what I do for a living too, who I work with, and you'd say 'LOL of course you do!' and not believe me.

Because anyone who doesn't agree with you is obviously lying and making things up.

Anonymous said...

I don't really care if you believe me. You aren't educated in marketing and customer service. I'm not going to track down books and references for you. If you care that much you can go find them yourself.

June 16, 2010 11:04 PM

You don't know anything about anyone posting on this blog. You're right some of us are educated and not going to believe someone because they claim they are educated. Most of us aren't sheeples that are going to believe everything posted on this blog as gospel. It's too easy to make stuff up without your name attached.

If you can't site your source, then why should we even begin to believe it? Why should we have to look up what you are trying to state as fact and can't even prove?

Anonymous said...

1 complaint = 1 complaint

it's math really.

I guess you didn't sat in school long enough to learn the more complicated version of math called statistics.

Anonymous said...

If you can't site your source, then why should we even begin to believe it? Why should we have to look up what you are trying to state as fact and can't even prove?

I'm not citing a source because I don't feel like going and writing down a list of my books, or googling them to find you links. I don't really need to. You can go on believing that 1 complaint equals 1 complain.

Anonymous said...

I'm complaining about how annoying 11:08 is. That means 50+ other people are also annoyed with 11:08.

Anonymous said...

I'm complaining about how annoying 11:08 is. That means 50+ other people are also annoyed with 11:08.

If there were that many people reading this blog that 50+ was statistically significant, then yes, it would mean that.

Yay for you for learning something today.

Anonymous said...

lol, I'm not who you think I am. It's funny how people talk to each other on this blog. You could be talking to about 10 different people and not even know it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not who you think I am either. Who do you think I am? Who do I think you are? Who do we all think we are?

Anonymous said...

So that means that there are at least 100+ people annoyed with 11:08. Because I agree.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with you being annoyed with me, even if you each represent 50 people (which I don't think you do because I don't think that many people read this blog).

Not sure why people get so annoyed when someone disagrees with them. What a bad, bad, bad thing to do. Don't disagree with the anonymous bloggers.

Anonymous said...

I'm not who you think I am either. Who do you think I am? Who do I think you are? Who do we all think we are?

June 16, 2010 11:17 PM


Well they one who tried to say I "learned something today" is probably 11:08. But I'm not 11:03. I'm 11:00.

I have no idea who you are, 11:17. I could guess 11:08 but I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why people get so annoyed when someone disagrees with them. What a bad, bad, bad thing to do. Don't disagree with the anonymous bloggers.

June 16, 2010 11:19 PM


11:00 here. I'm annoyed with you because I think you are a know-it-all and probably stretching the truth about your real life just to prove your statements.

I haven't decided if I agree with you are not.

Anonymous said...

LOL I work with Best Buy.

^of course you do. Why am I not surprised?

June 16, 2010 11:00 PM

She's probably a lawyer and an accountant too, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

I could be the wife of one of the most brilliant business minds in the states who likes to digiscrap and has found herself on this blog.

I could be a mom who didn't finish high school but watched a lot of The Apprentice and figures she learned a thing or two.

I could be a business owner who recently went through bankruptcy and has leaned the hard way what not to do in business.

I could be a scrapper who is toying with everyone here.

I could be someone who was sent a link to this blog by a friend and has no idea what digital scrapbooking is.

I could be a designer, maybe even an ES designer who is unhappy with the changes being made.

I could be a store owner who is wasting time between other tasks.

I could be the blog owner.

I could be none of these things.

Anonymous said...

^all I know is that your are annoying. And it sounds like about 100+ people may agree!

Anonymous said...

sorry about the typos. Now I'm being annoying. LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm annoyed with you because I think you are a know-it-all and probably stretching the truth about your real life just to prove your statements.

What is a know it all anyways? Someone who argues their point?

I'm not stretching the truth about what I do offline. I have no way to link you up to prove it though.

Anonymous said...

Nope. Just a marketing consultant. Is that really so hard to believe?

