Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Space

new space for you...


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Anonymous said...

^^^ I didn't even say it and to answer your question, YEP. Please, isn't your running here to squeal on 'improper use of font in a blinkie' insinuating that you are superior! So, I guess we are even. I can be the queen of making fun of your lack of grammar. You can be, uhm, the blinkie-police.

Anonymous said...

It is a common tactic in retail sales to do such a thing but it's not just tacky, it's downright deceitful, no matter who does it.


It's against the law.

Anonymous said...

I didn't even say it and to answer your question, YEP. Please, isn't your running here to squeal on 'improper use of font in a blinkie' insinuating that you are superior! So, I guess we are even. I can be the queen of making fun of your lack of grammar. You can be, uhm, the blinkie-police.

And here's the problem with thinking that you're only talking to one person. You look like a fool.

No dear, two people were addressing you. I did not post regarding a blinkie or anything else for that matter. It was your egocentric post caught my eye though which made you look like a fool even then.

Anonymous said...

It was your egocentric post caught my eye though which made you look like a fool even then.

This should have read "It was your egocentric post that caught my eye though, which made you look like a fool even then."

Anonymous said...

It's against the law.
I did not know that. Huh.

Anonymous said...


I don't know if it's against the law everywhere, but it is where I live. If you think about it though, it is fraud, which is against the law.

Anonymous said...

"No dear, two people were addressing you. I did not post regarding a blinkie or anything else for that matter. It was your egocentric post caught my eye though which made you look like a fool even then."


Actually I am not the person who made the 'trailer park' comment either, so looks like you made the same 'faux pas'. I love it when people point the finger and it ends up pointing right back at themselves. How's that for ironic, dear.

Anonymous said...

I love it when people point the finger and it ends up pointing right back at themselves. How's that for ironic, dear.


You still come off as a pathetic bitch who needs to come on here to slag off someone's grammer. Pretty pendantic. Your life must be oh so full.

Anonymous said...

You still come off as a pathetic bitch who needs to come on here to slag off someone's grammer. Pretty pendantic. Your life must be oh so full.

August 6, 2010 9:56 PM
I'm sure you meant grammar.

Anonymous said...

You still come off as a pathetic bitch who needs to come on here to slag off someone's grammer. Pretty pendantic. Your life must be oh so full.

August 6, 2010 9:56 PM

This from someone who feels the need to name call. I hate summer vacation, all the juniors come out to play.

Anonymous said...

This from someone who feels the need to name call. I hate summer vacation, all the juniors come out to play.

I call it like I see it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sylvia, I'm so glad you see it so clearly.

Anonymous said...

"You still come off as a pathetic bitch who needs to come on here to slag off someone's grammer. Pretty pendantic. Your life must be oh so full."


Yea, I think she meant pedantic too. Loves to pull out the big girl words, but no clue what they mean or how to spell them. Go back to eighth grade sweetie.

(P.S. You called me a 'bitch' and in the beginning were all mad that someone was so 'harsh' using the words trailer park. Irony rears it's head once again)

Anonymous said...

It's a free font that you can download from so many sites such as this one:
Don't know whether it can be used for commercial purposes though.

August 6, 2010 3:58 PM


If a CT blinkie is considered commercial use, and I understand that it could be, then a lot of designers are in trouble.

Anonymous said...

You know the saying about Glass Houses?

Quote: Irony rears it's head once again

"It's" is a contraction for "it is", while its shows the possessive.

Or were you using atrocious grammar just trying to fit in?

Anonymous said...


This from someone who saw fit to capitalize the words "glass houses".

Anonymous said...

That's how we do it in the Mobile Home Park.

Anonymous said...

I'm not anyone's spelling or grammar police in general, but it drives my up the wall when people say 'I seen it'. It really, really, makes you sound stupid.

Another one that bugs me, though not as much, is when people say 'that's real scary' or 'that's real tough'. UH ... the word is REALLY.

Anonymous said...

OMG picky picky picky picky picky picky picky people sharpening their claws. Who gives a shit about grammar and spelling on a Smak Blog. PLEASE GIVE US SOME NEW SPACE AND SOME INTERESTING POSTERS and GIVE THE SNIDE REMARKS A REST!!

I want to know if 9th and Bloom is running like a store should run now or are people still having troubles.