Anonymous said...

weird I put a quote in that last comment but it didn't work - I was replying to this

She's probably a lawyer and an accountant too, I'm sure.

I'm neither of these things nor will I claim to be.

Anonymous said...

Nope. Just a marketing consultant. Is that really so hard to believe?

Of course you are!

It's ok. We all believe you now.

Anonymous said...

Oh come ON. It's hard to believe that someone could have an education, have a high profile job, and still visit this blog for entertainment every now and then?

You sell the blog short!

Anonymous said...

^It's not that it isn't possible. It's just a bit too convenient.

Anonymous said...

Convenient that someone with marketing experience would be engaging in a marketing discussion?

Could it possible be that the pirating discussions aren't my area so I don't participate in them, but this one is so I do?

Anonymous said...

It's ok. We all believe you now.

Anonymous said...

I'm a psychologist and you all (collective) are wacked out of your minds. Codependency is all over this blog. But it sure is entertaining!

So I can believe their are some pros hanging out here.

Anonymous said...

When you have a car accident and a doctor runs up and starts offering advice and says 'I'm a doctor' do you look at him and say 'SURE you are. We believe you. Isn't that a little convenient!'?

Well, whether or not you believe what I'm saying about my experience and my job, maybe some people will read up on statistics and how one customer represents many, many more than one. It's actually really important for businesses to understand that.

OK I'm taking my annoying know it all self away much to your relief. It was a decent discussion for a while but I'm tired of this last crap.

Anonymous said...

That's very true - we are all wacked out and codependant. I need a shirt that says 'codependant and loving it'

Anonymous said...

Here's my take on the "twist". Some stores have both exclusive and non exclusive designers BUT neither get any special privileges. They have equal standing - the only difference is that some sell at more than one store.

Some stores take a bigger cut from non exclusive designers than they take from exclusive. Call it a small bonus for choosing to be exclusive.

BUT if ES's "twist" means that designers are publicly labeled as "exclusive because their sales are low" or "we allow them to have other stores because their sales are good" I don't think it will do either designers or ES any good.

And, as someone else pointed out, if a designer CHOOSES to be exclusive to ES no matter how high their sales are it only makes them "look" like their sales are down.

The "twist" could very well be the beginning of the end for ES - not to mention any innocent designer caught up in the "twist".

Anonymous said...

When you have a car accident and a doctor runs up and starts offering advice and says 'I'm a doctor' do you look at him and say 'SURE you are. We believe you. Isn't that a little convenient!'?


Actually, I do. I don't want some quack messin' with me. There was a guy going around town here pretending to be a policeman.
You can never really be sure. Even in real life.

Anonymous said...

I'm a psychologist and you all (collective) are wacked out of your minds. Codependency is all over this blog. But it sure is entertaining!

So I can believe their are some pros hanging out here.

June 16, 2010 11:48 PM

Spelling Nazi here. Since you are a highly educated professional, please learn to how to write properly. You are giving the rest of us a bad name. I hold my doctorate in smartass, so please share from whence you received your degree in psychology. Was it Trinidad? University of Phoenix? Bali? Do tell.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? There's nothing wrong with her spelling or grammar in that post.

Anonymous said...

Well, I see we have someone here that is Narcissistic. I do hope you will see someone about that.

Washington State. Thank you.

I saw the mistake "there" right after I posted. I didn't proof before I casually posted on this blog. It's not a dissertation and I wasn't aware that I was going to be graded.

Hopefully you feel better getting that off your chest.

Anonymous said...

I'm 5:46, the one who pointed out that the exclusive designers and store owner would not benefit from this situation.

And, just to clarify, I'm also a marketing major. I can't prove it, other than my knowledge of my area. Someone had mentioned earlier that for every one complaint, there are 100 more customers who didn't complain. The real statistic is 1:26. Look it up. It was a TARP study.

Anonymous said...

(which I don't think you do because I don't think that many people read this blog).


You'd be wrong on that. Whenever anyone posts a link to a thread, the view counts on that thread go up significantly. Maybe 50 don't POST, but I'm sure that many or more do READ.

Anonymous said...

Even exclusive, do these designers really make good money? I was thinking about it and it seems that you'd have to sell hundreds of kits a month to make even a halfway decent salary, or is designing really the adult equivalent to babysitting money? Do some people really make a living off of this? That seems hard to believe at 5$ profit a kit, and then losing some to taxes at the end of the year.

Anonymous said...

Even exclusive, do these designers really make good money? I was thinking about it and it seems that you'd have to sell hundreds of kits a month to make even a halfway decent salary, or is designing really the adult equivalent to babysitting money? Do some people really make a living off of this? That seems hard to believe at 5$ profit a kit, and then losing some to taxes at the end of the year.


I know there was a recent survey at DST for designers and I seem to remember that many made between $100-$500 a month or less. There were still some that made in the thousands per month. So it could possibly be lucrative. But, for most, I would say that it probably wouldn't be enough to sustain an entire family on its own.

But if you think about it, customers have continually complained about following designers around from store to store. So designers are trying to expand to more stores in order to create a larger customer base from customers who have loyalties to that store or who consider it their digital home. The problems come when designers spread themselves too thin and can't keep up with the additional demands of their stores (gallery praise, forum attendance, challenge hosting, store collabs). There's more of a trend now for stores to have a separate team (aside from their CT) whose main job is to give gallery praise and comment in the forum and host challenges. I've even seen separate teams for upcoming designers that are learning the trade to do collabs for the store's benefit instead of having the selling designers do them.

Anonymous said...

I am exclusive to the store in which I sell, by my own choice. It works best for me, and the fit is right. I can, however, sell in other stores, but the products must be exclusive in the first store. If the store were to pull an "exclusivity with a twist" on me as a designer, I'd leave even though my sales are very good. Why? Because I think I've built a strong enough customer base to have the majority follow, and I want to work in ONE store. Period. If I continued to do that in a store that had "EWAT", there would be those ignorant enough to assume I had weaker sales than I do. And sadly, in anything, perception counts a bit too.

Anonymous said...

How about designers who violate the terms of their contract, are supposed to be exclusive to one store, but then go and sell at another? What are you supposed to do about that? The sticky part is that the designers who do this contribute to their "exclusive" store's bottom line. They put the store owner between a rock and a hard place. Seen it happen more than once. :(

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 complaint = 1 complaint

it's math really.

I guess you didn't sat in school long enough to learn the more complicated version of math called statistics.

June 16, 2010 11:09 PM

Maybe you "didn't sat" in school long enough to learn grammar.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a psychologist and you all (collective) are wacked out of your minds. Codependency is all over this blog. But it sure is entertaining!

So I can believe their are some pros hanging out here.

June 16, 2010 11:48 PM

Spelling Nazi here. Since you are a highly educated professional, please learn to how to write properly. You are giving the rest of us a bad name. I hold my doctorate in smartass, so please share from whence you received your degree in psychology. Was it Trinidad? University of Phoenix? Bali? Do tell.

June 17, 2010 12:04 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? There's nothing wrong with her spelling or grammar in that post.

June 17, 2010 12:23 AM

@12:23 AM
Are you N.P.? Because that N.P. I am talking about is doing the same mistake all the time. Oh, she also can't tell the difference between to and too. Someone told it to her, but nothing chanced!

Anonymous said...

OMG what a boring bunch of crap. I saw the post count and was hoping to see something fun to read about. But no, just a bunch of hags playing the no you didn't-yes you did game. yawn. Not even any good cursing.

Anonymous said...

So has anyone found out what the dollar amounts are behind 'the twist?' Are they disclosing it to anyone dumb enough to apply to the call?

Anonymous said...

'sat' was a typo - I meant 'stay'.

I meant to say 'you didn't stay in school long enough...'

Funny that someone calls out someone else and then says 'nothing chanced' instead of 'nothing changed'.