I want to know when this thing about Scraplift stealing is going to get buried. One would think that CTs have better things to do then cry foul because someone forgot a credit. Heck what happens when I make a page and forget WHO to credit when things I used from kits are 5 years old. I don't have ACDsee I don't remember what I did yesterday.

and oh by the way watch the business with the trailer park gang. I have a daughter who has a lovely trailer because that is what she can afford in a nice trailer park with other nice people. Trailer Trash is such an old cliche at this point. If you live in the South backwoods one might still use the term and for all those of you who also might live in trailers, good for you, at least you have a roof over your head and aren't having to live in a box under an overpass.

Anonymous said...

Here is what I want to know. Is it mostly designers here, ct members or the scrapbooking population who AREN'T hired or get paid (even in free kits) by designers or stores.

Anonymous said...

The Disney font is ok for commercial use. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Anonymous said...

Amen 7:18!!

I come here to read gossip NOT boring, snarky comments from the spelling and grammar police. Get a life already.

Now back to regularly scheduled program ......

Scraplift stealing -

Anonymous said...

And how about Laura "cantdesigncrap" Banasiak aka. simply.craps:

"would there be a set percentage or number of allowed CU items in the rules? i don't see how it could be fair for one person to create all things by hand...and the next person create a kit composed of half or more CU. to state 'as little CU as possible' may mean a lot of different things to different people...kwim?"

Laura, who still uses CU herself and did almost exclusively for the longest time until she finally figured out how to plug in a tablet and doodle. My 8 year old son can doodle, too. Guess you have some competition, Laura. Maybe I'll enter him.

What a bunch of whiney, hypocritical, wankers.

I am really surprised she was so shitty about CU since she also sells CU. glad I saw it here. Some of her doodle element sets are really comical. She comes off as really really desprite to me. I dont get the popularity, never did. or the folks linign up to collaborate with her but hey thats me. I am sure some smart ass here will say I am jealous but I never designed a day in my life nor do I want to. I just want to buy from really creative people.

Anonymous said...

To me, if you sell CU, you better shut your ugly pie hole about people using CU. I agree with calling them hypocrites.

Also, 2 days now and NOTHING from my customer service request to 9th and Bloom. Is anyone else who was having problems still having problems?

I gave up on them and will never go back. I did buy the couple things I wanted from the designer at one of her other stores. Thank goodness for non-exclusivity.

Anonymous said...

me i said seen i no live in trailer. english not good you pick on me? nothing wrong with trailer live anyway.sorry.

9th bloom not reply to customer service my email either. bought vld grab no download. crap

Anonymous said...

If you are having problems at 9th and Bloom with an order try going into the forum and PMing lizzyfizzy or holly. It worked for me.

BTW what is desprite?

Anonymous said...


I think she means desperate and just spelled it wrong. Let's not get stuck on spelling and instead congratulate her for nailing it. Laura is as desperate as they come.

Has anyone ever seen these?

Or these?

Ignore the fact they are a cheap and failed attempt to copy Shawna Clingerman. Any 4 yr old could probably do the same thing.

I'd rather buy a beautiful kit filled with recolored CU than buy crap like hers. How she gets decent designers to continually collab with her is a mystery to me. If I was a designer, I wouldn't go near her.

Anonymous said...

me i said seen i no live in trailer. english not good you pick on me? nothing wrong with trailer live anyway.sorry.

9th bloom not reply to customer service my email either. bought vld grab no download. crap


You aren't even keeping the same 'non-English' speaker mistakes throughout your email. I don't mind non-English speakers making mistakes, but if you made it through fifth grade in the States, you should probably know how to speak.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather buy a beautiful kit filled with recolored CU than buy crap like hers. How she gets decent designers to continually collab with her is a mystery to me. If I was a designer, I wouldn't go near her.

That is a good question, if only she put out as much personally created stuff as she did collaboration kits. I think she is lazy, but wants to make money for doing nothing or half of the work.

Anonymous said...

If you are having problems at 9th and Bloom with an order try going into the forum and PMing lizzyfizzy or holly. It worked for me.

Then this is how their "Contact Us" form should work. If they can answer PMs, then they can clearly answer their preferred method of contact.

What a joke

Anonymous said...

If you are having problems at 9th and Bloom with an order try going into the forum and PMing lizzyfizzy or holly. It worked for me.

she shouldn't have to jump through hoops or track people down to get customer service.

Anonymous said...

Or these?

Ignore the fact they are a cheap and failed attempt to copy Shawna Clingerman. Any 4 yr old could probably do the same thing.