We all make typos - it doesn't make our points any less valid.

Who is N.P.?

Anonymous said...

ES should either just shit or get off the pot. Either become exclusive or not, but none of this "twist" crap. I think one of the other posters was right...they want to be able to keep some of their big name designers who wouldn't agree to exclusivity. That's just poor management.

June 16, 2010 5:53 PM
1. ES is still in business??
2. It probably won't be for long with this kind of last gasp move.

Poor management is an understatement!

Anonymous said...

Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything. 14% of people know that.

Anonymous said...

How many times has Royanna's house been foreclosed on now?? I lost count after 2.

Same with 'living in her car.' Because, you know, every homeless person living in their car takes trips to Disneyworld.

And, what's the latest on her terminally ill with cancer status?

Sweet, buttery Jesus that woman is a trainwreck

Anonymous said...

Sweet Buttery Jesus is dead :(

Anonymous said...

How can her house be in foreclosure anyway? How on earth did someone who supposedly had no money and was living in her car even get a loan for a house to start with? I thought she was only renting? I smell rat and it's stinkier than ever.

Anonymous said...

Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything. 14% of people know that.

June 17, 2010 4:49 PM

14%? That stat is totally wrong. At least 32% of people know it. I'm obviously right too, because I'm a statistics/marketing/business major with a minor in psychology. And I hang out on smack blogs. What do you guess the stats are on someone with my credentials hanging out on the digi smack blog?

Anonymous said...

The likelihood of you hanging out here whilst having this profession is 1.3%. The chances of you lying about your qualifications are 76.3%.

I know this, because I am a psychiatrist for some of the world's most famously unstable patients (of course it would be unethical of me to disclose whom); and I also hang out at this smack blog.

Anonymous said...

OMG what a boring bunch of crap. I saw the post count and was hoping to see something fun to read about. But no, just a bunch of hags playing the no you didn't-yes you did game. yawn. Not even any good cursing.

June 17, 2010 11:36 AM

And this is beyond scintillating. I'm enthralled reading this post. I cannot look away.

Anonymous said...

Who brought up Royanna? Honestly, that subject is really boring. It's the same old stuff over and over again. Someone sure seems to like to stalk her and then bring their voyeuristic observations to this blog, in the hope that someone will take the bait.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I think Royanna is afraid we might discuss her. This link smacks of the song postings from a while back. Don't worry Royanna no one here cares if you are homeless again and can't get your store back up.

Anonymous said...

how is her house getting foreclosed on when she is at Disneyland and the beach practically every day?

Im sick of Disneyland. If you want to whine about how poor you are stop going to fucking Disneyland and make your house payment. Its not that hard to figure out.


Anonymous said...

Who brought up Royanna?
I think Royanna brings up Royanna. It is a good way to get people to come check you out.

Anonymous said...


Doesn't work. I never check it out. I'd rather clean up dog doodie.

Anonymous said...

June 17, 2010 6:28 PM -

Wow. I had no idea. Thank you for sharing this.

I just listened to the Youtube video and then forwarded an email to all the major news agencies - asking them why no one is making this front page news. Those news anchors all professed sympathy and agony when the towers fell - they sure as hell need to be broadcasting about this horrifying plan. Wow. That's what I keep saying over and over.

Anonymous said...

14%? That stat is totally wrong. At least 32% of people know it. I'm obviously right too, because I'm a statistics/marketing/business major with a minor in psychology. And I hang out on smack blogs. What do you guess the stats are on someone with my credentials hanging out on the digi smack blog?

June 17, 2010 5:15 PM

Anonymous said...
The likelihood of you hanging out here whilst having this profession is 1.3%. The chances of you lying about your qualifications are 76.3%.

I know this, because I am a psychiatrist for some of the world's most famously unstable patients (of course it would be unethical of me to disclose whom); and I also hang out at this smack blog.

June 17, 2010 5:26 PM


ROFLMBO!!!!!! I love these posts!!!

Anonymous said...

someone is psycho stalking Royanna to know that much about her! Why are you following someone you hate so much?

Anonymous said...

You don't need to stalk her to know all that shit. It's common knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Buttery Jesus is dead :(

June 17, 2010 5:11 PM
I know-I was *devastated* until I heard that they will rebuild. Praise the farm-fresh goodness!! Sweet Cream Jesus will rise again

Oleo, Lord.

Anonymous said...

You don't need to stalk her to know all that shit. It's common knowledge.

June 18, 2010 12:21 AM
Ding! Ding! Ding!

We have a winner!

And it's common knowledge because because Royanna herself is putting it out there. And until people wise up and quit enabling her, she will continue doing it. Dishonesty works for her.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the Foghorn Leghorn moment above! Looks like it's past my bedtime.

Anonymous said...

Common knowledge, known only to those who are common.

Anonymous said...

Ding! Ding! Ding!

We have a winner!


I can't believe you actually wrote that down.

I'm hoping you aren't the person who usually uses that phrase. But if you were, then it would explain way you are so eager to focus on Royanna, instead of yourself.

Anonymous said...

You don't need to stalk her to know all that shit. It's common knowledge.

Only, I assume, if you visit her blog, or are her friend on FB or your visit her store. If you don't do any of those, then it's not common. It's only common to those who stalk her, hoping for something they can smack her with.

Anonymous said...

Or else it's like a train wreck and you have to visit that blog to see when the store is back up, and it never is.

My fave comment on the last week of flurry is this comment about SSD, "an amazing forum and the designers are SUPER active."

If you want to sell more, be more active in the forums.

Somebody like me has no idea which stores are exclusive, has no idea (well barely any idea) which designers sell at more than one store, have no idea what the terms of sale and contracts are, and figure it's none of our business, although it's nice to hear numbers. We don't read calls, we don't follow a million designers - and where they've been before. If one leaves, it's pretty much out of sight, out of mind. We've forgotten about them. In fact, I love getting newsletter that start off apologizing about the lateness of the newsletter. As if I was expecting it on a certain day! LOL!

I'm guessing 97% of the plain old CUSTOMERS are just like me. Don't kid yourselves - and I say this with both a Psych and Soc degree - people really only care about themselves.

The trouble comes with this advice of mine from above: "If you want to sell more, be more active in the forums." If there are too many big-names-who-do-nothing, then the poor schlep designers who are active and carrying the load look like the unsuccessful designers. And that is how customers PERCEIVE who is successful and who is not. NOT by the terms of their contract, whether they are selling at one store or many, or allowed a loophole in their exclusivity contract; it's by what we see in in the forums, or I suppose the tone of the newsletter/blog posts.

Unfortunately, I didn't solve anything with my analysis.

Anonymous said...

Do people even bother with forums or challenges anymore besides the CT members and a handful of people wanting hastily put-together freebies or points that take forever to accumulate? Seriously, I would love to find a forum that isn't like that...where there are more than 10 people, excluding CT members, that participate on a regular basis. Anyone have a place like that?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I just want to add for any designers on here reading...if I post a layout in your gallery at one of the stores you sell at with a kit I BOUGHT and you don't comment on it ever, you've lost my business. Call it being vain, self-centered, whatever. But that should be part of every designer's marketing plan to actually check on their galleries every day and comment.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I just want to add for any designers on here reading...if I post a layout in your gallery at one of the stores you sell at with a kit I BOUGHT and you don't comment on it ever, you've lost my business. Call it being vain, self-centered, whatever. But that should be part of every designer's marketing plan to actually check on their galleries every day and comment.

I'd just call it plain dumb. Do you think that is all designers have to do with their lives is hunt galleries where you might have made a LO with one of their kits? If someone is nice enough to send me a link I will always comment, or if someone puts a LO into the designer's gallery at the store I sell at I will comment. I may not check it as often as you might like so you might not see it the minute you post it but if I've lost your business over something that stupid then I really could care less as you weren't much of a faithful customer to begin with. My customers buy my kits because they want them to make LOs for their memories not to just put LOs in galleries!!