I'd rather buy a beautiful kit filled with recolored CU than buy crap like hers. How she gets decent designers to continually collab with her is a mystery to me. If I was a designer, I wouldn't go near her.

Those look like metal claw marks. How classy.

I am a designer and I wouldn't touch her with a 10 ft. pole. I normally admire people with moxie, but she's a joke. Nothing but two-faced.

Anonymous said...

I am a designer and I wouldn't touch her with a 10 ft. pole. I normally admire people with moxie, but she's a joke. Nothing but two-faced.


This sounds interesting. Care to elaborate?

Anonymous said...

I come here to read gossip NOT boring, snarky comments from the spelling and grammar police. Get a life already.

Oh the irony.

Anonymous said...

Then this is how their "Contact Us" form should work. If they can answer PMs, then they can clearly answer their preferred method of contact.

What a joke

Absolutely agreed.

Anonymous said...

she shouldn't have to jump through hoops or track people down to get customer service.

August 7, 2010 12:52 PM

Unless it's going to the BBB.

Anonymous said...

You aren't even keeping the same 'non-English' speaker mistakes throughout your email. I don't mind non-English speakers making mistakes, but if you made it through fifth grade in the States, you should probably know how to speak.

August 7, 2010 12:40 PM


Who cares? She probably does know how to speak. You haven't heard her, so you wouldn't know. If you are going to pick apart people for the way they use words, at least make the effort to use them correctly yourself.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of this Laura chick. She must have started after I quit the biz.

Anonymous said...

Here is what I want to know. Is it mostly designers here, ct members or the scrapbooking population who AREN'T hired or get paid (even in free kits) by designers or stores.

August 7, 2010 7:33 AM


why do you want to know and what does it matter?

Anonymous said...

"why do you want to know and what does it matter?"

Wow --- snark much? Why is everyone here so bitchy. You get pissed when what is being debated isn't what you want, then when you ask a legitimate question they get shitty. Because I am curious.....that's why. Any more questions snarkface?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sensitive much? I wasn't being snarky nor shitty. I wasn't complaining either.

Anonymous said...

Any more questions snarkface?


Yeah, why do you feel the need to call people names? Does it make you feel better or what?

I don't get the name calling at all. That's what little kids because they can't articulate their thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone here so bitchy.

I don't know, why are you?

Anonymous said...

In answer to the questions Why so snarky? Why so Bitchy? Why so judgmental? ad nauseum......Please feel free to save this and copy/paste every time the question comes up, it will save us all a lot of time and typing.

1. This is a smack blog, we are snarky, snotty, bitchy, judgmental, critical, grumpy, dopey and doc.
a. If you want nice, sweet and up your behind....go to DST.
2. If you are a designer, store owner, CT, etc. expect to be criticized, told you sell "crap" or worse, and don't expect sugar-coated either.
a. If you want nice, see 1a.
3. If you are here looking for the truth, honest opinions and real feelings, welcome and join in.
a. If you want nice, see 1a.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love it, too! Fits my foul mood perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Could we please have some new space?

wv: oppian almost sounds like a drug

Anonymous said...

Just went and checked out 9th and Bloom.


The Vera Lim jacking up her price thing is irritating, though. She's one of the few that I wouldn't have expected that from.

It's been almost a year since I've found anything worth buying, and months since I had even checked digi stores. I can't believe how hard it is to find something to buy in digi.

Anonymous said...


That depends on where you look and what you want.

Anonymous said...

Over 3 days now (almost 4) and absolutely nothing from my customer service request to 9th and Bloom.


Anonymous said...

If I didn't know better, i'd think Royanna was a silent partner in 9th and Bloom. LOL!

Anonymous said...

If I didn't know better, i'd think Royanna was a silent partner in 9th and Bloom. LOL!


Anonymous said...

If I didn't know better, i'd think Royanna was a silent partner in 9th and Bloom. LOL!

August 8, 2010 10:23 PM



Anonymous said...

Nah! Cause if she was it'd be run from the trunk of her car via her blackberry while parked in the Disneyland carpark LOL

Anonymous said...

If I didn't know better, i'd think Royanna was a silent partner in 9th and Bloom. LOL!

August 8, 2010 10:23 PM

Maybe it's Laura?

Anonymous said...

Nah! Cause if she was it'd be run from the trunk of her car via her blackberry while parked in the Disneyland carpark LOL


Anonymous said...

OMG seriously the funniest thing I've read in awhile. lol

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