Anonymous said...

Any moron who buys a kit and posts a LO in a designer's gallery just to test them for a comment can take their business elsewhere. Kits might be cheap therapy, but the next time you want a designer to be your therapist, spend more than $1. Go work on your own need for attention issues.

Anonymous said...

Any moron who buys a kit and posts a LO in a designer's gallery just to test them for a comment can take their business elsewhere. Kits might be cheap therapy, but the next time you want a designer to be your therapist, spend more than $1. Go work on your own need for attention issues.

June 18, 2010 8:17 AM
This may be the best post on this blog ever.

Anonymous said...

You don't need to stalk her to know all that shit. It's common knowledge.

Only, I assume, if you visit her blog, or are her friend on FB or your visit her store. If you don't do any of those, then it's not common. It's only common to those who stalk her, hoping for something they can smack her with.


I've been reading this blog for a year and I know all of that, and I've never been to Royanna's facebook or blog. I would say it's common knowledge for anyone who's been reading this blog longer than a month.

Anonymous said...

^I don't read her blog or her facebook page because I could care less about Divine Digital.

I don't believe what's being written on this blog because it is clear someone has a vendetta against her.

I just don't understand why someone would want to read about someone they hate so much. It goes beyond the train wreck concept because people hardly ever intentionally drive up to see a train wreck. They are usually randomly passing by. Just as I am with this topic on this blog. Where I have to see it, but I don't want to.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I just want to add for any designers on here reading...if I post a layout in your gallery at one of the stores you sell at with a kit I BOUGHT and you don't comment on it ever, you've lost my business. Call it being vain, self-centered, whatever. But that should be part of every designer's marketing plan to actually check on their galleries every day and comment.

Oh brother! You need to find some other way to feel better about yourself. I recommend a pedicure or a date.

Anonymous said...

I'd just call it plain dumb. Do you think that is all designers have to do with their lives is hunt galleries where you might have made a LO with one of their kits? If someone is nice enough to send me a link I will always comment, or if someone puts a LO into the designer's gallery at the store I sell at I will comment.


You're the dumbass because you obviously didn't read/comprehend my post before you got all defensive and posted yourself. I said if I post a layout in a DESIGNER'S gallery at a store THEY sell at, I expect a comment. It's not a test, it's good customer service. And I rarely buy kits at $1 because they are usually crap anyways, but thanks for that obviously wrong assumption. I would love to know all your designer names so I know who has the time to run their business like a business and value their customers enough to pop into their own galleries every once in a while to leave a comment that takes less than 10 seconds. Call it what you want and get all defensive about it because you don't know how to keep customers coming back, but I'm just telling you how I feel as a customer. You don't have to like it or even care about it. But maybe it will give some designers that never thought about that facet of customer service a bit of pause.

Anonymous said...

Kits might be cheap therapy, but the next time you want a designer to be your therapist, spend more than $1. Go work on your own need for attention issues.

Why do you think people post non-CT layouts in galleries? Why spend all that time putting in all those credits and info if not for someone to come in and ooh and ahh over it? Granted, the main reason I scrap is to preserve my memories for my family, but comments are the icing on the cake. If I go through and link my gallery layout to that designer's kit in their store, don't you think it's just common courtesy for them to come in at least once a week and spend 5 minutes commenting on layouts in their own gallery?

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I just want to add for any designers on here reading...if I post a layout in your gallery at one of the stores you sell at with a kit I BOUGHT and you don't comment on it ever, you've lost my business. Call it being vain, self-centered, whatever. But that should be part of every designer's marketing plan to actually check on their galleries every day and comment.

Oh brother! You need to find some other way to feel better about yourself. I recommend a pedicure or a date.

I think about the only thing that would make this one feel better is to torture some poor little kid or animal. Loser.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think people post non-CT layouts in galleries? Why spend all that time putting in all those credits and info if not for someone to come in and ooh and ahh over it? Granted, the main reason I scrap is to preserve my memories for my family, but comments are the icing on the cake. If I go through and link my gallery layout to that designer's kit in their store, don't you think it's just common courtesy for them to come in at least once a week and spend 5 minutes commenting on layouts in their own gallery?

Yeah, it's nice to get comments but really, this is just like the praise game, meaning an obligation.

I would much rather have genuine praise, not because they want to keep me as a customer. kwim?

You also said you wouldn't shop with them anymore if they didn't leave praise, that's just unfair.

Many designers work full time or are only able to design after their kids go to bed.

There are only so many extra hours to go around.

The only designer I would boycott was someone who was rude in the forums, never followed through with cs issues etc.

NOT for something they didn't do. kwim?

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting conversation and designers following could learn something, if they read between the lines. If you want sales, you can either have a superior product, or you can be a really warm cheerleader. (the two aren't mutually exclusive, but let's say they are) If you are a really good artists and a top tier :) designer, you can probably get away with being a bitch and not commenting in the gallery and forums. But if you are a regular designer, say a good one just not superlative, the added perception of being a good person, with nice comments, freebie challenges, and an active presence will bump your sales up. Who cares why go up, whether it is customers needing validation, or feeling like they have to buy from you now that they know you? It simply doesn't matter - sales are sales and dollars are dollars.

Anonymous said...

Call it being vain, self-centered, whatever.
Ok, and I'll throw in childish and ridiculous, to boot.

Therapy is definitely something you should look into.

Designers are not putting kits in stores so they can be your friends or cheerleaders. They are putting kits in stores to make money.

Anonymous said...

So are the ones making such nasty negative posts about someone wanting a designer to leave them a comment designers or customers? I agree with 4:00. If you are an average designer, your sales would probably go up with just a little extra time commenting in your gallery. I would elaborate, but I have some small animals to torture and kids to beat.

Anonymous said...

Designers are not putting kits in stores so they can be your friends or cheerleaders. They are putting kits in stores to make money.


So, in your analogy, designers shouldn't be participating in challenges or involved in mundane forum discussions, either. After all, that's all just rah-rah and trying to make things personal between the customer and designer. So what if it creates loyalty! Loyalty be damned! Just leave those poor artists alone to work their miracles of kit-building in peace! How dare anyone suggest that they come out of their hovels and caves to socialize and build up a camaraderie with their customer base in order to actually increase their bottom line. Oh, the horror!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I just want to add for any designers on here reading...if I post a layout in your gallery at one of the stores you sell at with a kit I BOUGHT and you don't comment on it ever, you've lost my business. Call it being vain, self-centered, whatever. But that should be part of every designer's marketing plan to actually check on their galleries every day and comment.

As a designer I try and comment on layouts with my products as much as I can, but there is no way I can possibly comment on EVERY layout. You are insane if you think all designers have the time to make sure they comment on every layout, for designers with a decent customer base, that just isn't possible. I think you need to get a grip and realise that things don't always work the way YOU want them to.

Anonymous said...

I'm a designer, and I comment on all the LOs in my home store gallery. Not all right away for sure, but at least once a month.

I don't think it's too much to ask and I don't think its asking for 'therapy' for someone to notice that you took the time to link up to their gallery.

Anonymous said...

The likelihood of you hanging out here whilst having this profession is 1.3%. The chances of you lying about your qualifications are 76.3%.

I know this, because I am a psychiatrist for some of the world's most famously unstable patients (of course it would be unethical of me to disclose whom); and I also hang out at this smack blog.

I don't believe you because educated intelligent people who have a life outside of the internet couldn't possibly be interested in the entertainment provided by this blog. Don't you know only ignorant, inexperienced, naive dummasses hang out here.

Anonymous said...

^^ The fact that you even considered believing me is enough to make me want to slam my head on my desk.

Anonymous said...

oh please do!

Anonymous said...

My comment was sarcastic, as I know yours was.

Anonymous said...

You're the dumbass because you obviously didn't read/comprehend my post before you got all defensive and posted yourself. I said if I post a layout in a DESIGNER'S gallery at a store THEY sell at, I expect a comment. It's not a test, it's good customer service.

Oh you are right I stand corrected but I still contend that I don't have time to check the store galleries 100 times a day to see if a customer has posted and if they don't post under my designer gallery I probably would never know because my store galleries are too dang busy and I don't have time to always go through lots of pages to find LOs of something someone might have used. That's ok though because my customers know I'm busy and if they really want me to look at something they actually don't mind sending me a link, just like they don't mind sending me a PM or email that they really liked something or ask for my opinion on something. Thank you very much though for telling me how to run my business but my business is fine and healthy and I really don't need advice on how to run it.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know whats up at A5D, Kristen Rice seemed to make a hasty exit and she seemed to be in charge there for awhile?

Anonymous said...


WHAT?? When did she leave? Is she selling somewhere else?

Anonymous said...

Anyone know whats up at A5D, Kristen Rice seemed to make a hasty exit and she seemed to be in charge there for awhile?

June 18, 2010 8:19 PM


maybe they have a thing about designers who start with the letter "K"?

Anonymous said...

Don't you know only ignorant, inexperienced, naive dummasses hang out here.

June 18, 2010 5:56 PM


What are dummasses? Dumb masses or dumb asses?

Anonymous said...

Interesting, Lauren Reid is leaving SSD, wonder where she is going to??

Anonymous said...

WHAT?? When did she leave? Is she selling somewhere else?

June 18, 2010 8:29 PM

She went to Catscrap. That seems to be the new happening place. I notice Cinnamon Designs is a guest there this month, wonder if she will become permanent?

Anonymous said...

My comment was sarcastic, as I know yours was.

June 18, 2010 7:54 PM

Yup, it was. Not to be snarky or rude of course ;).

Anonymous said...

She went to Catscrap. That seems to be the new happening place. I notice Cinnamon Designs is a guest there this month, wonder if she will become permanent?

June 19, 2010 12:22 AM

And you know this how?? Why would she go to Cat Scrap, I don't think it is hip and happening at all!

Anonymous said...

Something is weird with that Sweet Shoppe. (Besides everything being so sweet, I mean - the scallops and polka dots and sweet ribbons make my teeth hurt) It looks to me as a complete outsider that all the designers are exclusive, but they have their own personal stores, too. What's up with that? I wondered if Lauren Reid and some others might be going to their own stores, but that doesn't makes sense. Sweet Shoppe seems to be a happening place - there were customers frothing at the mouth to get the new June portfolio challenge so they could get their discounts.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about anyone else but I can't see her going from SSD to a lesser known store like Catscraps.

Anonymous said...

She went to Catscrap. That seems to be the new happening place. I notice Cinnamon Designs is a guest there this month, wonder if she will become permanent?

June 19, 2010 12:22 AM

And you know this how?? Why would she go to Cat Scrap, I don't think it is hip and happening at all!

June 19, 2010 12:30 AM

I didn't say I *knew* it I said it *seems* to be. sheesh Anne you really get on my fucking nerves.

Anonymous said...

I didn't say I *knew* it I said it *seems* to be. sheesh Anne you really get on my fucking nerves.

June 19, 2010 2:24 AM
A: I am not Anne & do not even know who 'Anne' is.
B: I was referring to how you know she went to Catscrap, (ie. You said, 'She went to Catscrap.') she isn't there now, so how do you know? Answer = you don't - you are full of crap.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, Lauren Reid is leaving SSD, wonder where she is going to??

June 18, 2010 9:15 PM

Where hasn't she been?

Anonymous said...

She went to Catscrap. That seems to be the new happening place. I notice Cinnamon Designs is a guest there this month, wonder if she will become permanent?

June 19, 2010 12:22 AM


You mean a 'renew' of a happening place. It was happening since it stated and then it flagged for a while. Besides, wasn't Lauren at Catscrap before? I can't remember, she's been at practically every store ever.

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